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View Rights PortalMakes available, for the first time in English translation, four of the principal narrative sources for the history of the Spanish kingdom of León-Castile during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Three chronicles focus primarily upon the activities of the kings of León-Castile as leaders of the Reconquest of Spain from the forces of Islam, and especially upon Fernando I (1037-65), his son Alfonso VI (1065-1109) and the latter's grandson Alfonso VII (1126-57). The fourth chronicle is a biography of the hero Rodrigo Díaz, better remembered as El Cid, and is the main source of information about his extraordinary career as a mercenary soldier who fought for Christian and Muslim alike. Covers the fascinating interaction of the Muslim and Christian worlds, each at the height of their power. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and accompanied by explanatory notes.
David and Bathsheba presents a modernised edition of George Peele's explosive biblical drama about the tangled lives, deadly liaisons, and twisted histories of Ancient Israel's royal family. Martin's critical edition is the first modern single-volume edition of the play since 1912 and opens up this unduly neglected gem of English Renaissance drama to student and scholar alike. The introduction examines such topics as the play's treatment of its biblical and poetic sources, its engagement with Elizabethan politics, and its forceful representations of religious fanaticism, genocide, and sexual violence. Its commentary notes clarify the text's meaning and staging, guide the reader through the play's dramatisation of the turbulent Davidic period of Ancient Israel's history, and place the play in its broader cultural and artistic milieu. Martin's edition aims to encourage new contemporary critical study of Peele's powerful and disturbing drama.
David and Bathsheba presents a modernised edition of George Peele's explosive biblical drama about the tangled lives, deadly liaisons, and twisted histories of Ancient Israel's royal family. Martin's critical edition is the first modern single-volume edition of the play since 1912 and opens up this unduly neglected gem of English Renaissance drama to student and scholar alike. The introduction examines such topics as the play's treatment of its biblical and poetic sources, its engagement with Elizabethan politics, and its forceful representations of religious fanaticism, genocide, and sexual violence. Its commentary notes clarify the text's meaning and staging, guide the reader through the play's dramatisation of the turbulent Davidic period of Ancient Israel's history, and place the play in its broader cultural and artistic milieu. Martin's edition aims to encourage new contemporary critical study of Peele's powerful and disturbing drama.
Julio Llamazares wurde 1955 als Sohn des Dorfschullehrers in Vegamián, in der nordspanischen Provinz León, geboren. Mit 12 Jahren wurde er in ein Internat nach Madrid geschickt. Er studierte zunächst Jura, arbeitete jedoch nur kurze Zeit als Rechtsanwalt. Statt dessen begann er in Madrid für verschiedene Medien journalistisch tätig zu werden. Seine erste literarische Veröffentlichung war der Gedichtband La lentitud des los bueyes von 1979, der den "Premio de Poesía Antonio G. de Lama" erhielt. Eine Essay-Sammlung El entierro de Genarín. Evangelio apócrifo del último heterodoxo español folgte 1981 und ein Jahr später weitere Gedichte unter dem Titel Memoria de la nieve, die mit dem "Premio Jorge Guillén" ausgezeichnet wurden. Neben den drei Romanen, Luna de lobos (1985, dt. Wolfsmond, 1991), La lluvia amarilla (1988, dt. Der gelbe Regen, 1991) und Escenas de cine mudo (1994, dt. Stummfilmszenen, 1998) sind von Llamazares auch journalistische Arbeiten und Reiseberichte in Buchform erschienen. Luna de lobos, der erste Roman, war in Spanien ein großer literarischer Erfolg und wurde zwei Jahre später unter demselben Titel, nach einem von Llamazares verfaßten Drehbuch, verfilmt. Die Erfahrung des Verlustes seines Geburtsortes - 1968 mußte das Dorf einem Stausee weichen - war prägend für das literarische Schaffen von Julio Llamazares. Die verlassene, vom Aussterben bedrohte ländliche Bergregion Leóns und Asturiens bildet immer wieder den Hintergrund seiner Werke. Im Zentrum steht das Verschwinden von Traditionen und eine Sensibilität, die die Natur als vom Menschen unabhängige Einheit betrachtet. In der Gegenüberstellung von ländlichem und städtischem Leben wird jedoch die Natur nicht idyllisch verklärt - sie ist vielmehr bestimmt von Einsamkeit, Überlebenskampf und Sterben. Sein literarisches Werk, das auch als poetische Reflexion über die Einsamkeit gelesen werden kann, hat Julio Llamazares zu einem herausragenden Vertreter der jüngeren Schriftsteller-Generation im postfranquistischen Spanien gemacht.
