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      • Solution Tree Press

        Solution Tree Press’ growing catalog of educational titles cover a well-rounded spectrum of professional development concerns: structuring professional learning communities, building leadership, raising literacy, and more.

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      • Flame Tree Publishing Ltd.

        Flame Tree Publising publishes a wide range of illustrated books as well as fiction titles. Subject areas are: art, music, lifestyle, mind, body, spirit, cooking, hobbies & craft, travel, computing & apps. Fiction: Timeless Literature Classics and Crime Classics, Horror & Suspense, Science fiction& Fantasy, Crime & Mystery.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        July 2006

        Mechanistic Modelling in Pig and Poultry Production

        by Edited by Colin Fisher, Rob Gous, Trevor R Morris

        This book is based on papers presented at a symposium held in 2005 in South Africa. It brings together the most recent academic writings on modelling concepts, problems and applications of models and looks at the development, usefulness and limitations of models in pigs and poultry. Contents includes; description of growth and feed intake, modelling social systems and disease effects, nutrient flow models, energy transactions and energy feed systems, optimisation of broiler nutrition and modelling egg production in layering hens.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        November 2025

        Dirtbag dreams

        A history of mountain, ultra and trail running

        by Carl Morris

        The first book to share the untold story of this unique sport, from its origins in the Victorian era to the present day. Over the past two decades, mountain, ultra and trail running has experienced a massive boom in participation, media attention and corporate consumerism. Once little more than an oddball recreation for mountain athletics romantics, the sport has become a mass activity in ways that were previously unimaginable. In Dirtbag dreams, Carl Morris offers the first complete account of mountain, ultra and trail running in North America and Britain. Revealing the sport's eccentric Victorian origins, he traces its development through 200 years of history, travelling from the Sierra Nevada and the English Lake District to the streets of London and New York. Packed with gripping races and colourful characters, Dirtbag dreams is the essential companion for anyone who wants to understand this unique endurance sport.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        March 2025

        Between the salt and the ash

        A journey into the soul of Northumbria

        by Jake Morris-Campbell

        A poet's quest to understand the deep past and uncertain future of his homeland. After inheriting his great-grandfather's Davy lamp, poet Jake Morris-Campbell sets out on a pilgrimage across his homeland. Travelling from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne to Durham Cathedral, he asks what new ways might be made through the old north. This region, a hub of early Christian Britain and later strongly defined by industry and class, now faces an uncertain future. But it remains a unique and starkly beautiful part of the country, with a deep history that is intimately entwined with the idea of Englishness. Jake's journey along the 'Camino of the North' sees him explore the shifting nature of individual and regional identity across thirteen-hundred years of social change. At the same time, it challenges him to reconsider his own trade of writer and how it relates to the lives of the people he meets along the way. Between the salt and the ash asks what stories the North East can tell about itself in the wake of Christianity and coal. Rejecting the damaging trope of 'left behind' communities, Jake uncovers neglected seams of culture and history, while offering a heartfelt celebration of the place he calls hyem.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        Samurai oder Von der Würde des Scheiterns

        Tragische Helden in der Geschichte Japans

        by Ivan Morris, Gunther Ludwig, Ursula Gräfe

        Alle Helden, deren ruhmreichen Aufstieg und ergreifenden Fall Morris schildert, haben eine Eigenschaft gemeinsam: Ihr ganzes Tun ist beherrscht von »makoto«, der kompromißlosen Aufrichtigkeit, die sich weder dem Pragmatismus noch dem gesunden Menschenverstand beugt.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1977

        Pragmatische Semiotik und Handlungstheorie

        by Charles W. Morris, Achim Eschbach, Stefan Eschbach, Achim Eschbach, Achim Eschbach

        Dieser Band stellt einen in der deutschen Diskussion bisher weitgehend vernachlässigten Aspekt des Werkes von Charles W. Morris dar, nämlich seine Beziehung zur pragmatischen Bewegung in der amerikanischen Philosophie. In seiner Einleitung diskutiert Achim Eschbach nach einer wissenschaftshistorischen und systematischen Charakterisierung der ausgewählten Texte, inwiefern Morris' Begründung der Zeichentheorie den Forderungen moderner Pragmasemiotik genügt.

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        Children's & YA

        Snöfrid from Meadow Valley (3). The Hectic Hunt for the River Pearl

        by Andreas H. Schmachtl

        What a disaster! Snöfrid’s stream has disappeared during the night! Without water there can be no porridge, and Snöfrid doesn’t have to think twice. This problem must be solved immediately! The hunt for water begins with a wet meeting at the pond of the little nymph Flumina, but when it turns into a hunt for the mysterious river pearl, involving a submersible boat, the story quickly becomes an underwater adventure, and who knows how it will end? Magical adventure, great fun for boys and girls, by Spiegel bestselling author Andreas H. Schmachtl.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Practical R for Biologists

