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      • Robert Lecker Agency

        Robert Lecker Agency is a dynamic literary management and consulting firm devoted to securing and advancing the careers of its client authors. The Agency draws on 30 years of publishing experience to obtain profitable and fair contracts with North America’s fastest growing publishers. Robert Lecker has worked extensively in trade publishing and has an established track record as an editor, coordinator, and subsidiary rights manager. RLA specializes in books about entertainment, music, popular culture, popular science, intellectual and cultural history, food, and travel. However, we are open to any idea that is original and well presented. We are also receptive to books written by academics that can attract a broad range of readers.

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      • Editions Robert Laffont S.A.

        Founded in 1941, Éditions Robert Laffont publish works of all genres, from fiction to non-fiction.   Several collections are known by bookshops and readers alike and feature in Laffont's repertoire: "Bouquins", the library of the honest man; "Pavillons", which - since its creation - has been bringing the best of nternational literature to French shores; "Réponses" (health, psychologie, family life); "R", our collection for young adults; and "La Bête Noire" (thriller, detective and crime fiction). Countless novels, political, topical and historical documents, as well as biographies, memoires and essays make up the rest of our work. Robert Laffont publishes well-reputed French and foreign writers. Robert Laffont's objective has not changed: to remain open-minded, to surprise, to inform, to move, to entertain, and to provoke!

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2010

        Jean Cocteau

        by James S. Williams, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram, Susan Williams

        This is a comprehensive, original and accessible account of all aspects of Jean Cocteau's work in the cinema. It is the first major study in English to appear for over forty years and casts new light on Cocteau's most celebrated films as well as those often neglected or little known. Jean Cocteau is not only one of French cinema's greatest and most influential auteurs whose work covered all the major genres but also an experimenter, collaborator, theorist and all-round ambassador of film. This lucid account provides a complete introduction to Cocteau's cinematic project in the context of his entire oeuvre, detailed analysis of individual films, and a thematic engagement with all his cinema from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. The Cocteau that emerges is at once a materialist filmmaker and visionary who is committed to realism in all its guises and reveals the wonder and mystery of what he called 'the cinematograph'. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        August 2001

        Bertrand Blier

        by Sue Harris, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        The most complete study of Blier's work to date, Harris traces the director's career from the early 1960s until the present. Outlines the forms, themes and style which dominate in Blier's work, and challenges the many labels that have been used to describe both the corpus of films and the man himself. Provides an original and controversial discussion of Blier's alleged 'misogyny', and invites the reader to understand the scatological and corporeal aspects of Blier's filmmaking in terms of long-established traditions of popular dramatic culture. Brings to light the comic mechanisms underpinning Blier's films and identifies strategies which navigate through one of the most entertaining and disconcerting bodies of work of recent years. The first book on Blier published in English. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        April 2017

        Robert Guédiguian

        by Series edited by Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram, Joseph Mai

        Intervening at the crossroads of philosophy, politics, and cinema, this book argues that the career of Robert Guédiguian, director of Marius et Jeannette (1997) and other popular auteurist films, can be read as an original and coherent project: to make a committed, historically-conscious cinema with friends, in a local space, and over a long period of time. Illustrated with comprehensive readings of all of Guédiguian's films.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2000

        Meine Tiere, mein Leben

        Geschichten von Zweibeinern und Vierbeinern

        by Herriot, James / Illustriert von Holmes, Lesley

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2011

        Die neuen Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

        Die Verfilmung der Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes entwickelte sich 2009 zu einem sensationellen Kinoerfolg, der weltweit Millionen von Zuschauer in die Kinos lockte. 2012 kämpfen Sherlock Holmes und sein Freund Dr. Watson weiter gegen den skrupellosen Verbrecher Professor Moriarty. Unter der Regie von Guy Ritchie lassen sich Robert Downing Jr. und Jude Law als grandioses Ermittlergespann erneut auf halsbrecherische und gefährliche Abenteuer ein, um den Schuldigen zu finden …

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Sherlock Holmes, the Master Detective (3). The Invisble Seventh Man

        by Oliver Pautsch/ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle/ Dominik Rupp

        What's going on in London? A mass breakout of prisoners, an attack on a hotel and a bank robbery - all that happens within a short while. Sherlock Holmes draws a rapid deduction: This cannot be an accident. He already has a theory what and most of all who is behind it. Remains to find out how his arch enemy managed to do that. But Sherlock is on his tracks because the thieves and their leader have left their fingerprints ...

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2010

        Jacques Rivette

        by Douglas Morrey, Diana Holmes, Alison Smith, Robert Ingram

        Jacques Rivette is perhaps the best-kept secret of French cinema. A founding figure in the New Wave, and at the centre of the Cahiers du cinéma team, he developed into one of the most unusual and adventurous French directors of the last sixty years, yet his work remains little-known in comparison with his contemporaries, and this study is the first in English to look at the full span of his career. Starting with his decisively influential film criticism of the 1950s, it moves from the New Wave through the complex, experimental films of the 1970s to the challenging, playful dramas which ensured his visibility during the following two decades, and ends in the present, including Rivette's most recent films, Histoire de Marie et Julien (2003) and Ne touchez pas la hache (2007). The book takes a thematic approach, offering detailed discussion of key elements of Rivette's film world, including games, conspiracy and jealousy, as well as a study of what Rivette's cinema adds to our understanding of key theoretical concepts in Film Studies such as narrative, space and adaptation. There are many close analyses of sequences from Rivette's films including Paris nous appartient (1961), Céline et Julie vont en bateau (1974) and La Belle Noiseuse (1991). ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2025

