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        by Ben Ami Eliahu

        EL RÍO DE LOS COPOS DE NIEVE   Un viaje hacia el Gran espíritu por Ben Ami Eliahu El Gran espíritu, el espíritu común a toda la humanidad, que contiene todas sus emociones y todos sus pensamientos y posibilita su transición de una generación a otra, está en peligro. Está sangrando. Ya se sienten las consecuencias: un fenómeno extraño, ominoso, congelante se propaga en todo el mundo y provoca un importante descenso en la temperatura corporal de la gente.   Omer, un chico sensible e inteligente que sufre por este fenómeno, se propone investigarlo y se ve envuelto en una aventura de dimensiones múltiples en todo el mundo. Un científico que perdió la memoria le da a conocer el resplandor del espíritu, el material que conecta a la humanidad con sus raíces misteriosas. Personajes oscuros acompañan a Omer a las profundidades de nuestras memorias y nuestros pensamientos comunes. Le cuentan de los importantísimos copos de nieve y le enseñan a mirar desde las alturas hacia el río infinito de la vida, porque solo allí, solo y desde lejos, será capaz de comprender un terrible secreto. «El río de los copos de nieve» es un relato de aventuras, pero al mismo tiempo es una alegoría de un mundo obsesionado por la avaricia y del daño causado a su delicado equilibrio. En esta historia extremadamente imaginativa, sorprendente y poética, el autor describe la lucha entre el bien y el mal, lo antiguo y lo nuevo, el libre albedrío y la dominación y, al mismo tiempo, destaca el poder de la simpleza, la inocencia y el amor. Este libro está destinado tanto para adultos como para lectores jóvenes. Ben Ami Eliahu tiene 46 años, está casado y es padre de una hija. Vive en Israel y el país de origen de sus padres es la India.La mayor parte de la novela se escribió en la India, en una cabaña en medio del bosque. Debido al proceso creativo involucrado en el relato, el autor, un diseñador de aplicaciones informáticas, decidió mudarse al país y comenzar a cultivar uvas...

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        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Charming Stories. Winter

        by Zoi Linska (Author), Lena Lion (Illustrator)

        "Winter” is the first of the four-season series Charming Stories about the adventures of Alice and her charming friends Fairy La La and Martha the Cat, this time with Snowflake and Snowy. Like a golden thread, faith in the fulfilment of desires, the power of team spirit,  and the value of friends’ support run through these light and kind stories. The author Zoi Linska, with the illustrator Lena Lion, invite you to a journey into their world of fantasy and kind magic.   From 3 to 8 years, 8568 words Rightsholders:

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        July 2022

        Mein buntes Regenwald Wimmelbuch

        Welches Tier versteckt sich hier?

        by Cornelia Boese, Diana Kohne

        "Mein buntes Regenwald Wimmelbuch" entführt junge Leser auf eine faszinierende Entdeckungstour durch die dichten Regenwälder der Erde. Zwischen üppigem Grün und exotischen Pflanzen verstecken sich eine Vielzahl von Tieren, vom majestätischen Tiger bis zu den kleinen Papageienküken. Spielerisch und unterhaltsam können Kinder die bunten Seiten erkunden und dabei lustige Reime kennenlernen, die die Vielfalt der Natur einfangen. Dieses nachhaltig produzierte Wimmelbuch bietet nicht nur stundenlangen Entdeckungsspaß, sondern vermittelt auch auf kindgerechte Weise die Bedeutung des Regenwaldes und seiner Bewohner für unser Ökosystem. Spannendes Wimmelbuch für Kinder, das eine lehrreiche und unterhaltsame Entdeckungstour durch den Regenwald bietet. Lustige gereimte Texte begleiten die bunte Welt der Tiere und Pflanzen und machen das Buch auch für Vorlesestunden besonders ansprechend. Kindgerechte Aufbereitung der Lieblingsthemen "Dschungel" und "Wilde Tiere", die die Neugier und Fantasie der jungen Leser anregen. Hochwertige und nachhaltige Produktion, die umweltfreundliche Materialien verwendet und somit ein Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung des Umweltschutzes vermittelt. Robustes Pappbilderbuchformat, das speziell für kleine Kinderhände geeignet ist und lange Freude am Entdecken ermöglicht. Ideales Geschenk für Kinder im Vorschulalter, das nicht nur für Spaß beim Lesen und Betrachten sorgt, sondern auch Wissen über die Natur und Umwelt vermittelt. Einzigartige Illustrationen und detailreiche Szenen laden zum immer wiederkehrenden Erkunden ein und fördern die Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder.

