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        Children's & YA
        July 2019


        by Poznanski, Ursula / Illustrated by Büchner, SaBine

        Help the animals to find their letters ... easy as ABC!• By best-selling author Ursula Poznanski• Get a first feeling for letters and words!• Humorously illustrated, with funny details!After a big storm in the jungle, the little monkey collects many funny-looking things. “That are letters,” knows the smart parrot. “Somebody must have lost them”. And indeed, monkey and parrot come across strange animals that seem like something is missing. A "iger", a "nake", a "at" …   An exciting letter story for reading aloud and early reading, guessing and poetizing by yourself!

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1991

        betrifft: Sarahs Cousin


        by Raymond Federman, Peter Torberg

        »Ich kann schon die Einsprüche hören. Nicht schon wieder!Warum eigentlich nicht? Ein Thema so gut wie jedes andere und ziemlich in Mode heutzutage.«Ein Autor wie Raymond Federman darf diese bestürzende Wahrheit so lakonisch in Erinnerung rufen, denn sein ›Thema‹ heißt Deportation und Vernichtung. ›Post-Holocaust‹ hat Raymond Hederman seine Literatur genannt. Das schriftstellerische Werk des heute in den Vereinigten Staaten lebenden Avantgarde-Autors bringt der Suhrkamp Verlag seit vergangenem Jahr neu heraus oder stellt es, wie den vorliegenden Roman - ›betrifft: Sarahs Cousin‹, erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung vor. Das Versteck im Wandschrank bewahrte Raymond Federman davor, wie seine Eltern und Schwestern am 16. Juli des Jahres 1942 aus Paris nach Auschwitx deportiert zu werden. Er »hat den Tod hinter sich« — aber nicht vom Tod wollen Raymond Federmans Romane erzählen, sondern vom Überleben, vom zweiten Leben eines Verschonten.Sarah und ihr Cousin warten aufeinander: er wartet wegen eines verspäteten Weiterflugs nach Israel auf dem Flughafen jener Stadt, in der er geboren wurde; sie erwartet seit Stunden mit ihrem Mann Elis auf einem israelischen Flughafen ihren Cousin. Beide, Sarah hier und ihr Cousin dort, sehen tiefbewegt von schmerzhaften, schuldbeladenen und selbstzweiflerischen Erinnerungen an ein geteiltes Schicksal ihrem ersten Wiedersehen seit 35 Jahren entgegen. Der Schrecken in ihrer Vergangenheit, durch den ihnen auch ein »Mehr an Leben verliehen worden war«, ist datierbar auf den 16. Juli des zweiten Invasionsjahres, als sie die Deportation ihrer Eltern und Geschwister überlebten: die neunjährige Sarah auf der Straße, weil ihre Mutter sie zum Einkaufen schickte, kurz bevor die Familie abgeholt wurde; der drei Jahre ältere Cousin im Wandschrank, in den ihn seine Mutter stieß, als die Soldaten kamen. Auf dem Land versteckt, überlebten Sarah und ihr Cousin, fanden sich nach dem Krieg wieder, bevor sich ihre Wege trennten. Er emigrierte nach Amerika und wurde ein berühmter Bildhauer, sie, weil ihr das Visum wegen einer Krankheit verweigert wurde, wanderte aus, um in einem Kibbuz mitzuhelfen, ein neues jüdisches Land und Leben aufzubauen.Das ist die Geschichte, die Raymond Lederman erzählt - oder genauer: er denkt nach über diese Geschichte, die in »betrifft: Sarahs Cousin« aus nichts anderem besteht als den melancholisch-heiteren Spekulationen über Form und Möglichkeiten, diese Überlebensgeschichte mitzuteilen.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2018

        The Flower of Evil: Illustration Art of Aubrey Beardsley

        by by Aubrey Beardsley Edited by Wei Junlin

        This title collects illustrations, posters, and design works of Aubrey Beardsley, the characteristic illustrator in the 19th century. It is the most complete collection of his works in China, edited by Mr. Wei Junlin, painter and researcher of Beardsley.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Das Stammeln der Wahrsagerin

