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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2000

        Die Unternehmenshaftung bei Unternehmensübertragungen.

        Rechtfertigende Grundgedanken für eine allgemeine unternehmensrechtliche Haftungskontinuität.

        by Schleifenbaum, Thekla

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2015

        »Briefe liebe ich, für Briefe lebe ich.«

        Die schönsten Frauenbriefe

        by Stefan Bollmann, Thekla Carola Wied, Hannes Rieckhoff

        Es ist noch nicht lange her, da erzählte man sich in Briefen von Liebe und Leid, von weiten Reisen und Abenteuern, schrieb sich die Sorgen von der Seele, erteilte freundschaftliche Ratschläge und erzieherische Empfehlungen. Auf der anderen Seite wurden diese Briefe mit verzehrender Sehnsucht, großer Neugier, heimlicher oder offen bekundeter Freude erwartet. Die Gründe, warum Frauen zur Feder griffen, waren unterschiedlich, doch war die Leidenschaft, mit der sie es taten, die gleiche. Stefan Bollmann stellt in diesem Band Briefeschreiberinnen aus fünf Jahrhunderten vor, wie Katharina die Große, Emily Dickinson, Vita Sackville-West oder George Sand, und erzählt anhand ihrer Briefe und deren Eigenheiten ein Stück weiblicher Kulturgeschichte.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Ritter Trenk und das Schwein der Weisen

        Lesestarter. 2. Lesestufe

        by Kirsten Boie, Barbara Scholz

        Leselern-Abenteuer mit Kirsten Boies Ritter Trenk. Trenk ist glücklich, denn gerade hat der Herr Fürst verkündet, dass er demjenigen, der den Stein der Weisen findet, jeden Wunsch erfüllt. Das ist doch die Gelegenheit, Trenks Familie aus der Leibeigenschaft zu befreien! Aber auch der böse Ritter Wertold ist hinter dem Stein her. Doch als Ferkelchen ihm durch Zufall in die Hände fällt, erscheint alles andere für Trenk und Thekla plötzlich nebensächlich. Ob es ihnen gelingt, Ferkelchen zu befreien und dem bösen Ritter Wertold ein Schnippchen zu schlagen?

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012

        Der kleine Ritter Trenk und fast das ganze Leben im Mittelalter

        Ein Ritterabenteuer mit ziemlich viel Sachwissen

        by Kirsten Boie, Barbara Scholz

        In "Der kleine Ritter Trenk und fast das ganze Leben im Mittelalter" entführt Kirsten Boie ihre Leser in ein lehrreiches Abenteuer, in dem Trenk und seine Freundin Thekla nicht nur versuchen, eine freundliche Drachenfamilie vor dem bösen Ritter Wertolt zu schützen, sondern die jungen Leser auch durch umfangreiche Sachteile detailliert in das mittelalterliche Leben einführen. Von Schulbildung über Tischsitten bis hin zu Handwerksausbildung und der Rolle der Leibeigenen – ergänzt durch Bastel- und Rezeptanregungen sowie die Herkunft heutiger Sprichwörter – bietet dieses Buch eine faszinierende Kombination aus spannender Erzählung und informativem Sachbuch, reich illustriert von Barbara Scholz. Kombination aus Abenteuer und Sachbuch: Bietet eine spannende Geschichte ergänzt durch umfangreiche Informationen zum mittelalterlichen Leben. Reich illustriert: Prachtvolle Illustrationen von Barbara Scholz bereichern jede Seite. Spielerische Wissensvermittlung: Vermittelt Wissen über das Mittelalter auf unterhaltsame Weise und regt zum Nachdenken an. Bastel- und Rezeptanregungen: Ermutigt zu kreativen Aktivitäten und praktischem Lernen über das Mittelalter. Erforscht mittelalterliche Sprichwörter: Bietet interessante Einblicke in die Herkunft und Bedeutung alter Redewendungen. Lehrreich und humorvoll: Geschickt verpacktes Sachwissen in einer Geschichte voller Witz und Charme. Perfekt für geschichtsinteressierte Kinder: Macht das Mittelalter für junge Leser*innen ab 5 Jahren lebendig und verständlich. Von Experten gelobt: Wird für seine gelungene Verbindung von Unterhaltung und Bildung hochgeschätzt.