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        July 2024

        Kleb ein buntes Pflaster drauf!

        by Cornelia Boese, Iris Blanck

        Pusten, trösten, Pflaster drauf! In diesem niedlichen Pappbilderbuch haben sich die Tierkinder weh getan: Der Koala hat eine Schramme am Ohr, der Hase eine Blase am Fuß und der Elefant hat sich den Rüssel verbrannt. Da hilft nur trösten, pusten und ein Pflaster draufkleben – und schon sieht die Welt wieder ganz anders aus! Mit den lustigen Schiebern in diesem Mitmachbuch können Kinder ab 2 Jahren die Tierkinder ganz einfach verarzten: Wie von Zauberhand erscheint beim Schieben ein Pflaster auf den Wehwehchen. Die witzigen und eingängigen Reime laden zum Mitsprechen ein. Ein kunterbunter erster Vorlesespaß mit süßen Illustrationen, der ganz spielerisch auch Empathie und Feinmotorik fördert. Kleb ein buntes Pflaster drauf: Erste Hilfe Kindern erklärt Verarzten leicht gemacht: Mitmachbuch für Kinder ab 2 Jahren mit Schiebern, die ein buntes Pflaster auf dem Aua erscheinen lassen. Wichtiges Alltagsthema: Trösten und Erste Hilfe bei kleinen Missgeschicken – spielerisch und leicht verständlich aufbereitet. Toll ausgestattet: Mit stabilen Schiebern, niedlichen Illustrationen und eingängigen Reimen zum Mitsprechen und Trösten. Kunterbunter Schieberspaß: Fördert Einfühlungsvermögen und Feinmotorik. Mit seinen spannenden Schiebern, fröhlichen Illustrationen und einprägsamen Versen spendet das lustige Erste-Hilfe-Buch viel Trost bei kleinen Missgeschicken. Ein witziges Vorlesebuch, das Kindern ab 2 Jahren hilft, die kleinen Herausforderungen des Lebens gut zu meistern.

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        November 2023

        Ganoderma Diseases of Tropical Crops

        by Carmel A Pilotti, Paul Dennis Bridge

        The fungal genus Ganoderma includes around 80 currently recognized species that are widely distributed in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions, and cause disease in a range of economically important perennial crops and tree-like plants. Ganoderma root and lower stem rots have a significant impact on yields from crops including oil palm, coconut, beverage crops, Acacia and rubber. The identification of species responsible for stem and butt rots is often ambiguous as closely related species may only be distinguished by subtle morphological differences. Within species there can be considerable morphological plasticity and this can make morphology-based identification difficult, particularly for species described from a single specimen. Molecular techniques are helping to slowly resolve Ganoderma taxonomy but it will be some time (if ever) before the taxonomy is fully resolved. This book brings together information on Ganoderma species that are reported to be responsible for crop diseases in tropical and sub-tropical agriculture and covers taxonomy, biology, genetics, aetiology, epidemiology and control. This book is an essential resource for researchers in Ganoderma in crop science and tropical agriculture, as well as practitioners and industry.

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        Children's & YA

        A Magical Christmas with the Snow Fairy

        by Stefanie Dahle

        Emmo would also like to celebrate Christmas for a change. He’s lucky that his best friend Gwendoline, the Snow Fairy, is there to help him with his preparations. A Christmas tree, presents, delicious biscuits, sweet-smelling baked apples, and of course glittering white snow - all in readiness for the most wonderful Christmas party the Silver Forest has ever seen. With Stefanie Dahle’s enchanting illustrations, this solid, read-aloud picture book will accompany big and little picture-book lovers through a wonderfully harmonious Advent and Christmas.

