For mastery of life and living
What kind of mindset do you really need to succeed
as a Helicopter Pilot in Afghanistan?
Kate Munari really wanted to fly helicopters, and she really wanted to go into a combat zone. What it took to get her there, how she coped with everything from enrolment, to pilot training courses, preparation for deployment to one of the most dangerous places in the world, for anyone to be in 2008.
Three successful tours of Afghanistan was the highlight of a 17 year career as a helicopter pilot for Kate, and she shares her stories to inspire anyone wanting to know more about the mindsets she employed during that time, and for her life in general. It’s a riviting tale of determination, courage, and ambition.
Her personal stories include insights into:
12 hours per day transporting troop in Helmand Province while being shot at.
Advanced training and formation flying that will leave you breathless.
Flying under extreme pressure in various parts of the world.
Enounters with Royalty, Tribal Chief's, and Interrogators.
This book is perfectly targeted at Leaders who are either in business or running teams of any size in any industry, based on Kate's development and insights as a military person.
It is also ideally targeted at young women - 15-30 years of age who want to be inspired to either join up, punch well above their weight in any career path, and navigate a journey into what's truly possible for women any where in the world, in any industry based on a resilience and capability focused mindset.
As a full time presenter, Kate speaks to audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand about her perspectives on leadership borne out of her experiences both in the Navy and as a civilian.
Her book is due for release in 2024.