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      • Sri Senbaga Pathippakam

        Sri Senbaga Pathippakam is one of the best publishers in Tamil language. We have published more than 1000 titles including ancient Sangam Tamil literature, research books in Tamil literature and language, mythological books, historical fiction and non-fiction, short stories, cooking books, etc. We also specialize in books for children, bilingual and trilingual dictionaries for the reference of students and general public. We publish Sahitya Academy & Tamilnadu government award winning books. One of our renowned books, 'Thirukkural', a scripture common to every walk of human life irrespective of gender, race or community is a must read for everyone on this planet. It is published in various sizes and design. 'Oviyakkural (Thirukkural with paintings)' portrays Tamil tradition and culture through paintings. Our religious publication about Vainavam and Saivam is popular among scholars. 'Kambar Kavi Inbam' portrays the beauty of poetry as described in Kambar's Ramayanam in Tamil language.

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      • Suug Productions

        Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. – Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn – und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2016

        Briefwechsel 1921 bis 1927

        by Hermann Hesse, Hugo Ball, Emmy Ball-Hennings, Bärbel Reetz, Bärbel Reetz

        Im Dezember 1920 treffen sie sich erstmals im Tessin: Hermann Hesse und Emmy Hennings mit Hugo Ball, die, enttäuscht von den politischen Wirren und konservativen Tendenzen im Nachkriegsdeutschland, entschlossen sind, unter südlichen Himmeln ihre »Flucht aus der Zeit« anzutreten.Die Briefe des exzentrischen Paares, das in der Berliner und Münchener Bohème Aufsehen erregt und 1916 mit der Gründung des »Cabaret Voltaire« in Zürich den Dadaismus begründet hat, und die des Autors des Demian berichten von den Bedingungen ihres Schreibens, von Reiseeindrücken und Begegnungen mit Menschen, die die Kulturszene der zwanziger Jahre prägen. Sie belegen heftige Diskussionen um Religion und Psychoanalyse und dokumentieren ausführlich die Beziehung Hesses zu seiner zweiten Frau Ruth Wenger.Nicht zuletzt ist der Briefwechsel eine Fundgrube für die Entstehungsgeschichte von Siddhartha bis zum Steppenwolf, von Hennings' sensitiver Lyrik und Prosa sowie Balls zeitkritischen und theologischen Werken.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2001

        Emmy Ball-Hennings

        Leben im Vielleicht. Eine Biographie

        by Bärbel Reetz

        »Ich lebe im - Vielleicht/ Bin eine stumme Frage ...« Die so schreibt, ist eine poetische Maskenspielerin, eine, die in ihrem ungewöhnlichen Leben viel gefragt und noch mehr gewagt hat: Emmy Ball-Hennings (1885-1948). Aus der kleinbürgerlichen Enge Flensburgs treibt ihre »Weglaufsucht« sie mit Wandertheatern durch Deutschland, auf die Bühnen europäischer Varietes und Cabarets, in die Abgründe von Drogen, Prostitution und Gefängnis, in die schrille Berliner und Münchner Vorkriegsboheme. 1915 emigriert sie mit Hugo Ball nach Zürich und begründet mit ihm das »Cabaret Voltaire« - die Keimzelle des Dadaismus. Irrlichtert durch die politisch-journalistische Emigrantenszene um Ball und Ernst Bloch in Bern, begegnet 1920 Hermann Hesse, dem Freund fürs Leben. Die Namen ihrer Freundinnen und Gefährten lesen sich wie eine Enzyklopädie der europäischen Avantgarde.Bärbel Reetz hat sich auf Spurensuche gemacht und Einblick in bisher unbekannte Briefe und Aufzeichnungen genommen. Mit ihrer Biographie wirft sie ein neues Licht auf das ungewöhnliche Leben der Emmy Ball-Hennings.