Julio Llamazares wurde 1955 als Sohn des Dorfschullehrers in Vegamián, in der nordspanischen Provinz León, geboren. Mit 12 Jahren wurde er in ein Internat nach Madrid geschickt. Er studierte zunächst Jura, arbeitete jedoch nur kurze Zeit als Rechtsanwalt. Statt dessen begann er in Madrid für verschiedene Medien journalistisch tätig zu werden. Seine erste literarische Veröffentlichung war der Gedichtband La lentitud des los bueyes von 1979, der den "Premio de Poesía Antonio G. de Lama" erhielt. Eine Essay-Sammlung El entierro de Genarín. Evangelio apócrifo del último heterodoxo español folgte 1981 und ein Jahr später weitere Gedichte unter dem Titel Memoria de la nieve, die mit dem "Premio Jorge Guillén" ausgezeichnet wurden. Neben den drei Romanen, Luna de lobos (1985, dt. Wolfsmond, 1991), La lluvia amarilla (1988, dt. Der gelbe Regen, 1991) und Escenas de cine mudo (1994, dt. Stummfilmszenen, 1998) sind von Llamazares auch journalistische Arbeiten und Reiseberichte in Buchform erschienen. Luna de lobos, der erste Roman, war in Spanien ein großer literarischer Erfolg und wurde zwei Jahre später unter demselben Titel, nach einem von Llamazares verfaßten Drehbuch, verfilmt. Die Erfahrung des Verlustes seines Geburtsortes - 1968 mußte das Dorf einem Stausee weichen - war prägend für das literarische Schaffen von Julio Llamazares. Die verlassene, vom Aussterben bedrohte ländliche Bergregion Leóns und Asturiens bildet immer wieder den Hintergrund seiner Werke. Im Zentrum steht das Verschwinden von Traditionen und eine Sensibilität, die die Natur als vom Menschen unabhängige Einheit betrachtet. In der Gegenüberstellung von ländlichem und städtischem Leben wird jedoch die Natur nicht idyllisch verklärt - sie ist vielmehr bestimmt von Einsamkeit, Überlebenskampf und Sterben. Sein literarisches Werk, das auch als poetische Reflexion über die Einsamkeit gelesen werden kann, hat Julio Llamazares zu einem herausragenden Vertreter der jüngeren Schriftsteller-Generation im postfranquistischen Spanien gemacht.
For nearly half a century Anne Lake Prescott has been a force and an inspiration in Renaissance studies. A force, because of her unique blend of learning and wit and an inspiration through her tireless encouragement of younger scholars and students. Her passion has always been the invisible bridge across the Channel: the complex of relations, literary and political, between Britain and France. The essays in this long-awaited collection range from Edmund Spenser to John Donne, from Clément Marot to Pierre de Ronsard. Prescott has a particular fondness for King David, who appears several times; and the reader will encounter chessmen, bishops, male lesbian voices and Roman whores. Always Prescott's immense erudition is accompanied by a sly and gentle wit that invites readers to share her amusement. Reading her is a joyful education.
EXCAVANDO LA CIUDAD DE DAVID – El lugar en el que comenzף la historia de Jerusalיn Las investigaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en los 150 últimos años han identificado a la colina sudoriental de Jerusalén, fuera de las murallas de la Ciudad Vieja, como la Ciudad de David bíblica. El reconocimiento cada vez mayor de que esta colina es efectivamente la parte más antigua de Jerusalén ha llevado a muchos estudiosos a excavarla. Desde las primeras excavaciones hechas por Charles Warren en 1867 hasta el presente, catorce expediciones arqueológicas han trabajado allí, lo que ha hecho que la Ciudad de David sea uno de los sitios más excavados de Israel. Equipos británicos, alemanes, franceses e israelíes han excavado en el lugar bajo cuatro autoridades diferentes: el gobierno otomano, el mandato británico, el gobierno jordano y el israelí y han producido una asombrosa cantidad de información. Algunos de estos restos son de importancia única, entre ellos el túnel de Ezequías, el sistema de túneles conocido como el pozo de Warren, la inscripción del túnel de Siloé, la inscripción de Teodoto, y el estanque de Siloé. Excavaciones recientes efectuadas en la Ciudad de David han revelado vestigios impresionantes de fortificaciones de la Edad de Bronce Medio alrededor de la fuente de Gihón y restos del estanque de Siloé, que datan del período del Segundo Templo. El túnel de Siloé ha sido ahora ampliamente documentado y estudiado. Este libro comienza por una reseña cronológica de un siglo y medio de excavaciones y de estudio de la colina de la Ciudad de David. Dicha reseña resume la historia de la colina, desde épocas prehistóricas hasta el final del período otomano. Presenta un resumen actualizado de hallazgos arqueológicos pasados y recientes, muchos de los cuales, que se presentan aquí por primera vez, han cambiado drásticamente lo que pensábamos acerca de la historia antigua de Jerusalén. Ronny Reich excava y estudia las antigüedades de Jerusalén hace ya más de cuarenta años. De 1969 a 1978 tomó parte en las excavaciones dirigidas por el catedrático Nahman Avigad en el Barrio Judío de Jerusalén. Desde 1995 ha sido co-director de las excavaciones en la Ciudad de David. El profesor Reich es egresado de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, donde escribió su tesis de doctorado acerca de los baños rituales judíos en la época del Segundo Templo. Desde 1995 es catedrático de Arqueología en la Universidad de Haifa. En 2000 se le otorgó el Premio Jerusalén de Investigación Arqueológica. 27×22 cm, 382 páginas, edición en tapas duras, numerosas ilustraciones en blanco y negro y en color . por Ronny Reich
This book re-examines French cinema of the 1970s. It focuses on the debates which shook French cinema, and the calls for film-makers to rethink their manner of filming, subject matter and ideals in the immediate aftermath of the student revolution of May 1968. Alison Smith examines the effect of this re-thinking across the spectrum of French production, the rise of new genres and re-formulation of older ones. Chapters investigate political thrillers, historical films, new naturalism and Utopian fantasies, dealing with a wide variety of films. A particular concern is the extent to which film-makers' ideas and intentions are contained in or contradicted by their finished work, and the gradual change in these ideas over the decade. The final chapter is a detailed study of two directors who were deeply involved in the debates and events of the 70s, William Klein and Alain Tanner, here taken as exemplary spokesmen for those changing debates as their echoes reached the cinema.
