Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd
An internationally respected publisher, Darton, Longman & Toddpublish a wide range of books includingbiography, spirituality, theology, wellbeing, contemporary issues, fiction and humour.
View Rights PortalAn internationally respected publisher, Darton, Longman & Toddpublish a wide range of books includingbiography, spirituality, theology, wellbeing, contemporary issues, fiction and humour.
View Rights PortalJacques Martineau, Olivier Ducastel, Alain Guiraudie, Sébastien Lifshitz and Céline Sciamma. The films of these five major French directors exemplify queer cinema in the twenty-first century. Comprehensive in scope, Queer cinema in contemporary France traces the development of the meaning of queer across these directors' careers, from their earliest, often unknown films to their later, major films with wide international release. Whether having sex on the beach or kissing in the high school swimming pool, these cinematic characters create or embody forward-looking, open-ended and optimistic forms of queerness and modes of living, loving and desiring. Whether they are white, beur or black, whether they are lesbian, gay, trans* or queer, they open up hetero- and cisnormativity to new ways of being a gendered subject.
Completely updated with new content and full-colour figures throughout, the second edition of this successful book continues to provide complete coverage relating to the production of cucurbits, including cucumbers, gourds, muskmelons, pumpkins, squashes and watermelons. These crops are grown worldwide and represent one of the largest and most important groups of horticultural food plants. This second edition of Cucurbits provides up-to-date, succinct and authoritative knowledge on this variety of crops and reflects on significant advances in the areas of production, breeding and evolution. This new edition: - Contains new chapters on abiotic stresses and cucurbits for health - Includes major updates in research on the evolution, movement and distribution of species - Explores new genetic resources and breeding advancements - Delivers current information on methods of improving yield (e.g. grafting) and the management and resistance for pests and diseases - Has an updated list of the most recent taxonomic names This book represents a current and comprehensive guide to cucurbits, is highly illustrated and written in an accessible style. It is an essential resource for students, growers and researchers.
The demand for plant-based industrial raw materials has increased as well as research into expanding the utility of plants for current and future uses. Plants are renewable, have limited or positive environmental impact and have the potential to yield a wide range of products in contrast to petroleum-based materials. Plants can be used in a variety of different industries and products including bioenergy, industrial oil and starch, fibre and dye, rubber and related compounds, insecticide and land rehabilitation. This title offers a comprehensive coverage of each of these uses. Chapters discuss the identification of plant species with desired traits, their cultivation to obtain the needed raw materials, methods utilized in producing different finished products, current and future research in crop production and processing and the present state and future prospects for the industry. Providing the first systematic review of industrial crops and their uses, this book will be an important resource for students and researchers of crop science and agricultural policy makers.
This book offers an accessible critical introduction to the work of Graham Swift, one of Britain's most significant contemporary authors. Through detailed readings of his novels and short stories from 'The Sweet Shop Owner' (1980) to 'The Light of Day' (2003), Daniel Lea lucidly addresses the key themes of history, loss, masculinity and ethical redemption, to present a fresh approach to Swift. This study proposes that one of the side-effects of modernity has been the destruction of traditional pathways of self and collective belief, leading to a loss of understanding between individuals about their duties to each other and to society. Swift's writing returns repeatedly to the question of what we can believe in when all the established markers of identity - family, community, gender, profession, history - have become destabilised. Lea suggests that Swift increasingly moves towards a notion of redemption through a lived ethical practice as the only means of finding solace in a world lacking a central symbolic authority. ;
Mit 14 überredete Taylor ihre Eltern, von Pennsylvania nach Nashville, in die Stadt der Country-Musik, zu ziehen. Denn darum ging es ihr: Country-Sängerin zu werden. Als sie mit 16 ihr erstes, mit Platin ausgezeichnetes Album Taylor Swift herausbrachte, kannten sehr bald alle ihren Namen. Dann wagte sie den Wechsel von Country zu Pop. Die Texte zu ihren Songs schreibt sie auch weiterhin selbst. Sie füllt die größten Stadien der Welt, und die Erde bebt, wenn die Swifties ihr zujubeln. Sie ist ein Star ohne Allüren, der es versteht, Gefühle in Worte zu fassen, die sagen: Du bist okay, so wie du bist. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Philosophin, Forscherin oder Sportler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.
Knapp dreihundert Jahre ist es her, dass die geneigte Leserschaft erstmals von den abenteuerlichen Reisen des Wundarztes und Schiffskapitäns Lemuel Gulliver erfuhr. Mit Staunen hörte sie von der Geltungssucht der daumengroßen Bewohner Liliputs, vom unmoralischen Treiben der grobschlächtigen Riesen von Brobdingnag und vom Land der edlen Houyhnhnms und ihren gierigen und gemeinen Bediensteten, den uns erschreckend ähnlichen Yahoos. Doron Rabinovici hat das Beste aus Jonathan Swifts berühmtem Roman ausgewählt und neu erzählt. Der von Flix kongenial illustrierte Band beweist, dass Swifts politische Satire auf staatliche Willkür und den Glauben an die Vernunft bis heute nichts von ihrer Aktualität verloren hat.