      • Fiction

        Andreaa Constantin

        by Esteban Torres Lana

        A dangerous challenge at sea through a rock arch battered by strong waves. She ends up seriously injured in a leg when her friend Aurelio arrives at the cove. Overcoming her pain, she hides her injuries from Aurelio and tells him the extraordinary story of her mother, which propelled her to undertake such a madness. The story begins 6 years ago in Tenerife, with Nayra's expulsion from Philosophy class for the third time in a week, causing Pablo, her father, to pick her up from school and embark on a long day of disputes, confessions, and finally, complicities between them. Walking around Santa Cruz, canceling classes and professional commitments, Pablo and Nayra spend the day discovering a personal and sentimental reality that surprises them. The problems Nayra mentions with a group of immigrant classmates, along with the aggression Nayra shows towards her mother, Lola, prompt Pablo to tell her the unfinished story with Andreea, a high-class Romanian prostitute. Pablo cannot control the level of intimacy of the tale despite his own amazement, hearing himself say things he thought were unspeakable. Nayra responds, between disputes and affection, interspersing her own confidences, some of them having a strong impact, like the adventure with an immigrant who arrived on the beaches of Fuerteventura during a summer excursion. Neither tells the most intimate details of their stories truthfully, but they are accessible to the reader. Despite frequent arguments due to the teenager's incisive and groundbreaking language, their complicity grows and they end up spending the day together, walking through different places in the city. The story with Andreea takes on dramatic tones that completely captivate the young woman. Two suicides, the chase by Romanian mafia, returning to her hometown, searching for Pablo, Andreea’s struggle to regain her dignity and her artistic capacity through painting, and the apparent disappearance of her father's life, capture Nayra’s attention. Despite the narrative tricks used by Pablo, when night falls and they reach home, Nayra connects the dots and is surprised to discover that her perfectionist and successful mother, a recognized painter from Santa Cruz, with whom she has had a very conflictive season, is Andreea Constantin, the Romanian immigrant her father met as a high-class prostitute. After an initial reaction of rejection due to the ignorance in which she was kept, she understands her mother's situation. All the questions she always had about many details of her life arise with the discovery. A few years after discovering her identity, Andreea disappears from home. A call from Romania alerts them to the discovery of two charred bodies near her birthplace and the presence of her old exploiter nearby, who cursed her for life through a Transylvania ritual when she abandoned prostitution. Knowing she was discovered in Tenerife, Andreea tried to keep her family away from danger and returned to her country, where she was easy prey for the mafia. Pablo and his daughter Nayra fly to Bucharest to identify Andreea’s body, which may have been brutally murdered and burned. When it seems the identification will be negative, a small detail of the clothing makes them doubt. Desolate, they receive medical and psychological support from the Romanian team, but it turns out to be a false lead. Andreea is rescued from a hideout and has survived due to a misunderstanding by her captors. Protected by the Romanian police, she later becomes a key witness whose testimony ends the dangerous band of her pimp. But that bravery comes at a price; 2 years later, she does not return from an art exhibition in Paris. The police believe that her exploiter’s curse was fulfilled by a nephew who visited him in prison shortly before his death and was seen in Paris during the days Andreea had the exhibition. After a year of anguish, Nayra can no longer bear the situation and decides to mourn her mother at the cove where she painted her last picture. It had as its background the rock arch symbolizing the risk of living and facing life’s challenges. Nayra considers her mother lost and throws Andreea’s ashes into the sea, symbolized by those of a magnolia branch she planted many years ago. With this, she internalizes the loss and the fighting values Andreea taught her. The exit from the volcanic cove is a song to the life that continues and to the young woman who represents it. The novel is dedicated to the memory of Andreea Constantin and the thousands of women sexually exploited around the world.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 1988

        Der Künstler und die Zeitkrankheit

        Ausgewählte Schriften. Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Burkhard Schlichting

        by Hugo Ball, Hans Burkhard Schlichting, Hans Burkhard Schlichting

        Dieses Buch mit seinen vierzig, teils unveröffentlichten, teils in entlegene Zeitungen und Zeitschriften verstreuten Schriften ist eine Entdeckung. Denn die Brisanz von Hugo Balls zeit- und kulturkritischen Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1909-1925 kommt erst heute, nachdem die meisten seiner Prognosen eingetroffen sind und seit der Studentenrevolte der sechziger Jahre nicht nur die kulturpolitische Diskussion, sondern auch unser Lebensgefühl bestimmen, zu voller Geltung. Es ist der im Ersten Weltkrieg in die Schweiz Emigrierte, der Nachbar und Mitarbeiter von Walter Benjamin und Ernst Bloch bei der oppositionellen »Freien Zeitung«, der Verfasser eines »Bakunin-Breviers«, der Sympathisant von Kurt Eisner, der Autor eines Essays über Thomas Münzer, welcher Ernst Bloch zu seinem Münzer-Buch anregte, aber auch der Verfasser von brisanten Angriffen gegen Wilhelm II., Hindenburg und von Thesen über die verhängnisvollen Folgen Kantscher Philosophie für den preußischen Militarismus. »Ball würde – wäre der Begriff schon damals bekannt gewesen – ein leidenschaftlicher Gegner der modernen Leistungsgesellschaft samt ihren sozialpsychologischen Folgen gewesen sein. Seine eminente Bildung, sein glühender politisch-sozialer Erneuerungswille und die Kraft seiner Sprache entheben ihn dem Vorwurf, ein anarchistischer Agitator zu sein. Ansatzpunkt ist der erste deutsche ›Zusammenbruch‹ 1918/19. Das heißt die Frage nach den geschichtlichen Ursachen der deutschen Katastrophe. Thomas Münzer sieht Ball in Luthers Preisgabe der aufrührerischen Bauern und in der Tragödie der Bauernkriege einen Schlüssel zur deutschen Geschichte. Ball hat mit wenigen Gleichgesinnten Dada und den Surrealismus ›als Hingabe an den Gegensatz alles dessen, was brauchbar und nutzbar ist‹, in den Jahren vor dem Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges vorweggenommen.« ›Karl Korn in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung‹

