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      • Books Tatin Giannaro / Dr. Olga-Tatjana Rauch

        Contemporary fiction with strong female characters. Realism combining elements of suspense with elements of humor. Multi-layered stories about modern-day life and love, society and human beings. In focus: women and their own view of the world. Universal emotions, desires and human values, a portrait of society and a documentation of recent historical events. Young women in foreign countries. We publish novels, narrations, poems, and short stories.

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      • The Parisian Agency

        Founded in 2010, the Parisian agency is a literary agency based in Paris. We represent a selected group of international writers of literary fiction such as multi-awarded Icelandic author Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Hungarian novelist Arpad Kun, winner of the prestigious Aegon Award. We also represent the stunning illustrated books of the British and the Bodleian Library (UK) abroad. Last, we are now open to represent new lists in literary fiction, crime fiction and non fiction. Welcome to the Parisian Agency!

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      • Medicine

        Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

        Official Publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

        by Edited by Paul W Brandt-Rauf MD, ScD, DrPH

        Monthly - 2013 Volume(s) - 53 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is an indispensable guide to good health in the workplace. In-depth, clinically oriented research articles and technical reports keep occupational and environmental medicine physicians up to date on new medical developments in the prevention, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of environmentally induced conditions and work-related injuries and illnesses. Featuring an attractive, neatly illustrated and readable format, the journal is an excellent source for new ideas, concepts, techniques, and procedures that can be readily applied in the industrial or commercial employment setting. In addition, readers can earn CME credit.

      • Business, Economics & Law

        Hey, Not So Fast!

        Using slow thinking to make good decisions in complex times

        by Frank Habermann, Karen Schmidt

        Don’t believe everything you think!A toolbox for better decisions in complex situations As humans, we make decisions based on information delivered by our perception. Our perception, in turn, is shaped by our values, principles and assumptions. As such, it is also error-prone: it acts as a filter, which means we only perceive those elements of informationthat slot neatly into our existing mental models. Fast thinking is our natural mode of thinking. Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has shown how fast thinking reliably produces good results on familiar terrain – but that that is where its usefulness ends. In situations that are ‘non-routine’ for their respective participants –  such as those we experience every day in the corporate environment – fast thinking frequently leads to perceptual distortions. In a complex environment, experiential knowledge cannot be relied upon alone. Instead, the fast-paced VUKA world demands ‘slow thinking’: an opposite mode of thinking that, if used correctly, can enable more effective use of time more through the systematic, deliberate analysis of information. In this workbook for practitioners, Frank Habermann and Karen Schmidt guide readers to sharpen their perception in complex decision-making situations and follow an effective process. They equip readers with a range of tools and techniques, focusing on genuinely viable solutions and approaches that flourish under the pressure of everyday business. By applying the authors’ fundamental concepts, decision-makers in organisations are empowered to blaze a trail with good decisions. We are all faced with big decisions. This book shows how they are better made together.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2019

        Ich habe Licht gebracht!

        Louise Otto-Peters, eine deutsche Revolutionärin

        by Zimmer, Anja

        "I have brought light", cries five-year-old Louise Otto when she is allowed to light one of the new sulphur woods for the first time."Bringing light" - This resolution runs like a red thread through Louise's life. At a time when bourgeois girls are not even allowed to leave the house alone, Louise travels Germany all by herself. And although it is strictly forbidden to even mention grievances, Louise's political poems, articles and novels repeatedly highlight the appalling living conditions of the industrial proletariat, focusing on the rightsless female workers. And she realises that there can be no social justice without equality between men and women. She demands - almost painfully topical - equal pay and the right to work for all women. Great hope for change is finally brought by the revolution that begins in March 1848. Louise and her like-minded friends already believe they have achieved their goals when a National Assembly is set up in Frankfurt's Paulskirche. In order to create a network of solidarity for women in this atmosphere of new beginnings, Louise founds Germany's first women's newspaper. She finds a supporter in the young revolutionary August Peters, with whom she soon has more than one friendship. But the counter-revolution is not long in coming: when the Dresden May Uprising is bloodily crushed, Louise is subjected to spying and interrogation. Her world is completely darkened when she learns that August Peter is a prisoner of the Prussian army ... Anja Zimmer describes the life of the writer and co-founder of the German women's movement Louise Otto-Peters (1819-1895) in an exciting novel and shows that many of Louise's demands have lost none of their topicality.

