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Promoted ContentThe ArtsFebruary 2022
"I am Jugoslovenka!"
Feminist performance politics during and after Yugoslav Socialism
by Jasmina Tumbas, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon
"I am Jugoslovenka" argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia's unique history of patriarchy and women's emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today, including Marina Abramovic, Sanja Ivekovic, Vlasta Delimar, Tanja Ostojic, Selma Selman and Helena Janecic, along with music legends Lepa Brena and Esma Redzepova. "I am Jugoslovenka" tells a unique story of women's resistance through the intersection of feminism, socialism and nationalism in East European visual culture.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2023
Ein Weihnachtsgast
by Selma Lagerlöf, Ulrike Möltgen, Hanna Granz
Weihnachten in Schweden, als es noch richtige Winter gab: Der Band versammelt die schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten von Selma Lagerlöf, der Autorin von »Die wunderbare Reise des kleinen Nils Holgersson mit den Wildgänsen«. Ihre Erzählungen gehören zu den Klassikern des Genres. Die Ausgabe der Insel-Bücherei enthält u.a. »Die Heilige Nacht«, »Der Traumpfannkuchen« und »Die Legende von der Christrose«. Alle Texte wurden neu übersetzt von Hanna Granz und mit den stimmungsvollen Bildern von Ulrike Möltgen kann man die Geschichten in der Adventszeit gemeinsam anschauen und lesen: Weihnachten, wie es früher war!
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2013
Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Nils Holgersson
by Usch Luhn, Joëlle Tourlonias, Selma Lagerlöf
In "Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Nils Holgersson" von Usch Luhn wird die bekannte Geschichte des unartigen Jungen Nils, der durch eine magische Verwandlung die Welt aus einer neuen Perspektive erlebt, neu erzählt. Nils, der sich an Tieren vergreift und nicht die freundlichste Person ist, erfährt am eigenen Leib, wie es ist, klein und machtlos zu sein, als er plötzlich auf Daumengröße geschrumpft ist. Diese unerwartete Veränderung führt dazu, dass er mit einer Schar Wildgänse durch Schweden fliegt, was den Beginn eines großen Abenteuers markiert. Auf seiner Reise lernt Nils, die Welt mit anderen Augen zu sehen, und entwickelt Mitgefühl und Verständnis für die Lebewesen um ihn herum. Die Neuinterpretation dieses Klassikers von Selma Lagerlöf durch Usch Luhn macht die zeitlose Geschichte zugänglich und unterhaltsam für Kinder ab vier Jahren. Durch die spannenden Erlebnisse von Nils Holgersson und seine Entwicklung von einem frechen zu einem mitfühlenden Jungen bietet das Buch nicht nur eine fesselnde Lektüre, sondern vermittelt auch wichtige Werte wie Empathie und Respekt gegenüber anderen Lebewesen. Die detaillierten und lebhaften Illustrationen ergänzen die erzählte Geschichte perfekt und machen das Buch zu einem visuellen Genuss. Mit seiner kindgerechten Sprache und den kurzen Kapiteln eignet sich "Klassiker zum Vorlesen: Nils Holgersson" ideal zum Vorlesen und als Einstieg in die Welt der Literaturklassiker für junge Leser. Zeitloser Klassiker in kindgerechter Neuauflage: Die berühmte Geschichte von Nils Holgersson, neu erzählt für Kinder ab 4 Jahren. Werte wie Empathie und Respekt werden vermittelt: Nils' Reise lehrt junge Leser wichtige Lektionen über Mitgefühl und das Verständnis für andere. Spannende Abenteuer und lehrreiche Erfahrungen: Die Reise durch Schweden ist voller aufregender Begegnungen und Erkenntnisse. Wunderschöne Illustrationen: Die lebendigen und detailreichen Bilder bereichern die Geschichte und fesseln die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder. Ideal zum Vorlesen: Kurze Kapitel und eine fesselnde Erzählweise machen das Buch zu einem perfekten Vorleseerlebnis für Eltern und Kinder. Fördert die Liebe zur Natur und Tieren: Nils' Interaktionen mit den Tieren und seine Reise durch die Natur wecken Interesse und Bewunderung für die Umwelt.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
Quantifying Matter, Revised Edition
by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.
