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Promoted ContentScience & MathematicsJuly 2020
Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties
by Valerie Porter, Ali Thompson
Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties, now in its sixth edition, has a long history as a reliable and authoritative source of key livestock breed information. Intended as a list of livestock names and synonyms for breeds, groups, types and varieties worldwide, the dictionary aims to include all names found in the literature, 'defining' each breed or type with a brief indication of identifying characteristics, uses and source of origin. Expanded into a new edition, this established and trusted resource: - Extends coverage to include yak, reindeer and camelids in addition to the existing cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, horses, asses and buffalo - Features well over 10,000 entries and cross-references on breeds, sub-breeds, types, varieties, strains and lines of species - Covers newly created and now-recognised local breeds documented over the last two decades An important updated work, Mason's dictionary forms a useful reference for livestock breeders and academics interested in breeds, as well as national and international organizations with interests in livestock.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2019
»Als es noch richtige Winter gab«
Ein Lesebuch
by Matthias Reiner, Isolde Ohlbaum
»Die Winter waren damals viel kälter, es gab viel mehr Schnee als heute«, erinnert sich Anna Wimschneider in Herbstmilch. Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal Eisblumen am Fenster gesehen? Oder einen vollständig zugefrorenen See? Der vorliegende Band versammelt Geschichten und Gedichte von wunderweißen Nächten und wehrhaften Schneemännern, vom Apfel im Schlafrock und Silvesterpunsch, vom Winterschlaf und von Dachziegeln als Wärmflaschen. Die Fotografin Isolde Ohlbaum hat sich für dieses Buch auf die Suche gemacht nach Bildern der verloren geglaubten Jahreszeit.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2015
»Als es noch richtige Winter gab«
Ein Lesebuch
by Isolde Ohlbaum, Matthias Reiner
»Die Winter waren damals viel kälter, es gab viel mehr Schnee als heute«, erinnert sich Anna Wimschneider in Herbstmilch. Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal Eisblumen am Fenster gesehen? Oder einen vollständig zugefrorenen See? Der vorliegende Band versammelt Geschichten und Gedichte von wunderweißen Nächten und wehrhaften Schneemännern, vom Apfel im Schlafrock und Silvesterpunsch, vom Winterschlaf und von Dachziegeln als Wärmflaschen. Die Fotografin Isolde Ohlbaum hat sich für dieses Buch auf die Suche gemacht nach Bildern der verloren geglaubten Jahreszeit. Ein kleines Steinchen rollte munter von einem hohen Berg hinunter. Und als es durch den Schnee so rollte, Ward es viel größer, als es wollte. Da sprach der Stein mit stolzer Miene: „Jetzt bin ich eine Schneelawine“. Joachim Ringelnatz
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerZoology & animal sciencesMay 2021
Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle
by Robert Blair
Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.
Trusted PartnerTechnology, Engineering & AgricultureMarch 2016
Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding: 2 volume pack
by Valerie Porter, Lawrence Alderson, Stephen Hall, D. Phillip Sponenberg
Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding describes breeds of livestock worldwide as well as a range of breed-related subjects such as husbandry, health and behaviour. This definitive and prestigious reference work presents easily accessible information on domestication (including wild ancestors and related species), genetics and breeding, livestock produce and markets, as well as breed conservation and the cultural and social aspects of livestock farming. Written by renowned livestock authorities, these volumes draw on the authors' lifelong interest and involvement in livestock breeds of the world, presenting a unique, comprehensive and fully cross-referenced guide to cattle, buffalo, horses, pigs, sheep, asses, goats, camelids, yak and other domesticants. Volume 1: contains asses, camelids, cattle, goats, horses and pigs Volume 2: contains sheep, water buffalo, yak and other livestock Coverage: Breed descriptions: including groups, types and varieties, history and links between groups, livestock products and trends for creating new breeds Wild species: ancestral and relatives, potential domesticants and hybridization Humans and breeds: spread of domestication, transhumance and pastoralism, social and cultural influences, suitability of different groups for different human purposes Genetics and Conservation: a dedicated section and glossary of terms Placing breeds in a practical agricultural context, this two volume encyclopedia will be of great value to agriculturalists, breeders, geneticists, biologists, rural historians, conservationists, ecologists, and all those who are interested in the rich diversity of livestock breeds. ; This book presents a comprehensive and fully cross-referenced guide to cattle, buffalo, horses, pigs, sheep, asses, goats and camelids. It covers breed descriptions, wild species, potential domesticants, genetics and breeding, livestock produce and markets, cultural and social aspects of livestock farming and genetic conservation. ; 1:: Preface2:: Introduction3:: Genetics, Breeding and Conservation4:: Asses5:: Camelids6:: Cattle7:: Goats8:: Horses9:: Pigs10:: Sheep11:: Water Buffalo12:: Yak13:: Other Livestock
Trusted PartnerDecember 2020
Parasites of Cattle and Sheep
A Practical Guide to their Biology and Control
by Andrew B Forbes
Understanding parasite biology and impact is essential when giving advice on parasite control in farm animals. In the first review devoted to parasites of domestic cattle and sheep alone, this book provides in-depth, focused advice which can be tailored to individual farms. It considers the impact of parasites, both as individual species and as co-infections, as well as epidemiological information, monitoring, and diagnostic procedures. Supported throughout by diagrams and photos to aid diagnosis, it also reviews the basis for control measures such as the responsible use of parasiticides, adaptive animal husbandry and other management practices. This book: Focuses on common parasites of domestic sheep and cattle; Places emphasis on understanding host responses and epidemiology so that the impact and seasonality of parasitism can be incorporated into advice and decision making; Highlights the fundamental importance of the individual farm and farmer in assessing endemic parasitism and tailoring control options accordingly; Provides a comprehensive reference listing, including important historical citations, to underpin the content. An important resource for students, veterinarians and researchers of farm animal health, this book maintains a focus on ruminant parasitology in order to deliver evidence-based advice and also context for the application of basic research.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2010
Gab mich meinen Träumereien hin ...
