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        Chang Yu still life painting

        by Chang Yu

        In the modern Chinese painting circle, Chang Yu is a leader, once alternately refreshing the Chinese oil painting auction record. Painter Chang Yu has had ups and downs throughout her life, and insists on going her own way in art. He is recognized in the West as a world-class painter, a Chinese Modigliani, a painter who creates freely for his artistic beliefs and makes remarkable achievements. Chang Yu turned from the most familiar Chinese art to another brand new western art field, and constantly explored and pursued on the basis of Chinese painting, finally achieving Chang Yu's special painting style of simplicity and fluency. Chang Yu is an indelible Oriental pearl. Few books of Chang Yu are published in China. We popularize such art and publicize Chang Yu's achievements in the history of Chinese art in the 20th century.The series consists of 3 books. This book is Chang Yu's collection of still life flower paintings, which contains more than 60 of his important and iconic vase flower works. Chang Yu's still life works are a mirror of his inner world. "The feeling of desolation.

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        August 2017

        Cultural Perplexity in Agonized Travel (ultimate revised edition with illustrations)

        by Yu Qiuyu

        Cultural Perplexity in Agonized Travel is the salable classic cultural prose of Yu Qiuyu, which was first published in 1992. From then, Yu has painstakingly modified and rewritten this book in subsequent republications during the last 25 years. Cultural Perplexity in Agonized Travel (ultimate revised edition with illustrations), published by Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, has went through lots of supplement and revise on the basis of the old versions. The most vital revise is deleting the fourth part "Life Journey", adding several significant articles in Mountain Home Notes, and increasing 23 illustrations. This version is examined and approved by Yu Qiuyu himself. Several articles in the book have been selected into the Chinese textbooks of middle school.

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        August 2017

        Door Opening

        by Yu Qiuyu

        This book is written by the well-known scholar, Yu Qiuyu. As a collection of prose, it contains 15 prose, all of which record relevant people and things in Yu’s memory. Previously unpublished texts of Yu Qiuyu take up nearly 30% of the collection.

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        Chang Yu animal painting

        by Chang Yu

        In the modern Chinese painting circle, Chang Yu is a leader, once alternately refreshing the Chinese oil painting auction record. Painter Chang Yu has had ups and downs throughout her life, and insists on going her own way in art. He is recognized in the West as a world-class painter, a Chinese Modigliani, a painter who creates freely for his artistic beliefs and makes remarkable achievements. Chang Yu turned from the most familiar Chinese art to another brand new western art field, and constantly explored and pursued on the basis of Chinese painting, finally achieving Chang Yu's special painting style of simplicity and fluency. Chang Yu is an indelible Oriental pearl. Few books of Chang Yu are published in China. We popularize such art and publicize Chang Yu's achievements in the history of Chinese art in the 20th century.The series consists of 3 books. This book is a collection of Chang Yu's animal paintings, which contains more than 60 of her important and iconic animal works. Chang Yu's animal works mostly show the vast land, the ancient roads, or the yellow sand road, and the desolate situation of people. In the painting, there is only a small animal like a drop in the ocean in the boundless empty sky. All the viewers can feel the loneliness and sorrow of this stranger in his old age.

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        Chang Yu figure painting

        by Chang Yu

        In the modern Chinese painting circle, Chang Yu is a leader, once alternately refreshing the Chinese oil painting auction record. Painter Chang Yu has had ups and downs throughout her life, and insists on going her own way in art. He is recognized in the West as a world-class painter, a Chinese Modigliani, a painter who creates freely for his artistic beliefs and makes remarkable achievements. Chang Yu turned from the most familiar Chinese art to another brand new western art field, and constantly explored and pursued on the basis of Chinese painting, finally achieving Chang Yu's special painting style of simplicity and fluency. Chang Yu is an indelible Oriental pearl. Few books of Chang Yu are published in China. We popularize such art and publicize Chang Yu's achievements in the history of Chinese art in the 20th century.The series consists of 3 books. This book is a collection of Chang Yu's figure painting works, which contains more than 60 of his important and iconic figure works. Chang Yu's female body works are different from the expression Angle of nude paintings, and he uses the whole body outline of a naked woman to express the scenery in his mind. There are not many slim naked women in Chang Yu's works, but mostly plump and fat women. Quite the author "do not talk to people, alone in the dark" self-pity mode.

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        Still on the Earth

        by Yu Xiuhua

        Still on the Earth is the first novel of Yu Xiuhua the poet. Taking Yu Xiuhua as the archetypal character, the novel has depicted the story of a disabled woman who suffers, fights and chooses “being-towards-death”. As she is ill with cerebral palsy, Zhou Yu, the heroine, has been ignored and even discarded by nearly everyone and the whole society. However, she yearns for being treated as a healthy and normal person instead of being offered with any pity or disdain. All she wants is just equality. Driven by the lack of love, the misfortune of family as well as various encounters in life, Zhou Yu employs poems to express her feelings. Finally she creates a literary realm with her poems and gets acknowledged. The author calmly narrates the unfortunate life of disabled people and turns the darkness and love deep down in her heart into the nutrients for growth, thereby achieving the spiritual state featured with reality, optimism, braveness and calmness.