David Myles Robinson was eight years old when he first got hooked on travel. Since then, he’s seen most of the world—all its continents plus, he laments, “far too many places where travel is now off-limits.”After a lifetime of visiting near and far, in heat and in cold, in comfort and in danger, Robinson has put it all together now in this unique collection of the varied travel adventures he’s found—and the lessons he’s learned from them. A Fellini-esque view of the Amazon, a Mercedes caravan to Istanbul, Jane Goodall's amazing chimps—just part of a travel trunk full of experiences guaranteed to keep you seesawing from “Boy, I'd love to do that" to “Sure glad it was him, not me.”In Conga Line on the Amazon, Robinson brings to his first travel book the same gift for intriguing narrative and sharp characterization that has won praise for his six highly successful novels. Some of his tales may be for the strong of heart, but they’re all for the reader with a yen to be entertained by one intrepid man’s adventures and misadventures exploring the strange and wonderful world we live in.
Makes available, for the first time in English translation, four of the principal narrative sources for the history of the Spanish kingdom of León-Castile during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Three chronicles focus primarily upon the activities of the kings of León-Castile as leaders of the Reconquest of Spain from the forces of Islam, and especially upon Fernando I (1037-65), his son Alfonso VI (1065-1109) and the latter's grandson Alfonso VII (1126-57). The fourth chronicle is a biography of the hero Rodrigo Díaz, better remembered as El Cid, and is the main source of information about his extraordinary career as a mercenary soldier who fought for Christian and Muslim alike. Covers the fasincating interaction of the Muslim and Christian worlds, each at the height of their power. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and accompanied by explanatory notes. ;
Daniel Calparsoro, a director who has made a crucial contribution to contemporary Spanish and Basque cinema, has provoked strong reactions from the critics. Reductively dismissed as a works of crude violence by those lamenting a 'lost golden age' of Spanish filmmaking, Calparsoro's films in fact reveal a more complex interaction with trends and traditions in both Spanish and Hollywood cinema. This book is the first full-length study of the director's work, from his early social-realist films set in the Basque Country to his later forays into the genres of the war and horror. It offers an in-depth film-by-film analysis while simultaneously exploring the director's position in the contemporary Spanish context, the tension between directors and critics and the question of national cinema in an area - the Basque Country - of heightened national and regional sensitivities.
Daniel Calparsoro, a director who has provided a crucial contribution to the contemporary scene in Spanish and Basque cinema, has provoked strong reactions from the critics. Reductively dismissed as a purveyor of crude violence by those critics lamenting a 'lost golden age' of Spanish filmmaking, Calparsoro's films reveal in fact a more complex interaction with trends and traditions in both Spanish and Hollywood cinema. This book is the first full-length study of the director's work, from his early social realist films set in the Basque Country to his later forays into the genres of the war and horror film. It offers an in-depth film-by-film analysis, while simultaneously exploring the function of the director in the contemporary Spanish context, the tension between directors and critics, and the question of national cinema in an area - the Basque Country - of heightened national and regional sensitivities. ;
Low and middle income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America bear a significant proportion of the global burden of chronic non-communicable diseases. This book synthesizes evidence across countries that share similar socio-economic, developmental and public health profiles, including rapid urbanization, globalization and poverty. Providing insights on successful and sustainable interventions and policies, it shows how to slow and reverse the rising burden of chronic diseases in resource-poor settings.
The French empire at war draws on original research in France and Britain to investigate the history of the divided French empire - the Vichy and the Free French empires - during the Second World War. What emerges is a fascinating story. While it is clear that both the Vichy and Free French colonial authorities were only rarely masters of their own destiny during the war, preservation of limited imperial control served them both in different ways. The Vichy government exploited the empire in an effort to withstand German-Italian pressure for concessions in metropolitan France and it was key to its claim to be more than the mouthpiece of a defeated nation. For Free France too, the empire acquired a political and symbolic importance which far outweighed its material significance to the Gaullist war effort. As the war progressed, the Vichy empire lost ground to that of the Free French, something which has often been attributed to the attraction of the Gaullist mystique and the spirit of resistance in the colonies. In this radical new interpretation, Thomas argues that it was neither of these. The course of the war itself, and the initiatives of the major combatant powers, played the greatest part in the rise of the Gaullist empire and the demise of Vichy colonial control.