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      • National University of Singapore Press

        The NUS Press Story NUS Press publishes academic books and journals, as well as general non-fiction. Our home market is Singapore and Southeast Asia, but our books are distributed internationally. We publish books of special relevance to Southeast Asia and we maintain a disciplinary focus on the humanities and social sciences. Books and memoirs meant mostly for a general audience and to be sold in bookshops are published under our Ridge Books imprint. We publish some 30 books a year.   NUS Press currently publishes two academic journals: China: An International Journal (for the East Asian Institute at NUS) and Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia.  We are accepting new journal proposals. Please contact us at if you are interested to start a new journal. For more, see Journals.   The National University of Singapore Press is heir to a tradition of academic publishing in Singapore that dates back some 60 years, starting with the work of the Publishing Committee of the University of Malaya, beginning in 1954. Singapore University Press was created in 1971 as the publishing division of the University of Singapore. The University of Singapore merged with Nanyang University in 1980 to become the National University of Singapore, and in 2006 Singapore University Press was succeeded by NUS Press, bringing the name of the press in line with the name of the university.   Our publishing mission is to enable the dissemination and creation of knowledge through the publishing of scholarly and academic books; and to empower learning, innovation and enterprise for the Singapore- and Asia-focused global community. All NUS Press books must be approved by a Publishing Committee, drawn from the ranks of the academic staff at the National University of Singapore. NUS Press is currently managed by Peter Schoppert. Previous Director Paul Kratoska remains onboard as Publishing Director.

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      • Singapore Book Publishers Association (SBPA)

        The Association represents the interests of Singapore publishers who are engaged in a wide range of publishing, marketing and distribution activities in both print and digital formats. From 22 member companies at its inception, the Association has grown to accommodate more than 70 members who publish in all four official languages of Singapore. Since its inception, the SBPA's objective has been to develop and strengthen the book ecosystem of Singapore in partnership with other like-minded organisations.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2025

        Vom Glück des Vogelgesangs

        Zehn Porträts beliebter Singvögel | Mit kurzen Steckbriefen mit den wichtigsten Infos zu jeder Art

        by Silke Kipper, Marieke Nelissen

        Perfektes Geschenk für leidenschaftliche Ornitholog:innen, Vogel-Laien und Naturfreund:innen Egal, ob in der Stadt oder auf dem Land, im Wald oder am See: Wir sind umgeben von Vögeln. Beachtung schenken wir ihnen meist erst dann, wenn sie besonders laut werden, zetern, sich gegenseitig rufen – oder singen. Morgens weckt uns die Amsel vor dem offenen Fenster, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit hören wir die Stare und Spatzen, und spätabends lässt die Königin aller Singvögel, die Nachtigall, ihr Lied hören. Die Vogelkennerin Silke Kipper erzählt leichtfüßig und informativ davon, was jede der zehn beliebten Singvogelarten so besonders macht und warum sie auch aus der Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte nicht mehr wegzudenken sind.Sie wirft einen frischen Blick auf die bekanntesten einheimischen Singvögel – ebenso fundiert wie unterhaltsam.

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