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        January 2020

        Krickel-Kratz für unterwegs: Bunte Welt

        by Zeit für Kreativität

        Kleine Künstler aufgepasst: In diesem handlichen Set warten 6 Kratzkarten darauf, dass die bunte Welt der Farben entdeckt und weiter ausgestaltet wird. Ein extra Holzstift hilft beim Kratzen, Zeichen und Gestalten. Das ideale Geschenk für Kinder ab 7 Jahren. Im handlichen Format perfekt für die Handtasche und auf Reisen.

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        Children's & young adult poetry, anthologies, annuals

        Snow Poems For Kids

        by Sashko Dermanskyi, Halyna Malyk, Mariand Savka and other

        Children love poems. So before Christmas, the Old Lion and a group of modern Ukrainian poets and illustrators created this elegant book to read in the family circle. Snow Poems for Kids are full of fun snow games, magical gifts from St. Nicholas and magical moments of Christmas and New Year. Also, the Old Lion reminds young readers to take care of birds and animals in winter. The collection includes poems by Mariana Savka, Halyna Malyk, Halyna Kirpa, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Oleksandr Dermanskyi, Ihor Kalynets, Oksana Lushchevska, Oksana Krotiuk, Hryhorii Falkovich, Tetiana Vynnyk, Yulia Smal, Natalia Poklad, Olesia Mamchych, Ivan Andrusiak , Oleksandr Orlov. Compiler - Natalka Maletych. Illustrated by: Dasha Rakova, Oksana-Olexandra Drachkovska, Yuliia Pylypchatina, Nataliia Oliynyk, Bohdana Bondar, Oksana Bula, Marta Koshulynska, Kateryna Sad.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Mission Flake

        by Mazen Abdalli, Mira Rzany, Annika Hildebrandt, Lara Neudert

        Sophie is teased by her classmates because of her condition: her skin looks different; she has flaky, red patches. That’s why her classmates only call her “Flake”. Sophie is often sad and doesn’t feel like she belongs. She is afraid to tell her classmates about her illness. One day, Lennart makes friends with her after his mom, a doctor, tells him about neurodermatitis. Sophie realizes how important it is that other people know about her illness and has an idea: together with Lennart she wants to talk about it to the children in her class during a school lesson (“Mission Flake”). This book helps children who suffer from atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis) to learn more about the condition and the best way for them to cope with it. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12 years) who sufferfrom atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis)• parents and relatives• teachers• therapists

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        A Psychological Novel on Shellshock Victims

        by Hadassa Ashdot

        Army psychologist Hadassa Ashdot has written a moving novel about the healing power of love and desire, about blind hatred and killing that destroy all good, about the longing for limitless freedom as opposed to cultural and social restrictions and taboos, and about deep loss giving way to light and hope. The story revolves around three Israeli fighters: Nadav, a medic and disillusioned Kibbutz member, and his friends David, enlisted man and one of Israel's “socially disadvantaged”, and Osama, the unit commander who comes from a small Druze village and is a member of this unique minority that serves in the Israeli army. The three are hiding in a cypress forest in Lebanon, where Osama is critically wounded, waiting for an army helicopter to come and rescue them. During their four days of desperate anticipation, the forest where they have taken refuge becomes a fateful and symbolic death trap in which their lives and fates are intertwined. By the time the helicopter arrives, two of the men lay dead, and Nadav, the protagonist, experiences first-hand the trauma of losing friends to war. Shaken by his friends' deaths and the horrific war experience that has turned his world upside down, Nadav leaves Marianne, the girl he loves, and sets out on a trek of self-purification in the Himalayas. But no salvation awaits him there. After being buried in a snow avalanche, from which he was rescued bruised and broken, he sinks into darkness and depression, enduring years of living death in an abyss of despair. Love, ultimately, proves to be the light at the end of the tunnel through which Nadav makes his way back to life - love, the only force capable of healing the deep wound that the war bestowed upon him. Marianne, a Finnish volunteer at the kibbutz, is the woman Nadav loved and left; but she nevertheless accompanies him through the Himalayan snows to which he escapes in an attempt to free himself of the pain and guilt of his friends' deaths. Nadav rediscovers Marianne in the calm affection of middle age, in the snows of Finland, and she is the balm that finally helps soothe the wounds of war. About the author, Hadassa Ashdot, see Borrowed Identity.

