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      • Teacher Created Materials

        Teacher Created Materials publishes innovative, imaginative, and award-winning resources for teachers, parents, and students in all subjects for ages 4-18 worldwide.

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      • Teacher Created Materials, Inc.

        For over 40 years, Teacher Created Materials (TCM) has published innovative and imaginative resources for teachers and students, bringing exceptional curriculum content to classrooms worldwide. Our award-winning resources are sold and licensed in 89 countries. Everything we publish is created and approved by teachers. All our leveled reading books and curriculum kits are designed to engage students, improve literacy and reading comprehension, build content knowledge, and develop critical-thinking skills.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022


        1. La traición (Betrayal)

        by Alejandro Barrientos, Joaquín Cuevas

        El Alto celebrates its tenth anniversary as the capital of the New Kollasuyo. Metropolis of the Andes, continental scrap market, second-hand industrial engine, supplier of robotic waste, host to Chinese colonies, home of technosophic cyberreligions, global center of cholet architecture, and the highest popular fair on the planet, the city of the future reflects our dreams. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise: the future is now!

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Looking Back at Yinshan

        by Gao Quan

        The long reportage "Looking back at Yinshan" tells the story of the passionate story of the old artist Mr. Wu Guowei leading his team to create the "China Yinshan". The author closely blends the ingenuity dream of a people’s artist with the 5,000-year splendid historical civilization and modern civilization spirit of the Chinese nation at the tip of the pen, thus, a panoramic view of the "China Seal" from creativity, planning, demonstration to project implementation. The bumpy journey of more than 10 years shows a magnificent and magnificent picture. The protagonist of this book, Wu Guowei, cleverly used a local mountainous area with many pinnacles to carve various seals of various Chinese styles on the stone walls, and permanently collect the bright red seals containing Chinese culture, Chinese history and Chinese style. , Displayed on the land of their hometown, adding a wonderful cultural landscape to their hometown.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016

        Bell Tower and Drum Tower

        by Liu Xinwu

        A story within one day – from 5 a. m. to 5 p. m. A vivid picture of secular life in Beijing. Winner of Mao Dun Literature Prize. Everything begins in an archaic quadrangle dwelling in Beijing, where Xue Jiyue’s mother gets up early to prepare for the son’s wedding banquet.Other characters show up one after another. After narrating their behaviors during the day, the author goes back and tells about their past, with a special concern about the influences from vicissitudes of time, especially how the Cultural Revolution changed those individuals’ courses of life.The Bell Tower and Drum Tower stand there still, witnessing all of those earthshaking changes.

      • Trusted Partner

        Trinity High: Back to School

        by CNN Lokko

        Back to School, the sequel to Trinity High; Students-in-Crime, is equally full of adventure, mischief and fun as its prequel. It captures the last two terms of the Form One experience of Naa Atswei and her friends. Together, the girls figure out how to beat the system and survive the jungle.Whether they willingly chase some adventures or are drawn in unintentionally, the girls do what they alone do best: they keep readers at the edge of their seats!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Explorer Team (1). The Adventure Begins!

        by Björn Berenz / Christoph Dittert

        Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal. Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU? Join Lias, Mojo and Cookie on a mission to the Himalayas: together they must find out what has happened to Lias’s father. He disappeared six months ago and the only thing he left behind was his expedition diary, which is full of strange clues and puzzles. The reader will be able to move onto the next stage only if you can decipher them. A great adventure awaits you! And you decide In the end, you must decide: How should the adventure continue for you and the Explorer Team? Hunt with Lias through the forgotten world. Go with Tashi to discover the eternal ice or follow Cookie and Mojo through fire and lava. You will have to choose which of the Explorers you want to accompany on the next adventure.