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        Science & Mathematics
        March 2022

        Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests

        by Takumasa Kondo, Gillian Watson

        Scale insects feed on plant juices and can easily be transported to new countries on live plants. They sometimes become invasive pests, costing billions of dollars in damage to crops worldwide annually, and farmers try to control them with toxic pesticides, risking environmental damage. Fortunately, scale insects are highly susceptible to control by natural enemies so biological control is possible. They have unique genetic systems, unusual metamorphosis, a broad spectrum of essential symbionts, and some are sources of commercial products like red dyes, shellac and wax. There is, therefore, wide interest in these unusual, destructive, beneficial, and abundant insects. The Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests is the most comprehensive work on worldwide scale insect pests, providing detailed coverage of the most important species (230 species in 26 families, 36% of the species known). Advice is provided on collection, preservation, slide-mounting, vouchering, and labelling of specimens, fully illustrated with colour photographs, diagrams and drawings. Pest species are presented in two informal groups of families, the 'primitive' Archaeococcids followed by the more 'advanced' Neococcids, covered in phylogenetic order. Each family is illustrated and diagnosed based on features of live and slide-mounted specimens, with information on numbers of genera and species, main hosts, distribution, and biology. For the important pest species, coverage includes information on the morphology of live and slide-mounted specimens, common names, principal synonyms, geographical distribution, plant hosts, plant damage and economic impact, reproductive biology, dispersal, and management strategies including biological, cultural and chemical control, sterile insect techniques, regulatory control, early warning systems and field monitoring. An additional complete list of scale insect pests worldwide is provided, comprising 642 species in 28 scale insect families (about 8% of the 8396 species of living scales known), with information on plant hosts, geographical distribution and validation sources. Beneficial uses of scale insects as sources of red dyes, natural resins and waxes, as agents for invasive weed control. The importance of their honeydew to bees for making honey, and as a food source to other animals, are included. Academic researchers, students, entomologists, pest management officials in agribusiness or government including plant quarantine identifiers, extensionists, farmers, field scientists and ecologists will all benefit from this book.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        Theologian of Sin and Grace

        The Process of Radicalization in the Theology of Matthias Flacius Illyricus

        by Ilic, Luka

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 1991

        Hugo Ball

        Sein Leben in Briefen und Gedichten

        by Emmy Ball-Hennings, Hermann Hesse

        Hermann Hesse, geboren am 2.7.1877 in Calw/Württemberg als Sohn eines baltendeutschen Missionars und der Tochter eines württembergischen Indologen, starb am 9.8.1962 in Montagnola bei Lugano. Er wurde 1946 mit dem Nobelpreis für Literatur, 1955 mit dem Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels ausgezeichnet. Nach einer Buchhändlerlehre war er seit 1904 freier Schriftsteller, zunächst in Gaienhofen am Bodensee, später im Tessin. Er ist einer der bekanntesten deutschen Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Pause and Sense

        by Emily Atallah

        Thousands of people say things such as “I have no time”, “when did life pass me by”, or “I have nothing left to live for.” According to the WHO, nearly 700,000 people commit suicide every year, and conditions such as depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and lack of purpose are increasingly rooted in our societies, blocking our view to a life full of light and possibilities. In the age of instant connectivity, we have never been as disconnected, unmotivated and empty as we are now. In these pages, you will find 10 practical tools that will help you get unstuck, find your way through pain, and reconnect with your purpose towards a plentiful life. The book is divided in three sections that help you understand what is valuable about life, what we can give to the world as human beings, and how we can embrace challenges, increase connectivity with each other and increase our awareness. This book invites you to enrich your own life, through reflections that help you go deep inside, and examples of how others who when through similar experiences, got through them to live a happier, meaningful, and purposeful life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        The devil’s highway

