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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 2014

        Dog Selfies

        Mit deutschen Texten

        by Ellis, Charlie

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2014

        Cat Selfies

        Mit deutschen Texten

        by Ellis, Charlie

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        Hilfe! Das Internet ist weg!

        by R.L. Ullman, Bhumi Loupito

        Sammy verbringt sehr viel Zeit mit seinem Tablet. Er liebt Katzenvideos, Onlinespiele und Selfies. Doch plötzlich, eines Tages, passiert auf seinem Tablet gar nichts mehr. Der Bildschirm friert einfach ein. Sammy wird ziemlich nervös. Doch dann stellt sich heraus, dass auch das Handy seiner Mutter und der Computer seines Vaters nicht mehr online sind. Die ganze Familie gerät regelrecht in Panik und weiß mit dieser Situation nicht umzugehen. Sie versuchen alles mögliche, um endlich wieder online zu sein, aber niemand kann helfen. Die Situation zieht sich über Stunden, Tage und Wochen hin. Und plötzlich beginnt die Familie, das zwischenmenschliche Miteinander wiederzuentdecken. Sie fangen an, gemeinsam zu spielen - auch mit ihrem Haustier, das in der Vergangenheit etwas vernachlässigt wurde. Ihr Leben bekommt eine neue Qualität zurück. Und dann, eines Tages, ist das Internet plötzlich wieder da! Sammy fängt sofort wieder an, Katzenvideos zu schauen, Onlinespiele zu spielen und Selfis zu machen. Er ist sehr glücklich, wieder online zu sein. Doch nach kurzer Zeit stellt er fest, dass auch die Dingen, die er mit seiner Familie und dem Hund gemacht hat, Spaß machen und legt sein Tablet häufiger zur Seite, um wieder mehr am realen Leben teilzunehmen.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022


        Fuckability, orgasm gap and #metoo

        by Henriette Hell

        Lust, a mortal sin? These times are over. In today's public perception, it is more likely for a boring sex life to be categorised as that. In statistical terms, people have never had as little sex with each other as they do today. And yet tips for a good sex life are to be found on every (digital) corner. Sex has mutated into a lifestyle product, and terms like 'fuckability' and 'MILF' trip lightly off our tongues. Henriette Hell takes a closer look at the thing about sex. She traces the history and genesis of 'sexual liberation', and sheds light on the 'cheating gene' and the #metoo debate. The author asks (and answers) the question of whether sex is becoming more and more antisocial and what actually still turns us on today. In doing so, she focuses on the former mortal sin of lust, which is inseparably linked to the systematic suppression of female lust (and its liberation).

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2020

        You are Not Your Selfie

        9 digital secrets that everybody knows but nobody explains

        by Liliana Arroyo

      • Children's & YA

        La versión de Eric (Eric's version)

        by Nando López

        GRAN ANGULAR PRIZE 2020 -   In this world of images and appearances, keeping silent or hiding are not an option if we are to defend the inalienable right to be who we are and to defend who we want to be. La versión de Eric combines the intrigue of a thriller with the intimate perspective of its narrator protagonist. The action unfolds in a police station, late at night. As Eric waits to talk to the police about the crime that has just occurred, he recalls his past and everything that led up to the events that have brought him here: he was nine years old when his father left home, eleven when the nightmares started, thirteen the first time he was admitted, fourteen when he met Tania. His friendship with Tania will play a key role in his life as, together, they set out on a new path that leads them to discover and accept themselves. It is through Tania that he takes up acting classes, Lorca, the series, success, followers… but also, on that terrible night, full of secrets, there will be a corpse on the tarmac and half-truths in abundance. Eric just wants his version of the story to be told.

