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      • Peter Lang Group

        Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student coursebooks.

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      • Robert Lecker Agency

        Robert Lecker Agency is a dynamic literary management and consulting firm devoted to securing and advancing the careers of its client authors. The Agency draws on 30 years of publishing experience to obtain profitable and fair contracts with North America’s fastest growing publishers. Robert Lecker has worked extensively in trade publishing and has an established track record as an editor, coordinator, and subsidiary rights manager. RLA specializes in books about entertainment, music, popular culture, popular science, intellectual and cultural history, food, and travel. However, we are open to any idea that is original and well presented. We are also receptive to books written by academics that can attract a broad range of readers.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        Pluck mit dem Kranwagen

        by Annie M. G. Schmidt, Fiep Westendorp

        Tatütata - Pluck ist da! Aus seinem Wohntürmchen auf einem Hochhaus hat Pluck einen tollen Überblick. Und dank seines roten Kranwagens ist er stets zur Stelle, wenn jemand Hilfe braucht. So erlebt er mit den sechs kleinen Stampferchen aus dem zwanzigsten Stock, Freundin Agathe und der Taube Dolly jede Menge Abenteuer. Denn es gibt viel zu tun: Eichhörnchen Düselchen helfen, seine Höhenangst zu verlieren, den Fährwolf wieder zum Lachen bringen und dafür sorgen, dass Frau Sauberer täglich einen Löffel von der glücklich machenden Marmelade isst. Lustige Geschichten mit tollen Charakteren und vielen Illustrationen von Fiep Westendorp. Als liebenswerter Held erobert Pluck Kinderherzen im Sturm.

      • Trusted Partner
        Socialism & left-of-centre democratic ideologies
        December 2014

        The search for democratic renewal

        by Rob Manwaring

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2014

        The search for democratic renewal

        The politics of consultation in Britain and Australia

        by Rob Manwaring

        Why is the search for democratic renewal so elusive? This book examines both the political and policy implications of efforts by the centre-left to transform democracy. This is a story not only about democratic change, but also the identity crisis of centre-left political parties. The book offers a fresh critique of the Big Society agenda, and analyses why both left and right are searching for democratic renewal. Drawing on high-profile interviews and examining an in-depth series of comparative cases, the book argues that the centre-left's search for democratic renewal contains a range of policy and political aims, contradictions and tensions. It will be of interest to students, academics, researchers, interest groups and policy analysts interested in consultation, democratic renewal, labour politics, and Australian and British politics. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        The history of emotions

        by Rob Boddice

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2023

        The penny politics of Victorian popular fiction

        by Rob Breton

        Penny politics offers a new way to read early Victorian popular fiction such as Jack Sheppard, Sweeney Todd, and The Mysteries of London. It locates forms of radical discourse in the popular literature that emerged simultaneously with Brittan's longest and most significant people's movement. It listens for echoes of Chartist fiction in popular fiction. The book rethinks the relationship between the popular and political, understanding that radical politics had popular appeal and that the lines separating a genuine radicalism from commercial success are complicated and never absolute. With archival work into Newgate calendars and Chartist periodicals, as well as media history and culture, it brings together histories of the popular and political so as to rewrite the radical canon.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2012

        Transforming folk

        Innovation and tradition in English folk-rock music

        by Rob Burns

        English folk-rock, a former progressive rock music style, remains a stimulus for further change in folk music and has enabled English folk-rock to become regarded as popular music by a new audience with diverse musical tastes. From musicological and historical perspectives, this book maintains that folk music performance continues to be influenced by rock and other popular music styles. From a cultural studies perspective, this book also demonstrates how the popularity of folk music presented at world music festivals has stimulated significant growth in folk music audiences since the mid-1990s and consequently the UK is experiencing a new phase of revivalism - the third folk revival. The book contains contributions from Martin Carthy (The Imagined Village), Simon Nicol (Fairport Convention), Ashley Hutchings (The Albion Band), Gerry Conway (Fairport Convention) and Rick Kemp (Steeleye Span). ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Film scripts & screenplays
        July 2013

        Julio Medem

        by Rob Stone

      • Trusted Partner

        Everyone Can Draw Comics

        by Jia Cejin

        Everyone can Draw Comics and Create Comic Characters: Starting with the creation of comic characters, it's not only helpful for learners to understand the methods of creating comic characters, but also an effective comic course for teaching. We try to provide some tips for character creation, try to let comic learners find an effective comic character creation method by analyzing excellent Chinese and foreign comic characters. Everyone can Draw Comics and Create Comic Stories: Starting with the creation of comic scripts, it's not only helpful for learners to master  the principles of comic story creation, but also an effective comic course for teaching. This book provides detailed interpretation in two aspects of comic characters and comic stories, uses excellent comics as a reference to teach comic learners to create comics based on their creations, which are cleverly integrated into the studying of comics skills and all kinds of practices.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2015

