Flanker Press
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalFlanders Literature opens a window on the dynamic and diverse literary landscape in the northern part of Belgium. It puts translators from Dutch in the spotlight and highlights the works of Flemish authors and illustrators abroad. Flanders Literature supports the publication of translations and literary tours abroad by means of grants, that can be applied for by foreign publishers and festival organisers.
View Rights PortalRice is a collection of fictional works by Su Tong, which includes Rice, Three Lamps and Fish of the People. Rice, a tale of desire, agony, existence and destruction, is a novel Su Tong wrote in the early 1990s. It depicts the samsara-like life of a man who migrated to the city by train to run away from famine and who eventually returns to his hometown also by train. The wandering life in a strange place is the basic generalization of his life and his death on the way home marks the climax of the whole story. Rice is the most noteworthy one among the few novels Su Tong has written so far.
Tim's Secret Soccer Diary - 11 Friends and I (Vol.1) What no one knew until now: Tim keeps a diary in which he tells of his almost normal life with school, annoying siblings and, of course, his soccer friend, the wonder striker. Above all, he notes down his ultimate coaching tricks. What happens in Volume 1: Hands off! Top secret! The game against Ludwigsbrück is coming up, the fearful opponent of the team Tim coaches. They have a real secret weapon: the so-called pudding bomber, with the hardest shot in the league! Tim really needs good tactics and already writes his ideas for the next game in his diary in the bathroom in the morning. Here, even the toothbrushes in the cup inspire him to a certain lineup. Tim has an idea of what tactics he can use to stop him. But will it work in the big game? And of course, there's our ace striker, who is supposed to give tips for the big game. How can they stop this pudding bomber? Fortunately, the two have worked out a tactic, which Tim communicates to his team and which is also adjusted again in the game. A coach has to be flexible. And in the end, of course, the decisive goal falls for Hegenwald, Tim's team. They have won the big game. Tim, of course, records everything in his diary! • For all soccer-loving children and fans of Greg's Diary and Ace Striker • Funny and fast-paced narration • Illustrated in black-and-white by Dominik Rupp
Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, who had developed the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s, is known as the "Father of Hybrid Rice". This book records in a realistic and plain style some little-known stories of Yuan Longping in the past 30 years from the early 1980s, when China’s hybrid rice research became successful and began to be widely used in production, and gradually spread to the world and benefit people all over the globe.
In "Ich bin ein bisschen schüchtern" von Anna Böhm geht es um das Kätzchen Nora, das sich mit seiner Schüchternheit auseinandersetzt, besonders als ein neuer, lauter Nachbar ins Haus zieht. Nora fühlt sich unwohl mit der Aufmerksamkeit und würde sich am liebsten verstecken, anstatt sich der neuen Situation zu stellen. Die gut gemeinten Ratschläge der anderen, sie solle doch nicht so schüchtern sein, machen alles nur noch schlimmer. Doch als Nora entdeckt, dass sie nicht allein mit ihren Gefühlen ist und dass ihre Schüchternheit sie in einer besonderen Situation zur Heldin macht, beginnt sie, Vertrauen in sich selbst zu fassen. Diese Wendung zeigt, dass Schüchternheit eine Stärke sein kann und dass Geduld und Verständnis entscheidend sind, um schüchternen Kindern zu helfen, Selbstvertrauen zu entwickeln. Die Geschichte wird durch die liebevollen Illustrationen von Tim Warnes bereichert, die Noras Emotionen und die Welt um sie herum lebhaft zum Leben erwecken. "Ich bin ein bisschen schüchtern" ist nicht nur eine Geschichte über die Überwindung von Schüchternheit, sondern auch ein Plädoyer für Akzeptanz und Verständnis gegenüber den Gefühlen anderer. Es ist eine einfühlsame Bilderbuchgeschichte, die Kindern ab 4 Jahren zeigt, dass es völlig in Ordnung ist, schüchtern zu sein, und dass jeder auf seine Weise und in seinem eigenen Tempo Zutrauen fassen kann. Positive Botschaft über Schüchternheit: Zeigt Kindern, dass Schüchternheit akzeptiert und verstanden werden sollte und keine Schwäche ist. Förderung des Selbstbewusstseins: Hilft Kindern zu erkennen, dass sie mit ihren Gefühlen nicht allein sind und dass sie Stärken in sich tragen, die sie besonders machen. Liebevolle Illustrationen: Tim Warnes' Bilder geben der Geschichte eine warme, einladende Atmosphäre, die Kinder anspricht. Empfehlung von Stiftung Lesen: Unterstützt durch eine renommierte Bildungseinrichtung, was die Qualität und den pädagogischen Wert des Buches unterstreicht. Bewältigung eines typischen Kleinkind-Gefühls: Ideal für Eltern und Erzieher, um mit Kindern über Schüchternheit und Selbstvertrauen zu sprechen. Herz und Humor: Anna Böhm und Tim Warnes haben ein Werk geschaffen, das mit viel Liebe zum Detail und einem Verständnis für die Emotionen der Kinder überzeugt. Breite Zielgruppe: Ansprechend für Kinder ab 4 Jahren, bietet es Anknüpfungspunkte für Gespräche über Gefühle und Selbstakzeptanz.