Quantifying Matter, Revised Edition explains how scientists learned to measure matter and quantify some of its most fascinating and useful properties. It presents many of the most important intellectual achievements and technical developments that led to the scientific interpretation of substance, starting with the cosmic origin of the elements. Complete with full-color photographs, this newly updated reference describes the fundamental characteristics and properties of matter. Quantifying Matter, Revised Edition is designed to help any student or teacher with an interest in the measurement and behavior of matter discover what matter is, how scientists measure and characterize its various forms, and how the properties of matter have influenced the course of human civilization. Chapters include: Exploring the Nature of Matter The Origin of Matter The Search for Substance Quantifying Matter During the Scientific Revolution Understanding Matter's Electromagnetic Properties Periodic Table of the Elements Discovering the Radioactive Nature of Matter Exploring the Atomic Nucleus Contemporary View of Matter Manipulating Matter Atom by Atom.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
Solid Matter, Revised Edition
by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.
Solid Matter, Revised Edition uncovers many of the discoveries that led to the scientific interpretation of matter in the solid state. Supported by a generous quantity of full-color illustrations, Solid Matter, Revised Edition introduces the fundamental characteristics and properties of solid matter. This reference describes the cosmic connection of the elements, leading readers through several key events in human prehistory that resulted in advanced uses of matter in the solid state. Solid Matter, Revised Edition is designed to help any student or teacher with an interest in the mysteries of matter: what it is, where it came from, how scientists measure and characterize it, and how knowledge of its fascinating properties and characteristics has shaped the course of human civilization. Chapters include: Solid Matter: An Initial Perspective Physical Behavior of Matter The Gravity of Matter Fundamentals of Materials Science Rocks and Minerals Metals Building Materials Carbon: Earth's Most Versatile Element Sand, Silicon, and Ceramics Polymers, Soft Matter, and Composites.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2007
Public issue television
World in Action' 1963–98
by Peter Goddard, John Corner, Kay Richardson
Public issue television is a major contribution to understanding the relationship between television, politics and society. Based on full access to the archives, it offers a fascinating historical account of how one television series, Granada's World in Action, celebrated for its tough journalism, visual directness and public impact, functioned and developed over its run across 35 years between 1963 and 1998. In a succession of chapters looking at different periods in the series' development and at key dimensions of its distinctive identity, it gets deep inside the making of factual television and examines how a particular culture of production works within broader conditions of possibility and constraint. In particular, it charts the interwoven processes of change - technological, professional, aesthetic, institutional, economic, social and political. As well as discussing achievement and success, it examines the tensions, the debates and open conflicts that formed part of the context within which the series was made and transmitted across four decades. ;
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
Extreme States of Matter, Revised Edition
by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.
Extreme States of Matter, Revised Edition takes the reader on a journey across the most exciting scientific frontiers of the 21st century. Supported by full-color illustrations, this reference describes the unusual characteristics and properties of matter at extreme states. Such extreme states include matter at exceptionally high temperatures, exceptionally low temperatures, incredibly high pressures, intense magnetic fields, and intense gravitational fields. Readers will explore how the properties and characteristics of extreme-state matter might influence the course of human civilization in this century in this up-to-date reference edition. Chapters include: An Initial Look at Matter Nearing Extreme Conditions Birth of the Universe Atomism Very Hot Matter Life Cycles of Stars The Dark Side of the Universe Very Cold Matter Antimatter Beyond Einstein Living and Thinking Matter.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017
Colonial frontiers
by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Kim Latham
Colonial frontiers explores the formation, structure and maintenance of boundaries and frontiers in settler colonies. Drawing on the work of anthropologists, historians, archaeologists and post-colonial theorists, the authors in this fascinating collection explore the importance of cross-cultural interactions in the settler colonies of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and America. Taking key historical moments to illuminate the formation of new boundaries and the interaction between the settler societies and the indigenous groups, this book raises many important questions about how the empire worked 'on the ground'. Importantly, the collection attempts to theorise the indigenous experience. As we move towards globalisation, borders and boundaries have begun to fall away. This book reminds us that not long ago the frontiers and boundaries were the key sites for cross-cultural interaction. This collection, which includes chapters by John K. Noyes, Nigel Penn, Kay Schaffer and Ian McNiven, is broad in scope and presents an exciting new approach to the issues surrounding group interaction in colonial settings. Students and academics, from backgrounds such as imperial history, anthropology and post-colonial studies, will find this collection extremely valuable.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
Gaseous Matter, Revised Edition
by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.