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        Children's & YA

        Yu Bao’s World

        by Huang Beijia

        The 11-year old boy-Yu Bao walks and runs on the dusty “Heaven Street” every day, which is located at rural-urban joint place. During his journey, he passes many groceries by which nonnatives make a living, wades across muddy rainwater which is up to the waist, detours huge dump of the city. Meanwhile, he worries about where he can place his desk ,and he is anxious about how to find his missing father, and he is concerned about helping his laborious mother, and he is also happy just because his sisters—Yu Xiang and Yu Duo are happy……The boy’s life is difficult but neither embarrassed, alone, nor dark. Not only because his whole family can stay together, but there is sincere friendship from his companions—Meng Xiaowei, Luo Tianyu and so on. It is a long novel which directly involves current reality. The author pays attention to the living condition and status of the kids who are from rural places, and talks about loneness, setback, fear, perplexing, disaster even death that they face in their boyhood. After the first draft of this works was finished. it was once read by teachers, students and children’s parents in many primary schools. To some extent, it was a classic works created by famous author and some little readers.

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        Biography & True Stories
        May 2019

        Su Yu and Mao Zedong and Chen Yi

        by Zhou ShaoHua

        Su Yu and Chen Yi are the golden partner to Mao Zedong. The biggest confidant of Su Yu and Chen Yi is Mao Zedong. These three heroes were maintain closely relationships. The purpose of this book is to acquaint the achievements of the previous generation of proletarian revolutionaries with clues about the encounter between Su Yu and Mao Zedong Chen Chenyi for half a century.

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        January 2013

        Sigh In Millennium

        by Yu Qiu Yu

        Record the experience, inspiration and thinking of Mr Yu Qiuyu in his trek for 40,000 km when he followed the “Travel in Millennium” overland motorcade of Phoenix Satellite Television in Hong Kong at the beginning of millennium year. The author records and writes as he advances. This travel has stretched across the Eurasia, and he witnesses with words the great historical sites which are famous all over the world.

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        July 2017

        Yu Wang Bei Mi

        by Mu Ling

        A fine collection of science fiction by children’s literature writer Mu Ling. Mu Ling’s science fictions pursue a scientific basis of “organic imagination”, has a positive outlook and good spirit of seeking truth. This series collects Mu Ling’s three masterpieces full of fantasy and humanistic concern: Dream Machine, Hei Wa, Yu Wang Bei Mi, which are rare sci-fi theme in children’s literature works of China. This series will lead children step by step to “hard science fiction” which is full of intellectual challenges through “light science fiction” and “soft science fiction”.

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        Health & Personal Development
        September 2016

        Only the Doctor Knows: Select Edition

        by Zhang Yu

        Only the Doctor Knows: Select Edition is a revised version of Only the Doctor Knows series, written by a gynecologist Zhang Yu. The series have won many important book prizes in China. This revised version includes all the important moments of pregnancy, labor, and parenting. From innocent girl to wife and mother, a woman’s role changes with special female physiology. Woman’s health brings harmony to a family. This book tells interesting stories of female from different age who see the doctor, providing necessary female health knowledge.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2017

        Melancholy of the Kite

        by Yu kwang-chung

        The title selects 100 classic pieces of Chinese poet Yu Kwang-chung’s from his 1000 poems. It is divided into seven parts: ambition, affection, homesickness, art, education, nature, life. Through different themes, the poet presented his longing for hometown, his love towards wife, his appreciation of other poets, and his contemplation of universe and life.

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        April 2024

        Unsichtbare Katzen

        Chronik wundersamer Katzenereignisse

        by Yu Yoyo

        Das Leben eines jungen chinesischen Paares ändert sich abrupt, als es durch Zufall in den Besitz einer Katze gelangt. Das samtene Wesen mit den unergründlichen Augen bringt die Welt des Paares gehörig durcheinander – aber ist die Welt nicht ohnehin viel katzenhafter als gedacht? Reale und fantastische Begebenheiten reichen sich hier die Pfote: Katzen laufen nicht nur zu und fügen sich geschmeidig in das Mobiliar ein, sondern regnen gelegentlich auch vom Himmel herab oder wachsen aus dem Boden empor. In eleganten und humorvollen Episoden erzählt dieses Buch von der Kraft der Katzen, nicht nur sich selbst, sondern auch ihre Besitzer zu verwandeln. Yu Yoyos Prosadebüt verbindet auf raffinierte Weise das Gewöhnliche mit der Magie des Unerwarteten – und besticht darüber hinaus durch wunderbare Illustrationen. Auf der Katzentreppe der Fantasie steigt dieses Geschenkbuch bis über die Dächer des Alltags und findet eine Antwort auf die Frage, wie das Zauberhafte in unser Leben kommt.

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        April 2024

        Unsichtbare Katzen

        Chronik wundersamer Katzenereignisse

        by Yu Yoyo, Karin Betz

        Das Leben eines jungen chinesischen Paares ändert sich abrupt, als es durch Zufall in den Besitz einer Katze gelangt. Das samtene Wesen mit den unergründlichen Augen bringt die Welt des Paares gehörig durcheinander – aber ist die Welt nicht ohnehin viel katzenhafter als gedacht? Reale und fantastische Begebenheiten reichen sich hier die Pfote: Katzen laufen nicht nur zu und fügen sich geschmeidig in das Mobiliar ein, sondern regnen gelegentlich auch vom Himmel herab oder wachsen aus dem Boden empor. In eleganten und humorvollen Episoden erzählt dieses Buch von der Kraft der Katzen, nicht nur sich selbst, sondern auch ihre Besitzer zu verwandeln. Yu Yoyos Prosadebüt verbindet auf raffinierte Weise das Gewöhnliche mit der Magie des Unerwarteten – und besticht darüber hinaus durch wunderbare Illustrationen. Auf der Katzentreppe der Fantasie steigt dieses Geschenkbuch bis über die Dächer des Alltags und findet eine Antwort auf die Frage, wie das Zauberhafte in unser Leben kommt.

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