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Major Street Publishing
Major Street Publishing is an independent book publisher based in Melbourne, Australia. Founded in 2009 by Lesley Williams, Major Street specialises in publishing high quality business, leadership, personal finance and motivational books.
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Trusted PartnerMarch 2006
Bilder einer großen Stadt
by Virginia Woolf, Kyra Stromberg, Kyra Stromberg
Als zusammenhängende Folge für eine große Londoner Frauenzeitschrift 1931 entstanden, beschreiben diese Prosabilder aus London genau jene Orte, die ein großes Publikum in einer klassischen Schilderung der englischen Hauptstadt erwarten durfte. Es ist das Portrait einer Metropole, die ihrer großen Vergangenheit nachsinnt und die Gegenwart noch nicht recht fassen kann, die längst von ihr Besitz ergriffen hat.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1993
Freundliche Täuschungen
Eine Kindheit in Bloomsbury
by Garnett, Angelica / Englisch Stromberg, Kyra
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1994
Die Freibeuterinnen
by Wharton, Edith / Englisch Stromberg, Kyra; Englisch Schlitzer, Monika
Trusted PartnerMay 1987
Eine unfertige Frau. Weißes Programm: Im Jahrhundert der Frau
Ein Leben zwischen Dramen
by Lillian Hellman, Kyra Stromberg
Trusted PartnerMay 2007
Paris, Joyce, Paris
by Djuna Barnes, Karin Kersten, Kyra Stromberg
»Ein Liebhaberbändchen zum Mit-sich-Herumschleppen (nicht nur in Paris), zum Fotos-Anschauen (Paris, wie es einmal war, von unnachahmlichem Zauber), zum Sich-Freuen, daß es solche Bücher noch gibt.« BuchJournal
Trusted PartnerApril 2003
Crazy New York
Die Frauen von Harlem und Greenwich Village
by Barnet, Andrea / Illustriert von Abbott, Berenice; Illustriert von Ray, Man; Deutsch Stromberg, Kyra
Trusted PartnerSeptember 1991
Ein unfertige Frau
Ein Leben zwischen Dramen
by Lillian Hellman, Kyra Stromberg, Ruth-Esther Geiger
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Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAFebruary 2022
Alles, was ich in dir sehe
New Adult-Roman mit viel Liebe und Humor
by Kyra Groh
All That I See In You All I See, All You Know, All You Have Been ...Anna, Polly and Anouk all have very different goals after graduating high school, but this does not harm their friendship. Quite the opposite: they have to stick together more tightly than ever. As there are a lot of things about life as an adult that no one has prepared them for – to not even mention their love lives! All these experiences are shared on a joint Instagram account, and each book tells the story of one of the girls.Two weeks in a luxury resort in Portugal - the perfect gift for graduation. Not for Anna, who would rather spend the summer at home with her two best friends. But because she always puts her own wishes on hold, she is now in the Algarve, lost between models and photographers. After escaping to a café, she befriends Helena, who invites her to help out on her dog farm. There, Anna meets the guy again who she bumped into at Frankfurt airport - not a good memory for both of them, as they instantly disliked each other. Fynn is not Anna‘s type at all and sees nothing more in her than a fashion doll. So, definitely not a dreamboat she could be falling for (she thinks) …• Original and modern twist on New Adult fiction – touching and an extra dose of humor• Girl power: 3 self-confident sisters as role models who stand up for themselves• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, knowing and accepting yourself
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February 2020
by Grit Poppe
Anxiety-eater, the (lat. Hirudo Timor), blood-like parasite, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a therapy against anxiety, panic and trauma. Initial side effects such as nightmares, hallucinations, re-experience of earlier emotional states are followed by rapid, continuous therapeutic success.Apparently.Kyra, an unstable young woman who is threatening to break apart at the ghosts of her past, sees therapy with the help of a Hirudo Timor as her last chance to free herself from her fears.But what is so terrible that any memory of her childhood seems to be erased from her mind?Little by little she can free herself from her post-traumatic stress disorder. But suddenly the memories come back and the past catches up with her again...Powerfully eloquent, but also sensitive, Grit Poppe pulls the readers into a whirlpool of fear, guilt and surreality.