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      • Založba Malinc

        At Malinc Publishing House we have been publishing quality children's literature since 2012 and have strived for bigger literary diversity throughout. We are concentrated on publishing authors from the Spanish speaking countries and minority literatures' representatives connected with the Spanish culture such as Basque, Catalan and Galician writers. Books of less known literatures from Europe and elsewhere have also been published by Malinc Publishing House. Through the reading promotion projects we put academic knowledge into practice. Besides, we carry out courses for the mentors of reading and organize literary readings and visits of foreign authors. It is in this way that we raise general reading literacy, intercultural and linguistic competences and include vulnerable groups, especially people with dyslexia.

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        Travel & Transport

        UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine

        by Roman Malenkov

        The history of Ukraine is turbulent and rich, and the nature is truly unique, so it is not surprising that there are many attractive and interesting tourist sites. But which ones are worth seeing first? According to a number of definitive criteria, UNESCO has identified 7 main natural and cultural sites of Ukraine and included them in the World Heritage List. Moreover, there is also a list of sites considered for nomination in the World Heritage Sites List,which is called the UNESCO Tentative List; in Ukraine there are 17 more such sites. The guidebook by Roman Malenkov, a traveller and founder of the local history website "Ukraine Incognita", will tell about them all.

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        Biography & True Stories
        February 2020

        Andrey Sheptytsky. Biography

        by Roman Horak

        Fourteen moments of the Passion of Christ, called stations, were recorded by human memory on the way of our salvation on Calvary. Fourteen moments of our humiliation and humiliation of our faith... How many humiliation he suffered, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, who felt like a Kyrenian, who helped us carry our cross, when those who called themselves leaders abandoned us, and when our language was banned. ...And the Lord took pity on us. And as a great manifestation of love for us, He sent Him, who was destined to go with us on His way to Calvary. Let's not forget: he was always a stranger among those for whom he came into this world. His conversion to his ancestors' faith was perceived ambiguously. The book is based on documentary materials, the authenticity of which has been confirmed. It creates the impression of a real epic of time and relationships. In addition to memories of the metropolitan, the testimony of the press, which recorded his every step, denunciations on him, materials of special services, protocols of interrogations, reports of employees and special agents, who have been monitoring Metropolitan Sheptytsky since 1937, were used. For a wide range of readers.

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        Biography & True Stories
        January 2021

        Artistic glory of Ukraine

        Looking for yevshan-herb

        by Roman Bereza

        The book, in the form of essays-stories, depicts the life and work of individual personalities who played a significant role in the formation and development of Ukrainian thought, culture, and art. Using colorful means of the artistic word, the author depicts many little-known facts from the lives of outstanding Ukrainian artists, who made a bright contribution to the flourishing of Ukrainian and world culture. The book will be valuable for a narrow circle of specialists and a wide range of readers. It will also be of help to writers, cultural experts, and art critics, as well as to all those who are interested in studying the history of Ukraine based on the examples of the lives and creative achievements of its notable personalities.

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        Biography & True Stories
        July 2021

        Serhii Lyfar. The biography

        Flying under the wing of Icarus

        by Roman Bereza

        The novel depicts the life and work of the legendary Ukrainian dancer and choreographer Serhii Lyfar who, due to his talent, entered the cohort of the most outstanding artists of the world culture of the 20th century. Relying on documentary sources and biographical data, the author vividly and truthfully describes the entire era of the development of choreographic art in Europe, which is associated with the name of the great Ukrainian, who was destined to appear at the origins of the latest revival of French ballet in the last century. The reader can watch Kyiv in the first quarter and middle of the 20th century. In the novel also appears the theatrical, choreographic, and artistic life of France of that time, which was vividly reflected in the creative path of Serhiy Lyfar and received its dynamic development in unity with such notable figures as Serhiy Diaghilev, Mykhailo Fokin, Enrico Cecchetti, Matilda Kshesinska, Anna Pavlova, Olga Spesyvtseva, Tamara Karsavina, Vaclav and Bronislava Nijinsky, Pablo Picasso, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Alexander Benoit, Coco Chanel, George Balanchine and a number of other famous personalities who were in the center of world culture and art.