        Unglaubliche Geschichten hinter Kleinanzeigen. Recherchiert und erzählt von Sarah Khan

        by Sarah Khan

        Wohnungsauflösungen und Tabula rasa, Not- und Spontanverkäufe. Was treibt Menschen dazu, sich über Kleinanzeigen für kleines Geld von ihren Dingen zu trennen? Ernsthaft, in Kaufabsicht, hat Sarah Khan viele Inserierende getroffen und genau hingehört, als sie anfingen, ihre Lebensgeschichten zu erzählen – u nd aus Oral History Literatur gemacht. Entstanden sind Geschichten von Abschied und Neuanfang, Glück und Unglück, von hochfahrenden oder bereits geplatzten Träumen. Seit Sarah Khan mit ihrer Familie ein altes Schulhaus in Brandenburg renoviert und als Wochenendhaus einrichtet, studiert sie ständig eBay-Kleinanzeigen. Sie findet dort nicht nur Haushaltsgegenstände, sondern auch ungetragene Hochzeitskleider, Pferdebücher, Kosmetikartikel, Fotoalben. Und sie stellt fest: Hinter diesen Anzeigen verbergen sich Menschen. Die traurige Yvonne mit ihrem Hochzeitskleid; eine junge Frau, die ernsthaft glaubt, mit ihrer Pferdebuchsammlung könne sie ihre Altersversorgung sichern; eine Wahrsagerin, die ihre Dienste anbietet und dabei ins Stammeln gerät; ein Tierpfleger, genannt der »Affen-Walter«, der einst Michael Jackson durch den Berliner Zoo geführt hat, Bilder im Album zeugen davon. Was ist diesen Menschen passiert, die sich von Teilen ihres Lebens trennen wollen? Sie haben es Sarah Khan erzählt, und Sarah Khan hat ihre Geschichten aufgeschrieben.

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        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Ruby Fairygale und die Insel der Magie (Erstlese-Reihe, Band 1)

        Fantasy-Abenteuer mit Ruby Fairygale ab 7 Jahren

        by Marlene Jablonski, Kira Gembri / illustrated by Verena Körting

        Ruby Fairygale and the Island of Magic Ruby Fairygale's first adventure - lovingly and excitingly told, with many atmospheric illustrations• Feel-good fantasy for Story Time, Early Readers and Fans of "Ruby Fairygale"!• Written by Marlene Jablonski (“Liliane Susewind” Chapter book series), based on a synopsis by Kira Gembri• Strong female protagonist and lovingly developed characters, with a high sympathy factor8-year-old Ruby Fairygale lives on a small island near the west coast of Ireland. After school, she always helps her grandmother, who works as a veterinarian. But the two of them have a big secret: they know that there are not only animals on the island, but also magical mythical creatures that need their help.Summer vacation at last! Now Ruby can spend the whole day helping her grandma. The two of them not only take care of animals, but also fairies, goblins and other mythical creatures! It's not easy to keep this secret - especially from Briana, the most unfriendly girl in Ruby's class. When Bri's father's fishing nets are destroyed, Briana suspects a pack of seals and is determined to drive them away. But Ruby suspects that something else is behind this. Something completely magical ... And indeed: a little mermaid had become entangled in the fishing net! Can Ruby still stop Bri without revealing her secret?

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Die allerbeste Prinzessin

        by Poznanski, Ursula / Illustrated by Büchner, SaBine

        An innovative & different princess story!   • The three princesses love to quarrel • Original and incredibly witty • Written by Ursula Poznanski and stunning illustrations by Sabine Büchner • Translation Grant!   Bianca, Violetta and Rosalind are three adorable princesses. But they share a tiny quirk: they love to argue! One day a visitor asks for entrance into the castle. Prince Waldomir doesn’t enjoy hunting dragons anymore and rather prefers to get married know. Of course each princess is convinced to be the best choice and the prince’s one and only. So a rat race is launched before they have even met the puny prince for the first time…

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Greenhouse Gases, Second Edition

        Worldwide Impacts

        by Julie Kerr, Ph.D.

