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      • hanken tokyo

        *Children's titles listed on the Frankfurt Rights portal. For other categories, please check our uploaded catalog. Or see all on -->   DNP started business as a printing company more than 140 years ago, and since then we have been helping Japanese publishers print and distribute their books all over Japan. Now it's time to introduce Japanese books to the wider world through our foreign rights service hanken tokyo.    Where does the name "hanken tokyo" come from? Hanken means publishing rights in Japanese. We hope that our service and website make it easier for foreign publishers to connect to great content all year round and that Japanese hanken will spread around the globe from Tokyo.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Ismael et Radia au Japon

        Le Japon

        by Jihane Andaloussi / Fadwa El Alami Moutawakkil / Youssef Al Houcine / Omar Kabbaj

        Spark your little adventurers' love for reading with an exciting journey through Japan! This book invites young explorers to discover vibrant scenes, from ancient temples and delicious sushi to the latest technology and video games. They’ll embark on a thrilling forest adventure with Radia, Django, and Ismael, where they’ll encounter a surprising character along the way. Explore iconic sights like Tokyo Tower, cherry blossoms, and koinobori, and learn about Hachiko, tanuki, and manga. Packed with stickers, games, and coloring pages, this book is a treasure trove designed to ignite their curiosity and imagination. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure through the wonders of Japan!

      • Trusted Partner

        Ismael et Radia en Italie


        by Jihane Andaloussi / Fadwa El Alami Moutawakkil / Youssef Al Houcine / Omar Kabbaj

        Ignite your little adventurers' love for reading with a captivating journey through Italy! This book invites young explorers to discover the beauty of Rome, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the charm of Florence. They'll dive into Italian cuisine and learn about ancient legends like Julius Caesar, while also exploring the wonders of volcanic landscapes and the island of Sardinia. Packed with stickers, games, and coloring pages, this book is a treasure trove designed to fuel their curiosity and imagination. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure through the rich history and culture of Italy!

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016

        Bell Tower and Drum Tower

        by Liu Xinwu

        A story within one day – from 5 a. m. to 5 p. m. A vivid picture of secular life in Beijing. Winner of Mao Dun Literature Prize. Everything begins in an archaic quadrangle dwelling in Beijing, where Xue Jiyue’s mother gets up early to prepare for the son’s wedding banquet.Other characters show up one after another. After narrating their behaviors during the day, the author goes back and tells about their past, with a special concern about the influences from vicissitudes of time, especially how the Cultural Revolution changed those individuals’ courses of life.The Bell Tower and Drum Tower stand there still, witnessing all of those earthshaking changes.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2024

        False profits of ethical capital

        Finance, labour and the politics of risk

        by Claire Parfitt

        False profits of ethical capital is a thought-provoking approach to understanding stakeholder capitalism. Rather than focusing on the inadequacies of corporate responsibility, sustainable investment and consumer politics, this book grapples with the technical and rhetorical functions of ethical capital for profit and accumulation. It provides a unique and eclectic analysis of the political dynamics between finance, capital and labour, offering a refreshing perspective on struggles interlocking social, ecological and economic crises, and suggesting new ways of thinking about sustainability politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010


        by Wackwitz, Stephan

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        The Yueyang Tower

        by Yang Yu

        With the little silver fish in Dongting Lake as the narrator and time as the clue, this book uses a childlike approach to tell readers the short stories and the famous pieces they written in the past of Qu Yuan, Li Bai, Du Fu, Teng Zijing and other celebrities of all generations that took place in Yueyang Tower. This book explains the importance and symbolic significance of Yueyang Tower in Chinese culture, and shows how the spirit of “care for the fate of nation” has been passed down from generation to generation. The tears of Ehuang and Nvying fell on a little silver fish in the Dongting Lake, giving it an ageless body. The little silver fish swims freely in the Dongting Lake, and it witnessed the construction and rebirth of Yueyang Tower in history, witnessed the scene of celebrities climbing up the tower and looking far away in the past generations.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Tokyo dreaming

