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Kathrin Dreusicke Books
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Promoted ContentMarch 2003
Verflucht, ich will leben!
Mein Weg durch die Hölle Brustkrebs
by Rich, Katherine Russell / Übersetzt von Merz-Busch, Gisela
Promoted ContentLiterature & Literary StudiesApril 2020
Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries
by Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont, Charlotte Coffin
This volume proposes new insights into the uses of classical mythology by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, focusing on interweaving processes in early modern appropriations of myth. Its 11 essays show how early modern writing intertwines diverse myths and plays with variant versions of individual myths that derive from multiple classical sources, as well as medieval, Tudor and early modern retellings and translations. Works discussed include poems and plays by William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. Essays concentrate on specific plays including The Merchant of Venice and Dido Queen of Carthage, tracing interactions between myths, chronicles, the Bible and contemporary genres. Mythological figures are considered to demonstrate how the weaving together of sources deconstructs gendered representations. New meanings emerge from these readings, which open up methodological perspectives on multi-textuality, artistic appropriation and cultural hybridity.
Trusted PartnerAugust 2001
Verflucht, ich will leben!
Mein Weg durch die Hölle Brustkrebs
by Rich, Katherine Russell
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesOctober 2023
Reading David Foster Wallace between philosophy and literature
by Allard den Dulk, Pia Masiero, Adriano Ardovino
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1967
Probleme der Philosophie
by Bertrand Russell, Eberhard Bubser, Eberhard Bubser
"In diesem Buch, einer der frühen Schriften des englischen Philosophen, wird der Versuch unternommen, die unmittelbare Erfahrung mit dem Weltbild der Physik zu vereinen. Für Russell sind Substanz, Materie und die Gegenstände keine Realitäten, sondern logische Konstruktionen. Dieser Gesichtspunkt bestimmt seine Erkenntnistheorie wie seine Kritik an den traditionellen philosophischen Fragestellungen. Wichtig geworden sind die in den Probleme der Philosophie vorgetragenen Gedanken für die Entwicklung des logischen Positivismus; der Autor fragt nach den Möglichkeiten des Philosophierens in einem Zeitalter, das die Metaphysik verabschiedet hat und dessen Wissensstand entscheidend von der Naturforschung geprägt ist."
Trusted PartnerAugust 1984
1872-1914. Deutsch von Harry Kahn
by Bertrand Russell, Harry Kahn
Bertrand Russell, geboren 1872 in Wales, studierte Mathematik in Cambridge. In seinen schriftstellerischen Tätigkeiten widmete er sich zunächst der Mathematik, später wandte er sich vermehrt philosophischen Themen zu. 1950 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Bertrand Russell verstarb 1970 in Wales.
Trusted PartnerMay 1984
Autobiographie II
1914-1944. Aus dem Englischen von Julia Kirchner
by Bertrand Russell, Julia Kirchner
Bertrand Russell, geboren 1872 in Wales, studierte Mathematik in Cambridge. In seinen schriftstellerischen Tätigkeiten widmete er sich zunächst der Mathematik, später wandte er sich vermehrt philosophischen Themen zu. 1950 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Bertrand Russell verstarb 1970 in Wales.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2015
Etta und Otto und Russell und James
by Hooper, Emma / Übersetzt von Grabinger, Michaela
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Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesDecember 2022
Shakespeare, memory, and modern Irish literature
by Nicholas Taylor-Collins
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2021
An intellectual history of post-concepts
by Herman Paul, Adriaan van Veldhuizen
Postmodern, postcolonial and post-truth are broadly used terms. But where do they come from? When and why did the habit of interpreting the world in post-terms emerge? And who exactly were the 'post boys' responsible for this? Post-everything examines why post-Christian, post-industrial and post-bourgeois were terms that resonated, not only among academics, but also in the popular press. It delves into the historical roots of postmodern and poststructuralist, while also subjecting more recent post-constructions (posthumanist, postfeminist) to critical scrutiny. This study is the first to offer a comprehensive history of post-concepts. In tracing how these concepts found their way into a broad range of genres and disciplines, Post-everything contributes to a rapprochement between the history of the humanities and the history of the social sciences.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2010
