Eyewear Publishing

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The Black Spring Press Group consists of Eyewear Publishing and Black Spring Press. An independent book publishing group based in London, UK. Our books have been recommended by such figures as Vicki Feaver, Stephen Fry, Gina Miller, Salman Rushdie, and The Rev. Jesse Jackson. Our books appear in major bookshops across the UK, Ireland Canada and the USA, distributed by Booksource, LitDistCo and SPD. We are represented by Quantum Publishing Solutions sales team. Our authors include a Poet Laureate of Canada, a TS Eliot winner, a Pulitzer winner, and the world’s leading expert on John Ashbery. Our renowned pamphlet series has been shortlisted for the prestigious Michael Marks Award, given each year at The British Library. Our novels have been optioned for film, and adapted for radio and broadcast on the BBC.


Licensing Information

We are looking forward to discussing licensing options and translation opportunities!


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