      • Trusted Partner

        Feng's Family Pediatric Spine Tuina

        by Zheng Jun

        This book introduces the origin, inheritance, and development of Feng's family spine tuina therapy, its treatment methods for common pediatric diseases, and the spine tuina and its manipulation techniques. It is equipped with high definition pictures and rich operation videos, which enable readers to conveniently learn and practice the methods.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        The Irish tower house

        Society, economy and environment, c. 1300–1650

        by Victoria L. McAlister

        The Irish tower house examines the social role of castles in late-medieval and early modern Ireland. It uses a multidisciplinary methodology to uncover the lived experience of this historic culture, demonstrating the interconnectedness of society, economics and the environment. Of particular interest is the revelation of how concerned pre-modern people were with participation in the economy and the exploitation of the natural environment for economic gain. Material culture can shed light on how individuals shaped spaces around themselves, and tower houses, thanks to their pervasiveness in medieval and modern landscapes, represent a unique resource. Castles are the definitive building of the European Middle Ages, meaning that this book will be of great interest to scholars of both history and archaeology.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Explorer Team. Jagd durchs ewige Eis

        by Berenz, Björn; Dittert, Christoph

        Werde Explorer! Löse Rätsel, knacke Codes, werde Teil des Teams und entdecke ein einzigartiges Bucherlebnis! Für alle Fans von Escape Rooms, Exit Games und spannenden Geschichten. In diesem Bucherlebnis von Björn Berenz und Christoph Dittert kommen Abenteurer und Rätselfans ab 8 Jahren auf ihre Kosten. Jeder Band enthält ein neues, farbig illustriertes Tagebuch mit Rätseln und Hinweisen zum Knobeln, Kritzeln, Schneiden und Basteln. Entdecke mit Tashi das ewige Eis. Weil Tashi die wichtigste Regel seines Volkes gebrochen hat, wurde er aus der Höhlenwelt der Jain verstoßen. Der einzige Weg zurück führt über den mystischen Pfad der Jain. Doch der birgt einige Gefahren! Kannst du Tashi helfen, sie zu überwinden? Zum Glück hat sein Großvater ihm ein Buch hinterlassen. Die Rätsel darin können euch den Weg weisen. Aber nehmt euch in Acht! Ein Yeti hat eure Fährte aufgenommen und ist euch dicht auf den Fersen … Am Ende kannst du selbst entscheiden, mit welchem Explorer du ein weiteres Abenteuer bestreiten willst: Jage mit Lias durch die vergessene Welt. Oder folge Cookie & Mojo durch Feuer und Lava. Viele spannende Rätsel und Fragen erwarten euch! Jede Mission führt die Explorer ans Ziel und du bist mittendrin. Schnapp dir deine nächste Mission: Explorer Team. Verschollen in der vergessenen Welt Explorer Team. Gefangen zwischen Feuer und Lava

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        The Yueyang Tower

        by Yang Yu

        With the little silver fish in Dongting Lake as the narrator and time as the clue, this book uses a childlike approach to tell readers the short stories and the famous pieces they written in the past of Qu Yuan, Li Bai, Du Fu, Teng Zijing and other celebrities of all generations that took place in Yueyang Tower. This book explains the importance and symbolic significance of Yueyang Tower in Chinese culture, and shows how the spirit of “care for the fate of nation” has been passed down from generation to generation. The tears of Ehuang and Nvying fell on a little silver fish in the Dongting Lake, giving it an ageless body. The little silver fish swims freely in the Dongting Lake, and it witnessed the construction and rebirth of Yueyang Tower in history, witnessed the scene of celebrities climbing up the tower and looking far away in the past generations.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        The Complete Collection of Modern Chinese Prints by Lu Xun

        by Editorial Board of the Complete Works of Modern Chinese Prints Collected by Lu Xun

        This series contains about 1,800 modern prints collected by Lu Xun at that time, which authored by nearly 200 domestic printmakers and currently in the Lu Xun Memorial Hall in Shanghai and the Lu Xun Museum in Beijing. It is showcasing the glorious history of modern Chinese woodcut art: In the 1920s and 1930s, in order to guide the artistic direction of Chinese literary youth, smashed the KMT’s counter-revolutionary cultural " encirclement and suppression", Mr. Lu Xun held a "woodcut workshop" in Shanghai, and cultivated a group of emerging woodcut backbone. These backbones led young artists in various regions of the country to create a large number of realistic works reflecting the suffering and tragic fate of the people at the bottom of the society at that time. They cruelly lashed the dark reality of society and called for national salvation and survival. These young woodcutters sent their woodcut works to Lu Xun, who not only guided their creation personally, but also spared no effort to collect, publicize and promote them to the public. With the active advocacy and support of Mr. Lu Xun, the emerging woodcut movement in China has developed vigorously, driving the modernization of Chinese art and leaving an indelible glorious footprint in the history of Chinese modern culture and art. This complete collection is a companion to the The Complete Collection of Foreign Prints by Lu Xun published in 2014.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Explorer Team. Verschollen in der vergessenen Welt