The Science of Getting Rich
Die Kunst des Reichwerdens
by Wattles, Wallace D. / Übersetzt von Ingrisch, Katrin
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Trusted PartnerTeaching, Language & ReferenceMay 2025
US diplomacy and the Good Friday Agreement in post-conflict Northern Ireland
by Richard Hargy
Richard Haass and Mitchell Reiss, as autonomous diplomats in the George W. Bush State Department, were able to alter US intervention in Northern Ireland and play critical roles in the post-1998 peace process. Their contributions have not been fully appreciated or understood. The restoration of Northern Ireland's power-sharing government in 2007 was made possible by State Department-led intervention in the peace process. There are few references to Northern Ireland in work examining the foreign policy legacy of the George W. Bush presidency. Moreover, the ability to control US foreign policy towards the region brought one of George W. Bush's Northern Ireland special envoys into direct diplomatic conflict with the most senior actors inside the British government. This book will uncover the extent of this fall-out and provide original accounts on how diplomatic relations between these old allies became so fraught.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesOctober 2017
Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries
by Charlotte Coffin, Agnès Lafont, Janice Valls-Russell
Trusted PartnerOctober 2000
by Elizabeth von Arnim, Angelika Beck, Angelika Beck
Elizabeth von Arnim wurde am 30. August 1866 bei Sydney als Mary Anette Beauchamp geboren und wuchs in England auf. Sie war eine Cousine von Katherine Mansfield, mit der sie in späteren Jahren bis zu deren Tod 1923 auch eine enge Freundschaft verband. Mit 24 Jahren heiratete Elizabeth den preußischen Grafen Henning August von Arnim-Schlagenthin und lebte in Berlin und auf dem Familiengut Nassenheide in Pommern, wo auch ihr erster Roman Elizabeth und ihr Garten (1898) entstand. Als die Familie in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geriet, mußte das Gut verkauft werden. 1908 trennte sich das Ehepaar. Elizabeth von Arnim kehrte mit den Kindern nach England zurück. Die darauffolgenden Jahre bis 1913 verbrachte Elizabeth von Arnim meist in der Schweiz und in Großbritannien an der Seite von Herbert George Wells. 1916 ehelichte sie Frank Russell, 2. Earl Russell, und Bruder von Bertrand Russel. Die Ehe dauerte bis 1919. Elizabeth von Arnim lebte fortan in Großbritannien; Italien und schließlich in Südfrankreich, 1939 emigrierte sie in die USA. Sie starb am 9. Februar 1941 in Charleston / South Carolina.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesSeptember 2016
Love, history and emotion in Chaucer and Shakespeare
by Andrew Johnston, Anke Bernau, Russell West-Pavlov, Elisabeth Kempf
Trusted PartnerJuly 1999
Bertrand Russell und Lady Ottoline Morrell
Eine Liebe wider die Philosophie
by Voss, Ursula
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2024
The urban life of workers in post-Soviet Russia
Engaging in everyday struggle
by Alexandrina Vanke
Despite the intense processes of deindustrialisation around the world, the working class continues to play an important role in post-industrial societies. However, working-class people are often stigmatised, morally judged and depicted negatively in dominant discourses. This book challenges stereotypical representations of workers, building on research into the everyday worlds of working-class and ordinary people in Russia's post-industrial cities. The urban life of workers in post-Soviet Russia is centred on the stories of local communities engaged in the everyday struggles that occur in deindustrialising settings under neoliberal neo-authoritarianism. The book suggests a novel approach to everyday life in post-industrial cities. Drawing on an ethnographic study with elements of arts-based research, the book presents a new genre of writing about workers influenced by the avant-garde documentary tradition and working-class literature.