        While there are several factors that contribute to global warming, such as natural changes in the Earth's inclination and revolution around the sun, by far the biggest factor is the emission of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, water vapor, and nitrous oxide are added at alarming rates to the atmosphere by daily human activity. Every person on Earth has a "carbon footprint"—a measure of greenhouse gas contributed to the atmosphere on a daily basis. Some people's footprints are much higher than others; for instance, those that live in developed countries such as the United States (the largest greenhouse gas emitter), emit much greater amounts than those living in undeveloped countries of the world. Various activities, such as agricultural and deforestation practices, also emit greenhouse gases. Thoroughly updated and featuring new graphs, charts, and illustrations, Greenhouse Gases, Second Edition explores the very important role these gases play and their global impact on populations and ecosystems worldwide. The goal of this eBook is to provide readers with an understanding of the various sources of these gases, their interaction with the atmosphere, their effect on natural systems, and why controlling them is critical to the Earth's future climate. Other issues discussed in this full-color eBook include the role of the ozone and a concept called "global dimming" and how it relates to global warming. Chapters include: The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Carbon Sequestration Agriculture and Greenhouse Gases Deforestation and Greenhouse Gases Anthropogenic Causes and Effects The Fate of Natural Refuges Global Warming Around the World Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        Ein Doppelgänger.

        by Theodor Storm, Julie Völk

        Norddeutschland, um 1850: John Hansen ist – mehr aus Leichtsinn als aus krimineller Neigung – straffällig geworden und versucht wieder im »normalen« Leben Fuß zu fassen. Er lernt das Mädchen Hanna kennen, sie heiraten, bekommen eine Tochter, Christine, und bewohnen eine Kate am Rande des Dorfes. Doch er wird das Stigma des Zuchthäuslers nicht los, die Leute im Ort nennen ihn John »Glückstadt« nach dem Namen der Haftanstalt, in der er einsaß. John findet immer seltener Arbeit und bei einem Streit mit seiner Frau zerbricht auch sein häusliches Glück. Storms dramatische Meisternovelle hat Julie Völk mit feinem Strich kongenial illustriert. »Nachdem dieser John seine Strafe von Rechtes wegen abgebüßt hatte, wurde er, wie gebräuchlich, der lieben Mitwelt zur Hetzjagd überlassen.«

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Climate Management, Second Edition

        Solving the Problem

        by Julie Kerr, Ph.D.

        Whether people argue that global warming is caused by natural phenomena or that it is caused by humans—or both—it is one of the most controversial topics in the scientific world today. There are varying opinions between scientists about the effects of global warming because so many interrelated factors are involved, making it difficult to pinpoint specific impacts and make changes accordingly. The Earth's climate is an extremely complicated system, and climatologists must conduct research daily in order to improve their understanding of all the interrelated components. Climate Management, Second Edition focuses on changing human behavior as the first step toward a positive management system that will benefit current society and those to come. Thoroughly updated and featuring new graphs, charts, and illustrations, this full-color resource explores human psychology and how cultural value systems, politics, and news dissemination affect people's opinions, thereby driving public response. Informing readers on how global warming affects national security and terrorism and why its progression is a very real threat to everyone's future, this accessible resource presents various conservation programs that have been developed and looks at what is and isn't working. Climate Management, Second Edition also outlines the importance of public education and the role it plays in the future. Chapters include: The Beginning: the UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, and IPCC The U.S. Political Arena Cap-and-Trade Programs and Other Mitigation Strategies The International Political Arena Global Warming, Human Psychology, and the Media The Stand on the Debate Green Energy and Global Warming Research Climate Modeling Practical Solutions That Work: Getting Everyone Involved The Future: What Lies Ahead.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Global Warming Cycles, Second Edition

        Ice Ages and Glacial Retreat

        by Julie Kerr, Ph.D.

