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Promoted Content1982
Amae - Freiheit in Geborgenheit
Zur Struktur japanischer Psyche
by Takeo Doi, Elmar Holenstein, Helga Herborth
Promoted ContentFebruary 1984
Das Erbe Hegels II
by Roman Jakobson, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Elmar Holenstein, Elmar Holenstein
Am 22. Juni 1982, vier Wochen vor seinem Tode, wurde Roman Jakobson der Hegel-Preis der Stadt Stuttgart verliehen. Dieser Band enthält die Rede Roman Jakobsons, die Laudatio Hans-Georg Gadamers sowie einen wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Essay von Elmar Holenstein.
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May 1975Roman Jakobsons phänomenologischer Strukturalismus
by Elmar Holenstein
Der Begriff des phänomenologischen Strukturalismus erscheint auf den ersten Blick als außerordentlich paradox, waren und sind es doch in erster Linie die existentialistisch orientierten Phänomenologen, die den Strukturalismus und seine angebliche Verleugnung des Subjekts bekämpfen, wie umgekehrt die Strukturalisten den Phänomenologen mit Ablehnung begegnen. Holenstein kann aber zeigen, daß im Werk des Linguisten Roman Jakobson beide Strömungen konvergieren, daß in ihm der bis heute die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung beherrschende Widerspruch von Diachronie und Synchronie, Geschichte und Struktur, Dynamik und Statik produktiv aufgehoben ist. Für Jakobsons Linguistik ist charakteristisch, daß in ihr alle Aspekte, Schichten, und Bezugspunkte der Sprache eine Behandlung finden, die ihre innere Autonomie und ihre Interdependenz, ihre strukturellen Beziehungen und ihren zeitlichen Ort gleichermaßen respektiert. Dies sichert ihr eine Bedeutung weit über die traditionellen Grenzen der Sprachwissenschaft hinaus. Holensteins souveräne Interpretation arbeitet denn auch den transdisziplinären Aspekt des Werks von Jakobson überaus plastisch und eindringlich heraus.
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August 2017National Cyberspace Security Theory
by Xueshi SHEN
Cyberspace becomes a major threat to national security, while promoting the progress of human science and technology civilization. Guided by the overall national security concept, this book focuses on the hotspot events of world cyberspace security, analyzes the causes of cyberspace security threats, interprets world power’s cyberspace security strategy, explores national cyberspace security rules, and provides systematic and in-depth theoretic decision references.
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October 2015New Strategies on National Rejuvenation
by Shujin HUANG
In the 18th National Congress of CPC,President Jinping Xi proposed the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy,which are the new thoughts,new claims and new requests of the country governing.This book explores these new thoughts,new claims and new requests in-depth,and explains the strategies of national rejuvenation so as to complete the new tasks of the modern society.
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December 2013The Evolution of Soviet Union and National Issues Research
by Wei SHANG
The evolution of Soviet Union has a close relationship with national issues,but national issues can’t be regarded alone,because the formulation and solution of national issues are connected with specific stages of social development.So we should summarize the experiences and learn lessons from the past.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJune 2025Reassembling the social interior
Historical spaces from contemporary viewpoints
by Helen McCormack, Jennifer Gray, Anne Nellis Richter
At the intersection of heritage, design history and contemporary art, this book offers new perspectives on the way historical interiors are encountered by, and viewed and presented for, present-day audiences. Many studies have highlighted the historical significance and meanings embedded in the landscape, architecture, decoration and objects to be found within houses and homes. But what about the social meanings of these spaces? Central to this book is the idea that in reflecting, remaking and reimagining historical interiors, the contributions of artists, designers and craftspeople should be foregrounded in constructing ideas of authenticity, transparency, and materiality in the making process. The chapters present a range of case studies that reflect upon on how historical interiors are remade and reimagined by looking in and out; at how a reassembling of spaces ought to avoid 'a shrinking definition of the social itself' (Latour, 2005). Surveying a range of interior 'types' from a number of historical periods, the book includes contributions from practitioners, scholars and makers. From digital reconstructions of a seventeenth-century Belgian constcamer to the interior and exterior worlds of specific historical figures, including Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Beatrix Potter, the book considers how these spaces have powerful significance for contemporary audiences, particularly in ways that are relatable to shared experiences of work, leisure, family, community, power and politics. This book will be of interest to scholars of the history of interiors and collections, museology, archaeology, architectural history, art, and design history, as well as curators and caretakers of historical sites, spaces and objects.
