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        February 1977

        Der Fishersche Preiserwartungseffekt als Erklärungsansatz für das Gibson-Paradoxon.

        Kritische Analyse und empirischer Test für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

        by Badura, Jürgen R.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Strategic Management in Tourism

        by Luiz Moutinho, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Alejandro Pérez-Ferrant, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Anne-Mette Hjalager, Brent W Ritchie, Dawn Gibson, Eduardo Parra-López, Geoff Southern, James Wilson, Jithendran Kokkamikal, José Alberto Martínez-González, Kanes Rajah, Kun-Huang Huarng, Larry Dwyer, Luiz Moutinho, María Moral-Moral, Mercedes Melchior-Navarro, Noel Scott, Rafael Alberto Pérez, Ronnie Ballantyne, S.F. Witt, Scott McCabe, Shirley Rate, Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu, Vanessa Yanes-Estévez, Yawei Jiang, Yvette Reisinger

        This comprehensive textbook has, at its core, the importance of linking strategic thinking with action in the management of tourism. It provides an analytical evaluation of the most important global trends, as well as an analysis of the impact of crucial environmental issues and their implications. Fully updated throughout, this new edition: -Covers forecasting, functional management and strategic planning; -Includes extra chapters to incorporate a wider spread of important topics such as sustainability, authenticity and crisis management; -Contains pedagogical features throughout, such as learning objectives, questions and case studies to aid understanding Now in its third edition, and reviewing the major factors affecting international tourism management, this well-established student resource provides an essential overview of strategic management for students and professionals in the tourism sector.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2019

        Thomas ‘Jupiter’ Harris

        by Warren Oakley

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        January 2018

        Plant Diversity, Second Edition

        by J. Phil Gibson and Terri R. Gibson, Series Editor: William G. Hopkins

        Plants feed us, clothe us, provide us with the oxygen we breathe, and buffer our environment against change. In short, plants make life possible. Yet scientists estimate that more than 10 percent of the world's approximately 300,000 plant species are at risk of extinction, and huge swaths of tropical forests and other plant communities are being decimated daily. Plant Diversity, Second Edition surveys the world's plant diversity, from green algae through flowering plants, and presents the fascinating natural history and diversity of green plants in a taxonomic and evolutionary context. This title also asks and answers the questions: Why are there so many plant species in the world? And how can so many plants grow together in a given patch of prairie, forest, or wetland? Through the study of plant diversity, students will gain an appreciation of the natural world far beyond the classroom and the study of botany, to an understanding of how our actions impact the world around us. Plant Diversity, Second Edition is suitable as a supplementary text for a biology course or as recreational reading for the interested student.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        October 2023

        Crafting crime fiction

        by Henry Sutton

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2010

        New D.H. Lawrence

        by Howard Booth

        New D.H. Lawrence uses current and emergent approaches in literary studies to explore one of Britain's major modernist writers. The collection features new work by the present generation of Lawrence scholars, who are brought together here for the first time. Chapters include: Andrew Harrison on the marketing of Sons and Lovers; Howard J. Booth on The Rainbow, Marxist criticism and colonialism; Holly A. Laird on ethics and suicide in Women in Love; Hugh Stevens on psychoanalysis and war in Women in Love; Jeff Wallace on Lawrence, Deleuze and abstraction; Stefania Michelucci on myth and war in 'The Ladybird'; Bethan Jones on gender and comedy in the late short fiction; Fiona Becket on green cultural critique, Apocalypse and Birds, Beasts and Flowers; and Sean Matthews on class, Leavis and the trial of Lady Chatterley. New D.H. Lawrence will be of interest to all concerned with contemporary writing on Lawrence, modernism and English radical cultures. ;