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        April 2019

        Die Schwarzkünstlerin

        Ein Faust-Roman

        by Roman Rausch

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        January 1983

        Freiwillig aus dem Leben

        Ein Dokument

        by Roman, Jo

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        May 2010


        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Roman Rhode

        »Die Straßen in Havanna«, schrieb der kubanische Schriftsteller Alejo Carpentier, »bieten ein fortwährendes Schauspiel: Theater, Karikatur, Drama, Komödie oder was auch immer.« So verwundert es nicht, daß gerade Künstler und Intellektuelle sich von der pulsierenden Atmosphäre der Hafenstadt inspirieren ließen. In den prächtigen Hotels der Altstadt logierten Jean-Paul Sartre, Ry Cooder und Albert Einstein. Ernest Hemingway erkor Havanna sogar zu seinem ständigen Wohnsitz. Den Soundtrack zu dem Treiben auf den Straßen liefern bis heute Rumba und Son Cubano – die mit dem Buena Vista Social Club unvergeßlich wurden. Auf den Spuren bedeutender Autoren entdeckt der Leser die verborgenen, magischen Orte der »Perle der Karibik«.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2010

        Werden wir ewig leben?

        Gespräche über die Zukunft von Mensch und Technologie

        by Roman Brinzanik, Tobias Hülswitt

        Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen zu den Themen Leben, Intelligenz und Materie erzielen derzeit revolutionäre Ergebnisse, die unsere Auffassung von der Natur des menschlichen Körpers und Geistes herausfordern. Der Erfinder und Autor Ray Kurzweil leitet aus möglichen technologischen Anwendungen dieser Erkenntnisse die Vision einer nahen Zukunft ab, in der Künstliche Intelligenz die menschliche auf allen Gebieten übertrifft, in der der Mensch mit intelligenter Technologie verschmilzt, Krankheiten und Altern durch den Einsatz von Gentechnik und Nanomedizin bekämpft werden und schließlich niemand mehr eines natürlichen Todes sterben muß. Was an diesen Visionen ist Wissenschaft, was Heilsversprechen religiöser Art, was reine Science Fiction? Der Schriftsteller Tobias Hülswitt und der Physiker Roman Brinzanik haben Interviews mit herausragenden Wissenschaftlern geführt, darunter der Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Jean-Marie Lehn, der Stammzellforscher Hans R. Schöler und der Hirnforscher Wolf Singer, um herauszufinden, was der heutige Stand der Naturwissenschaften ist und wie seriöse Zukunftsszenarien aussehen. Daneben werden in Gesprächen mit dem Präsidenten der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Peter Gruss, dem Demografen James W. Vaupel und dem Ethiker Bert Gordijn die sozialen Konsequenzen bevorstehender Technologien und einer möglichen radikalen Lebensverlängerung ausgelotet. Mit Pater Friedhelm Mennekes SJ, dem Schriftsteller Hans-Ulrich Treichel, dem Philosophen Aaron Ben-Ze’ev u. a. sprechen die Autoren über die Plastizität menschlicher Identität und das Verhältnis der Künste zu Technik, Melancholie und Vergänglichkeit. Zitat: »Könnten wir also den Tod überwinden? Jean-Marie Lehn: Wen? Den Tod. Jean-Marie Lehn: Bestimmte Aspekte davon wahrscheinlich schon. Es kommt darauf an, was Sie mit Tod meinen.« Jean-Marie Lehn, Chemie-Nobelpreis 1987

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        May 2010

        Der König von Helsinki

        oder wie ich der berühmteste Deutsche Finnlands wurde

        by Schatz, Roman

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        August 2008

        Der Spion der Fugger

        Historischer Roman

        by Kessing, Roman

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        March 2000

        Wider den Kampf der Kulturen

        Eine Friedensstrategie für das 21. Jahrhundert

        by Herzog, Roman

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        January 1998

        Kursbuch Die richtige Bank

        Ein Ratgeber für den Umgang mit Banken

        by Hofmeister, Roman

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