Tim’s Secret Soccer Diary (Vol. 2) - Unnecessary Ball LossWhat no one knew until now: Tim keeps a diary in which he tells of his almost normal life with school, annoying siblings and, of course, his soccer friend, the wonder striker. Above all, he notes down his ultimate coaching tricks.What happens in Volume 2:Again, Tim’s team has an important game coming up. This time it's against the pipes from Pfeffersdorf, who have a dangerous player in midfield. Luis, the left-footer. Tim immediately writes down a new tactic in his coach's diary: "We play on the outside - high balls directly in front of the goal.” But when he and his eleven friends arrive for training, all the training balls have disappeared. How should they now prepare for Saturday's game?• For all soccer-loving children and fans of Greg’s Diary and Ace Striker• Funny and fast-paced narration• Innovative 90:10 text-image ratio• Illustrated in black-and-white by Dominik Rupp
Aus dem Schwedischen von Wolfgang Butt
In Tobys Leben kehrt einfach keine Ruhe ein. Nachdem die Verbrecherin La Primera aus Bonfire Bay verschwunden ist, muss Toby sich mit dem Brief der mysteriösen Gilde auseinandersetzen. Wer steckt hinter der Maske der Gilde und was wollen sie von ihm? Die Antworten sucht Toby gemeinsam mit seinem Drachen Lou und seinen Freunden Ellie und Mango. Dabei stoßen sie auf eine antike Drachenstatue und kommen den Familiengeheimnissen, die sich um Tobys Großvater ranken auf die Spur. Wäre da nur nicht Akiko, das neue Mädchen aus seiner Klasse, bei der sich Toby nicht sicher ist, ob sie ihm wirklich helfen oder nur das Leben schwermachen will. Ungekürzt gelesen von Tim Kreuer.
As a result of editions published in 1993 and 1997, the Rice Almanac has become a standard handbook that brings together general information about rice and data about rice production worldwide. The third edition has been fully updated and expanded to include more countries, and is the result of collaboration between the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA), Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United States.
Rice has supported a greater number of people for a longer period of time than any other crop. Nearly half of the global population is dependent on rice as its major staple food. While Asia remains the main centre of production and consumption of rice, the importance of rice is increasing rapidly in Africa and Latin America, and exports of rice from the United States and Australia are of major importance to the world rice trade. This book explores the factors which have contributed to the sustainability of rice production over the eight or nine thousand years for which rice has been produced. Sustainability is defined as the maintenance or improvement of production levels and protection of natural resources, within the context of economic viability and social acceptability. The author covers a wide range of issues, including soil fertility, plant breeding, pest management, irrigation, land degradation and social and economic factors. Greatest emphasis is placed on the special features of wetland rice production, and the importance of the nutrient balance. It is also shown that without the Green Revolution there would have been a period of mass starvation in Asia, a problem which continues to threaten and which will be unavoidable unless the successes of the Green Revolution can be sustained. The book provides a unique review of the sustainability of the production of the world’s most important crop, and should be of interest to students, research workers and policy makers in agriculture, soil science, and agricultural economics and food policies, as well as all interested in development in the third world.