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October 1988Joel Brand
und andere Theaterstücke
by Kipphardt, Heinar / Unterstützt von Kipphardt, Pia
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September 2021Kamala Harris
Ein Porträt
by Marie-Astrid Langer
Im suffragettenweißen Anzug tritt Kamala Harris am 7. November 2020 auf die Bühne in Wilmington, Delaware, als erste Vizepräsidentin der Vereinigten Staaten. Ihre Worte gehen um die Welt, sie selbst wird zur Ikone … Die US-Korrespondentin Marie-Astrid Langer gibt Einblick in die entscheidenden Momente auf dem Lebensweg von der Einwanderertochter zur mächtigsten Schwarzen Frau in Washington. Ihre Mutter aus Indien, ihr Vater aus Jamaika, beide zum Studieren in das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten gekommen, beide in der Bürgerrechtsbewegung aktiv, und so bekommt Kamala Harris den Kampf für Gleichberechtigung vom ersten Tag an in die Wiege gelegt. Als Grenzgängerin zwischen der harten Realität der Schwarzen Communities und den linken Eliten Kaliforniens entwickelt sie früh ihr politisches Denken, ihr Engagement, ihren Ehrgeiz. Und mit einer Vision von Freiheit, Toleranz und Gerechtigkeit, tief geprägt von der afroamerikanischen Geschichte, macht sie sich an einen unvergleichlichen Aufstieg, der mehr als einmal an den Widersprüchen und Ungleichheiten eines Landes zu scheitern droht.
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The ArtsJanuary 2019Bertrand Blier
by Sue Harris
The most complete study of Blier's work to date, Harris traces the director's career from the early 1960s until the present. Outlines the forms, themes and style which dominate in Blier's work, and challenges the many labels that have been used to describe both the corpus of films and the man himself. Provides an original and controversial discussion of Blier's alleged 'misogyny', and invites the reader to understand the scatological and corporeal aspects of Blier's filmmaking in terms of long-established traditions of popular dramatic culture. Brings to light the comic mechanisms underpinning Blier's films and identifies strategies which navigate through one of the most entertaining and disconcerting bodies of work of recent years. The first book on Blier published in English.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2025The Jewish pedlar
An untold criminal history
by Tony Kushner
An imaginative investigation into a historical crime that sheds new light on Jewish history. In 1734 a pedlar turned smuggler named Jacob Harris slit the throats of three people in a pub in Sussex. This triple-murder, for which he was hanged and gibbeted, remains the most violent crime ever committed by a British Jew. Yet today it is all but forgotten. In The Jewish pedlar, Tony Kushner goes in search of the enigmatic Harris. Digging into a remarkable range of sources, from law records and newspaper reports to ballads and folktales, he follows the traces of Harris's legend across three hundred years of British history. In doing so, he reconstructs the world of Jewish pedlars and criminals across many continents. The lives these figures eked out at the margins of society paint a picture of persistent antisemitism - but also of remarkable integration. Intellectually bold and deeply humane, The Jewish pedlar takes a new, grassroots approach to the history of Jews in the modern world, shedding light on everyday lives from the Enlightenment to the Holocaust and beyond.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJune 2015Men, ideas and tanks
British military thought and armoured forces, 1903?39
by J. P. Harris
Men, ideas and tanks reviews the development of British military ideas on armoured forces from 1903 to 1939. Great Britain was the nation which first developed the tank, first used it in action and first gained dramatic results by employment. The British continued to be world leaders in the field of mechanised warfare until the early 1930s. J. P. Harris offers strikingly new interpretations of the early history of British armoured forces and explains why Great Britain had lost the lead by the outbreak of the Second World War. Available in paperback once more, this work will be of interest to all those concerned with British military history in the first half of the twentieth century, with the history of mechanised warfare and with the history of military thought. ;
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The ArtsAugust 2001Bertrand Blier
by Sue Harris, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram
The most complete study of Blier's work to date, Harris traces the director's career from the early 1960s until the present. Outlines the forms, themes and style which dominate in Blier's work, and challenges the many labels that have been used to describe both the corpus of films and the man himself. Provides an original and controversial discussion of Blier's alleged 'misogyny', and invites the reader to understand the scatological and corporeal aspects of Blier's filmmaking in terms of long-established traditions of popular dramatic culture. Brings to light the comic mechanisms underpinning Blier's films and identifies strategies which navigate through one of the most entertaining and disconcerting bodies of work of recent years. The first book on Blier published in English. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2025Joining up in the Second World War
Enlistment, masculinity and the memory of the Great War
by Joel Morley
This book connects the First and Second World Wars. It uses oral histories and Mass Observation material to explore men's attitudes to Second World War enlistment and the relationship they perceived between military service and masculinity, and how these were influenced by understandings of the First World War. Locating the cultural legacy of First World War in the subjectivities of men who participated in the Second World War demonstrates the breadth of sources that informed men's understandings of the First World War in interwar Britain. Its cultural legacy was omnipresent and diverse, and informed young men's attitudes and service preferences, but it reinforced Edwardian conceptions of wartime masculinity as often as it undermined them. Two decades after the First World War ended, they remained resilient in the subjective understandings of men who grew up in the Great War's shadow.
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September 2009Zwölf Jahre
Eine amerikanische Jugend in Ostdeutschland
by Agee, Joel / Englisch Agee, Joel; Englisch Gruenthal, Lola