        Prinzessin im Rampenlicht

        by Emiko Jean

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Globalized urban precarity in Berlin and Abidjan

        Young men and the digital economy

        by Hannah Schilling

        Digital technologies promise efficiency and comfort, but the smoothness of platform services relies on the hidden social labour of those who keep the gig economy running. This book presents a comparative ethnography of young men making a living through digital technologies: selling mobile airtime in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, and app-based delivery riders in Berlin, Germany. These case studies explore the significance of symbolic capital in urban youth's social existence and organisation of livelihood in the digital economy, and the technological mechanisms producing a new form of urban precarity. Globalized urban precarity in Berlin and Abidjan puts forward an original comparative approach to develop a global urban sociology for the digital era. It provides an innovative analytical toolbox that decentres discussions of precarity from the standard of a normal employment contract. With its focus on symbolic capital, the ethnography shows the consequences of the proliferating gig economy for status struggles among urban youth, and carefully embeds the densification of software and services into the socio-material relations on which these new urban infrastructures are built.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2007

        Paris, Joyce, Paris

        by Djuna Barnes, Karin Kersten, Kyra Stromberg

        »Ein Liebhaberbändchen zum Mit-sich-Herumschleppen (nicht nur in Paris), zum Fotos-Anschauen (Paris, wie es einmal war, von unnachahmlichem Zauber), zum Sich-Freuen, daß es solche Bücher noch gibt.« BuchJournal

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        The Irish tower house

        Society, economy and environment, c. 1300–1650

        by Victoria L. McAlister

        The Irish tower house examines the social role of castles in late-medieval and early modern Ireland. It uses a multidisciplinary methodology to uncover the lived experience of this historic culture, demonstrating the interconnectedness of society, economics and the environment. Of particular interest is the revelation of how concerned pre-modern people were with participation in the economy and the exploitation of the natural environment for economic gain. Material culture can shed light on how individuals shaped spaces around themselves, and tower houses, thanks to their pervasiveness in medieval and modern landscapes, represent a unique resource. Castles are the definitive building of the European Middle Ages, meaning that this book will be of great interest to scholars of both history and archaeology.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2011

        The Tokyo Diaries

        Einblicke in ein unbekanntes Japan

        by Schumann, David

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2005


        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Hans-Christian Oeser

        Dublin, mit London, Paris und Rom das beliebteste städtische Reiseziel Europas, ist zugleich auch das literarischste. Spätestens seit James Joyce' Ulysses (1924) findet sich die irische Hauptstadt auf der literarischen Weltkarte eingezeichnet. Auf acht Spaziergängen führt Hans-Christian Oeser zu ihren literarisch bedeutsamen Stätten.Geburts-, Wohn- und Sterbehäuser, Grab- und Denkmäler, Pubs und Theater sowie einige wenige Museen – sie alle eröffnen Zugang zu den Persönlichkeiten der irischen Literatur: den Autoren und ihren Figuren. Ein Serviceteil mit den wichtigsten Adressen und Telefonnummern ergänzt den Band.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2014

        The Beijing Drifters

        by Tan Xilin

        This is an autobiographical memoir of a Beijing drifter. The book takes the author as a true experience of the North drift tribe as the main content, with the author's career struggle as the main line, and Xin Er's love as a vice-line, focusing on the author in the CCTV as extra-section director, after the column is withdrawn and End of the experience of the North drift and in the meantime and Xin Er from the beautiful encounter, dedication fell in love to emotion derailed, and finally sadly break up the love life, revealing the media as the representative of many North drift ethnic identity embarrassment and hard-won. The book closely linked to the "drifting" word, not only a real record of the Northern drift ethnic working life, at the same time reflects this group in the huge psychological gap between dreams and reality, a true description of the generation of North Drift carrying sweet dreams struggle Story and dream course.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Amsterdam und zurück


