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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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      • Maria Pinto-Peuckmann

        Rights Agent representing German Publishers and Authors in the fields of Business & Management, Finance, Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Sport & Fitness, Society, Ecology, Women Empowerment, IT Subjects, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Health, Dementia, Mental Health, and Therapeutic Books for children throughout the world and international publishers for German and Portuguese Language rights.

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        Babyn Jar. Stimmen

        Gedichte. Ukrainisch und deutsch Aus dem Ukrainischen von Claudia Dathe

        by Marianna Kijanowska

        In Babyn Jar, einer Schlucht bei Kiew, wurden Ende September 1941 mehr als 33 000 Kiewer Juden von den deutschen Einsatzgruppen, der Wehrmacht und lokalen Helfern erschossen. Das Hier und Jetzt jener endlosen Tage verwandelt die ukrainische Lyrikerin Marianna Kijanowska in eine nicht mehr weichende Gegenwart. Die 67 Gedichte ihres Zyklus, die »Stimmen«, sind fiktive Selbstaussagen von Kiewer Bürgern, die durch die Straßen getrieben wurden, aber auch von anderen, die am Fenster standen oder von ferne die Schüsse hörten. Das Buch ist in vieler Hinsicht einzigartig und wird Anlass zu Diskussionen geben. Der wohl bedeutsamste Aspekt: Eine nicht-jüdische Ukrainerin klagt und erinnert an die Kiewer Juden, deren Ermordung erst nach und nach den Platz in der Erinnerungskultur der heutigen Ukraine einnimmt. Ihr Gedichtzyklus ist ein Monument aus Stimmen – visionär und verfremdend zugleich.

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        Scinece or Fiction?

        The Phony Side of Particle Physics

        by Ofer Comay

        Countries across the globe invest tens of billions in particle physics, which relies on the Standard Model. This model is styled by its proponents as “the most accurate theory in history, in any field.” This book presents a long series of failures found with the theory: its inability to explain basic phenomena known since the 1930s; its prediction of particles and materials that have refused to be uncovered even in lunar rocks; the growing recognition that basic assumptions underlying the model are incorrect; and more. This is the first time these well-documented data have been compiled in a simple and coherent fashion, allowing science enthusiasts to understand the scientific failures and the sociological reasons for scientists' inability to openly discuss these flaws. Only a few dare to express their doubts:  “Ironically, from the perspective of QCD, the foundations of nuclear physics appear distinctly unsound.”—Frank Wilczek, Nobel laureate, 2004 (QCD is a central part of the Standard Model.) An English-language eBook edition was published in late   2014 by Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Inc., CA.  292 pages, 15 x 22.5 cm

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        June 1999

        A Dedication to Sasha!

        Das inoffizielle Fanbuch über den neuen Superstar

        by Edenhofer, Julia

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        Historical fiction

        The Voices of Babyn Yar

        by Marianna Kiyanovska

        The poems in The Voices of Babyn Yar convey the experiences and emotions of ordinary people going through the tragic events of Babyn Yar massacre in Kyiv. Conceived as a tribute to the dead, the book raises difficult questions about memory, responsibility, and commemoration of those who had witnessed the horrors of human suffering. The book is illustrated by sketches of the Ukrainian artists Ada Rybachuk and Volodymyr Melnychenko. The same sketches were used for the construction of the monument commemorating the victims of Babyn Yar. The works of the artist Zinoviy Tolkachov "Talescoten", series "Majdanek", 1944, as well as a photo of Dmytro Peysakhov from the series "Babyn Yar" are also used in the publication.

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        September 2012

        Schlechte Angewohnheiten

        Eine Anthologie 1750–1900

        by Bernhard Kleeberg

        Sie sind arbeitsscheu und abergläubisch, bilden sich nicht und zeugen zu viele Kinder, sie spielen, trinken und rauchen: Solche und ähnliche Qualifizierungen vermeintlich typischen Verhaltens der »anderen« – seien es Angehörige fremder Ethnien, Nationen oder der Unterschicht – verbinden sich häufig mit dem Hinweis, hier seien schlechte Angewohnheiten zur zweiten Natur geraten. In Kontexten der Fremd-, aber auch der Selbstdisziplinierung dienen »schlechte Angewohnheiten« der Markierung von Grenzen: der Willenskraft, der sittlichen Reife, der Klasse oder gar der Zivilisation, legitimiert unter anderem über wissenschaftliche, religiöse oder politische Wahrheitsinstanzen. Diese kommentierte Anthologie entfaltet die Wissensgeschichte dieser äußerst einflußreichen Diskursfigur anhand paradigmatischer Texte unter anderem von Montesquieu und Hume, Salzmann und Knigge, Lombroso und Ortiz.