Gaseous Matter, Revised Edition takes readers through many important discoveries that led to the scientific interpretation of gaseous matter. This updated resource describes the fundamental characteristics and properties of several important gases, including air, hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and nitrogen. The nature and scope of the science of fluids is discussed in great detail, highlighting the most important scientific principles upon which the field is based. Gaseous Matter, Revised Edition identifies the wide range of applications that gaseous matter plays in nearly all professional scientific and engineering fields. Chapters include: Gaseous Matter—An Initial Perspective Physical Characteristics of Gases The Rise of the Science of Gases Kinetic Theory of Gases Earth's Atmosphere Wind—Its Power and Applications Air Pollution Human Flight Some Interesting Gases Gases for Energy.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
Energy of Matter, Revised Edition
by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.
Energy of Matter, Revised Edition presents the most important intellectual achievements and technical developments that led people to use matter's energy content more efficiently. Supported by full-color illustrations, this updated reference describes the transformation of matter into energy and vice versa. This reference emphasizes the historical context in which major energy development milestones occurred. Energy of Matter, Revised Edition has been designed to help any student or teacher with an interest in the energy mysteries of matter, the relationship between matter and energy, how scientists measure and characterize energy, and how the knowledge and use of energy shaped the course of human civilization. Chapters include: Understanding Energy The Big Bang—Source of All Energy and Matter The Energy of Motion Discovering the Nature of Heat Thermodynamics Harvesting Energy Locked in Fossil Fuels Manipulating Matter's Electromagnetic Properties Discovering Equivalence of Energy and Matter Renewable Energy Resources Hydrogen—The Fuel of Tomorrow.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
Liquid Matter, Revised Edition
by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.
Some of life's most essential activities such as power generation, air transportation, space exploration, sewage systems, and modern medicine depend upon humankind's ability to understand and predict how liquids and gases behave. Liquid Matter, Revised Edition gives an in-depth look into the fundamental characteristics of various liquids required for life on Earth and beyond. With liquids being one of the three most familiar states of matter encountered on Earth, this reference describes the role of liquids in Earth's most essential processes. This newly updated edition focuses on several important liquids, including water, blood, oil, and mercury, highlighting the most important scientific principles upon which the field is based. Chapters include: Liquid Matter—An Initial Perspective Physical Characteristics of Liquids Fundamentals of Fluid Science Water—Nature's Most Amazing Molecule The Oceans Water—Its Power and Applications Liquid Refreshments Lethal Liquids Volcanoes, Hot Springs, and Geysers Very Cold Liquids.
Trusted Partner
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerMarch 2003
Seelandschaft mit Pocahontas
by Arno Schmidt, Sibylle Lewitscharoff
»Seine wohl schönste Liebesgeschichte«, urteilt Walter Kempowski über Arno Schmidts 1953 entstandene Erzählung Seelandschaft mit Pocahontas. Der Erzähler Joachim, ein mittelloser Schriftsteller, und Erich Kendziak, ein gutsituierter Malermeister, knattern mit dem Motorrad ins Oldenburgische an den Dümmer See. Die beiden Freunde wollen ein paar Urlaubstage verbringen. Als sie Annemarie und Selma, zwei junge Sekretärinnen, kennenlernen, treten die gemeinsamen Kriegserinnerungen hinter rasch hervorbrechender Vergnügungslust zurück. Joachim und Selma steuern in eine Romanze, die nur wenige Tage währt, sie schreiben ihre Namen ins Wasser und rudern nächtens durchs Schilf. Immer wieder jedoch durchbrechen die rotzigen Kommentare Joachims zu Christentum und Adenauerrestauration das sommerliche Idyll und tauchen die gesellschaftliche und politische Realität der 50er Jahre in unbarmherzig helles Licht.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2024
Ein Bilderbuch zum Vorlesen neu erzählt