        by Marente Moor, Waltraud Hüsmert

        Es ist ein ganzer Haufen Russen, den es zu Beginn der Neunziger in Amsterdam an Land gespült hat. Die Sowjetunion gibt es nicht mehr, die Grenzen sind durchlässiger geworden, aber Heimweh ist trotzdem ein Thema für diese Jungs, denen Puschkin-Büsten und Salzgurken inneren Halt geben, die ihre Tage auf dem pittoresken Rembrandtplein verbringen, wo sie Aquarelle an die Touristen verscherbeln, und ihre Nächte dem Studium des Wodkas widmen. Witali Kirillow ist einer von ihnen, der Mann mit den meergrünen Augen. Längst ist sein Visum abgelaufen, seit dem Tag, an dem er »illegal« wurde, fährt er vorsichtshalber in der Straßenbahn nicht mehr schwarz. Doch das ist nicht das einzige Delikt in Witalis Leben. Acht Jahre zuvor, als Offizier an der sowjetisch-finnischen Grenze, hinderte er einen Kameraden nicht daran, sich in den Westen abzusetzen. Von der Familie gutmütig als »das größte Loch im eisernen Vorhang« verspottet, wurde er von der Armee hart bestraft. Seitdem läßt der Gedanke an den Flüchtling Witali nicht mehr los. Und schließlich, unterstützt von der rasant-energischen Jessie, macht er sich auf, um herauszufinden, was aus ihm geworden ist. Nur zwei, drei Pinselstriche braucht Marente de Moor, um in ihrem Debütroman die unterschiedlichsten Viertel Amsterdams lebendig werden zu lassen und vor allem die russische Szene der Stadt zu porträtieren: lauter Charakterköpfe, die – hochsympathisch und besorgniserregend tiefgründig – ganz nebenbei verhandeln, was Grenze, was Identität, was Heimat bedeutet. »Ein mitreißendes Bild – manchmal herrlich komisch, manchmal voller Nostalgie – von einem ungebärdigen Pulk Russen, die wie Schiffbrüchige in Amsterdam gestrandet sind.« Haarlems Dagblad

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2000


        by Yurii Andrukhovych

        The apocalyptic day of the Ukrainian poet in Moscow begins on the seventh floor of the literary hostel, which is an ironic modification of both Tower of pure art and cultic Space Tower. Seven floors of the building, according to Mircho Eliade, correspond to seven planetary heavens. After starting his journey from the point where the Sky and the Earth meet, the hero all the time goes downstairs. After attaining some initiations that are obligatory for men such as probation by alcoholism, probation by love and testing in fight the hero reaches a parodic afterlife.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012

        Paris. Eine Liebe


        by Urs Faes, Nanne Meyer

        Milde Septembertage in Paris: Nach fast dreißig Jahren kehrt Eric zurück in die Stadt, von der er einmal gehofft hatte, sie würde ihm die Erfüllung bringen. Statt dessen brachten ihn die Tage mit Claudine an den Rand der Verzweiflung – Claudine mit ihren hellen, fast weißblonden Haaren, die Hände in den Taschen ihres grünen Mantels vergraben. Jetzt scheint eine Wiederbegegnung möglich. Und es stellt sich die Frage, ob »einer nicht genauso aus dem besteht, was er nicht gelebt hat, wie aus dem, was durch Zufall seine Wirklichkeit geworden ist«. -- Mit Zeichnungen von Nanne Meyer.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Die Geheimnisse von Paris

        Vollständige Ausgabe. Zwei Bände in Kassette

        by Eugène Sue, Helmut Kossodo, Helmut Kossodo

        Paris 1838: Ein geheimnisvoller deutscher Herzog kämpft in den verrufensten Gegenden der Stadt für Gerechtigkeit, denn im Labyrinth der nächtlichen Gassen treiben so allerhand finstre Gestalten ihr Unwesen. Eugène Sue (1804-1857) gehört zu den meistgelesenen Autoren des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Geheimnisse von Paris wurden bei Erscheinen 1843 schlagartig zum Bestseller. Einer der spannendsten und furiosesten Romane der europäischen Literatur!

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