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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1999

        Die Geburt des Mondes

        Schwarze Geschichten aus Kuba

        by Lydia Cabrera, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Susanne Lange

        Guillermo Cabrera Infante wurde 1929 in Gibara, Kuba, geboren. Mit 12 Jahren kam er nach Havanna und nach einem kurzen Studium an der Escuela de Periodismo, der Journalistenschule, arbeitete er als Journalist. Er war Mitgründer der Cinemateca de Cuba und leitete diese von 1951 bis 1956. Ab 1954 schrieb er, unter dem Pseudonym "G. Caín", Filmkritiken für die Wochenzeitschrift Carteles. Er kämpfte gegen das diktatorische Regime Batistas, und seine Eltern waren Mitgründer der kubanischen Kommunistischen Partei. Nach der kubanischen Revolution war er einige Jahre Direktor des nationalen Filminstituts und Chefredakteur der Literaturbeilage Lunes de Revolución, die 1962 eingestellt wurde. Guillermo Cabrera Infante wurde im gleichen Jahr zum Kulturattaché der kubanischen Botschaft in Belgien ernannt. 1965 legte er sein Amt nieder und ging ins freigewählte Exil. Der Autor brach damals, noch vor dem berühmten Padilla-Fall, mit dem Regime Fidel Castros, das die Intellektuellen auf Kuba immer stärker verfolgte und zensierte. Seit 1967 lebte Cabrera Infante in London. Der Autor wurde mit seinem Roman Tres tristes tigres, 1967, (dt. Drei traurige Tiger, 1987) bekannt, der den Preis Biblioteca Breve in Spanien 1964 gewann. Dieser Roman gilt als eines der Hauptwerke der lateinamerikanischen Literatur. Zu den bedeutenden Werken Cabrera Infantes gehören außerdem: Holy smoke (dt. Rauchzeichen, 1990), Vista del amanecer en el trópico (dt. Ansicht der Tropen im Morgengrauen, 1995), Así en la paz como en la guerra (dt. Wie im Kriege also auch im Frieden, 1996), La Habana para un Infante difunto und Cine o sardina (dt. Nichts als Kino, 2001), eine mitunter giftige Liebeserklärung an das Kino. 1997 erhielt Guillermo Cabrera Infante den renommierten Premio Cervantes. Guillermo Cabrera Infante starb am 21. Februar 2005 in London.

      • Fiction

        The sad years of Kawabata

        by Miguel Sardegna

        “Kanjis aren’t words, but images, concepts. Unlike our alphabet, you don’t read a kanji, you look at it. The kanji for tree is the drawing of a tree. The Japanese don’t read the word tree, they stare at the tree”, Japanese literature professor Facundo explains. Days ago, an unknown voice told him about the death of his father. Since that moment, Facundo is enveloped by confusion and memories; his mother, his father, death and a pact of silence that carries him into the present.The protagonist of this novel will find in Kawabata a friend and a teacher, who will help him rethink his family history; and in the Japanese culture, the words to find beauty in the most atrocious circumstances.Miguel Sardegna introduces us to the oneiric world of Japan through his avid gaze of knowledge, and through a plot that traps us forever in this wonderful and ancestral culture. “It’s a love letter to literature, an amazing and amazed journey through the universe of Yasunari Kawabata. You will be surprise by the power of the images”.Juan José Millás

      • Fiction
        September 2020

        Ghosts’ Procession

        by Gianluca Lioni

        Sardinia, 1864. Russian anarchist Michail Bakunin lands on the island of La Maddalena, where he is personally greeted by Giuseppe Garibaldi and his gang. Meanwhile, at the only tavern in the village, old English captain Daniel Roberts learns about the mysterious death of Loriga, a merchant who claimed to have witnessed the Rèula, a macabre procession of souls that local people believe to be a “portent of doom”. But Roberts is too shrewd a man to fall for superstition, and so he begins to investigate what could be the true reason behind this murder –until the situation soon falls into chaos when another man is found dead.To solve the mystery, Roberts must delve into the intricate tangle of deceptions, secrets and fables, with Garibaldi, Bakunin and a priest as his allies.With a skilful and knowing literary eye, Gianluca Lioni creates a strongly convincing scenario for his debut novel, a story just as plausible as historically accurate.

