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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Die schönsten Märchen der Brüder Grimm zum Vorlesen

        by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Marc-Alexander Schulze

        Ein Märchenschatz zum Vorlesen und Träumen Willkommen im Reich der verzauberten Frösche, mutigen Kinder und hilfsbereiten Zwerge. Der Märchenschatz der Brüder Grimm fasziniert Kinder und Erwachsene seit vielen Generationen. Dieses Buch versammelt die 25 beliebtesten Märchen für die ganze Familie und entführt mit magischen Bildern in die Welten von Rotkäppchen, Aschenputtel, Hänsel und Gretel, Schneewittchen und vielen mehr. Hochwertige Ausstattung mit Halbband und Lesebändchen. Mit wunderschönen, großen, farbigen Illustrationen für großes Vorlesevergnügen. Originalfassungen aus den Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm. Hausbuch mit Märchengeschichten in variierender Länge für Kinder ab 5 Jahren. Enthält: Aschenputtel Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein Rapunzel Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten Die zwölf Brüder Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich Das tapfere Schneiderlein Schneewittchen Hänsel und Gretel Die goldene Gans Rotkäppchen Der süße Brei Der gestiefelte Kater Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack Dornröschen Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren Rumpelstilzchen Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot König Drosselbart Brüderchen und Schwesterchen Jorinde und Joringel Die Sterntaler Hans im Glück Frau Holle Empfohlen von Stiftung Lesen.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Children's & YA
        August 2019


        by Emily Bevens

        "Rapunzel! Rapunzel! let down your golden hair, for if I am to see you I need to climb up there!’’ Rapunzel has been stuck in a tower her whole life and the only way to get to the top is to climb her golden locks. Will anyone ever rescue poor Rapunzel? Enter Rapunzel's troubled world in this exciting fairy tale and find out if she will be saved from her life of solitude.

      • March 2019

        GRIMM I

        A powerful return to the horror and unpredictability of the original folk tales, stunningly illustrated by John Kenn Mortensen.

        by Benni Bødker, Kenneth Bøgh Andersen & John Kenn Mortensen

        The horror-masters, Benni Bødker, Kenneth Bøgh Andersen and cult illustrator of monsters, John Kenn Mortensen, have joined forces to create a refreshing retelling of the Brothers Grimm’s fairy tales, returning to their original horror.   The gentlemen take us into the gruesome, bloody and creepy universe of the original stories giving us a vivid glimpse of the dangerous world of the past. Packaged in a beautiful hardcover edition, this is brilliant family entertainment from about 12+.   Fairy tales included in GRIMM I are: "Hansel & Gretel", "The Singing Bone", "The Story of a Boy who went Forth to Learn Fear", "Rapunzel", "Godfather Death", "The Robber Bridegroom", "Fitcher’s Bird", "The Gift of the Little People", "The Girl without Hands", "Little Red Riding Hood".

      • Children's & YA

        The Legends of Three Girls (3Vols.)

        by Mohammad Reza Shams

        This series is amongst the kind of titles which not only is fit for younger adults, but also the adults can relate to the stories as well as children. A mixture of world renowned fables brilliantly woven into old Persian legends. That the stories are based on humane feelings of love, loss, betrayal, loyalty, honesty, and as such, has added a tremendous superiority to it, for a person no matter how young, will encounter such dilemmas sooner or later. Shams has this rare ability of mingling stories and create a brand new essence, which becomes the reason why his titles are so well received by the readers. In this series, we read of lives of three girls, whose stories may seem repetitive, but the twists and turns they gain, is like no other fable we have read. For instance, we all have heard, read, or even seen the story of Cinderella and her cruel stepmother or The Sleeping Beauty or Rapunzel and the Witch, but combining it with ancient Iranian myths spicing it up with princes and spells would prove a new experience.   Book one of this series is called The Girl with the Flower Laughter. Honest parents, an evil witch, a beautiful girl called Golanr (whose laughter produces flowers and her tears, the pearls), a prince, and an aunt hateful as the witch are the characters of the story. Golanr is kept in a tower by the evil witch and has long hair, just like Rapunzel. However how the story unfolds, is not that easy to predict. And that’s perhaps one of the great abilities of the author: It’s never easy to guess the ending and in not too many pages of the book, there’s no single page to be dismissed, for you may just miss a clue to unsolved the mystery that is his story.   Book two is about a prince who has fallen in love with an image of the most beautiful girl .In the world, who is in desperate need of saving from the most horrific witch. On his way, he must face the horrendous traps, giants, hags, spells, and all of t nasty tricks you can imagine. It reminds us of the many princes and beautiful girls who have been separated from each other by magic and evil witches and cunning creatures. Along the way, the prince who is utterly in love, is fooled by the disguise of the witch and his path is hindered couple of times. The mingling of Old Iranian love stories and legends such as the Sleeping beauty has added to the fantastical world of Book Two. Despite other stories, the reader cannot guess or predict the happy ending of the story.   When there is no hope, the dim light of the truth will shine through: the prince and the girl after much hardship and deceptions of the evil witch, with the help of nymphs and sea creatures, and of course, the girl’s beautiful voice are united once and for all. Book Three, is a mixture of one of the oldest and most famous Iranian fables: the girl with the moon on her brow and her mother who turns into a beautiful cow. Moon and cow are very special and respected in most of the ancient cultures and civilizations in the world. On the other hand, we all know the story of Cinderella, her cruel stepmother and stupid sisters; well, we have all of them in this book (though only one stepsister) and many more daring adventures and puzzles the girl (whose name is Shahrbanoo). A talking cow, a well, the wind, and of course the giant who lives in the well are other characters of the story. The giant who lives inside the well, talks in a funny way: he says the opposite of everything he has in mind. Shahrbanoo is kind to the giant and in return, she has a moon on her brow and a star on her chin. Her stepsister, out of jealousy, does the same thing. However, she is cruel and mean to the giant and in return, her face becomes black and a horn grows on her chin. The rest is a Cinderella story, though it has its differences: Sharbanoo dies and comes back to life and has a son and her stepmother and stepsister are punished and after quite a ride, Shahrbanoo, the well, the giant, and the cow (who turns out to be her mother) and the prince live happily ever after.