      • Trusted Partner

        Das Leben der heiligen Makrina auf dem Hintergrund der Thekla-Traditionen

        Studien zu den Ursprüngen des weiblichen Mönchtums im 4. Jahrhundert in Kleinasien

        by Albrecht, Ruth

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2002

        Christoph Schlingensiefs »Nazis rein«

        by Christoph Schlingensief, Thekla Heineke, Sandra Umathum, Markus Boestfleisch, Jens Roselt, Alexander Kluge, Christoph Schlingensief, Boris Groys, Carl G. Hegemann, Dietrich Kuhlbrodt, Zürich Express, Blick, Peter Kern, Uwe Mattheiss, Matthias Ehlert, Sebastian Rudolph, Helmut Schödel, Georg Diez, Diedrich Diederichsen, Cem Özdemir, Melanie Dittmer, Bodo Jentzsch, Torsten Lemmer, Ellen Ringier, Antje Vollmer, Jan Zobel, Michael Hug, Ralph Pöhner, Ernst Corinth, Franz Wille, Pierre Briegert

        Im Frühjahr 2001 hat Christoph Schlingensief mit seiner Hamlet-Inszenierung am Zürcher Schauspielhaus für öffentliches Aufsehen gesorgt - weil er aussteigewillige Neonazis in seine Theaterarbeit integrierte, weil er bei seinen Straßenaktionen unter anderem zum Verbot der Schweizerischen Volkspartei aufrief, weil er den deutschen Innenminister Otto Schily dazu aufforderte, die Mehrheitsanteile von Torsten Lemmer, dem Produzent und Teilhaber des weltgrößten Vertriebes für rechtsradikale Musik, zu kaufen, und zuletzt, weil er zusammen mit dem Ensemble den Verein „REIN e.V.“ für weitere aussteigewillige Neonazis gründete.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Colouring & painting activity books
        March 2020

        Watch out! Monster alert! A children's coloring book about monsters

        by Silke Weßner

        children's coloring book about monsters Watch out! Monster alert! But don't worry, the monsters in this coloring book won't harm you. They're just missing some color! So, get your pens out, and let's go!At the end of the book, there is a fantastic monster memo game. After you have painted and cut out the monster cards, the question is: who can find the most pairs?This eerily beautiful coloring book for monster friends is suitable for children from approx. 3 years.

      • Colouring & painting activity books
        November 2019

        Paper cut alert! A children's paper coloring, cutting, glueing book.

        by Silke Weßner

        Paper cut alert! A children's paper coloring, cutting, glueing book. Hey, what's missing here?Yes, you have to cut out the missing parts with your scissors and glue them in the right place in the picture. The turtle needs its shell, the lighthouse looks much nicer with its red stripes and the fish finally want to get into the water. Besides these, many more motifs are waiting for you. All parts to be cut out are already printed in color and also as coloring pictures to design yourself. Once you have cut out and designed all the motifs, the golden paper cutting badge is waiting for you at the end of the book!

      • Picture books
        July 2018

        Lasse Bear wants to go to the seaside

        by Silke Weßner

        Board book for children 2 years and up “A boat trip on the sea and a sunbath on the beach. Wouldn't that be wonderful? ” askes the bear his little feathered friend. Lasse Bear really wants to go to the sea. But it is a long way to go. But don't worry, Lasse Bear knows the way. Accompany the two friends on their adventurous journey. Together you have to conquer a mountain range, to swim across a lake and even ride a steam locomotive over a big bridge. But the trip is truely worth it, because at its end the sea is just wonderful. You can attend Lasse Bear on 24 colorful cardboard pages and use your finger to trace the perceivable path that leads him and his little friend to the sea. Great fun for little people!

      • Colouring & painting activity books
        May 2018

        Doodle alert! A first doodling coloring book for children 2 years and up

        by Silke Weßner

        Doodle alert!A first doodling coloring book for children 2 years and up What happened here?A hedgehog without spines, a cow without spots and a lion without a single tooth? These and many other fun coloring pages are waiting to be completed by you! It is not bad at all if the little artists do not stay within the lines. This crazy doodle coloring book is fun for everyone: The little ones discover pen and paper by scribbling lines, spikes and curves. Older children enjoy coloring the pages.