        by Berenz, Björn; Dittert, Christoph

        Werde Explorer! Löse Rätsel, knacke Codes, werde Teil des Teams und entdecke ein einzigartiges Bucherlebnis! Für alle Fans von Escape Rooms, Exit Games und spannenden Geschichten. In diesem Bucherlebnis von Björn Berenz und Christoph Dittert kommen Abenteurer und Rätselfans ab 8 Jahren auf ihre Kosten. Jeder Band enthält ein neues, farbig illustriertes Tagebuch mit Rätseln und Hinweisen zum Knobeln, Kritzeln, Schneiden und Basteln. Jage mit Lias durch die vergessene Welt. Die Hinweise, die Lias’ verschollener Vater hinterlassen hat, führen euch in einen exotischen Urwald. Dabei stoßt ihr auf ein altes Flugzeugwrack. Was hat es damit nur auf sich? Kannst du Lias helfen, die Spuren richtig zu deuten? Die Rätsel im Expeditionstagebuch seines Vaters weisen euch den Weg. Schon bald findet ihr heraus, dass ihr einem großen Geheimnis immer näherkommt. Wäre da nicht die schreckliche Bestie, die es auf euch abgesehen hat … Am Ende kannst du selbst entscheiden, mit welchem Explorer du ein weiteres Abenteuer bestreiten willst: Entdecke mit Tashi das ewige Eis. Oder folge Cookie & Mojo durch Feuer und Lava. Viele spannende Rätsel und Fragen erwarten euch! Jede Mission führt die Explorer ans Ziel und du bist mittendrin. Schnapp dir deine nächste Mission: Explorer Team. Jagd durchs ewige Eis Explorer Team. Gefangen zwischen Feuer und Lava

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Explorer Team. Gefangen zwischen Feuer und Lava

        by Berenz, Björn; Dittert, Christoph

        Werde Explorer! Löse Rätsel, knacke Codes, werde Teil des Teams und entdecke ein einzigartiges Bucherlebnis! Für alle Fans von Escape Rooms, Exit Games und spannenden Geschichten. In diesem Bucherlebnis von Björn Berenz und Christoph Dittert kommen Abenteurer und Rätselfans ab 8 Jahren auf ihre Kosten. Jeder Band enthält ein neues, farbig illustriertes Tagebuch mit Rätseln und Hinweisen zum Knobeln, Kritzeln, Schneiden und Basteln. Folge Cookie & Mojo durch eine Welt voller Feuer und Lava. Jahrelang haben sich die Zwillinge alleine in Kathmandu durchgeschlagen. Bis ihnen das mysteriöse Vermächtnis der Hüter in die Hände fällt. Es ist ein Buch voller Rätsel und der Schlüssel zu Cookies und Mojos Vergangenheit. Kannst du ihnen helfen, dem Geheimnis auf die Spur zu kommen? Aber Achtung! Euer Weg birgt zahllose Hindernisse, von denen manche nur mit einer großen Portion Sprengstoff überstanden werden können … Am Ende kannst du selbst entscheiden, mit welchem Explorer du ein weiteres Abenteuer bestreiten willst: Jage mit Lias durch die vergessene Welt. Oder entdecke mit Tashi das ewige Eis. Viele spannende Rätsel und Fragen erwarten euch! Jede Mission führt die Explorer ans Ziel und du bist mittendrin. Schnapp dir deine nächste Mission: Explorer Team. Verschollen in der vergessenen Welt Explorer Team. Jagd durchs ewige Eis