      • National & regional cuisine
        April 2017


        A culinary tour of Italy, with 300 recipes

        by Valentina Harris

        Famous for its bold flavours, seasonal ingredients and vibrant colours, Italian has repeatedly been voted the world's favourite cuisine. Take a closer look, though, and you'll discover that there is much more to this nation's food than the ubiquitous pasta, pizzas and risottos offered at many restaurants. Italian-cooking expert Valentina Harris examines each area in turn, with a carefully curated selection of recipes, and detailed instructions and photographs to help you achieve an authentic, and completely delicious, end result. This comprehensive book is a must-have reference for anyone who is passionate about cooking authentic Italian food. A culinary tour of Italy including: Lombardy; Piedmont; Liguria; Emilia-Romagna; Veneto; Tuscany; Umbria; Sardinia; Campania; Sicily; Puglia; Basilicata; and Calabria. An extensive introduction examines in detail the history and traditions of classic Italian cooking, the ingredients and how to prepare and use them. CLICK HERE TO READ THE WHOLE BOOK IN DIGITAL FORM

      • American Civil War

        Pen of Fire

        John Moncure Daniel, 1825–1865

        by Peter Bridges (author)

        During his short and stormy life, John Moncure Daniel served as U.S. diplomat, journalist, Confederate officer, and conscience of the Confederacy. Strongly pro-slavery, fiercely loyal to the Confederacy, and an outspoken opponent of Jefferson Davis, Daniel made many enemies and fought as many as nine duels. Douglas Southall Freeman called him a strange blend of genius and misanthropy.John Daniel became a leading Richmond editor and a force in the Democratic party by his early twenties. President Franklin Pierce rewarded Daniel for his support in the 1852 campaign by making him American envoy to the kingdom of Sardinia at Turin. There Daniel weathered serious scandals but won high praise for his reporting on Italy’s unification. Daniel returned to Richmond after South Carolina seceded from the Union in December 1860.Resuming editorship of the Examiner, he pushed successfully for the secession of Virginia (leaving the paper twice to serve as a Confederate officer) and attacked Jefferson Davis as timid, incompetent, and corrupt. Wounded in 1864 in a duel with the Treasurer of the Confederacy, Daniel died in Richmond in March 1865, at age 39, just days before Union troops took the city.This fascinating first biography of Daniel incorporates much new research, including correspondence between foreign ministers in Turin and their envoys in Washington and a series of private letters between John Daniel and his great uncle Peter Vivian Daniel of the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Secretary of War John Floyd, and others. Pen of Fire fills a gap in general American historiography, in published works dealing with nineteenth-century American diplomacy, and in studies of the Civil War.

      • Biography & True Stories
        June 2019

        I cancelli del cielo. Lughe de Chelu

        by I cancelli del cielo. Lughe de Chelu

        Questo romanzo, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2003 col titolo “Lughe de chelu (e jenna de bentu)” e arrivato in terza edizione negli Stati Uniti, è un’autobiografia in chiave di romanzo, manifesto dell’Autrice contro la violenza sulle donne. Le è valso una prima candidatura per l’Italia al Premio Nobel per la Letteratura. Giona Demura, divenuta da anni Suor Maria dell’Eucarestia, era un tempo una scrittrice di grande successo e pluripremiata, la cui esistenza è stata sconvolta quando, dopo il divorzio, l’ex marito ha tentato di ucciderla. La notizia che il suo più grande amore del passato, mai dimenticato, è in punto di morte la spinge a correre al capezzale dell’uomo e a ritrovare i propri figli. Tra la magia e la realtà di un'isola selvaggia e dolce come la Sardegna, la storia di un passero con le ali d'aquila destinato a morire “dentro” per rinascere, finalmente, alla vera vita.

      • Educational material

        Wie die Sterne an den Himmel kamen

        by Kianoosh Rezania, Judith Stander-Dulisch, Franziska Burstyn Texts by researchers of the KÄTE HAMBURGER KOLLEG at the Centre for Religious Studies (CERES) of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum

        Eleven different stories about the origin of the world, for children aged six and up, from different religions, from Japan to Scandinavia. At the beginning of the book, a map provides an overview of the places of origin of the 11 creation stories. Each story is told by a different narrator in concise, child-friendly language. At the beginning of each story there is a small block of information for the reader about the cultural and religious origins of the text.

      • Travel & Transport

        Kompass maps

        Hiking, cycling and travel maps

        by Kompass

        You can find the CATALOG 2023 of Kompass maps in the "VIEW CONTENT SAMPLE".     Cartageo is the Italian reseller for Kompass.

      • May 2022


        dai liquorosi del Settecento il vino profumato che inebria il mondo


        Il Vermouth di Torino è per eccellenza un simbolo dell’aperitivo in tutto il mondo. Nasce nel 1700 dalla maestria dei liquoristi torinesi, poi diventa un prodotto esportato ovunque. Immagini indimenticabili sono state create da importanti artisti per la sua réclame. Stupende etichette con la loro speciale grafica ne hanno portato e ne portano il nome in mille Paesi. Questo vino sta vivendo un’epoca di grande apprezzamento, tanto da aver ottenuto dall’Unione Europea il riconoscimento dell’Indicazione Geografica che identifica e sancisce il legame con una terra, una tradizione, un “saper fare” unico. Bevuto puro o in celeberrimi cocktail, il Vermouth di Torino è protagonista di un racconto avvincente che parte dalla mondana “ora del Vermouth” tipica di Torino, per giungere al moderno rito sociale dell’“happy hour".

