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Promoted ContentOctober 2000
Die Politik der Geselligkeit
Freimaurerlogen in der deutschen Bürgergesellschaft 1840-1918
by Hoffmann, Stefan L
Promoted Content
Trusted PartnerDecember 2004
Processing, Structure Development, and Properties
by White, James L.; Choi, Dongman
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2008
Thermoplastic and Rubber Compounds
Technology and Physical Chemistry
by White, James L.; Kim, Kwang-Jea
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesJune 2007
Forest Genetics
by Timothy L White, W T Adams, David B Neale
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerAugust 2001
Polymer Mixing
Technology and Engineering
by Herausgegeben von White, James L.; Herausgegeben von Coran, Aubert Y.; Herausgegeben von Moet, Abdelsamie
Trusted PartnerMedical toxicologyMay 2011
Poisoning by Plants, Mycotoxins and Related Toxins
by Kip Panter, A C.F Amaral, A P.M Figueiredo, R A Schultz, A G Armién, B T Green, L C.B Fernandes, F Guedes, M C.J.S Lima, L X Mesquita, R C Rocha-e-Silva, I Pacífico da Silva, F M Boabaid, C J Botha, A C.L Câmara, C R Dogo, D R Gardner, James Pfister, K Welch, F B Grecco, P B Pal, B L Stegelmeier, S T Lee, T Z Davis, M B Almeida. Edited by Franklin Riet-Correa, James Pfister, Ana Lucia Schild, Terrie L Wierenga.
This comprehensive collection of up-to-the-minute research in the field of poisonous plants investigates the effects of toxins on animals and humans. It covers the effects of poisonous plants on the liver, the reproductive system, and the nervous system, as well as exploring the field of herbal medicine. In a specialised section devoted to control measures, the book highlights techniques such as vaccination and taste aversion, providing the reader with important information on safeguarding against disaster. This volume is an essential reference for veterinarians, researchers, toxicologists and chemists.
Trusted PartnerZoology & animal sciencesJuly 2012
Growth of Farm Animals
by Tony L J Lawrence, Vernon R Fowler, Jan E Novakofski
Trusted PartnerMicrobiology (non-medical)January 1963
Foot rot of Piper nigrum. L.
by P Holliday
Paper on the Foot rot disease of Piper nigrum. L
Trusted PartnerTechnology, Engineering & AgricultureOctober 2018
The Pineapple
Botany, Production and Uses
by Garth M Sanewski, Duane P Bartholomew, Robert E Paull, Duane P Bartholomew, J. R. Botella, C. C. Chen, G. Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, S. A. de Assis, A. P. de Matos, E. H. de Souza, F. V. Duarte Souza, M-F. Duval, S. Hamill, J. V. Jiménez, D. T. Junghans, H-L. Ko, F. Leal, J. M. Marconcini, T. Padua, R. E. Paull, D. H. Reinhardt, G. M. Sanewski, A. R. Sena Neto, B. Sipes, A. Soler
Completely updated with new content and full-colour figures throughout, the second edition of this successful book continues to provide a comprehensive coverage of pineapple breeding, production and yield. Pineapple is an increasingly important crop and demand for fresh pineapple is steadily growing; stakeholders in the value chain are worldwide. The Pineapple: Botany, Production and Uses provides essential coverage from botany through to postharvest handling and provides the technical information required by all those working with the crop. The second edition: - Contains new chapters on organic production and production for other uses (fibre and ornamentals). - Includes major updates to content on taxonomy, biotechnology, cultural systems, nutrition, varieties and genetic improvement. - Explores physiological changes associated with the year-round growing of pineapple in addition to the associated cultural practices and mineral nutrition. - Considers the impacts of climate change and environmental issues on pineapple crops, and relevant mitigation strategies. - Looks at the effects of new cultivars and technologies on cultural practices and plant nutrition. Written by an international team of experts, this book is an essential resource for researchers, growers and all those involved in the pineapple industry.
Trusted PartnerParasitology (non-medical)October 2008
Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 3
by Vasyl V Tkach, Tomas Scholz, C P Santos, S E Pozdnyakov, T Pojmañska, John Pearson, Terrence L Miller, R Madhavi, Jeffrey M Lotz, William Font, Stephane Deblock, Thomas H Cribb, Ronald A Campbell, David Blair, Diane P Barton. Edited by Rodney A Bray, David I Gibson, Arlene Jones.
This is the third of three volumes of Keys to the Trematoda, a series on the systematics and identification of the Class Trematoda. It covers five superfamilies with the Order Plagiorchiida and the family Didymozoidae, with the keys for their identification at the family, subfamily and generic levels. It also includes a key to all dignean superfamilies, including those treated in detail in volumes oneand two.