        Earth has always exhibited patterns of heating up and cooling down. At some points in time, many areas of Earth were shrouded in blankets of ice, with ice caps and glaciers dominating the landscape. Certain areas on Earth have been covered with prominent glaciers multiple times in the past for millions of years. Since the last ice age, which ended just over 10,000 years ago, the Earth's climate has been relatively stable, with just a few fluctuations; at least until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s, when the climate began to increase in temperature. Thoroughly updated and featuring new graphs, charts, and illustrations, Global Warming Cycles, Second Edition focuses on the mechanisms that caused past climate changes, putting the Earth repeatedly into and out of ice ages. It compares natural cycles with today's rapid global warming, caused principally by the behavior of humans. This timely, full-color eBook presents the many physical factors that shape the Earth's climate, examining the ones that are out of our control as well as the ones that humans have a direct impact on. It also looks at how scientists use landform clues from the past to assess global warming and how they apply that knowledge to the future to help prepare current and future society for what is to come. Chapters include: Ice Ages Glacial Retreat and Meltdown The Cryosphere and Isostasy Ocean Currents and Climate Rising Sea Levels Abrupt Climate Change Tropical Cyclones and Other Severe Weather Climate Research—What the Experts Say Conclusions and a Glance into the Future.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Fossil Fuels and Pollution, Second Edition

        The Future of Air Quality

        by Julie Kerr, Ph.D.

        Praise for the previous edition: "...valuable..."—School Library Journal Clean air is essential to life and good health. Several important pollutants are produced by fossil fuel combustion and emitted directly into the atmosphere, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and hydrocarbons. In addition, total suspended particulates contribute to air pollution, and nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons combine in the atmosphere to form tropospheric ozone, the major constituent of smog. With an examination of fossil fuels as energy sources and the world population's reliance on them, Fossil Fuels and Pollution, Second Edition outlines the connection between fossil fuels and global warming. Thoroughly updated and featuring new graphs, charts, and illustrations, this full-color eBook explores the properties of greenhouse gases, the nature and causes of their emissions, the largest contributors, and important health issues and considerations associated with them. The concepts of energy efficiency and fuel economy are also examined as well as agricultural greenhouse gases and pollution. Fossil Fuels and Pollution, Second Edition ends with a close look at fuel technology and the "green technology" movement that has been put into place for tomorrow's cars.  Chapters include:  Energy, Fossil Fuels, and Global Warming Greenhouse Gases, Health, and the Environment Evolution Since the Industrial Revolution Global Warming and Pollution: Buildings and Homes Global Warming and Pollution: Green Transportation Global Warming and Pollution: Cities and Industry Global Warming: Agriculture and the Impacts Today Fuel Technology Green Technology: Tomorrow's Cars Today Conclusions: the Future of Air Quality.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Global Warming Trends, Second Edition

        Ecological Footprints

        by Julie Kerr, Ph.D.

        Climate scientists have repeatedly told us that the most recent decades had the warmest temperatures ever recorded since records were consistently kept in the mid-1800s. Scientists worldwide support this notion, and there is an abundance of data collected to prove its validity. Some argue that the trend has not been a steady upward climb and that it has had intermittent cooling periods. Although these intervals have occurred every few decades in some locations, the overall tendency has been a steady upward climb, coinciding with melting glaciers, rising sea levels, shifting climatic zones, and changing ecosystems worldwide. Global Warming Trends, Second Edition presents an overview of significant climatic periods of the Earth's past and introduces the concept of climate proxies, or natural indicators that can be used to infer past climate. Thoroughly updated and featuring new graphs, charts, and illustrations, this accessible, full-color eBook discusses the concept of geochronology and how scientists determine the relative ages of objects on Earth. It also examines how scientists use pollen, tree rings, plant remains, and other life forms to make inferences about past climatic conditions. Global Warming Trends, Second Edition concludes with the most current information from climate experts, exploring the futuristic role of computer modeling and how it is helping scientists discover the past in order to predict the future. Chapters include: The Science of Paleoclimatology Key Climate Intervals in the Earth's Past Geochronology and Climate Proxies Proxy Data: Geomorphic Landforms Geological and Geochemical Proxy Data Biotic Proxies Climate Change and Past Civilizations Using New Technology to Discover the Past What the Experts Say Conclusions and a Glance into the Future.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Changing Ecosystems, Second Edition

        Effects of Global Warming

        by Julie Kerr, Ph.D.