      • September 2021


        Marie has left her native countryside, and has taken a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. Staying with her parents’ friends, the husband regularly abuses her. So, she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow...

        by Camille Lysière

        Marie has just graduated from high school. She leaves her hometown and takes a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. During her stay, she is hosted by a couple, her parents’ friends. He is a shadowy journalist. She is a frustrated housewife. Marie, who dreams of a future in literature, is honored to have Olivier take an interest in her. He enjoys chatting with her, he takes her seriously. Marie feels important when he invites her to his office for a private chat. But this beautiful relationship gradually goes off track. There is that one time by the library when he holds onto her a little longer than necessary. Should she have said or done something?Since then, Olivier comes to her room to talk. The first time he sits on the bed, imploring. The next time, she struggles, but it is not enough. And every other night he comes back. Marie is devastated. Had she seduced Olivier in spite of herself? So she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow. Marie is not alone. In 2009, she is experiencing what other 17-year-old women like her have experienced in another times. Claudine in 1937, Isabelle in 1973 and Amandine in 1990. Travelling through time, this striking novel gives us the same story: the tragedy and the arbitrary nature of rape that shatters destinies.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Magnetic North: Justin Trudeau

        by Alan Hustak

        Justin Trudeau: scion of political royalty, neglected son of difficult parents, actor, hot-tempered young delegate, selfie-king, and possibly the world's most popular and telegenic leader. This thrilling book traces the remarkable rise of Justin Trudeau to become a desired and admired world leader in the grim age of Trump & Twitter. How did he do it? The secret is in his backstory. Alan Hustak has been granted unprecedented access from friends and relatives of both Pierre and the young Justin Trudeau. Exposing Trudeau's childhood spent with a cerebral father, his experiences acting and teaching in Vancouver, and his eventual acceptance that his destiny lay in politics, Hustak weighs up the man against the objectified myth, and analyses the evidence for Trudeau's sincerity, honesty and dedication to change. Is Trudeau truly the herald of a better kind of politics - or is this progressive agenda just a people pleasing mask?

      • December 2020

        A Road to Extinction

        Can Palaeolithic Africans survive in the Andaman Islands?

        by Jonathan Lawley

        Extinction faces the Jarawa, perhaps the oldest tribe of human beings in the world, because of a road that runs through pristine forests in the Indian-administered Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal, and no one seems to care. Tourists take the road each day to try and get selfies with the tribespeople, who came from what is now Botswana at least 60,000 years ago. Once proud of their independence, the Jarawa are now tempted with biscuits and trinkets, as if they were exotic animals in a human safari park. They cannot survive like this. In his astonishing book, Jonathan Lawley returns to what was once a penal colony built by the British to house Indian mutineers. He asks what responsibility colonial administrators like his grandfather may have had for the sad plight of these palaeolithic hunter-gatherers, and what the Indian government should be doing to protect them. Sumptuously illustrated with the author’s never-before-seen archive photographs.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        April 2021

        The New Wedding Book

        A Guide to Ditching All the Rules

        by Michelle Bilodeau and Karen Cleveland

        Plan your wedding without the weight of outdated customs and get hitched in a way that is authentic, fun, and true to who you are.   “But you’re getting married! You have to!”   That empty statement is on the other end of everything from jaw-droppingly expensive dresses, staged proposal engagement photo shoots, and reception selfie stations. From the minute they become engaged, there’s a script that couples are pressured to follow.   By breaking down the antiquated traditions of that #blessedweddingday, this book will help betrothed pairs throw the icky bridal traditions to the curb in honour of getting the wedding of their actual dreams—not the one we’ve been force-fed for decades by the wedding- industrial complex.   Inspiring couples to plan their wedding in a way that is meaningful to them, The New Wedding Book debunks the “traditions,” makes sense of realistic budgets, offers brilliant advice from real-life couples, and confronts the crushing pressure for weddings to be perfect.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Unbox Your Relationship