      • Biography & True Stories

        Black and White - All beauty must die

        Alles schöne muss sterben.

        by Jando / Christoper Groß

        Bestialische Ritualmorde an Weihnachten versetzen das idylische Bad Zwischenahn in angst und schrecken. Ist es ein Serienkille der hier sein Unwesen treibt und was hat die musik aus den "Murder Ballds" mit dem Täter zu tun? Es entwickelt sich ein dramatisches Psychospiel zwischen Täter und Ermittler, das nur in einem tödlichen Showdown enden kann.

      • Romance
        September 2020


        by Rita Janaczek

        Damit hat die Kunststudentin Pia nicht gerechnet. Ausgerechnet die Abschlussarbeit für ihren Kurs, ein Stillleben, wird beim Trocknen von einem streunenden Kater mit Farben bekleckert. Und sie hat keine Zeit mehr, es neu zu malen. Natürlich fällt Pias Bild damit durch. Allerdings - schlecht sieht das Bild trotz der Pfotenspuren nicht aus. Eigentlich sogar recht gut, wie ihre Zufallsbekanntschaft Keno findet. Er sorgt dafür, dass Pias Bild in einer Galerie landet. Und die Käufer sind seiner Meinung. Sie wollen mehr davon. Pia muss ihr Leben neu sortieren. Passen der Kater Pikatzo, eine erfolgreiche Jungkünstlerin und ein Sportstudent tatsächlich zusammen?

      • Bis der Wind sich dreht - Wege raus aus dem Konflikt

        Wege raus aus dem Konflikt

        by Antonia Jennewein

        „Bis der Wind sich dreht – Wege raus aus dem Konflikt“ ist ein Konfliktmanagement-Handbuch mal anders. Mit Geschichten aus dem Büroalltag über Menschen, unterschiedliche Sichtweisen, Konflikte und persönliche Lösungen, ergänzt um Impulseund Übungen liefert es Werkzeuge, diese verzwickten Situationen zu meistern. Dieses Buch ist neuartig und einzigartig, weil der Leser durch die Geschichten ausdem Arbeitsalltag in kurzweiliger und leicht zugänglicher Romanform erkennt,dass er mit seinem Problem nicht alleine ist und direkt angeregt wird, Lösungswegeeigenständig zu vollziehen. Dabei helfen ihm die Übungsanleitungen imzweiten Teil des Buches.

      • Crime & mystery
        May 2019

        Reise zu zweit

        by Mathias Meyer-Langenhoff

        Peter Völkers, Deutschlehrer aus Leidenschaft, kämpft über Jahre einen einsamen Kampf für Bildung und Emanzipation an seinem Gymnasium. Doch nach und nach schwindet seine Zuversicht, die Schule verändern zu können. Sarkasmus und Abneigung gegenüber der heutigen Schülergeneration bestimmen zunehmend sein Denken und er zieht sich in die innere Immigration zurück. Wohl fühlt er sich bei guter Literatur und nicht geringen Mengen Rotwein nur in seinem Garten.Als er eines Tages einen neuen Schüler in seinem Deutschkurs aufnehmen muss, ändert sich sein Leben jedoch radikal. Unfreiwillig begleitet Völkers ihn auf eine Reise nach Süddeutschland. Dabei gerät sein Weltbild gehörig ins Wanken.

      • June 2022

        Memento Monstrum

        Caution, Hairy! ∙ Vol. 2

        by Jochen Till, Wiebke Rauers

        Stories from Grandpa Dracula   - The true stories behind King Kong, Frankenstein's monster, and van Helsing - Deluxe edition with large 4-colour illustrations and special cover decoration - Tongue-in-cheek storytelling by “Lucifer Junior” author Jochen Till - Brilliantly illustrated by Wiebke Rauers   What is the story behind the giant ape King Kong? Was Frankenstein's monster really as terrible as Mary Shelley would have us believe? And who turned van Helsing into a zombie? The morning after the wild monster party, Grandpa Dracula and his friends go on telling their stories over blood-red rolls and coffee with a shot of blood orange juice, and bring to light many an incredible monster truth.   The reasonably true memoirs of Count Dracula – tales to delight the whole family!

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