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        October 2018

        Broken Bridge,Remnant Snow

        by Wang Xufeng

        “Ten Scenes in West Lake” is the work of Wang Xufeng, the famous writer and Mao Dun Literature Award winner, in the background of Hangzhou West Lake. It is a collection of novellas with the historical " Ten Scenes in West Lake " as the starting point. The ten novellas  are independent stories ,and are also connected to each other, forming a series of books that are saturated with the charm of Jiangnan. The book Broken Bridge,Remnant Snow is one of the novellas. The author uses the broken bridge scenic spots in the West Lake to tell the readers stories among the old man Xu Xuan and Xiao Bai, Xiao Qing and Master Hai. In the misty and rainy West Lake, a piece of past events begins.

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Who Will Make the Snow

        by Taras Prokhasko and Mariana Prokhasko

        Who Will Make the Snow', the book written by Taras Prokhasko and illustated by Mariana Prokhasko will delight readers with its fast-paced simplicity and timelessness. Following the adventures of a family of Moles from the Beech Tree Forest, readers will learn about their rich day-to-day life, the birth of their two newborns, and their adoption of a young rabbit, who brings new experiences for them all. This book will provide questions to discuss and answers to seek, and will likely become an essential book both at home and in classroom libraries.

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        August 2016

        L.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties) 1: Fog and Snow

        by Guo Jingming

        Sold over 1,700,000 copies!The four nations -- Water, Wind, Earth and Fire jointly build up a fantasy world -- Odin Continent. In this world dominated by mysterious sorcery, the Top 7 sorcerers are known as ""Lords"", who represent the peak of the whole nation's strength. In Aslan Empire, a water source in the west of the continent, sorcerers display their powers by manipulating and controlling water elements such as ice, frost, rain and snow. The story starts from Qi Ling, a young civilian in Fortune Town in the south of Aslan, who is involuntarily involved in a fight among sorcerers. When he comes to himself after injury, he, who has never been in contact with the sorcery world, is told that he has become a disciple of the 7th Lord --- a successor to the lord. What's more, in his body there appears a formidable, ferocious soul beast... The door to the new world opens slowly, and the dazzling sorcery fight, which existed only in people's imagination before, unfolds before the eyes of Qi Ling, like a magnificent picture impregnated by blood and glory...

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        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2019

        Winter Tourism

        Trends and Challenges

        by Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Harold Richins, Stefan Türk

        Winter tourism has seen increased levels of investment in recent times as new ski destinations develop and traditional skiing destinations merge to reduce economic risks by means of spatial distribution. Increasingly environmental issues in many established ski resorts, including certifications and adaptions of the management regime, and new mobility concepts to reduce CO2 emissions caused by the travel behavior of the winter tourists, are growing areas of consideration. This includes the importance of scenic beauty, nature and sustainable development as well as snow reliability and avalanche safety. Finally skiers themselves and their preferences (destination choice), need to be considered as part of demographic change and changing leisure time habits, in particular considering the Chinese market and its impact in the future. The book will explore these trends and discuss the different approaches and adaption strategies that are employed in the European Alpine region, North America, and Eastern Europe.

