Durvile Publications
Livres Canada Books
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View Rights PortalThis eBook introduces three of the most fascinating scientific quests in modern astronomy. Readers will learn how space-based observatories, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope are aiding scientists in their quest to learn more about the elusive objects that are extrasolar planets, brown dwarfs, and dark matter.
X-ray astronomy is the most advanced of the three general disciplines associated with high-energy astrophysics. This image-packed eBook features the orbiting observatories by which contemporary X-ray astronomy is performed, such as NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO). X-ray Astronomy covers how detecting x-ray emissions has been valuable in the study of high-energy events, such as the interaction of supernova remnants with interstellar gas and the functioning of quasars. This eBook is an essential read for students with an interest in x-ray and satellite technology.
Air pollution has become a major global issue due to rapid industrialization, human population growth and increasing urbanization. The various sources of atmospheric pollutants, both those created by human activity and those from natural physical and biological processes, have become the focus of much scientific research and analysis. An understanding of how these many pollutants are affecting air quality is essential in order to design strategies to mitigate them. Written by a team of international experts, this book aims to provide a broad overview of the issues surrounding air pollution and how to control and monitor pollution levels. Beginning with a brief background on the subject, the book moves on to discuss global emissions, with an emphasis on megacities and their effects. Possible pollution control measures and methods of air pollution measurement and modelling are also explored. The book ends with descriptions of the various indices used for assessing air quality with a focus on human health impacts, and a discussion on policy making to control air pollution. The book will be useful to students of environmental science and atmospheric science, as well as environmental consultants and researchers interested in air quality . Key Features: Comprehensive introduction to the primary causes of air pollution today with an emphasis on growing urban populations and megacities Discusses both anthropogenic and biogenic emissions and their effects on human health and the environment Gives an overview of indices used today for assessing air quality and describes current methods for air pollution monitoring and modelling Discusses new technologies for mitigating the effects of air pollution and policy making for implementation of controls
Sie sind Hindus, Moslems, Parsen, Christen oder Juden, gehören zur höchsten Kaste der Brahmanen oder zu den Unberührbaren. Sie kommen aus allen Teilen Indiens, leben in Delhi, Kalkutta, Bombay, Bangalore, Mysore, Ahmedabad und anderswo, sind Pendler zwischen den Welten wie Vikram Chandra oder Expatriates wie Shashi Tharoor. Sie erzählen von Brahmanen und Muslimen, von Benares und Bombay, schildern das Leben in den Städten und auf dem Land, berichten von Emigranten und von Zurückgekehrten. Es geht um Hochzeits- und Beerdigungsrituale, um Straßen- und Büroszenen, Arbeitskämpfe und Religionskonflikte, um den Unabhängigkeitstag, die Teilung Indiens oder um ein Leben zwischen den Kulturen. Oft ist von der Einsamkeit im Milliardenland die Rede, und immer wieder steht die Familie als Spiegel der Gesellschaft im literarischen Fokus. Über 50 Autoren und Autorinnen, vielfach mit den höchsten Literaturpreisen Indiens ausgezeichnet, sind in diesem Band mit Erzählungen, Romanauszügen und Gedichten aus elf Landessprachen vertreten. K. Satchidanandan, Lyriker und Präsident der Sahitya-Literaturakademie, schrieb das Vorwort zu dieser Anthologie. Kurzporträts charakterisieren die Autoren und skizzieren den Kontext ihrer Arbeit im literarischen Leben und im indischen Alltag.
There have been rapid advances in the field of plant biotechnology in recent years, increasing the potential for medical application. Covering the latest advances in the use of plants to produce medicinal drugs and vaccines, this volume examines topics including plant tissue culture, secondary metabolite production, metabolomics and metabolic engineering, bioinformatics, molecular farming and future biotechnological directions, with contributors from key researchers in the field. Medicinal Plant Biotechnology is an essential text for researchers in plant biology and biotechnology, medical sciences and pharmacology.
This is the first book-length study to focus primarily on the role of class in the encounter between South Asians and British institutions in the United Kingdom at the height of British imperialism. In a departure from previous scholarship on the South Asian presence in Britain, 'The better class' of Indians emphasizes the importance of class as the register through which British polite society interpreted other social distinctions such as race, gender, and religion. Drawing mainly on unpublished material from the India Office Records, the National Archives, and private collections of charitable organizations, this book examines not only the attitudes of British officials towards South Asians in their midst, but also the actual application of these attitudes in decisions pertaining to them. This fascinating book will be of particular interest to scholars and general readers of imperialism, immigration as well as British and Indian social history.
Plants are important source of lead molecules for drug discovery. These lead molecules serve as starting materials for laboratory synthesis of drug as well a model for production of biologically active compounds. Phytochemical processing of raw plant materials is essentially required to optimize the concentration of known constituents and also to maintain their activities. Extraction techniques and analytical techniques have played critical roles in phytochemical processing of raw materials. Extraction technologies from conventional extraction to green extraction as well as analytical techniques from single technique to hyphenated/coupled techniques most frequently used in phytochemistry laboratories are covered in the book.
This book is a practical manual for goat production systems covering: breeding and selection, feeding based on available crops and resources, and targeted preventative health care for increased productivity and income. It outlines best practice and strategies for setting up a farm, overcoming challenges, increasing milk and meat quality, obtaining sustainability, reducing environmental pollution, optimising climatic conditions and tapping into local know-how. In addition, the book details developing region-specific data for effective decision making and better management, as well as how to run a developmental project to empower stake holders for higher production, support innovation, and analyse the supply chain for better product quality and marketing.
A major challenge for agriculture and future crop production is the deterioration in soil health and fertility. We have large areas of barren land across the globe with degraded soil which can only be made fertile by applying proper nutrition and soil health management practices. It is crucial to protect soil health in order to feed the world's ever-growing population. Healthy soil is a dynamic ecosystem containing microbes that aid in the breakdown of organic materials and minerals, increasing the availability of plant nutrients (nutrient recycling) and enhancing soil quality and crop output. Healthy soil also helps mitigate the impact of climate change by maintaining nutrients and sequestering atmospheric carbon. This book summarizes the numerous components of soil health management including cutting-edge technologies such as genome editing and rhizospheric engineering, together with conventional techniques for preserving soil nutrients.