        Praise for the previous edition: "...the many charts and maps are useful...beneficial to a full understanding of the current debate."—School Library Journal Global warming has increased dramatically during the last century at an unnatural rate, which makes specialists believe that humans contribute to the real cause of global warming today. Many activities humans are involved in—from burning fossil fuels for energy to massive deforestation—are contributing to the atmospheric warming at an alarming rate. Experts believe that, in the future, human-induced damage will cause severe problems in the distribution of species and their critical habitats, increase the occurrence of severe weather and droughts, contribute to rising sea levels, and trigger a host of health and quality-of-life impacts that will affect everyone on Earth. Unfortunately, no ecosystem will escape the impact of human-induced global warming. Thoroughly updated and featuring new graphs, charts, and illustrations, Changing Ecosystems, Second Edition looks at this serious issue and the far-reaching effects it is having right now, and will have in the future, on every ecosystem on Earth. It is crucial that readers understand the relevant issues now so they can prevent this problem before it is too late and many species and habitats are gone forever. By discussing the effects of global warming on ecosystems, this eBook enlightens students on the many ways they can become more eco-responsible now and in the future. Chapters include: Signs and Effects of Global Warming Ecosystems, Adaptation, and Extinction Impacts to Forests Impacts to Rangelands, Grasslands, and Prairies Impacts on Polar Ecosystems Impacts to Desert Ecosystems Impacts to Mountain Ecosystems Impacts to Marine Ecosystems Conclusions—Where to Go from Here.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        A Spark That Became a Star

        by Serhiy Loskot (Author), Anastasia Shygaeva (Illustrator)

        In the small house of a large family there was a furnace. And in the furnace lived a spark. Although she was tiny, she had a big dream. Once, on Christmas Eve, the furnace and the fire argued over which one of them was the most important between the two. All the sparks and coals intervened in the conversation. Until our little spark took a deep breath and... Do you know what happens to dreams during the magic night of Christmas? Serhiy Loskot will tell you in this beautiful story!   From 3 to 6 years, 335 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Climate Systems, Second Edition

        Interactive Forces of Global Warming

        by Julie Kerr, Ph.D.

        Praise for the previous edition: "...helpful...does a good job of explaining the basic science behind the controversy."—School Library Journal "...useful in a high school library. Recommended."—Library Media Connection Many scientists today refer to the phenomenon of "global warming" as "climate change" because they feel it is a better overall description of the situation. While it is certainly true that the atmosphere is warming up, that is only one part of the problem. As the Earth's atmosphere continues to warm, glaciers and ice caps are melting, the sea level is rising, seasons are shifting, and storms are becoming more intense. Some ecosystems are shifting where they still can; others are beginning to fail. In short, humans are changing the Earth's climate—and not for the better. Thoroughly updated and featuring new graphs, charts, and illustrations, Climate Systems, Second Edition gives students the basic scientific framework needed to understand how climate systems work and what global warming involves. Outlining the concepts of global systems, climate cycles, and the atmosphere's structure, this full-color eBook discusses the local motions in the atmosphere that affect weather and climate—from regional and local wind systems to extreme weather and emergency preparedness. This informative title also examines various countries and how they contribute to the problem as well as strategies for coping with global climate change, current research, and what lies ahead. Chapters include: Elements of the Climate System The Carbon Cycle and Its Links to Other Major Cycles Plate Tectonics: Climate and Movement of the Earth's Continents The Flow of Energy Planetary and Global Motions in the Atmosphere That Affect Climate Local Motions in the Atmosphere That Affect Weather and Climate Ocean Currents The Global Warming Issue The Big Picture Conclusions and a Glance into the Future.

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