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      • Sternwiese Verlag

        Play yourself happy! The educational-therapeutic games and materials of our Sternwiese-Verlag enable individual access to the child's emotions and thoughts. With help of exciting strategies, unique concepts and personable characters will be developing and strengthening of social and emotional skills varied support.

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      • Steinkis Groupe

        Discover our JUNGLE list: comic series for kids, teens and YA. Jungle recently published best-selling comic series, adapted from teens novels such as The Enola Holmes Mysteries (now on Netflix) and The Diary of an 8-bit warrior (Cube Kid). Discover our STEINKIS list: graphic documentaries and graphic adaptation for adults. Steinkis essentially publishes non-fiction graphic books (memoirs, docu-fiction, investigations) and also published graphic adaptation of literary works.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2004

        Steven Berkoff and the theatre of self-performance

        by Robert Cross

        This book is the first substantial study of Steven Berkoff's career, examining the construction and projection of his notorious public persona through his plays and writings. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        The four dimensions of power

        Understanding domination, empowerment and democracy

        by Mark Haugaard

        In this accessible and sophisticated exploration of the nature and workings of social and political power, Haugaard examines the interrelation between domination and empowerment. Building upon the perspectives of Steven Lukes, Michel Foucault, Amy Allen, Hannah Arendt, Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu and others, he offers a clear theoretical framework, delineating power in four interrelated dimensions. The first and second dimensions of power entail two different types of social conflict. The third dimension concerns tacit knowledge, uses of truth and reification. Drawing upon genealogical theory and accounts of slavery as social death, the fourth dimension of power concerns the power to create social subjects. The book concludes with an original normative pragmatist power-based account of democracy. Offering lucid and entertaining illustrations of complex theoretical perspectives, this book is essential reading for scholars and activists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2001

        Les Murray

        by Steven Matthews, John Thieme

        Les Murray is amongst the most gifted poets writing today, his multi-faceted talents have received high praise both in his native Australia and beyond. But he has also proved a controversial figure, whose poetry strays across the boundaries of political and cultural debate. The only full critical study of Murray's work available, Steven Matthews provides a complete picture of his career to date, from its early parables of national emergence to the working man's epic encounter with the major events of the twentieth century, Fredy Neptune. Provides detailed readings of key poems, as well as literary and cultural contexts for the rapid shifts in style and subject matter Murray has made from collection to collection. Gives an overview of Murray's place within Australian literature and national thought. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1997