Ein literarischer Streifzug von Dante bis Kafka
by Herausgegeben von Rimpau, Laetitia
Trusted PartnerAugust 2002
Bevor es Deutschland gab
Expedition in unsere Frühgeschichte - von den Römern bis zu den Sachsenkaisern
by Schmoeckel, Reinhard
Trusted PartnerMarch 1982
Als es noch Grenzen gab
Gedichte. Mit einer Rede des Autors
by Jörg Steiner
Jörg Steiner, geboren 1930, lebte in Biel. Er veröffentlichte Romane, Erzählungen, Gedichte, Essays und, gemeinsam mit Jörg Müller, auch Kinderbücher. Sein literarisches Werk wurde vielfach ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit dem Max-Frisch-Preis der Stadt Zürich 2002. Er verstarb am 20. Januar 2013 in Biel.
Trusted Partner
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2010
Die 101 einflussreichsten Personen, die es nie gab
Wie Barbie, James Bond und Hamlet uns verändert haben
by Lazar, Allan; Salter, Jeremy; Karlan, Dan / Übersetzt von Först, Barbara
Trusted PartnerJune 2008
Die 101 einflussreichsten Personen, die es nie gab
Wie Barbie, James Bond und Hamlet uns verändert haben
by Karlan, Dan; Lazar, Allan; Salter, Jeremy / Übersetzt von Först, Barbara
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1985
Der geteilte Visconte / Der Ritter, den es nicht gab
Zwei Romane
by Calvino, Italo / Übersetzt von Nostitz, Oswalt von
Trusted PartnerArt: general interest (Children's/YA)2017
Los animales de El Bosco (The Animals of Hieronymus Bosch)
by Manuel Marín
The first artist to enter the realm of fantasy was Hieronymus Bosch. He revels in the delights of pleasure. He relishes eating giant fruits, running on water and flying on top of a fish. He is joyful without even realizing it. Bosch is also aware that serenity and calmness let things be seen as they are. No one before had ever seen our feelings as we get lost in the madness of invisible realities.
Trusted PartnerJuly 2023
Huch! Eine Überraschung
by Miriam Bos, Miriam Bos, Eva Schweikart
Vertrau‘ deinen Freunden und lass dich überraschen! Bist du auch wie der kleine Fuchs und magst es gerne sicher, ruhig und gemütlich? Dann hast du vielleicht manchmal Angst, wenn deine Freunde dich überraschen. So geht es auch August Fuchs mit seiner Freundin, dem Eichhörnchen Susi. Die mag es nämlich zu rennen und zu toben und zu springen und kommt immer auf ziemlich wilde Ideen. Was wohl bei ihrem gemeinsamen Treffen heute auf ihn wartet? August Fuchs macht sich schon Sorgen, dass sie etwas Lautes, Aufregendes machen könnten, bei dem man viele Entscheidungen treffen muss. Das kriegt er nämlich immer Angst. Kennst du das? Dann macht euch die wunderschön künstlerisch illustrierte Geschichte vom introvertierten Fuchs bestimmt Mut. Denn wenn man einander vertraut und auf einander Rücksicht nimmt, wird alles gut. Du bist ok so, wie du bist! Eine Mutmachgeschichte für dein introvertiertes Kind ab 4 Jahren. Freut euch auf das erste Kinderbuch der Künstlerin Miriam Bos. Macht mutig und hilft, die Angst vor ungewohnten Situationen zu nehmen. Überraschung! Eine liebevolle Freundschafts- und Tiergeschichte, die Mut macht.