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        Gender studies: men
        November 2007

        Representing Renaissance art, c.1500–c.1600

        by Catherine E. King

        Representing Renaissance art, c.1500-c.1600 is a study of change and continuity in the iconographies of art and the visual representation of artists during the sixteenth century, especially in Italy and the Netherlands. The issue of how, and how far, artists obtained higher status for their profession during the Renaissance is a key question for the study of the early modern period. This book considers the maintenance of well-established traditions for the visual representation of artists, and also examines the new iconographies that emerged in the sixteenth century. By highlighting art and architecture that artists designed for their personal use, including the decoration of their houses, this study provides insight into the tastes and 'ways of looking' specific to artists. By examining the visual evidence we see the opinions both of artists who expressed their views in literary texts, and additionally those of artists who did not publish their ideas in written form.

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        November 2004

        Bunte Blätter

        Herbstliche Aquarelle mit Gedichten und Texten

        by Goldbeck-Löwe, Mihaela C / Herausgegeben von Goldbeck-Löwe, Hans G

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        January 2021

        Blow Flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae, Polleniidae, Rhiniidae)

        by Olga Sivell

        The Blow flies RES Handbook is an identification guide to the British species of the three families Calliphoridae, Polleniidae and Rhiniidae, collectively known as the blow flies. Using high quality diagnostic photographs throughout, the Handbook has been created to satisfy the need for an up-to-date identification tool for both enthusiast and professional entomologists. Blow flies are widely distributed and diverse. Many species are seasonal. Biological recorders should be able to find a good list within their local area. But these flies are also of ecological, medical and veterinary interest. As well as pollinating plants and helping to decompose organic matter, they can also spread disease. Egg laying on living animals, particularly livestock, causes myiasis, sometimes leading to death if not treated early enough. In addition, blow flies are an essential tool of forensic entomology. The presence of different species and their stage of development assists in reconstructing the circumstances around suspicious deaths. Hatching time, larval development and pupation are all highly dependent on temperature. The rate of development also varies between species. The author established the Calliphoridae Recording Scheme in 2015. Following taxonomic changes at the family level this has since become the Calliphoridae, Rhiniidae and Polleniidae Recording Scheme. Until recently all three families were part of the Calliphoridae.

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        January 2021

        Nicht den Drachen wecken

        by Bianca Schulze, Samara Hardy

        "Nicht den Drachen wecken" von Bianca Schulze ist eine interaktive und bezaubernde Gute-Nacht-Geschichte, die Kinder in ein sanftes Abenteuer entführt, in dem sie direkt einbezogen werden. Vorsichtig müssen die Seiten umgeblättert werden, um den tief schlafenden Drachen nicht zu wecken. Doch das Vorhaben gestaltet sich schwieriger als gedacht, denn in der Drachenburg herrscht reges Treiben. Ein Koch sorgt mit klirrenden Töpfen für Aufruhr, und eine laute Party droht die Ruhe endgültig zu stören. Kinder werden dazu animiert, den Drachen sanft zu streicheln, die Partygäste zur Ruhe zu bitten und das Buch zu wiegen, in der Hoffnung, dass der Drache weiterschläft. Als der Drache doch aufwacht, müssen die kleinen Leser eine Lösung finden, um die Situation zu retten. Mit seinen liebevollen Illustrationen und der Aufforderung zur Interaktion ist dieses Buch nicht nur eine Bereicherung für das abendliche Vorlesen, sondern entwickelt sich schnell zum Lieblingsritual für Kinder und Eltern gleichermaßen. Interaktive Elemente: Regt Kinder ab 4 Jahren an, durch Handlungen wie Streicheln, Pusten und Schütteln des Buches aktiv teilzunehmen. Fördert die Feinmotorik und Vorstellungskraft: Durch die Mitmach-Aufforderungen werden motorische Fähigkeiten und die Kreativität der Kinder spielerisch gefördert. Spannendes Abenteuer zur Schlafenszeit: Perfekt als Einschlafritual, das Kinder sanft auf die Nacht einstimmt. Bunter und lebhafter Illustrationsstil: Die farbenfrohen und detailreichen Bilder fesseln die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder und unterstützen das Erzählte visuell. Macht Lust auf mehr: Durch das interaktive Erlebnis werden Kinder ermutigt, sich weiter mit Büchern zu beschäftigen und das Lesen als aktive und spannende Tätigkeit zu entdecken.

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