by Susan Niessen, Barbara Rose, Christian Dreller, Petra Steckelmann, Regina Hegner, Anne Ameling, Lea Hirsch, Naeko Ishida, Laura Bednarski, Tina Kraus, Marc-Alexander Schulze, Christa Unzner, Daniela Kunkel, Miryam Specht, James M. Barrie, Johanna Spyri, Gerdt von Bassewitz, Selma Lagerlöf, Lewis Carroll, L. Frank Baum, Carlo Collodi
Zum Jubiläum „90 Jahre ellermann Verlag“: klassische Kindergeschichten zum Vorlesen. In diesem wunderschönen Bilderbuch-Sammelband finden sich acht bekannte Klassiker für Kinder – zum gemeinsamen Entdecken. Was für ein Vergnügen, in die fantasievollen Welten von Johanna Spyri, Lewis Carroll oder Selma Lagerlöf einzutauchen, mit Peter Pan nach Nimmerland zu fliegen oder die Abenteuer von Ali Baba und seinen vierzig Räubern mitzuerleben! Alle Geschichten und Märchen sind zum Vorlesen bestens geeignet, begeistern die Kleinen ebenso wie ihre größeren Geschwister und Erwachsene. Auf großzügig und bunt bebilderten Seiten werden die Geschichten von Peter Pan, Alice im Wunderland, Heidi und Co. auf charmante und kindgerechte Weise ganz neu erzählt. Diese Bilderbuch-Geschichten sind enthalten: Peter Pan Heidi Peterchens Mondfahrt Ali Baba und die 40 Räuber Nils Holgersson Alice im Wunderland Der Zauberer von Oz Pinocchio Weltliteratur für Kinder – ein Schatz unter den Bilderbüchern für alle, die das Vorlesen lieben. Acht der schönsten Kinderklassiker in einem Sammelband zum Vorlesen und Selberlesen. Passt perfekt ins Regal im Kinderzimmer: Die „Klassikerschätze“ sind farbenfroh illustriert und auch zum Anschauen toll, wenn deine Kids noch nicht allein lesen können. Neuauflage von „Meine liebsten Kinderklassiker“ – charmant bebildert, kindgerecht erzählt. Für viele zauberhafte Vorlesemomente mit Kindern ab 3 Jahren.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerFertilizers & manuresDecember 2000
Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter
by Edited by Robert M Rees, B Ball, C Watson, C D Campbell
Includes some fifty edited and revised papers from an international conference on Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter, held by the British Society of Soil Science in Edinburgh in September 1999. The book explores the results of recent research studies examining how organic matter functions in soils, factors affecting organic matter quality and quantity and how management of organic matter can be optimised in order to achieve sustainable farming practices.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2024
Die Macht der Kritik
Soziale Kämpfe, widerständiges Wissen und Kritische Theorie
by Robin Celikates
Von Black Lives Matter über Fridays for Future bis zu migrantischen Protesten: In den letzten Jahren haben zahlreiche soziale Bewegungen eine radikale Kritik unserer Gegenwart formuliert und weitgehende Veränderungen eingefordert. Das in diesen Bewegungen zum Ausdruck kommende widerständige Wissen kann auch eine Theorie revitalisieren, die ihrem Anspruch auf Verankerung in den Kämpfen ihrer Zeit und dem Ziel der gesellschaftlichen Emanzipation verpflichtet bleibt. Ausgehend von verschiedenen Praktiken des Widerstands und ihrer demokratischen und epistemischen Bedeutung, entwirft Robin Celikates Perspektiven für eine Kritische Theorie der Politik der Gegenwart.
Trusted PartnerBiography & True StoriesNovember 2024
Walking in the dark
James Baldwin, my father and I
by Douglas Field
A moving exploration of the life and work of the celebrated American writer, blending biography and memoir with literary criticism. Since James Baldwin's death in 1987, his writing - including The Fire Next Time, one of the manifestoes of the Civil Rights Movement, and Giovanni's Room, a pioneering work of gay fiction - has only grown in relevance. Douglas Field was introduced to Baldwin's essays and novels by his father, who witnessed the writer's debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965. In Walking in the dark, he embarks on a journey to unravel his life-long fascination and to understand why Baldwin continues to enthral us decades after his death. Tracing Baldwin's footsteps in France, the US and Switzerland, and digging into archives, Field paints an intimate portrait of the writer's life and influence. At the same time, he offers a poignant account of coming to terms with his father's Alzheimer's disease. Interweaving Baldwin's writings on family, illness, memory and place, Walking in the dark is an eloquent testament to the enduring power of great literature to illuminate our paths.