        Corporate and white-collar crime in Ireland

        A new architecture of regulatory enforcement

        by Joe McGrath, Rob Kitchin

        This book explores the emergence of a new architecture of corporate enforcement in Ireland. It is demonstrated that the State has transitioned from one contradictory model of corporate enforcement to another. Traditionally, the State invoked its most powerful weapon of state censure, the criminal law, but was remarkably lenient in practice because the law was not enforced. The contemporary model is much more reliant on cooperative measures and civil orders, but also contains remarkably punitive and instrumental measures to surmount the difficulties of proving guilt in criminal cases. Though corporate and financial regulation has become an area of significant interest for academics, researchers and those with an interest in corporate affairs, this sudden surge of interest lacks a tradition of scholarship or any deep empirical and contextual analysis in Ireland. This book provides that foundation. It is likely to stimulate an extensive conversation on corporate regulation and governance in Ireland. It is also likely to provide a platform for researchers further afield with an interest in comparative study with Ireland. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2011

        Public Private Partnerships in Ireland

        Failed experiment or the way forward?

        by Rory Hearne, Rob Kitchin

        Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have come to public attention in recent years in Ireland with the impact of toll roads, the collapse of social-housing projects and their use in the provision of courts buildings, schools, water/waste water treatment plants, hospitals, light rail and other public infrastructure and services. This book provides a ground breaking and unique analysis of the development of such PPPs internationally, with a detailed focus on the rationale behind their introduction and outcomes in Ireland. The detailed evidence outlined from the author's extensive research (including interviews with senior central and government officials, private sector, community and trade union representatives and the Irish Minister for Environment) highlights the important role PPPs are playing in the implementation of privatisation and neoliberalism. The book also provides considerable practical lessons from individual PPP projects. It is therefore an essential read for students, academics of politics, economics, sociology, geography and policy practitioners in Ireland, and further afield. It is of considerable interest to anyone concerned with the progress of Irish society, its economy and, indeed public services and governance internationally. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2016

        Asymmetric engagement

        by Joe Larragy, Rob Kitchin

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2001

        Uriels Auftrag

        Das Buch Enoch, die Freimaurer und das Geheimnis der Sintflut

        by Knight, Lomas; Christopher, Rob

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2020

        The history of emotions

        by Rob Boddice, Geoffrey Cubitt

      • Trusted Partner

        Unser gigantischer Fußabdruck

        Acht Milliarden Menschen - unsere größte Gefahr und unsere größte Hoffnung

        by Rob Sears, Tom Sears

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012

        Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Peter Pan

        by Sabine Rahn, Andrea Offermann, James M. Barrie

        In "Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Peter Pan" von Sabine Rahn erleben die Geschwister Wendy, John und Michael eine außergewöhnliche Nacht, die ihr Leben für immer verändern wird. Peter Pan, der Junge, der niemals erwachsen wird, und seine treue Gefährtin, die Fee Tinkerbell, erscheinen in ihrem Kinderzimmer und lehren sie das Fliegen. Gemeinsam begeben sie sich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise ins magische Nimmerland, einem Ort, an dem die Fantasie keine Grenzen kennt. Dort treffen sie auf Meerjungfrauen, Indianer und stellen sich der Bedrohung durch den berüchtigten Piraten Captain Hook. Sabine Rahns Neuinterpretation des zeitlosen Klassikers von J.M. Barrie macht diese fantastische Geschichte zugänglich für jüngere Zuhörer, ohne dabei den Zauber und die Spannung des Originals zu verlieren.Die wundervollen Illustrationen von Andrea Offermann ergänzen die erzählte Geschichte perfekt und fangen die Atmosphäre von Nimmerland und seiner Bewohner eindrucksvoll ein. Durch die kindgerechte Aufbereitung und die lebhaften Bilder wird "Peter Pan" zu einem idealen Vorlesebuch, das Kinder in die Welt der Fantasie entführt und gleichzeitig wichtige Themen wie Freundschaft, Mut und das Heranwachsen behandelt. Sabine Rahn gelingt es, die Abenteuer von Peter Pan und seinen Freunden so zu erzählen, dass sie junge Zuhörer fesseln und inspirieren. Zeitloser Klassiker neu erzählt für kleine Zuhörer, macht die Geschichte von Peter Pan zugänglich und verständlich. Lebendige und detailreiche Illustrationen von Andrea Offermann, die die Magie von Nimmerland und seiner Bewohner zum Leben erwecken. Kindgerechte Sprache und Aufbereitung, ideal für Vorlesestunden und als Einführung in die Welt der klassischen Literatur. Spannende Abenteuer und wertvolle Lehren über Freundschaft, Mut und das Erwachsenwerden, die Kinder begeistern und zum Nachdenken anregen. Hochwertige Ausgabe, die in keinem Kinderbuchregal fehlen sollte und die zu gemeinsamen Lesemomenten einlädt. Förderung der Fantasie und Kreativität bei Kindern durch die Einführung in die Welt von Peter Pan und Nimmerland. Ideales Geschenk für junge Leser*innen ab 4 Jahren und alle, die die Magie des Vorlesens schätzen.

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