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        June 1989

        Lady Susan

        Ein Roman in Briefen

        by Jane Austen, Angelika Beck, Elizabeth Gilbert

        Lady Susan, die Mutter einer im heiratsfähigen Alter befindlichen Tochter quartiert sich im Haus ihres Bruders ein und stiftet dort erhebliche Unruhe, als sie ihres Amüsements wegen dem Bruder ihrer Schwägerin den Kopf verdreht.

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        March 2024

        Lady Susan

        by Jane Austen, Annabelle von Sperber, Angelika Beck

        Die attraktive Lady Susan sorgt für Aufregung in der Gesellschaft: Frisch verwitwet, weiß sie ihre Reize einzusetzen und kokettiert mit ihren Verehrern. Gerüchte über angebliche Affären machen die Runde. Um dem Gerede zu entgehen, zieht sie sich auf das Anwesen ihres Bruders zurück, um in Ruhe ihren Plan weiterzuverfolgen: einen neuen wohlhabenden Ehemann zu finden. Objekt ihrer Begierde ist der adrette Reginald DeCourcy. Es werden fleißig Intrigen gesponnen, um unliebsame Konkurrentinnen aus dem Feld zu schlagen. Doch als eines Tages ihre Tochter Frederica auftaucht, geraten Lady Susans Pläne in Gefahr … Amüsant und scharfzüngig erzählt die beliebte Autorin von amourösen und gesellschaftlichen Verwicklungen.

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        March 2004

        Das Böse denken

        Eine andere Geschichte der Philosophie

        by Susan Neiman, Christiana Goldmann, Susan Neiman, Susan Neiman

        Susan Neiman ist Direktorin des Einstein Forums in Potsdam. Sie lehrte Philosophie in Yale und an der Universität von Tel Aviv und ist Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Susan Neiman ist Direktorin des Einstein Forums in Potsdam. Sie lehrte Philosophie in Yale und an der Universität von Tel Aviv und ist Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Susan Neiman ist Direktorin des Einstein Forums in Potsdam. Sie lehrte Philosophie in Yale und an der Universität von Tel Aviv und ist Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

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        Literature: history & criticism
        September 2001

        The Great Exhibition of 1851

        by Susan Williams

        The Great Exhibition of 1851 has become a touchstone for the nineteenth century. The Crystal Palace produced a commodity world, an imperial spectacle, a picture of capitalism, a liberal dream, a vision of modern life. Historians have saturated the Great Exhibition with meanings. This collection of essays exposes how meaning has been produced around the Great Exhibition. It contains a series of critical readings of the official and popular historical record of the Exhibition. Critics and historians of art, culture, design and literature have been brought together to examine the objects, the images, the documents and the fictions of 1851. Their essays explore the determined use of industrial knowledge, the contested definitions of nation and colony, and the actual control of the space of the Crystal Palace after the Great Exhibition closed. The Great Exhibition of 1851 presents new interpretations of one of the most significant exhibitions in the nineteenth century and will be essential reading for anyone studying cultural history, design history, art history and literature.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Order and conflict

        Anthony Ascham and English political thought (1648–50)

        by Peter Lake, Marco Barducci, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This book provides a careful and systematic analysis of Anthony Ascham's career and writings for the first time in English. During the crucial period between the Second Civil War and the establishment of the English Republic, when he served as official pamphleteer of the Parliament and the republican government, Ascham put forward a complex argument in support of Parliament's claims for obedience which drew on the political thought of Grotius, Hobbes, Selden, Filmer and Machiavelli. He combined ideas taken from these authors and turned them into a powerful instrument of propaganda to be deployed in the service of the political agenda of his Independent patrons in Parliament. This investigation of Ascham's works brings together an intellectual analysis of his political thought and an exploration of the interaction between politics, propaganda and political ideas.

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        November 2015

        Great Courage

        Zedong Mao at the Great Divide of the Long March

        by Jianjun YE

        This series of books divided into 4 volumes.In chronological order,this series record Mao’s life in 4 different period of time and different activity places in the form of stories,which embody the fobsimon and the ability to stabilize the nation of the great man.

