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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2011

        Lilia geht zum Elbenball

        Mein zauberhaftes Anzieh-Spiel-Buch

        by Dahle, Stefanie / Illustriert von Dahle, Stefanie

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997

        Systemtheorie und betriebswirtschaftliche Organisationsforschung.

        Eine Nutzenanalyse der Theorien autopoietischer und selbstreferentieller Systeme.

        by Stünzner, Lilia

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        Die kleine Meerjungfrau und das Seepferdchen-Abenteuer

        by Frey, Jana

        Das glitzerschönste Meerjungfrauen-Bilderbuch mit den außergewöhnlichen Illustrationen von Stefanie Dahle verzaubert durch eine funkelnde Folienprägung auf dem Cover und allen Innenseiten: Matilda, die kleine Meerjungfrau, will einmal Seiltänzerin werden. Oder Haifisch-Bändigerin. Oder lieber Akrobatin? Auf jeden Fall aber weltberühmt! So wie ihr Papa, der König des Unterwasserreiches, und ihre Mama, die Königin. Alle außer der muffeligen Kinderfrau Madame Melisande bewundern Matildas tolle Ideen und aufregende Abenteuer - wie die große Seepferdchen-Rettungsaktion. Doch Mama und Papa haben dafür keine Zeit. Immer müssen die beiden regieren! Zum Glück weiß Matilda aber genau, wie sie ihre Eltern davon überzeugen kann, das Seepferdchen zu behalten ... Weitere wunderschön illustrierte Bilderbücher von Stefanie Dahle: Lilia, die kleine Elbenprinzessin Erdbeerinchen Erdbeerfee: Alles voller Sonnenschein Rosa Rosenherz: Im Zauberschloss der Herzenswünsche Frida, die kleine Waldhexe: Hexenspruch und Echsenspeck, schwuppdiwupp, der Neid ist weg

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Ask Miechka

        by Eugenia Kuznetsova

        The story of “Ask Miechka” features four generations of women captured during one summer. Two sisters, Mia and Lilia, come to their “shelter”, their grandmother's old house where they have spent their childhood, in an attempt to put on hold their upcoming life-changing decisions: deciding on immigrating or staying, choosing between a reliable man or wild love. Their grandmother, Thea, is nearing the end of her life and her daughter and the sisters’ mother are fearful to take the place of the oldest woman in the family. The old house, overgrown with weeds, shrubs, and sprawling trees, seems to be frozen in time, lost in oblivion. Yet the sisters bring it back to life: new people come, new cats wander in, pumpkins are grown, and the porch is renovated. The house changes, along with the lives of the women who inhabit it as the summer nears its end. In her debut novel, Eugenia Kuznetsova told a deeply intimate story about the relations between sisters, mothers, and daughters. Vivid dialogues, when the most sensitive things remain unspoken, but somehow felt, define the atmosphere of the story, and highlight the unique ties existing between the generations of women in the family.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2002

        Freiheit für das Kapital!

        Warum der Kapitalismus nicht weltweit funktioniert

        by Soto, Hernando de / Deutsch Kober, Hainer

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2011


        Zentrale Konstellationen der mittel- und osteuropäischen Geschichte. Festschrift für Helmut Altrichter zum 65. Geburtstag

        by Herausgegeben von Stadelmann, Matthias; Herausgegeben von Antipow, Lilia; Unterstützt von Dornhuber, Matthias

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary medicine
        November 2013

        Mononegaviruses of Veterinary Importance, Volume 1

        Pathobiology and Molecular Diagnosis

        by Jonas Wensman, Siamak Zohari, Branka Horvat, Elankumaran Subbiah, Veronica von Messling, Anke Brüning-Richardson, Wenzhi Xue, Jorge Moreno-Lopez, John A Ellis, Changging Qui, David C Lyon, Zhen F Fu, Washington B Cárdenas, Christopher F Basler, Simon J Goodman, Sara Soto, Manika Suryadevera, Joseph Domachowske, Arun K Dhar, Niels Jørgen Olesen, Carol H Kim, Silke Rautenschlein, Gene Garrard Olinger. Edited by Muhammad Munir.

        * Discusses the pathology and laboratory diagnosis of viruses that carry a significant threat to animals in terms of their severity and epidemiological risk * Also looks at mononegavirales that are used as models in the study of infectious disease * Includes viruses with zoonotic potential

      • La performatividad de las imágenes

        by Andrea Soto Calderón

        The concern is constantly manifested in different forms in this book due to the ambivalent power of images. It is a persistent attempt to displace the question from what images are to what their ways of doing are, their performativity. Traditionally, the image has been declared unsuitable for criticizing reality, while today it is claimed that we are immersed in a visual culture that demands to be guided by it. Although most of the images that surround us are for consuming objects and not for generating gazes, this does not imply that images are not still artifacts of speculative, poetic and political power. This text is an invitation to maintain a critical attitude that allows the emergence of new types of conflicts and new ways of seeing. From a sort of counter-intuition, it states that the problem is not the excess of images, but their scarcity, such as those realities that do not have images and are incapable to be imagined. This is an invitation to create other forms of power, to relate what has no relation, exerting in common the power that is shared. Stories must be told, images must be made, and these stories must be believed, as if they were true. For the author, the revolt of forms can occur in these forms of fragile interruption.  Andrea Soto Calderón has a PhD in Philosophy, and currently lives in Barcelona. She is a Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory, and has developed her research in Valparaíso, Barcelona, Lisbon and Paris. In addition to her teaching activity, she is working on an artistic research project in relation to the functioning of images at the La Virreina Centre de la Imatge museum, located in Barcelona. Her research focuses on the transformations of aesthetic experience in contemporary culture, criticism, artistic research, the study of image and media, and the connection between aesthetics and politics. She has written several academic articles, book chapters and texts for catalogs of artists. Among her most recent publications, her book Le travail des images with Jacques Rancière (Les presses du réel, 2019) stands out.

      • Biography & True Stories
        May 2017

        A Girls' Guide to the Islands

        by Suzanne Kamata

        The American writer Suzanne Kamata had lived in Japan for more than half of her life, yet she had never explored the small nearby islands of the Inland Sea. The islands, first made famous by Donald Richie’s The Inland Sea 50 years ago, are noted for displaying artwork created by prominent, and sometimes curious, international artists and sculptors: Naoshima’s wealth of museums, including one devoted to 007, Yayoi Kusama’s polka dot pumpkins, Kazuo Katase’s blue teacup, and a monster rising out of a well on the hour in Sakate, called “Anger at the Bottom of the Sea”—to name a few. Spurred by her teen-aged daughter Lilia’s burgeoning interest in art and adventure, Kamata sets out to show her the islands’ treasures. Mother and daughter must confront several barriers on their adventure. Lilia is deaf and uses a wheelchair. It is not always easy to get onto — or off of — the islands, not to mention the challenges of language, culture, and a generation gap. A Girls’ Guide to the Islands takes the reader on a rare visit by a unique mother and daughter team.

      • The Arts
        October 2015


        by João Farkas

        The more than two hundred photographs featured in the book Occupied Amazonia stem from the concise and keen eye of the photographer João Farkas, who traveled deep into the Amazon region between the 1980s and 1990s to expose the clichés about the Brazilian North rooted in popular imagination. A space of conflicts and convergences, the Amazon region is revealed in multiple facets, ranging from prospectors to natives, missionaries, land-grabbers and migrants. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff, Ricardo Lessa, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz and Farkas himself, the book is a challenging invitation for those willing to rediscover and explore new old worlds.

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