        Steven Spielberg

        Die Eroberung Hollywoods

        by Yule, Andrew / Englisch Gerstner, Doris

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1979

        Malwine in der Badewanne

        by Steven Kellogg, Steven Kellogg, Nele Maar, Paul Maar

        In "Malwine in der Badewanne" entfaltet Steven Kellogg eine liebenswerte und humorvolle Geschichte über Ulli, einen Jungen, der jedes Jahr zu seinem Geburtstag von seinem Onkel Mac Allister aus Schottland ein besonderes Geschenk für seine Naturkunde-Sammlung erhält. Diesmal ist es eine Kaulquappe, die sich als außergewöhnlich herausstellt. Benannt als Malwine, beginnt die Kaulquappe nach ihrer Ankunft ein Käsebrötchen nach dem anderen zu verschlingen und wächst damit zu enormer Größe heran. Schnell wird klar, dass Malwine kein gewöhnlicher Frosch werden wird. Als sie zu groß für das Glas, das Spülbecken und schließlich auch für die Badewanne wird, stehen Ulli und seine Familie vor einem Rätsel: Was tun mit einer Kreatur, die ständig weiterwächst und offensichtlich kein Ende in Sicht ist? Die Situation spitzt sich zu, als die Eltern beschließen, dass Malwine in den Zoo muss. Doch Ulli, der an seiner außergewöhnlichen Freundin hängt, findet mit Hilfe einer cleveren Freundin eine Lösung. Malwine entpuppt sich als Heldin, indem sie einen alten Piratenschatz aus dem Hafen hebt und somit den Bau eines neuen Zuhauses für sich selbst finanziert. Kelloggs Geschichte ist nicht nur eine Erzählung über die ungewöhnliche Freundschaft zwischen einem Jungen und einer Kaulquappe, die zu einem riesigen, freundlichen Wesen heranwächst, sondern auch eine Lektion über Einfallsreichtum, Zusammenhalt und die Fähigkeit, für die, die uns am Herzen liegen, einzustehen. Einzigartige Geschichte: Eine herzerwärmende Erzählung über Freundschaft und das Überwinden von Hindernissen. Humorvolle Abenteuer: Bietet eine perfekte Mischung aus Spaß und Spannung, die Kinder begeistern wird. Lehrreiches Thema: Vermittelt auf spielerische Weise Wissen über Natur und Tierwelt. Beeindruckende Illustrationen: Farbenfrohe und ausdrucksstarke Bilder, die die Fantasie anregen und die Geschichte zum Leben erwecken. Förderung der Kreativität: Regt zum Nachdenken und zur Problemlösung an, zeigt, dass für jedes Problem eine Lösung gefunden werden kann. Einfühlungsvermögen und Fürsorge: Lehrt Kinder ab 4 Jahren die Wichtigkeit von Mitgefühl und das Einstehen für Freunde. Interaktives Leseerlebnis: Ideal zum Vorlesen und gemeinsamen Entdecken mit der Familie. Zeitloser Klassiker: Eine Geschichte, die Generationen von Lesern anspricht und immer aktuell bleibt. Übersetzt von den renommierten Kinderbuchautoren Paul und Nele Maar.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2024

        The Island Book of Records Volume II


        by Neil Storey

        The second volume of this highly collectable series, covering the pivotal years of 1969-70. The Island Book of Records Volume II documents the years 1969-70, during which Island sought to build on its success with the Spencer Davis Group by seeking out new British rock talent. By the end of the period, Island was emerging as a major British label, one that could boast releases from Jethro Tull, Nick Drake, King Crimson, John and Beverley Martyn, Fairport Convention and Cat Stevens. Featuring material from recent interviews and from media interviews of the time, and including a comprehensive discography of 45s, The Island Book of Records Volume II is lavishly illustrated with gig adverts (very many at venues that no longer exist), concert tickets, flyers, international LP variants, labels, LP and 45 adverts and other ephemera collector's dream.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Bonbon and Blanket

        by Emily House

        A new children's picture book by author Emily House (of Earth Takes a Break) brings us the heartwarming tale of Bonbon and Blanket and the lengths we'll go to hold onto those we love. A great pick for a kids' bedtime storybook! Bonbon and Blanket’s friendship is full of fun and adventure, but the pair very soon discover that not every adventure is of their own choosing!

      • Trusted Partner
        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        May 2019

        May Fourth Movement tells You How to Love the Country

        by Cheng Meidong; Shen Chengfei; Zhao Nuo ; Sun Pei .

        Reviewing the May Fourth Movement, clarifying that patriotism is an eternal theme, be responsible is the historical mission in the new era.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Day and Night of the Little Wooden House

        An Invitation Letter from Nature

        by Xue Tao

        An Invitation Letter from Nature series is Xue Tao's first set of nature-themed picture books. Since childhood, Xue Tao has enjoyed getting along with the plants and animals in nature and felt the rise and fall of all beings with a sensitive heart. This set of picture books for nature and ecology education just pays tribute to nature, as well as to a vibrant childhood.   An Invitation Letter from Nature series focuses on the theme of nature in the form of transitions through the four seasons. It currently has five books: Epic of Mountain Forests, Day and Night of the Little Wooden House, One Year of Me and Tree, Missing Bugs and Grass, Birds and Little Beasts as Companions. Each book has its own theme, just like five different landscape paintings, presenting different life experiences.   The book Day and Night of the Little Wooden House depicts the construction of a little wooden house, the changes around it from day to night and from spring to winter, and the days the little boy spends with various insects and beasts, all together creating a beautiful fairy tale.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Which House do You Like?

        by Xiao Aozi

        Down-to-earth--this positive word implies a stable energy. So is it for "home". In the Chinese spiritual world, home represents a sense of belonging. The so-called "home house tranquility" states the important of "house" in ancient times. "Which House Do You Like?" describes the Chinese people's understanding of home. It describes various houses in China and in the world.