      • Children's & YA

        Turning the Page

        by Leo Cunha and Tino Freitas

        A book written by eight hands. Indeed! Two writers and two illustrators bring to life 11 short stories full of humour, inviting the reader to think about life’s own “turning pages”. The characters are children enduring family, school and personal conflict situations. Amusing illustrations perfectly interact with the text, contributing to a relaxed reading which reveals that, sometimes, we should laugh at ourselves, dust ourselves off, turn the page on and move on.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2022

        The Green Indian Problem

        by J.L. Willetts

        Set in the valleys of South Wales at the tail end of Thatcher’s Britain, The Green Indian Problem is the story of Green, a seven year-old with intelligence beyond his years – an ordinary boy with an extraordinary problem: everyone thinks he’s a girl. Green sets out to try and solve the mystery of his identity, but other issues keep cropping up – God, Father Christmas, cancer – and one day his best friend goes missing, leaving a rift in the community and even more unanswered questions. Dealing with deep themes of friendship, identity, child abuse and grief, The Green Indian Problem is, at heart, an all-too-real story of a young boy trying to find out why he’s not like the other boys in his class. Longlisted for the Bridport Prize (in the Peggy Chapman-Andrews category)

      • Family & relationships
        November 2010

        New Day

        One Woman's Journey Through Domestic Violence

        by Marcia Roberts

        Harrowing account of one woman’s struggle with domestic abuse.

      • Literary Fiction
        June 2022

        The Reservoir

        by David Duchovny

        The Reservoir follows an unexceptional man in an exceptional time. We see our present-day pandemic world and New York City through the eyes of a former Wall Street veteran, Ridley, as he, in his enforced quarantined solitude, looks back upon his life. He examines his wins, his failures, the gnawing questions—his career, his divorce, his estranged daughter—and wonders what it all means and who he really is.  Sitting and brooding night after night, gazing out his huge picture window high above the Central Park Reservoir, Ridley spots a flashing light in an apartment across the park as if a lonely quarantined person is signaling him in Morse code. His determination to find out who this mystery woman is, this fellow quarantine damsel in distress trapped in her own Fifth Avenue tower, leads him on an epic quest that will ultimately tempt him with either delusional madness or the fulfillment of his own mythic fate. Is he a dying man going mad or an everyman metamorphosing into a hero? Or both? We accompany Ridley as he leaves the safety of his apartment window to save the Fifth Avenue femme fatale and descends into a dangerous, increasingly surreal world of global conspiracies, madness, and sickness of this viral time; beyond that, into the enduring mysteries of love and fatherhood; and deeper still, into the bedrock mystery of life itself. As Ridley’s actions grow more and more uncharacteristic, he realizes the key to all the mysteries of now, and even all of history, seem to lie deep beneath the freezing waters of the reservoir. The Reservoir is a twisted rom-com for our distanced time, when the merest touch could kill and conspiracy theories propagate like viruses—a contemporary union of Death in Venice, Rear Window, and The Plague.

      • May 2022

        ...Und dann?

        Wie Kinderbücher Gestalt annehmen Illustration | Storyboard | Charakter

        by Michael Wrede | Annabelle von Sperber

        Based on many years of experience in teaching and children's book practice, Michael Wrede and Annabelle von Sperber pave your way to your own children's book. Both know the German and international market and the expectations of publishers and readers. They know which basic decisions are important before you get started and how a good storyboard can guide you safely through the process of creating your book. They confidently introduce you to the basics of children's book illustration and give you the toolbox to develop your very own story and bring it to life.

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