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        Tell Nobody

        by Sasha Kaminska

        Every girl or woman has plenty of secrets. But at times these special secrets, sometimes ancient and sometimes terrible, are hidden so deeply in the memory or subconsciousness that even the closest people don’t suspect of their existence. ‘Tell Nobody’ is not only the book’s title, but also the rule many girls and women live with. It’s related to physicality, shame, stress and abuse. Unable to share their emotions, discuss the problem and find the way out of the situation, the girls and women end up in the vicious circle of their feelings and emotions. The fourteen-year-old protagonist of ‘Tell Nobody’ rebels against her parents, does silly things, finds herself in dangerous situations and tries to understand and accept herself. 16+

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        Diaries, letters & journals

        Narbut. Studies. Memoirs. Letters [A Supplemented Reproduction of the "Narbut Anthology", destroyed in 1933]

        by Bohdan Zavitii (compiler)

        This story behind this biographical memoir of a great artist begins before Narbut’s death. The best-known experts were invited to participate and contribute articles, which they spent many years preparing. But the Soviet censors “trimmed” the texts to their liking. When it was finally published in 1933, nearly all the authors had been repressed or executed. The anthology went under the knife at the printing press. It was a shame, too, because the paper was beautiful, specially allotted by the state printing press, as was the print. Only two incomplete copies remain, both in private collections. Serhii Bilokin first proposed the idea of the Narbut Anthology to Rodovid Press ten years ago, and now it is finally came to fruition with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. This is thanks to Bohdan Zavitii, Anastasia Bilousova, and entire project team including designers Sasha Bychenko, Oleksii Salnykov, and Alina Bielova. The Institute of Art History, Folklore, and Ethnology, the National Art Museum of Ukraine, the Kharkiv Art Museum, and others assisted with the illustrations and texts. Heorhii Narbut was a decisive figure in twentieth-century Ukrainian art, yet the Communist taboos of the Soviet period ensured he remained unknown to a broader audience. This unique project fleshes out a significant aspect of art history and puts certain things back where they belong. Content and introduction: Serhii Bilokin Editors: Anastasiia Bilousova and Bohdan Zavitii Design: Sasha Bychenko and Numo Team

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        Pickled pumpkins

        by Sasa Stanisic

        The collection of short stories "Pickled pumpkins" by Sasha Stanisic is an extremely compact, mature and skillful literary achievement in Macedonian literature. An achievement that, fortunately, will succeed in placing one of its neighborhoods, one of its suburbs, on the literary map of Skopje, which so far has not aroused special interest among any Macedonian writer. But that is only one of the other arguments for the value of this book.

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        September 2019


        by Marah Woolf, Jodie Ahlborn

        "Dein wievieltes Leben ist das?", fragte ich mit belegter Stimme. - "Das eintausendste", flüsterte er. - "Das hier ist dein letztes? Du hast schon tausend Mal gelebt?" - "Ja", sagte er noch leiser. "Danach ist es vorbei." Es gibt drei Dinge, die die 18-jährige Sasha sich fest vorgenommen hat: Sie wird in diesem Leben ihre Bestimmung nicht annehmen. Sie wird niemanden wegen ihrer Gabe in Gefahr bringen und ihre Seelenmagie tief in sich verschließen. Auf der sturmumtosten Atlantikinsel Alderney ließen sich diese Vorhaben in die Tat umsetzen, aber dann taucht eines Nachts Cedric de Gray auf. Erst rettet er sie vor dem Ertrinken und dann vor einem Seelenjäger, der es auf Sashas kostbare Seele abgesehen hat. Doch diese übt auch auf Cedric einen unwiderstehlichen Reiz aus, denn mit nur einem Splitter davon, könnte er ewig leben. - Die SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautorin und ungekrönten Romantasy-Königin Marah Woolf erzählt das ewig währende Sehnsuchtsthema Zeitreise fesselnd neu. Mitreißend gelesen von Jodie Ahlborn.

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        January 2001

        Buffy: Die Jagd geht weiter

        Das inoffizielle Buch über die vierte Staffel der Kultserie und ihre Hintergründe

        by Lukas, Christian; Westphal, Sasha

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