      • Trusted Partner


        by Amnon Ben Tor

        This book summarizes the eight volumes of the Masada Final Reports series that have been published to date. The excavations led by Yigael Yadin at the site in the 1960s uncovered the Herodian palace-fortress where Jewish rebels in the revolt against Rome made their last stand against the mighty Roman legions in the years 66–73 CE. According to the accounts of contemporary historian Josephus Flavius, the defenders committed mass suicide rather than surrender. Hundreds of volunteers from around the world participated in those excavations. Chapters cover the architectural remains and small finds of the Herodian, Zealot, and Roman periods; the Roman siegeworks; and Byzantine period remains. Thousands of artifacts including manuscripts were found in the excavations. Masada is not only an archaeological site but also a symbol – mainly, though not exclusively, for modern Israelis. This is reflected in the hundreds of thousands of visitors every year from around the world. Masada was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001. The final chapter of the book examines the so-called “Masada myth” in light of the archaeological evidence, evaluating recent criticism of the methodology and historical conclusions of the excavators of Masada in view of their actual findings.   Amnon Ben-Tor, Yigael Yadin Professor Emeritus of the Archaeology of Eretz Israel at the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University, was a team member of the Yadin excavation of Masada. He studied archaeology and Jewish history at the Hebrew University, where he received his Ph.D. in 1968 and taught until 2004 while excavating various sites in Israel, including a regional study of the western Jezreel Valley at the sites of Tel Qiri, Tel Qashish, and Yoqne'am. He has been the director of the Selz Foundation Hazor Excavations in memory of Yigael Yadin since 1990.   25.2 × 19 cm., 320 pages, hardcover, numerous photos and drawings.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Painting Series of Chinese Folk Tales: The Mouse Marries its Daughter to the Cat

        by The Editorial Board

        This series contains 31 titles of picture books. It is a collection of traditional Chinese classic tales, including fables, myths, idioms and folk legends. It’s playful and readable with attractive illustrations and concise text.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2023

        Nombres propios (Proper nouns)

        by Mercedes Alvarado

        In the face of uncertainty, we have lost the right to mourn; in the face of this, perhaps all that remains is to search, to ask, to name. This is a book that puts memory in the foreground, a recognition of the collective mourning that runs through us. Nombres propios is an approach to the legitimate and loving resistance that sustains the living victims of violence in Mexico. As Natalia Mendoza notes in the prologue: Alvarado's verses point to the concrete mechanism that could inaugurate a new time.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2023

        Prueba olímpica (Olympic Trial)

        by Lorena Huitrón

        "Prueba olímpica" test demystifies what is in front of him. Here prose poems are explored, there are verses that become epigraphs of a following poem, obsessions that open a process that can be endless, wounds that discover, themselves, that it makes sense to mock their existence. Lorena has a natural force that disturbs those who read her, like that bird that murmurs near our ear. This book is inserted in the tradition to modify it.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Painting Series of Chinese Folk Tales: The Number Song

        by The Editorial Board

        This series contains 31 titles of picture books. It is a collection of traditional Chinese classic tales, including fables, myths, idioms and folk legends. It’s playful and readable with attractive illustrations and concise text.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Perlas de araña (Spider pearls)

        by Valentina Winocur

        Nona and Catalina, grandmother and granddaughter, have to flee to Mexico because of the Argentine dictatorship. The two land in a new place where they will have to reconfigure themselves in many ways. To begin with, as happens in exile, families are reorganized in unique sizes and structures. Catalina is just a child, she understands it at her own pace. Her seemingly innocent gaze observes a Chilean city that opens into a country with a life of its own. La Nona, who wields a singular wisdom, is an identity star. Questions about history and the present, arrive in time. Mexico and Argentina are distant countries on the map, but space-time merges them in a notion made of pain but also a lot of love, the argenmex, which throbs and has taken root in the south and north of the continent. This book does not stop there, but develops, reaching other geographies as well. As if it were a spider's web, it is carefully woven, captures and, above all, crosses threads of multiple meanings, from the historical, political and national, to those of childhood, the family and the individual.

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