        Screening Sherlock

        A cultural history of the Great Detective on film and television

        by James Chapman

        Screening Sherlock is the first book-length academic study of the film and television career of the most famous detective in fiction. Chapman explores the contexts, adaptation strategies and critical reception of Sherlock Holmes (and Dr Watson) on film and television in Britain and the United States. The book includes case studies of such famous Holmes impersonators as William Gillette, Basil Rathbone, Peter Cushing, Jeremy Brett and Benedict Cumberbatch, as well as charting a path through many lesser-known productions. From early cinema to the Hollywood studio system, and from heritage drama to contemporary postmodern television, Screening Sherlock is an indispensible work for all aficionados of Arthur Conan Doyle's consulting detective of Baker Street.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Robert Walser

        Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten

        by Bernhard Echte, Bernhard Echte

        Robert Walsers Biographie ist von spannender Rätselhaftigkeit. Zeit seines Lebens verlief sein Weg am Rande der literarischen und bürgerlichen Welt, so daß er in den Zeugnissen seiner Zeitgenossen kaum Niederschlag fand. Und Walser seinerseits vermied es, sein Leben irgendwie anders zu dokumentieren als in seiner Literatur. Dort aber spielt er mit seiner Biographie – phantasierend und verwandelnd, so daß die Texte von seinen Lebensumständen mehr verschweigen als verraten. In mehr als 20jähriger Forschung ist es dem Herausgeber gelungen, eine Fülle unbekannter Materialien und Bilder zusammenzutragen. Annähernd 1000 zeitgenössische Bilddokumente erlauben es, Walsers Lebenswelt in einer Nähe und Dichte kennenzulernen, wie es bislang nicht möglich war. »Sein Lebensbild wird nie komplett geschrieben werden können. Schon scheint mancher seinen Charakter zu umkleiden versucht zu haben.« Robert Walser

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Sherlock Holmes, der Meisterdetektiv (3). Der Geisterhund im Nebelmoor

        by Conan Doyle, Arthur; Pautsch, Oliver

        Klassiker für starke Jungs Wieder einmal sind Sherlock Holmes und sein scharfer Verstand gefragt. Denn auf rätselhafte Weise ist der Onkel von Sherlocks Assistenten Bob verschwunden. Seine Spur führt mitten hinein in eine düstere Moorlandschaft. Ausgerechnet dort treibt ein unheimlicher Hund sein Unwesen. Der Meisterdetektiv lässt sich von diesem Hokuspokus natürlich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen … oder vielleicht doch? Abenteurer und Detektive - Klassiker einfach lesen Der Titel ist auf gelistet. Nach dem berühmten Roman von Arthur Conan Doyle - kindgerecht geschrieben und leicht zu lesen für Kinder ab 7/8 Jahren. Weitere Geschichten von Sherlock Holmes bei Arena 978-3-401- 70712-9 Sherlock Holmes, der Meisterdetektiv - Das Geheimnis des blauen Karfunkels 978-3-401-71718-0 Sherlock Holmes, der Meisterdetektiv - Das Rätsel um den schwarzen Hengst 978-3-401-71534-6 Sherlock Holmes, der Meisterdetektiv - Der unsichtbare siebte Mann

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Gisbert Haefs

        Baker Street 221b: Geheimnisvolle Besucher erscheinen bei Sherlock Holmes und haben Merkwürdiges zu berichten… Erst die kriminalistische Präzision des Meisterdetektivs bringt Licht in zwölf verworrene Fälle.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2008

        Entertaining television

        The BBC and popular television culture in the 1950s

        by Su Holmes

        Entertaining television challenges the idea that the BBC in the 1950s was elitist and 'staid', upholding Reithian values in a paternalistic, even patronising way. By focusing on a number of (often controversial) programme case studies - such as the soap opera, the quiz/ game show, the 'problem' show and programmes dealing with celebrity culture - Su Holmes demonstrates how BBC television surprisingly explored popular interests and desires. She also uncovers a number of remarkable connections with programmes and topics at the forefront of television today, ranging from talk shows, 'Reality TV', even to our contemporary obsession with celebrity. The book is iconclastic, percipient and grounded in archival research, and will be of use to anyone studying television history. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Die Rückkehr des Sherlock Holmes


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Werner Schmitz

        Drei Jahre sind seit dem vermeintlichen Tod von Sherlock Holmes vergangen – da steht der Detektiv plötzlich leibhaftig im Arbeitzimmer seines alten Freundes Dr. Watson. Neue rätselhafte Fälle warten auf ihn…

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Sherlock Holmes' Buch der Fälle


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Hans Wolf

        Das rätselhafte Verschwinden eines jungen Soldaten, der Diebstahl eines Krondiamanten, ein Mordanschlag auf Sherlock Holmes – die zwölf letzten Geschichten um den Londoner Meisterdetektiv sind ein Feuerwerk an Spannung und verblüffenden Wendungen.

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