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        September 2002



        by James Hamilton-Paterson, Ebba D. Drolshagen

        James Hamilton-Paterson wurde 1941 als erstes Kind einer Arztfamilie - der Vater war Neurologe, die Mutter Anästhesistin - geboren. Seine Kindheit verbrachte er in Footscray in Kent. Seinen Schulabschluß machte er an der King´s School in Canterbury, wo er seine Liebe zur Musik entdeckte, komponierte und Stunden am Klavier improvisierte. Dort begann er auch, seine ersten Gedichte zu schreiben. 1961 wurde er zum Studium der Literatur am Exeter College in Oxford aufgenommen. Während dieser Zeit publizierte er zwei Gedichtbände, Option Three und Dutch Alps. Wie vor ihm schon Oscar Wilde wurde er hierfür im Alter von 23 Jahren in seinem letzten Studienjahr in Oxford mit dem Newdigate Prize for poetry ausgezeichnet. Nachdem er die Universität 1964 verlassen hatte, zog es ihn ins Ausland und er nahm seinen ersten Job als Sprachlehrer in Libyen an. Als Resultat einer Reise durch Südamerika, insbesondere Bolivien, Ende der sechziger Jahre schrieb er einen Bericht, der schließlich im New Statesman veröffentlicht wurde. Das Interesse an weiteren Artikeln bedeutete den Beginn seiner Tätigkeit als freier Journalist, die ihn unter anderem nach Vietnam führte, um während des Kriegs von dort zu berichten, sowie in alle wichtigen Länder der Region, die in den Vietnam-Konflikt aktiv verwickelt waren. Zudem schrieb er für das Times Literary Supplement und war Redakteur des Magazins Nova. Während dieser Zeit entstand ein Kinderbuch sowie das politische Sachbuch A very personal war. Zurück in England schrieb er in den siebziger Jahren Drehbücher für Videoreklame in Cambridge und verbrachte sogar einige Zeit als Pfleger am St Stephen`s Hospital, "to kill the medical bug", den Arztinstinkt, der ihm von seinen Eltern vererbt worden war. 1979 entdeckte er die Philippinen, den einzigen Platz in Südostasien, den er noch nicht besucht hatte. Nach anfänglicher Befremdung - "it felt completely Coca-Colaised" - verliebte er sich in Landschaft und Bevölkerung und beschloß, dort zu bleiben. Er lernte die Sprache sowie Sitten und Gebräuche des Landes, wie Fische mit der Lanze zu fangen und Häuser aus Bambus zu bauen. 1981 erwarb er zudem von einem Freund ein kleines Haus in der Toskana, wo er seitdem neun Monate des Jahres verbringt, wenn er nicht auf den Philippinen ist. Die Karriere von James Hamilton-Paterson, Mitglied der Royal Geographical Society, als Romancier und Sachbuchautor begann nach der ersten Publikation von Kurzgeschichten 1986 unter dem Titel The View from Mount Dog mit der Veröffentlichung von Playing with Water 1987, einem autobiographischen Werk über das alltägliche Leben auf den Philippinen. 1989 erscheint dann sein erster Roman Gerontius, der von einigen Kritikern als der beste englische Roman der achtziger Jahre bezeichnet wurde. Er wurde im gleichen Jahr mit dem Whitbread First Novel Award ausgezeichnet. Für das Radio dramatisiert gewann er auf dem International Radio Festival of New York 1990 die Goldmedaille. Es folgen weitere erfolgreiche Sachbücher (Seven-Tenths 1992, Three Miles Down 1998) und Romane, wie 1990 The Bell-Boy (der Titel der amerikanischen Ausgabe wurde auf Wunsch des Verlags geändert in That Time in Malomba, mit der Begründung, daß der Begriff "bellboy" für die Amerikaner seine Bedeutung verloren hätte), 1993 Griefwork und 1994 schließlich 1994 Ghosts of Manila, der 1998 als erster Roman von ihm in deutscher Übersetzung beim Insel Verlag erschien.

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        August 1984

        Das Dubliner Tagebuch des Stanislaus Joyce

        by Stanislaus Joyce, George Harris Healey, Arno Schmidt

        Stanislaus Joyce hat Tagebücher hinterlassen, von denen einige, aus der Zeit vom Herbst 1903 bis zum April 1905, hier vorliegen. Sie ergänzen das uns aus »Meines Bruders Hüter« (st273) bekannte Bild der Familie Joyce und ihrer Freunde, geben ehrlichen, oft mürrischen, häufig haßerfüllten Einblick in deren elendes Alltagsleben und zeigen schon in diesen frühen Jahren die Mischung aus Bewunderung und Verachtung, die für das Verhältnis von Stanislaus zu James lebenslänglich entscheidend gewesen ist. James pflegte diese Aufzeichnungen zu lesen und hat sie bisweilen für seine Werke ebenso ausgenutzt wie Stanislaus später für sein Erinnerungsbuch. Niemand wird in diesen Tagebüchern so häufig erwähnt wie der Bruder James, und so enthalten sie wichtige Aufschlüsse über die Jahre, in denen dieser an »Kammermusik«, »Stephen der Held«, »Ein Porträt des Künstlers als junger Mann« arbeitete. Wieviel Wirklichkeit in die Werke von James eingegangen ist, wird erst sichtbar durch die zahlreichen Anmerkungen, die der Übersetzer Arno Schmidt für den deutschen Leser beigesteuert hat.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2001

