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      • Samir Éditeur

        Founded in 1947, Samir Éditeur is a Beirut-based francophone publishing house specializing in children’s books and textbooks. We publish in both French and Arabic languages, and our books are distributed worldwide. Our children’s book list includes picture books, first readers, fiction and non-fiction titles for ages 2 to 17. We publish original content as well as carefully curated translations such as Roald Dahl’s books. Our family of culturally and geographically diverse authors and illustrators enriches our catalogue with award-winning titles, such as our YA title Caballero by Lenia Major that won 3 awards and got 3 mentions in France (2017-2018) or our picture book Raconte encore, grand-mère ! by Marido Viale and Xavière Broncard that won the Prix Chronos (2016). Our latest YA novel Droit devant is currently shortlisted for 5 literary awards. We are among those who were the most affected by the Beirut blast this past August. Our offices were completely destroyed; fortunately, our staff had been working from home due to the covid outbreak, so there were no human losses. And so we live to tell another story! – BOP Finalist 2019

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      • Sustainable agriculture
        July 2019

        Integrated Farming Systems and Agricultural Sustainability

        by A Zaman

        The book is organized into sixteen chapters. A brief description of each of the chapters follows: Chapter 1 identifies the concept of importance and definition as basic requirement to know the challenges in the management of information security in the new millennium; Chapter 2 identifies the types of farming system and factors affecting farming system; Chapter 3 envisages sustainable agriculture, its problems and its impact in cropping system; Chapter 4 takes historical background of agriculture, its changing scenario and its resilience over the years. Chapter 5 delineated sustainable agriculture, its importance and its impact in cropping system; Chapter 6 describes the agro-climatic and agro-ecological zones that need for model of integrated farming system to be developed as a policy perspective to ensure the crop cultivation the highest level of protection against all sorts of threats. Chapter 7 takes history of agriculture, its changing scenario and its resilience over the years. Chapter 8 reviews the rejuvenation, modernization and mechanization of agriculture, its present bottlenecks on ethical elements of security such that trust could be promoted to outburst the explosive population; Chapter 9 reviews the information on soil resource in the context of problematic security threat; Chapter 10 reviews issues on external input based sustainable agriculture surrounding low land utilization as existing resource mobilization and utilization. Chapter 11 presents the importance of organic farming well as organic agriculture to get the best results in sustainable agriculture; Chapter 12 addresses the issue of water management and planning, with particular reference to irrigation management and judicious water application in crop cultivation. Chapter 13 presents gaps and problems in each of the current approaches in rainfed agriculture, rainwater harvesting as well as rainwater management in growing crops in best possible manner; Chapter 14 discusses management of lowland areas towards sustainable agriculture; Chapter 15 refers the land degradation and land treatments in the way of effective utilization of land resources through tillage, conservational tillage and other suitable measures; and Chapter 16 concludes the present principle of remedies, the economic equity, social security along the future task and presents pragmatic, formal, informal and technical principles necessary for managing food security in the new millennium.

      • Gardening
        October 2017

        Basics of Horticulture

        3rd Revised and Enlarged Edition

        by K.V. Peter

        The present revised edition has 16 chapters including 10 appendices. 42 scientists from seven Institutes, States Agricultural Universities and 2 organizations have contributed to the 3rd revised edition. A village market has now all kinds of vegetables, fruits, tubers and ornamentals which vouch for progress in the science and art of horticulture. Many educated youth are taking up Horticulture as a profession. Basic sciences like physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology, bioinformatics and economics are adding to the understanding of horticultural crops. New To 3rd Edition: 1. 5 chapters of floriculture and landscaping 2. Information on newly released varieties of all horticulture crops 3. Colour photographs 4. Updated data and references

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