Trusted PartnerScience & MathematicsOctober 2017
UV-B Radiation and Plant Life
Molecular Biology to Ecology
by Brian R Jordan, Pedro J. Aphalo, Amy T. Austin, Carlos L. Ballaré, Paul W. Barnes, Susanne Baldermann, Melanie Binkert, Janet F. Bornman, Isabelle N. Bottger, Stephan D. Flint, Franziska S. Hanschen, Éva Hideg, Marcel A K Jansen, Gareth I. Jenkins, Karel Klem, Susanne Neugart, Monika Schreiner, Åke Strid, Mark A. Tobler, Roman Ulm, Otmar Urban, Jason Wargent, Melanie Wiesner
Ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) has profound effects on plant growth and development, and exposure varies with ozone depletion and across geographic regions, with ecosystem and agricultural consequences. This book deals with large-scale impacts but also how UV-B affects plants at the molecular level is also fascinating, and the UV-B photoreceptor has only recently been characterised. While UV-B radiation can be damaging, it also has a more positive role in plant photomorphogenesis. Consequently UV-B treatments are being developed as innovative approaches to improve horticulture. This book is a timely synthesis of what we know and need to know about UV-B radiation and plants.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerDecember 2023
Philosophische Grundlagentexte
by Christoph Halbig, Jörg Löschke, Philipp Schwind
Die Zuschreibung von Verantwortung für unsere Handlungen ist ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer moralischen Praxis. Aber sie wirft schwierige philosophische Fragen auf. Müssen wir beispielsweise über einen freien Willen verfügen, um für unsere Handlungen verantwortlich zu sein? Ist Verantwortung ein einheitliches Phänomen oder gibt es verschiedene Arten von Verantwortung? Und können wir nur für unsere Taten verantwortlich sein oder beispielsweise auch für unsere Überzeugungen? Der Band versammelt – zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung – die zentralen Texte der philosophischen Debatte über Verantwortung, u. a. von Stephen Darwall, Harry G. Frankfurt, H. L. H. Hart, Thomas Nagel, Peter Strawson, Susan Wolf und Iris Marion Young.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2006
Nachdenken über Christa T.
by Christa Wolf, Sonja Hilzinger
Die Erzählerin in diesem Roman denkt über die widersprüchliche Persönlichkeit und den schwierigen Lebensweg ihrer jung gestorbenen Freundin Christa T. nach. Sensibel für die Nichtübereinstimmung, die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Faktischen und dem utopischen Anspruch des Sozialismus, suchte Christa T. nach Wegen, das, was ist, und das, was werden soll, zusammenzubringen – und machte dabei die schmerzhafte Erfahrung, daß der Riß der Zeit durch sie selbst geht. Aus den nachgelassenen Aufzeichnungen der Christa T., der eigenen Erinnerung und Erfindungen entwirft die Erzählerin ein vielschichtiges, beunruhigendes und faszinierendes Bild der Freundin: »… Daß die Zweifel verstummen und man sie sieht. Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?« Nachdenken über Christa T., erschienen 1968, gehört zu den modernen Klassikern der deutschen Literatur. Dieser Roman begründete Christa Wolfs Weltruhm.
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2021
Der kleine Fuchs liest vor. Die Dinos sind los!
by Jasmin Schaudinn, Carola Sieverding, Nima Kellner
Ein Vorleseschatz für kleine Dino-Fans: Abenteuer mit T-Rex & Co. Der kleine Fuchs lädt ein in seine Höhle mit dem kuscheligen Vorlesesofa. Und dieses Mal lässt er die Saurier los, die größten Wesen, von denen kleine Menschen Fan sein können. Die Geschichten sind abwechslungsreich – und spannend. Drei kleine Dino-Kinder meistern ein packendes Abenteuer mit dem gefürchteten T-Rex. Im Kindergarten spielen die Freunde mit ihren Dinofiguren. Und ganz große Fans eröffnen sogar ihren eigenen Dino-Fan-Club. Ausgestorben? Von wegen! Es leben die Dinos!
Trusted PartnerOctober 2007
Nachdenken über Christa T.
by Christa Wolf
Nachdenken über Christa T. begründete den Weltruhm Christa Wolfs und gehört zu den wichtigsten Werken der deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsliteratur. Mit nur 36 Jahren stirbt Christa T. an Leukämie. Ihre ehemalige Schulkameradin und Studienfreundin erinnert sich an sie: an eine Frau, die der Forderung nach Anpassung ihre Phantasie, ihr Gewissen und vor allem ihre Sehnsucht nach Selbstverwirklichung entgegensetzt.
Trusted PartnerArt forms2022
T. Shevchenko. Life in art
by Dmytro Stus, Tetyana Chuiko, Anastasia Morozova, Yulia Shilenko
Of course, the fate of the artist was formed in a certain way because he realized his vocation - to be a poet. On the other hand, he lived his life as a professional artist. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, T. Shevchenko worked as an artist in the Temporary Commission for the consideration of ancient acts (Kyiv Archaeographic Commission), applied for the position of drawing teacher at the University of St. Volodymyr in Kyiv. And when his plans were broken by arrest, then in exile, despite the strict imperial ban on writing and drawing, the artist was able to work in his specialty, although not officially. Shevchenko devoted the last years of his life to the development of etching, having received the title of academician in engraving. The publication consists of two parts. The first is devoted to the works of the artist, made in graphic techniques, as well as sepia and watercolor. Given the fact that there are few oil paintings in the artist's works, we singled them out in the second part, trying to break stereotypes about their perception. Each section of the first part is devoted to a separate genre, which was addressed by T. Shevchenko. The largest of the sections are divided into thematic headings, which allows you to see the works of the artist from a new, perhaps unexpected, angle. In turn, the commentary to each work contains a brief history of creation (places, circumstances, relationships, etc.) and artistic characteristics that reveal the performing skills of the author. In addition, an important addition is the part of the commentary "Interesting" and quotes from the novels, Diary, correspondence of the artist, memoirs of his contemporaries. You can start your acquaintance with the publication from any section or even heading. Traveling through Shevchenko's paintings on separate routes you will have a complete rich journey through the original world of the artist.