        Les Murray

        by Steven Matthews, John Thieme

        Les Murray is amongst the most gifted poets writing today, his multi-faceted talents have received high praise both in his native Australia and beyond. But he has also proved a controversial figure, whose poetry strays across the boundaries of political and cultural debate. The only full critical study of Murray's work available, Steven Matthews provides a complete picture of his career to date, from its early parables of national emergence to the working man's epic encounter with the major events of the twentieth century, Fredy Neptune. Provides detailed readings of key poems, as well as literary and cultural contexts for the rapid shifts in style and subject matter Murray has made from collection to collection. Gives an overview of Murray's place within Australian literature and national thought. ;

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        January 2018

        Plant Ecology, Second Edition

        by J. Phil Gibson and Terri R. Gibson, Series Editor: William G. Hopkins

        Plants are the foundation of ecosystems. They convert energy from sunlight into carbohydrates, direct the cycling of nutrients, shape the hydrologic cycle, and influence weather. Many other ecologically important phenomena are the result of the interactions between plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, and these natural processes reveal an amazing array of traits and strategies that have allowed plants to survive through the years. Plant Ecology, Second Edition explores these major ecological roles and dynamics of plants and their place in the environment. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers of plant biology.

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        Management & management techniques
        November 2011

        Business and Management of Ocean Cruises

        by Dr Philip Gibson, Dr Michael Lück, Borislav Bjelicic, Mandy Aggett, Cordula Boy, Edward W Manning, Sven Gross, Alexis Papathanassis, Simon Veronneau, Robert Kwortnik, Grenville Cartledge, Steffen Spiegel, James Henry, Wendy R London, Ben Wolber, Sarah Neumann. Edited by Michael Vogel, Alexis Papathanassis, Ben Wolber.

        After decades of solid growth, the worldwide ocean cruise sector has become a noticeable economic factor and a significant employer. In the way it combines social, technological and natural systems to form its products, cruise tourism is an increasingly attractive area of study; particularly with regards to the managerial challenges posed by the interaction of these systems. This book brings together industry know-how, managerial experience and academic rigour to cover some of the most important and interesting managerial challenges associated with ocean cruises.

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        Anthologies (Children's/YA)
        October 2022

        Vuvuzela Verses

        by Seele, Liza / Wallace, Stephen

        Vuvuzela Verses is Liza Seele's sequel to the nose snortingly hilarious Potjie Pot Poems, with belly laugh inducing illustrations from Stephen Wallace. Once again from the South African melting pot, Liza Seele brings children together under one banner: No more boring poems allowed at school! Dive into these childhood-friendly poems and join the boring textbook protest.

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        January 1998

        The Green Mile

        Der vollständige Roman

        by King, Stephen

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        December 2023

        The Coconut

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Stephen W Adkins, Julianne Biddle, Amirhossein Bazrafshan, Sundaravelpandian Kalaipandian

        The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the world's most important palms, and contributes significantly to the income and livelihood of many people in tropical countries. Widely referred to as the 'tree of life', coconut has been used as a source of food, drink, oil, medicine, shelter and wood for around 500 years. Every part of the coconut palm can be utilized. The demand for coconut fruit and its products has increased recently as people have become aware of its nutritional and health benefits, especially those of coconut water and virgin coconut oil. This book covers all aspects of coconut including origins and diversity; ecophysiology; production in a changing climate; pests and diseases; harvest and postharvest management; breeding and genetics; as well as the current and future status of coconut as an economic crop. This book is a key resource for researchers and students in horticulture, plant science and agriculture, and those interested in the production of tropical crops, and practitioners in the coconut industry.

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        Forestry & related industries
        May 1999

        Russian-English, English-Russian Forestry and Wood Dictionary, 2nd Edition

        by William Linnard, David Darrah-Morgan

        Russia and the other republics of the former USSR are now more accessible than at any other time in history. In the future, the forest resource of Russia, easily the greatest of any country in the world, will become even more globally important both environmentally and commercially.This new dictionary incorporates an updated and enlarged version of the first Russian-English edition, published in 1966, plus an entirely new English-Russian section of similar size. It contains many new terms, species names, acronyms and abbreviations to account for the great changes which have taken place in Russian forestry in terms of mechanization, woodworking technology, forest management and economics, environmental pollution and conservation. A list of the botanical names of trees and shrubs, with their Russian and English equivalents has also been included.The book has been compiled by Dr William Linnard, former Assistant Director of the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, with over forty years’ experience of abstracting and translating forestry literature and David Darrah-Morgan, M.A. (Translation), a full-time translator, specializing in forestry and related fields.

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