        How to draw people to you and build relationships that last

        by Tobias Beck

        Are you ready to have the best relationships of your life? Tobias Beck shows how you achieve them – at work and in your private life Thanks to our networked world, we have more relationships than ever before. We’ve never been in touch with so many people at any one time, and it’s never been so hard for us to open up to one another. We live in a world that strives for perfection and forgets that relationships are not a filtered Instagram selfie. Relationships exist alongside and because of us and, as such, are also like us: unique, flawed, and constantly changing. This is a good thing. Perfection is far too static a state for the colourful emotional world where our relationships reside. We need relationships to be happy, yet it is this unique emotional world that makes it so difficult for us to establish them in the first place. In this new book, Tobias Beck takes you on a journey aimed at achieving the best relationships of your life. As a first step, you must fall in love with yourself – because your relationship with yourself determines the standards of compassion, understanding, respect, and trust that is reflected in your relationships with others. Once you have learned to say goodbye to the beliefs that hold you back and to forgive the past and yourself, you will be able to intensively nourish good relationships and say goodbye to others. Your life deserves the best relationships you can foster. Tobias’ animal-based model of the four basic types of person - whale, shark, dolphin and owl - has already inspired millions online. It will help you figure out what the people around you feel and believe. What motivates them? What are the things they dream of? What scares them? In Tobias’ many humorous stories, you’ll recognise your partner, family, friends, colleagues and yourself, and thus learn to understand all these people better. By the end of the book, you’ll speak the language of the four animals and know why dolphins should never marry owls, why you should adopt a whale and what you should avoid so as not to be eaten by a shark.                Tobias will take you on a journey to yourself and the people you love – with empathy, poignancy and plenty of laughs along the way. About the Author: With more than 250,000 seminar participants and 5 million Podcast listeners Tobias Beck belongs to the most in demand speakers in the German-speaking countries. Tobias Beck motivates you, gives you concrete tips and shows you ways in which you can free yourself from everything that oppresses you, that keeps you small. Learn to think in terms of opportunities and possibilities instead of first seeing problems and risks in everything. Go your own way and let your dreams and visions guide you. And above all, look for people who support you, who let you grow and help you to move forward - this is how you live your own life successfully and authentically BEWOHNERFREI®.

      • Health & Personal Development

        OFFLINE Finding Yourself In The Age of Distractions

        by Desi Anwar

        This collection of reflections is to remind us of some of the things we can turn our distracted minds to, when we can direct our attention to what are in front of us, above us, and more importantly, within us, using all the senses that we were all born with. They are a rediscovery of some of the things we have forgotten how to do or have put aside in favour of our all consuming electronic toys, and an attempt to help us reconnect once more with our senses and our natural gifts.So, why not put your smart phones, tablets, games, gadgets and anything with a screen, down for a few minutes. Take a deep breath and look up. Because at the end of the day, it is not just any journey we are making, but a journey to discover and appreciate who we are and what makes us human.

      • Children's & YA
        June 2020


        by Severino Rodrigues

        Letícia and Makoto both faced difficult situations. She had quite a scare – imagine having a near-heart attack before the age of 20? He lost his beloved grandfather and since then, a great sadness has invaded him. Together, they will discover what it means to live, grow and overcome the problems life throws our way.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        On Days Such as This

        by Gail Dendy

        From the unusual opening poem (conflating birth with a car crash) to its close (an abandoned suitcase representing an entire lifetime), this book weaves its stories backwards and forwards through time and place. There is insight, sensuality, reflection, surprise, and humour as discovered through various personae - be it a tender mother, a heartbroken widow, or a male poet wrestling with writer's block, as well as in objects such as an old chest of drawers, a bronze-age trumpet, or a piece of string. This compelling collection demonstrates technical and linguistic mastery and genuine philosophical depth. In language that is a joy to read, the poems illuminate the capacity for love, loss, hope, and passion which exists in each and every one of us.

      • August 2023

        Curiosity's Eyes

        by Read With You Center for Excellence in STEAM

        Curiosity is an inspiring rover trundling around the surface of Mars!  What does it see as it explores?  What is it looking for in the red, sandy deserts?  In this gorgeous pre-K book, the plucky rover itself shares its extraterrestrial findings and incredible photos.   Curiosity's Eyes and the accompanying Eyes in Space titles are the perfect way to introduce young readers to the wonders of outer space and the human ingenuity that makes exploration possible.

      • Children's & YA

        Truly Unruly

        Surprise President #2

        by Sara Cano, Eugenia Ábalos

        After a brief stint as prime minister of Betulia, a tiny country, teenager Martha Chacras is now a (democratically chosen) student representative at her high school. However, her responsibilities don?t end there, because her mother is the new prime minister and that means lots of protocolary stuff to deal with. Martha just wants everyone to let her be a fun-loving thirteen year old girl, but in order to defend that right she?s going to have to start a real revolution... And create an independent new country where adults are not allowed. How will she end this mess?

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