        An Introduction

        by Donald Quicke, Buntika A Butcher, Rachel Kruft Welton

        R is a freely available, open-source statistical programming environment which provides powerful statistical analysis tools and graphics outputs. R is now used by a very wide range of people; biologists (the primary audience of this book), but also all other scientists and engineers, economists, market researchers and medical professionals. R users with expertise are constantly adding new associated packages, and the range already available is immense.This text works through a set of studies that collectively represent almost all the R operations that biology students need in order to analyse their own data. The material is designed to serve students from first year undergraduates through to those beginning post graduate levels. Chapters are organized around topics such as graphing, classical statistical tests, statistical modelling, mapping, and text parsing. Examples are based on real scientific studies, and each one covers the use of more R functions than those simply necessary to get a p-value or plot.The book walks the reader through the data analysis process, starting with very simple plots, and continuing through more complex analyses and programming. It shows how to deal with issues such as error messages that can be confronting for beginners, in order to set students up for a successful scientific career using R.Collectively the authors have a vast amount of teaching experience which they apply here to make the passage into R programming as gentle and easy as possible, whilst guiding the reader to tackle quite complicated programming. Table of contents 1: How to Use this Book 2: Installing and Running R 3: Very Basic R Syntax 4: First Simple Programs and Graphics 5: The Dataframe Concept 6: Plotting Biological Data in Various Ways 7: The Grammar of Graphics Family of Packages 8: Sets and Venn diagrams 9: Statistics: Choosing the Right Test 10: Commonly Used Measures and Statistical Tests 11: Regression and Correlation Analyses 12: Count Data as Response Variable 13: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 14: Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) 15: More Generalised Linear Modelling 16: Monte Carlo Tests and Randomisation 17: Principal Components Analysis 18: Species Abundance, Accumulation and Diversity Data 19: Survivorship 20: Dates and Julian Dates 21: Mapping and Parsing Text Input for Data 22: More on Manipulating Text 23: Phylogenies and Trees 24: Working with DNA Sequences and other character data 25: Spacing in Two Dimensions 26: Population Modelling Including Spatially Explicit Models 27: More on “apply” Family of Functions – Avoid Loops to get More Speed 28: Food webs and simple graphics 29: Adding Photographs 30: Standard Distributions in R 31: Reading and Writing Data to and from Files

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2000


        Geschichte einer Freundschaft

        by Giordano, Ralph

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        Der Junge, der den Hund sucht

        by Bart Moeyaert

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1991


        Eine Abhandlung zur Philosophie des Geistes

        by Harvey P. Gavagai, John R. Searle

        Nach seinen sprachphilosophischen Arbeiten ('Sprechakte', stw 458; 'Ausdruck und Bedeutung', stw 349) hat John R. Searle mit 'Intentionalität' eine Untersuchung zu einem Kernstück der Philosophie des Geistes vorgelegt, die in einem engen thematischen Zusammenhang mit den früheren Arbeiten steht. Intentionalität ist nach Searles Auffassung die Basis sprachlicher Bedeutung. In seiner Theorie der Intentionalität geht es um die begrifflichen Eigenschaften intentionaler Zustände (auf die Frage nach ihrem ontologischen Status geht er ausführlicher ein in 'Geist, Hirn und Wissenschaft', stw 591). Zwei Aspekte stehen dabei im Vordergrund der Untersuchung: die Logik der Repräsentation und der Kausalität intentionaler Zustände. Doch Searle entwickelt in dieser Arbeit nicht nur eine Theorie der Intentionalität und des Zusammenhangs zwischen sprachlichem und geistigem Inhalt. In einem vornehmlich kritischen Teil setzt er sich ausführlich mit konkurrierenden Auffassungen aus dem Bereich der analytischen Philosophie auseinander, insbesondere mit derzeit sehr einflußreichen 'nicht-deskriptivistischen' Theorien des Bezugs, wie sie von S. Kripke, H. Putnam, K. Donnellan, T. Burge und D. Kaplan vertreten und angeregt wurden.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2002

        True Weevils (Part I)

        Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Subfamilies Raymondionyminae to Smicronychinae)

        by M. G. Morris

        An introduction is given to weevils of the subfamilies Raymondionyminae to Smicronychinae, designated as part of the 'true weevils' (family Curculionidae). Difficulties occasioned by the fluid state of the higher classification of the Curculionoidea are outlined. Summaries are given of the biology, life-history and phenology, economic importance, distribution and conservation of the species covered. A checklist os species is included. Illustrated keys are provided to subfamilies of British Curculionoidae, and to the species covered in this handbook. The entry for each species includes characters for distinguishing the sexes and information on biology, larval foodplants, distribution within the British Isles and zoogeographic range. Those species with 'Red Data Book' status are indicated.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2002

        The Scottish witch-hunt in context

        by Julian Goodare

        A collection of essays on Scottish witchcraft and witch-hunting, which covers the whole period of the Scottish witch-hunt, from the mid-sixteenth century to the early eighteenth. Includes studies of particular witchcraft panics such as a reassessment of the role of King James VI. Covers a wide range of topics concerned with Scottish witch-hunting and places it in the context of other topics such as gender relations, folklore, magic and healing, and moral regulation by the church and state. Provides a comparative dimension of witch-hunting beyond Scotland - one on the global context, and one comparing Scotland with England. It is a showcase for the latest thinking on the subject and will be of interest to all scholars studying witchcraft in early modern Europe, as well as the general reader wanting to move beyond shallow and sensational accounts of a subject of compelling in. ;

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        Liebe geht durch die Haut

        Die Naturgeschichte des Intimverhaltens

        by Morris, Desmond

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        Insel der Seefahrer

        Ein Südsee-Roman

        by West, Morris L

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