        Urban anxieties and subaltern cultures in London’s sailortown, c.1850-1900

        by Brad Beaven

        Between 1850 and 1900, Ratcliffe Highway was the pulse of maritime London. Sailors from every corner of the globe found solace, and sometimes trouble, in this bustling district. However, for social investigators, it was a place of fascination and fear as it harboured chaotic and dangerous 'exotic' communities. Sailortowns were transient, cosmopolitan and working class in character and provide us with an insight into class, race and gendered relations. They were contact zones of heightened interaction where multi-ethnic subaltern cultures met, sometimes negotiated and at other times clashed with one another. The book argues that despite these challenges sailortown was a distinctive and functional working-class community that was self-regulating and self-moderating. The book uncovers a robust sailortown community in which an urban-maritime culture shaped a sense of themselves and the traditions and conventions that governed subaltern behaviour in the district.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2015

        El castigo sin venganza

        Lope de Vega Carpio

        by Jonathan Thacker, Catherine Davies, Jonathan Thacker

        El castigo sin venganza (1631) is Lope de Vega's greatest tragedy. The play dramatises the story of the adulterous relationship between the beautiful Casandra, Duchess of Ferrara, and her step-son, Federico, and the reaction of her husband, the Duke, himself a flawed and ambiguous figure. The dramatist, at the height of his powers, re-works an earlier Italian short story to explore the complexities of human desire and the grim consequences of giving in to temptation. Aimed principally at undergraduates who are new to Spanish Golden Age drama, this edition includes a substantial commentary on the text, explanatory footnotes and a selected vocabulary. The introduction sets the play in its contexts - historical and dramatic - and focuses too on elements of the genre with which new readers might be unfamiliar: performance norms, the poetry of the play and the linguistic differences in Golden Age Spanish. It is informed by up-to-date scholarship on the play from Spain and the Anglophone world. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Biology and Management of the Formosan Subterranean Termite and Related Species

        by Nan-Yao Su, Chow-Yang Lee, Lauren Davies, Thomas Chouvenc, J. Kenneth Grace, Claudia Husseneder, Shuji Itakura, Hou-Feng Li, Nathan Lo, Kok-Boon Neoh, Wakako Ohmura, Faith M. Oi, Rudolf H. Scheffrahn, Qian Sun, Gaku Tokuda, Edward L. Vargo, Chia-Chien Wu, Koichi Yamamoto

        The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus, is the most destructive and invasive termite species globally. It is also the only termite species listed in the world's 100 worst invasive alien species of the Global Invasive Species Database. Annually, its infestation costs more than $4 billion in control and damage repairs in the USA alone. This book is the first comprehensive resource drawing on all the literature on C. formosanus since Tokuichi Shiraki first described the species in 1909. The book covers the worldwide distribution of this species, its biogeography, and how it has dispersed from its native range in southern China and Taiwan to different parts of the world. It describes its present taxonomic status and discusses the species' biology, ecology, foraging behavior, physiology, chemical ecology and its association with symbionts. From a practical standpoint, the authors address all of the various management options for this species, such as baits, soil termiticides, wood preservatives, inspection and detection technologies, and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approaches. Lastly, there are chapters dedicated to another important destructive species, Coptotermes gestroi (the Asian subterranean termite), and the recently discovered C. formosanus/C. gestroi hybrids. This important book is an essential and valuable reference for researchers, graduate students, pest management professionals, chemical manufacturer personnel, building and property managers, and others. It provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the biology and management of the Formosan subterranean termite and the Asian subterranean termite.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Climate Change and Global Health

        Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Effects

        by Colin Butler, Kerryn Higgs, Ågot Aakra, Khaled Abass, Robyn Alders, Kofi Amegah, Janetrix Hellen Amuguni, Gulrez Shah Azhar, Katherine Barraclough, Barbara Berner, Alex Blum, Justin Borevitz, Menno Bouma, Devin C. Bowles, Mark Braidwood, Anne Lise Brantsæter, Cyril Caminade, Katrina Charles, Fiona Charlson, Moumita Sett Chatterjee, Matthew Chersich, Rebecca Colvin, Namukolo Covic, Christopher B Daniels, Richard Dennis, Cybele Dey, Hubert Dirven, Yuming Guo, Tari Haahtela, Ivan C Hanigan, Andrew Harmer, Budi Haryanto, Kerryn Higgs, Susanne Hyllestad, Christine Instanes, Ruth Irwin, Ollie Jay, Solveig Jore, Ke Ju, Tord Kjellstrom, Marit Låg, Jason KW Lee, Shanshan Li, Irakli Loladze, Rosemary A. McFarlane, Martin McKee, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Glen Mola, Andy Morse, Juliet Nabyonga-Orem, Nicholas H. Ogden, Johan Øvrevik, Rebecca Patrick, Rezanur Rahaman, Delia Randolph, Shilpa Rao, Arja Rautio, Mary Robinson, Tilman Ruff, Subhashis Sahu, Jonathan Samet, Photini Sinnis, Julie P Smith, Jes