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March 2007Anarchie der kommunikativen Freiheit
Jürgen Habermas und die Theorie der internationalen Politik
by Peter Niesen, Benjamin Herborth, Jürgen Habermas
Unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung können wir uns internationale Politik nicht länger nur als Machtspiel von Nationalstaaten vorstellen. Neue Mechanismen der Koordination bilden sich in vielfältigen Bereichen interund transnationaler Politik heraus und begünstigen überraschenderweise das Aufkommen kommunikativer Formen der Problemlösung. Dieses Grundmotiv von Jürgen Habermas’ Handlungs- und Gesellschaftstheorie führt zu den zentralen Fragen dieses Bandes: Auf welche Weise läßt sich das anarchische Moment kommunikativer Freiheit in der internationalen Politik am ehesten zur Geltung bringen? Und unter welchen Randbedingungen läßt sich überlegene Verhandlungsmacht in Argumentation verstricken? Und schließlich: Wie kann verhindert werden, daß die neuen Formen des Regierens die traditionellen Formen demokratischer Koordination beschädigen? Benjamin Herborth und Peter Niesen sind Politikwissenschaftler an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
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1976Linguistik, Semiotik, Hermeneutik
Plädoyers für eine strukturale Phänomenologie
by Elmar Holenstein
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March 1980Von der Hintergehbarkeit der Sprache
Kognitive Unterlagen der Sprache
by Elmar Holenstein
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Professional interior design2021Interior Design in Ukraine
by Lucia Bondar
Interior Design in Ukraine / Interior Solutions in Residential Premises" is the first full-fledged publication on interior design in residential premises in Ukraine. The book highlights more than 50 of the brightest and most professional interiors created by Ukrainian designers and architects in recent years. The book is a combination of unique ideas and a variety of styles. Projects inspired by Ukrainian history, culture, nature and craft traditions deserve special attention, in most of which designers use materials and furniture from Ukrainian manufacturers.
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April 1989Eigenzeit
Entstehung und Strukturierung eines Zeitgefühls
by Helga Nowotny
Helga Nowotny ist Vize-Präsidentin des Europäischen Forschungsrates und Professor emeritus der ETH Zürich. Sie gilt als die ›grande dame‹ der Wissenschaftsforschung in Europa.
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The ArtsNovember 2024'The industrialized designer'
Gender, identity and professionalization in Britain and the United States, 1930-80
by Leah Armstrong
What does it mean to be called an industrial designer? This book traces the remarkable rise of this professional identity in historical perspective from a position of anonymity in the early twentieth century, to mid-century professionalisation, to decline and disintegration by 1980. Drawing on new, extensive, original archival research, it uncovers the history of a profession in a state of re-invention, 1930-1980 in Britain and the United States. The book tests assumptions about the relationship between the professions in the two countries, bringing them into comparative historical perspective for the first time. The gendered dynamics of professionalisation and their interaction with the representation of the heroic male designer are interrogated and critically examined. Building on new gender perspectives to the history of the industrial design profession, the book calls for a re-examination of the limits and boundaries of what constitutes professional identity and work.
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The Diaspora of Dunhuang National Treasures
by Wang Ruiying
The book "The Diaspora of Dunhuang National Treasures" mainly tells young people about the discovery of the Library Cave in 1900. And then the foreign predators, who came from Britain, France, America, Japan, Russia, went to the Library Cave, grab and keep the national treasure in it. After many years, Dunhuang scholars in China have to make great effert to publish the precious documents.
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Narrative History of National Representative Intangible Heritage Population in Hunan Province(Volume One)
by Ye Weiping
According to the deployment of the Cultural Reform and Development Plan of the Ministry of Culture during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, the Ministry of Culture launched the “Rescue Record Project for Representative Inheritors of National Intangible Cultural Heritage” in 2015. The purpose is to strengthen the construction of intangible cultural heritage inheritors and effectively protect and inherit national intangible cultural heritage projects. The Hunan Provincial Department of Culture has actively carried out the recommendation, application and review of the fifth batch of representative inheritors of national intangible cultural heritage projects. A total of 54 representative inheritors of national intangible cultural heritage projects have been sorted out and their oral materials have been sorted out. .
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The ArtsJanuary 2019Algerian national cinema
by Guy Austin
This topical and innovative study is the first book on Algerian cinema to be published in English since the 1970s. At a time when North African and Islamic cultures are of increasing political significance, Algerian National Cinema presents a dynamic, detailed and up to date analysis of how film has represented this often misunderstood nation. Algerian National Cinema explores key films from The Battle of Algiers (1966) to Mascarades (2007). Introductions to Algerian history and to the national film industry are followed by chapters on the essential genres and themes of filmmaking in Algeria, including films of anti-colonial struggle, representations of gender, Berber cinema, and filming the 'black decade' of the 1990s. This thoughtful and timely book will appeal to all interested in world cinemas, in North African and Islamic cultures, and in the role of cinema as a vehicle for the expression of contested identities. By the author of the critically-acclaimed Contemporary French Cinema.
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The ArtsJune 2021Algerian national cinema
by Guy Austin
This topical and innovative study is the first book on Algerian cinema to be published in English since the 1970s. At a time when North African and Islamic cultures are of increasing political significance, Algerian National Cinema presents a dynamic, detailed and up to date analysis of how film has represented this often misunderstood nation. Algerian National Cinema explores key films from The Battle of Algiers (1966) to Mascarades (2007). Introductions to Algerian history and to the national film industry are followed by chapters on the essential genres and themes of filmmaking in Algeria, including films of anti-colonial struggle, representations of gender, Berber cinema, and filming the 'black decade' of the 1990s. This thoughtful and timely book will appeal to all interested in world cinemas, in North African and Islamic cultures, and in the role of cinema as a vehicle for the expression of contested identities. By the author of the critically-acclaimed Contemporary French Cinema.