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        October 2007

        Bob Dylan

        Ein Kongreß

        by Axel Honneth, Peter Kemper, Richard Klein

        +++ Literaturnobelpreis 2016 für Bob Dylan +++ Über den Sonderstatus des Songschreibers Bob Dylan besteht nicht nur unter Musikbegeisterten Einigkeit, seine Texte haben ihm sogar den Literaturnobelpreis 2016 eingebracht. Um so mehr fällt es auf, daß sich die Literatur- und Sozialwissenschaften bisher kaum für Dylan, seine Texte und seine sozialhistorische Rolle interessiert haben. Ein internationaler Kongreß, der 2006 in Frankfurt am Main stattfand, hat das geändert. Der Band dokumentiert die Vorträge von Michael Gray, Axel Honneth, Susan Neiman und Klaus Theweleit und anderen sowie die Abschlußdiskussion. Die Plattentips der versammelten »Dylanologen« ermöglichen auch Jüngeren einen Einstieg in Dylans Werk. »It’s not me. It’s the songs. I’m just the postman. I deliver the songs. That’s what all the legend, all the myth is about – my songs.« Bob Dylan

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        History of medicine
        November 2011

        Women's medical work in early modern France

        by Susan Broomhall

        Women have long been crucial to the provision of medical services, both in the treatment of sickness and in maintaining health. In this study, Susan Broomhall situates the practices and perceptions of women's medical work in France in the context of the sixteenth century and its medical evolution and innovations. She argues that early modern understandings of medical practice and authority were highly flexible and subject to change. She furthermore examines how a focus on female practitioners, who cut across most sectors of early modern medical practice, can reveal the multifaceted phenomenon of these negotiations for authority. This new paperback edition of Women's medical work in early modern France skilfully combines detailed research with a clear presentation of the existing literature of women's medical work, making it invaluable to students of gender and medical history.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016

        The Scourge

        by Keen Butterworth

        Jake Battle is minding his own business, just fishing, when he follows the squawking of ravens and magpies to find the body of a beautiful woman, wife of a local ranch owner who is also one of the richest men in the country.When the fatal slug is dug out of her, everyone in Clark City, Montana, knows there's only one gun around that could have fired it, the rifle of Jake's friend, Carlton Heavy-Eagle."Don't get mixed up in this mess," Jake's girlfriend, Gwen, tells him. "You can't tell what's going on." But Jake is too mixed up in it already. The path he follows to clear his friend leads to tales of gang violence, wanton sex, cocaine smuggling, and the mysterious Scourge -- a man monstrous in size and ugliness.In his debut novel, author Keen Butterworth has painted a vivid portrait of both man and nature as Jake -- haunted by his past in Vietnam, soothed by the love he shares with Gwen -- pursues a dangerous manhunt amid the rugged beauty of the northern Rockies.

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        The Arts
        April 2011

        Anthony Asquith

        by Tom Ryall, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        This is the first comprehensive critical study of Anthony Asquith. Ryall sets the director's work in the context of British cinema from the silent period to the 1960s, examining the artistic and cultural influences which shaped his films. Asquith's silent films were compared favourably to those of his eminent contemporary Alfred Hitchcock, but his career faltered during the 1930s. However, the success of Pygmalion (1938) and French Without Tears (1939), based on plays by George Bernard Shaw and Terence Rattigan, together with his significant contributions to wartime British cinema, re-established him as a leading British film maker. Asquith's post-war career includes several pictures in collaboration with Terence Rattigan, and the definitive adaptation of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest (1951), but his versatility is demonstrated in a number of modest genre films including The Woman in Question (1950), The Young Lovers (1954) and Orders to Kill (1958). ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2011

        Hegel und Haiti

        Für eine neue Universalgeschichte

        by Susan Buck-Morss, Laurent Faasch-Ibrahim

        1791 revoltierten die Sklaven von Saint Domingue, dem heutigen Haiti, unter Absingen der Marseillaise gegen die französischen Kolonialherren. Die »schwarzen Jakobiner« bewiesen so die Unteilbarkeit der Aufklärung. Diese im Okzident verdrängte Geschichte Haitis wird derzeit angesichts zunehmender weltweiter Ungleichheit wiederentdeckt. Anknüpfungspunkte dafür finden sich ausgerechnet bei Hegel, der die Ereignisse in der Karibik verfolgte. Seine Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Knechtschaft lesen sich wie ein Kommentar zum Geschehen – ohne daß Haiti mit einem Wort erwähnt würde. Susan Buck-Morss konfrontiert Hegels Interesse mit seiner Philosophie und skizziert die Grundlinien einer neuen Universalgeschichte.

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        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

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