      • Trusted Partner

        Socially Competent Kids

        How to Stimulate the Eight Key Social and Emotional Skills of your Child

        by Steven Pont

        What makes children truly happy? The answer to that question is simple, but challenging: their social-emotional competences. Socially competent kids feel good and are more successful in different aspects of life.   One of the most important tasks of a parent is therefore to support their children in developing social skills. This book shows parents how to encourage the social-emotional development of their children. It distinguishes eight skills: awareness of the self, social awareness, self-management, goal oriented behaviour, relational skills, personal responsibility, decision making, and positive thinking.   After giving a clear introduction on social-emotional development, the author explains these skills in more detail in eight chapters. Each chapter contains a detailed real-life example, psychological background information, and practical interventions ready for use by parents, teachers and other caretakers. The interventions and examples are aimed at four to twelve year olds.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        A House that Holds Us All

        by Tang Sulan

        A moment ago, sun was smiling in the sky. Why rain all of the sudden? Snail was not afraid of rain, because he had his own little house. An ant, a bunny and a little boy was running close one by one. They asked a same question, "Can I get in your house to get out of the rain?"

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Kleine Feuerwehr. Drunter und drüber

        by Fox & Sheep, Thies Schwarz

        Begleite Familie Knister auf ein aufregendes neues Abenteuer in „Kleine Feuerwehr. Drunter und drüber“, dem zweiten Band der beliebten Kinderbuchreihe, inspiriert von der erfolgreichen Kinder-App von Fox & Sheep. Dieses Mal erwartet die Familie Knister hochspannende Gäste aus China: eine Feuerwehrmannschaft! Doch die Überraschung ist groß, als die Besucher aus Fernost ganz anders aussehen, als man es erwartet hätte. Sind das wirklich Feuerwehrleute? Ohne gemeinsame Sprache entsteht ein buntes Durcheinander, das Familie Knister und ihre Gäste von einem verrückten Abenteuer ins nächste führt. Witzige Missverständnisse und spannende Herausforderungen warten auf die ungewöhnliche Truppe, die trotz aller Unterschiede zeigt, wie Freundschaft und Zusammenarbeit Barrieren überwinden können. Thematisiert die Begegnung zwischen unterschiedlichen Kulturen auf humorvolle Weise und hebt die Bedeutung von Offenheit und Verständnis hervor. Abenteuerliche Reise voller unerwarteter Wendungen, die Jung und Alt gleichermaßen begeistert. Integrierte Bastelbögen laden zum kreativen Spielen ein. Kinder können ihr eigenes Feuerwehrauto bauen und eine Feuerwache gestalten, um die Geschichte lebendig werden zu lassen. So lassen sich Sprachbarrieren überwinden: Charaktere finden trotz fehlender gemeinsamer Sprache Wege, miteinander zu kommunizieren und zu kooperieren. Reich illustrierte Seiten und ausklappbare Elemente fördern die Vorstellungskraft und Kreativität junger Leser. Eine Geschichte, die zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, einander zu helfen, zusammenzustehen und gemeinsam Lösungen zu finden.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2008

        Mrs. Fox will wieder heim

        Wie ich die Amerikaner verstehen und die Deutschen lieben lernte

        by Fox, Sabrina

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Second Edition

        by Alan Hecht, D.C., Judith A. O’Donnell, M.D., and Steven P. Gelone, Pharm. D.

        Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a sexually transmitted disease seen in women, and is usually caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia. PID most often occurs in adolescent and young women, and can be a silent infection that may go undetected for years. Undiagnosed and untreated, PID leads to many potentially severe and devastating health consequences in women of reproductive age, including infertility.Pelvic Inflammatory Disease discusses the epidemiology of PID, as well as outlines the epidemiology of gonorrhea and chlamydia in the United States. It highlights, through one young woman’s personal story, the severity, the symptoms, and the consequences of PID. Although effective medications have been available for decades, the disease continues to occur and can result in several health complications in young women.

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