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        Ursinis grosser Coup

        Ein Tatsachenroman über die moderne Mafia

        by Russo, Enzo / Übersetzt von Raith, Werner

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        January 1988


        Leben und Werk

        by Siciliano, Enzo

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        April 2004

        Die europäische Stadt

        by Walter Siebel

        In den kurzen goldenen Jahren nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg schien die europäische Stadt der Modellfall eines sozial ausgeglichenen, kulturell integrierten und prosperierenden Gemeinwesens. Heute wird ihr Ende vorhergesagt. Ihre Gestalt verliert sich in einem gesichtslosen Siedlungsbrei. Der öffentliche Raum wird privatisiert. Leerstehende Wohnungen und Industriebrachen reißen Lücken in das städtische Gefüge. Es entstehen abgeschottete Quartiere der Armen und der Einwanderer. Die Globalisierung, die Macht der Immobilienentwickler und die Finanzmisere stellen die europäische Stadt als eine Bastion des Wohlfahrtsstaats in Frage. Aber es gibt auch soziale, kulturelle, ökonomische und politische Gegentendenzen. Sie werden in diesem Band diskutiert, der sich an Stadtplaner, Stadtpolitiker und alle stadtpolitisch Interessierten ebenso richtet wie an Architekten und Sozialwissenschaftler. Beiträger sind u. a. Dieter Läpple, Peter Marcuse, Enzo Mingione, Claus Offe, Saskia Sassen, Thomas Sieverts und Erika Spiegel.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        Criptomoneda y soberanía (Cryptocurrency and sovereignity)

        Tensiones del dinero en el siglo XXI (Money tensions in the 21st century)

        by Alessi, Alejandro; Coronel, Daniel; Pomar, Tomás; Ribera, Juan Emilio (comps.)

        This book addresses the significant impact of new technologies on monetary and economic systems. Amidst global events, like the Russo-Ukrainian war, the U.S. considered creating an official cryptocurrency, while the International Monetary Fund pressured Argentina to relinquish cryptocurrency use. As the world shifts towards digital currencies, nations like Argentina must decide their stance or risk being left behind.

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        Hungrige Herzen

        Romanze in Technicolor

        by Zucker, Renée; Briketti, Enzo

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Bad Roads

        by Nataliia Vorozhbyt

        Nataliia Vorozhbyt became famous when she worked as a screenwriter on the cult TV series To Catch the Kaidash, based on the life of the Ukrainian classic writer Nechuy-Levytsky, and even played a role in it as a supporting actress. Her play Bad Roads was written for the Royal Court Theatre in London; it was also staged by the Kyiv Academic Theatre of Drama and Comedy and later adapted into a hit film. Bad Roads consists of six episodes: they are the stories of ordinary men and women whose fate brought them to Donbas during the Russo-Ukrainian war. Some episodes have even shocked audiences, like the episode where a naked eighth-grade schoolgirl is found in a military dugout. Disputes over Bad Roads are still raging, but they only manage to increase interest in Vorozhbyt’s work.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2023

        Love, Dad

        by Valeriy Puzik

        He could have been showing his son the world, and just stayed by his side. Instead, he joined the army to protect his country in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Despite the exhausting days of combat, the main character doesn’t forget that he is a father, too. This book came to be as a conversation with the son who remains far away, yet always close — in his father’s heart. The book doesn’t include battle scenes or combat descriptions. Valeriy Puzik tries to demonstrate that even at the time of the most ruthless wars, a human remains at the center of everything. He leads readers through fragments of memories, reflections about today, and dreams about the future, creating his own battlefield reality. This book is about the here and now that thousands of soldiers experience during the war. It’s a raw nerve that leaves no space for feelings of indifference towards the world around. It’s a narrow path over the precipice that must be crossed to finally see the light — children, loved ones, and a peaceful homeland.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Germany's Russia problem

        by John Lough, Andrew Monaghan

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2022

        Germany's Russia problem

        The struggle for balance in Europe

        by John Lough

        The relationship between Germany and Russia is Europe's most important link with the largest country on the continent. But despite Germany's unparalleled knowledge and historical experience, its policymakers struggle to accept that Moscow's efforts to rebalance Europe at the cost of the cohesion of the EU and NATO are an attack on Germany's core interests. This book explains the scale of the challenge facing Germany in managing relations with a changing Russia. It analyses how successive German governments from 1991 to 2014 misread Russian intentions, until Angela Merkel sharply recalibrated German and EU policy towards Moscow. The book also examines what lies behind efforts to revise Merkel's bold policy shift, including attitudes inherited from the GDR and the role of Russian influence channels in Germany.

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        January 1986

        Das Wahre und das Falsche

        Essay über die logische Struktur der psychoanalystischen Deutung

        by Codignola, Enzo / Vorwort von Parin, Paul

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