      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        August 2017

        CHAINS: [Don't] let go!

        by Johannes Wiedlich

        A novel for young adults about friendship and enmity, and how closely allied these two can be.   Snow white? What? Bite me! I was expecting idiots, not the blue-haired pestilence. I was expecting conflict, not a battle for my sanity. So what did my past teach me? [Nothing!]   Matthew moves into a shared apartment for an exchange semester that couldn't be more annoying. His roommate Sirin turns out to be an obsessive-compulsive domestic dragon already within the first week. You can get along with Robert quite well, but you can't expect any backing from him, and Karla mainly is conspicuous by her absence. But Luka seems the worst. The guy who doesn't follow any pattern, doesn't play by any rules, and obviously enjoys pushing Matthew to his limits repeatedly.

      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        June 2017

        Edgar no diapers - A book that helps children to wean themselves off the diaper.

        by Birgit Hörner

        Edgar no diapers - A book that helps children to wean themselves off the diaper. Edgar prefers to play hide and seek with his friends Hannes, Emil and Lisa. He doesn't mind that he's the only one wearing a diaper. It's super convenient after all. But Edgar is already curious, because the friends are very proud that they no longer need a diaper but use the potty. It soon becomes clear: Edgar doesn't want to have a stupid diaper bottom either!He practices diligently. Of course, all beginnings are difficult, but luckily Edgar is not alone. His three cuddly toys Hasi, Geier and Teddy accompany him on the way to success. "Edgar no diapers" supports the natural wish of the child to wean themselves off the diaper, lovingly and without pressure.Instructions for parents on how to use Edgar's potty trick to practice can be found in the book.

      • Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)
        December 2014

        Klaus pacifier mouse

        by Birgit Hörner, Silke Weßner

        This book is about a boy called Peter who won’t give up his pacifiers. One day Klaus, the Paci Mouse visits Peter’s house and all the pacifiers disappear mysteriously. One by one. Of course Peter is upset. He wants his pacifiers back and the whole family tries to catch the thief. But the clever mouse is nowhere to be found. Let’s see if Peter will trade his last paci voluntarily for a great present from Klaus. Weather they’re called soother, binky, dummy or paci: Dentists recommend that children stop using pacifiers at the age 2-3 because prolonged pacifier use can lead to problems with growth and alignment of teeth. We all know how hard it can be to break habits. Accompanied by lovely illustrations, the story gently prepares children for the day when Klaus, the Paci Mouse will come to their own house. This tried and tested method of pacifier weaning provides for a smooth transition. Detailed instructions for parents are inside this book.

      • Women's Fiction
        September 2015

        Daisy's got goosebumps

        by Silke Kasamas

        12 charming short stories for women   Humorous, satirical, sometimes thoughtful, and romantic: Life writes the best stories, and that is what the heroines in these twelve charming short stories experience. What do you do when your body cannot do what the yoga textbook requires? What should you do if your blind date doesn't turn out how expected? Do you slam the door on Prince Charming just because you don't look your best in slippers and pajamas? Everyday life holds a lot of faux pas, but sometimes it also gives you cookies. Tina, Jassi, and Co. experience first hand, what unforeseen turns life can take when the heart rushes ahead of the head.

      • Personal & social issues: death & bereavement (Children's/YA)
        July 2015

        CHECK: get up, stay alive, go to bed.

        by Johannes Wiedlich

        Jimmy. Call me that. The name is okay.... or ... sure, just ignore me. All idiots! Sometimes the whole world is annoying me. You say something, you aren't listened to. You want to be left alone, everybody is bugging you to talk. Apparently, most people live on the same planet as me, but not in the same world. Or maybe I live in a bubble. So here I am - lying in my sleeping coffin - ignoring my sister who's knocking on the door because she's worried again for completely no reason, and I wonder ... Jimmy is a young adult with a whole bunch of problems. He feels abandoned in a world in which he is only slightly interested. Alcohol, drugs, and self-harming behavior are on the daily agenda. Only a few people still get through to him, but he keeps pushing these away too.

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