      • Children's & YA

        Mummy has a Baby in her Tummy

        by Luana Vergari, Simona Ciraolo

        Mummy has a baby in her tummy... She says it’s a girl and her name’s Amelia. At first she won’t be able to walk while I can already go wherever I want. Let’s hope Amelia is as nice as my dog Ugo, who’s really a funny chap… However, when I think about it, that does not sound too good…


        by Nicola Spada

        The economic crisis of 2008 made Karl Marx’s works highly successful. Considering the growing impoverishment of developed countries, the increase of social inequalities, the threats of war and the spreading unemployment, one wonders whether Marxism cannot be a possible alternative to the current “sprawling globalization regime”. Therefore, Nicola Spada met him and interviewed him. It wasn’t easy, at the beginning, because Marx doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. Nevertheless, after a while he seems to have already forgotten the camera and lets himself go. His words are sharp, analytical, sometimes surprising (when he dismantles his dependence on Giorgio Hegel, for example, or when he clarifies the concept of religion as “opium of the people”). In this dialogue the basis of Marxist thought are deeply analyzed; a difficult but successful work, a book everyone can read. Politics, science, ethics, theology; what would you like to ask to the father of socialism? Here you will find the answers.

      • Travel & Transport

        Reise Know-How maps

        Travel and geographical folded maps

        by Reise Know-How Verlag

        Reise Know-How maps (world mapping project series) are easy-to-read, waterproof and highly durable travel maps specifically designed for everyday use on the road. Our maps combine state-of-the-art, GPS-compatible cartography (including hypsometric tints and contour lines) with a detailed rendering of road networks and touristic information. They offer the best possible scale, level of detail and readability, be it a map of a small island or half a continent. The maps feature a detachable paper sleeve so that the maps can be folded easily and fit in every pocket. Although printed on plastic, a special coating makes sure the maps retain a paper-like feel and can even be written on with a pencil.   You can find the CATALOG 2023 of REISE KNOW-HOW maps in the "VIEW CONTENT SAMPLE". Cartageo is the Italian reseller for Reise Know-How maps.

      • June 2023

        Ins Freie! Draußen zeichnen (Sketching outside)

        Wie Landschaft, Wind und Wetter den Weg in Ihr Skizzenbuch finden

        by Tilo Schneider

        Tilo Schneider is a designer, travel illustrator and sketching lecturer. For the first time he passes on his experience in book form. Profound and practical. Enthusiastic and grounded. Subjective and sympathetic. He wants to take the illustrators out into nature. For two reasons: With little equipment in the luggage, you sketch – soothing by hand - nature, landscape, mountains, weather and much more. What remains: authentic outdoor experiences that no smartphone can capture. The second added value: Illustrators return to their desk changed. Mindful vision while walking, visual and physical experience of the surroundings, changing horizons, shapes and colours are excellent stimulants for creativity. For fresh ideas and images, that we can take with us and develop further.The book encourages to make your own creative outdoor experiences with an open eye, little material and a little practice. Without fear of the blanc paper. As a beginner or experienced drawer.

      • Cookery dishes & courses


        from the people who really know about extra virgin olive oil - the producers

        by Judy Ridgway

        Who should know more about cooking with extra virgin olive oil than the growers and producers of the olive oil world?  REMARKABLE  RECIPES is a wonderful collection of 76 easy-to-make dishes from just these people. Some are traditional recipes, others are family favourites and yet others are modern creations from gifted cooks but they are all quite different to the recipes found in general cookbooks of the regions.

      • Biography & True Stories

        Padre Pio: The True Story, Revised and Expanded, 3rd Edition

        by C. Bernard Ruffin

        Before his death in 1968, Padre Pio was known throughout the world as a very holy man — many even called him a living saint. This humble Italian priest who bore the wounds of Christ received thousands of letters and visitors each year, seeking his spiritual counsel, healing, and prayer. Padre Pio’s intense spirituality and holiness remain legendary and life changing. This is the comprehensive life story of the priest who became world famous for his stigmata, miracles, and supernatural insights. Read in detail about the many miracles of Padre Pio, and discover how knowing this powerful saint can change your life, too. By far the best biography of Padre Pio ever written — newly updated with more details and 16 pages of photos!

      • Made in Italy

        treasures, ingredients and traditional recipes

        by Marino Marini

        A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.

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