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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2014

        Forschung zum Wohle von Mensch und Tier

        75 Jahre Nutztierbiologie in Dummerstorf

        by Stutz, Reno

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015


        Strände, Kaiserbäder, Künstlerorte

        by Stutz, Reno

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016


        Breivik, Dugin, al-Suri & Co.

        by Claus Leggewie

        Die Griechenland-Krise und die mangelnde Handlungsbereitschaft im Umgang mit den Flüchtlingen haben nachdrücklich gezeigt, dass es um die Europäische Union derzeit nicht allzu gut bestellt ist. Parallel zu diesen internen Problemen mehren sich Stimmen unterschiedlichster Provenienz, die Europa attackieren und europäische Werte infrage stellen: Identitäre wie der Massenmörder Anders Breivik, Dschihadisten wie der Syrer Abu Musab al-Suri, »Eurasier« wie der Putin-Berater Alexander Dugin, illiberale Demokraten à la Viktor Orbán, aber auch einige Linkspopulisten am Rande von Syriza und Podemos. Claus Leggewie porträtiert Wortführer und politische Unternehmer, die unabhängig voneinander, aber oft in ungewollter Komplizenschaft die »Festung Europa« schleifen wollen. Er erklärt, woher sie kommen, welche Pläne sie verfolgen und welche Mächtigen sie unterstützen. Und er fordert dazu auf, sich endlich politisch mit ihnen auseinanderzusetzen.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        Schriften des Kulturhistorischen Museums Rostock , Neue Folge 9

        Für den Kaiser an die Front. Rostocker und Mecklenburger im Ersten Weltkrieg

        by Strahl, Antje; Stutz, Reno

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2015


        Edition Kulturlandschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

        by Stutz, Dr. Reno / Fotograf Grundner, Thomas

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • RENDANG

        Minang Legacy to the World

        by Reno Andam Suri

        Reno Andam Suri began her rendang-production business, Rendang Uni Farah, in 2004. She dreamed of promoting rendang to a wider audience by introducing vacuum-packed rendang suitable for air travel. She did not stop there, however. In 2012 she started a blog, Rendang Traveler, to share stories about rendang, the proud dish from her homeland, West Sumatra. To write this book, she returned to West Sumatra, and discovered the rich philosophical and cultural values of rendang, affirming her view that it is indeed a national treasure worth sharing with the world. Reno has become the media go-to source for rendang. At her Baralek Rendang (rendang festival) she introduced rendang to an appreciative public through cooking demonstrations, engaging stories, and interesting games. Reno has appeared in many discussions about West Sumatran cuisine and has conducted various cooking workshops and training sessions. She is also involved in many educational communities such as Indonesia Mengajar and Kelas Inspirasi. Today, she organizes educational trips or travel programs to West Sumatra, which highlights the region’s rich culture and culinary delights. She invites participants to become better acquainted with the daily lives of West Sumatrans. She dreams of promoting rendang to an even wider audience, not just as a delectable dish, but also for the wealth of amazing stories behind it, as part of an enduring culture. Thoroughly researched but written casually, RENDANG Minang Legacy to the World boasts also the beautiful presentation of the dishes as well as the landscape of West Sumatra. It ultimately lays the groundwork about the origins of rendang and its philosophical approach, but it also explains that ultimately there are so many other varieties other than the one we usually have in Padang restaurants. The book content gained good recognition from Gourmand Prize Award in 2012 in Beijing.

      • Fiction
        May 2016

        And Then They Ruined Everything

        Book Two in the Death of Rock 'n' Roll Series

        by Duncan Milne

        Every action has a reaction. Every reaction has a consequence. Every consequence creates a memory. Having overcome the impossibility of time travel, Kenneth Ramsayer and his best friend exist to relive past rock ’n’ roll gigs. Everything is going well; they’ve become heroes, they’ve discovered love, they had the world by the tail, and then they ruined everything. Based on what is left of their ruined music collections, it appears that rock ’n’ roll died in 1984. Their unassailable knowledge of music, leads the boys to recall that in 1984 an unknown patron made a bootleg recording of a Replacements gig. This cassette was recovered and became the live album “The Shit Hits The Fans”. The history of rock ‘n’ roll was forever changed. Now in a viciously evil plot, a thief has absconded with the recording. But what if the death of rock ’n’ roll isn’t connected to the missing cassette? Seeking help from unlikely sources and following fading memories, the boys travel across America in a bid to save rock ’n’ roll. An intelligent satire, the second novel in the Death of Rock ’n’ Roll series, “And Then They Ruined Everything” cleverly uses the concept of time travel in a rock ’n’ roll setting as an examination of choices and the power of art in society.

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