        There is increasing understanding that climate change will have profound, mostly harmful effects, on human health. In this authoritative book, international experts examine long-recognized areas of health concern for populations vulnerable to climate change, describing effects that are both direct, such as heat waves, and indirect, such as via vector-borne diseases. Set in a broad international, economic, political and environmental context, this unique book expands these issues by reviving and championing a third ('tertiary') category of longer term impacts on global health: famine, population dislocation, conflict and collapse. This edition has an expanded foundation, with new chapters discussing nuclear war, population and limits to growth, among others. This lively yet scholarly resource explores all these issues, finishing with a practical discussion of avenues to reform. As Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, states in the foreword: 'Climate change interacts with many undesirable aspects of human behaviour, including inequality, racism and other manifestations of injustice. Climate change policies, as practised by most countries in the global North, not only interact with these long-standing forms of injustice, but exemplify a new form, of startling magnitude.' The book is dedicated to Tony McMichael, Will Steffen and Maurice King. This book will be invaluable for students, post-graduates, researchers and policy-makers in public health, climate change and medicine.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1999

        Das Brandmal

        Ein Tagebuch

        by Emmy Ball-Hennings, Erika Süllwold

        »Was in meinen Papieren steht, nämlich daß ich Schauspielerin, Fabrikarbeiterin, Fotografin usw. bin, das besagt nicht viel. Auch ist es nicht wichtig, zu wissen woher ich gekommen bin. Was hat die geographisches Lage meiner Herkunft, mein Geburtsort, mit meiner Heimatlosigkeit zu tun? Auch bin ich nicht Schauspielerin von Beruf, denn ich liebe nicht den falschen Schein, und mein einziger Beruf ist, das zu erkennen, was ich bin«, schreibt Emmy Hennings in »Das Brandmahl«, über das Hugo Ball bei Erscheinen 1920 sagt:»Emmys »Brandmal« ist erschienen. Hier ist nicht mehr Debatte. Hier ist die Zeit, am Körper erlebt und erlitten.« Auf beeindruckende Weise beschreibt Emmy Hennings ihr eigensinniges, widersprüchliches und faszinierendes Leben in den ersten zehn Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts, als Armut die Wanderschauspielerin zeitweise zum Hausieren und zur Prostitution zwang, die erniedrigenden Lebenserfahrungen ihr zum Brandmahl wurden: »Wenn ich am Fenster stehe, denke ich, die obere Hälfte, Herz und Brust, gehört Gott, die untere Hälfte mag der Teufel nehmen.«

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1985

        Hermann Hesse

        Sein Leben und sein Werk

        by Hugo Ball

        Hugo Balls faszinierende Biographie erschien 1927 zu Hermann Hesses 50. Geburtstag, und sie ist bis heute weder überholt noch übertroffen. Denn Hugo Ball war zu sehr selber Künstler, als daß ihm die Problematik Hesses aus seinem eigenen Leben nicht vertraut gewesen wäre. Seit 1920 war er mit Hesse bekannt und hat mehrere Jahre zunächst als kritischer Augenzeuge, später als Freund und vertrautester Gesprächspartner in Hesses unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft gelebt.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1987

        Blume und Flamme

        Geschichte einer Jugend

        by Emmy Ball-Hennings, Hermann Hesse

        Mit Emmy Ball-Hennings gilt es eine bemerkenswerte Dichterin wiederzuentdecken, deren 100. Geburtstag große Beachtung fand. »Blume und Flamme« ist der erste Teil ihrer dreibändigen Autobiographie, die, seit vielen Jahren vergriffen, nun wieder zugänglich gemacht werden soll. Er schildert die abenteuerliche Kindheit dieser in Flensburg als Tochter eines Seemanns geborenen Dichterin, ihre Jahre als Dienst-, Zimmer- und Küchenmädchen, bevor sie sich einer Wanderbühne anschloß. »Es wäre schwer zu sagen, was wir an ihren Büchern so sehr lieben. Es sind Bücher, die alle den Charakter von Bekenntnissen haben, und dennoch scheinen sie dann oft wieder wie aus Spiel und reiner Künstlerfreude am Schönen entstanden, aus Freude am Bild, aus Freude an der Sprache, aus zartestem Gehör für ihre Unterströmungen und Melodien ... Sie sind das Gegenteil von l'art pour l'art, sie sind ein Kampf um Wahrheit ... Sie liebt die Leidenden, sie fühlt für die Verfolgten und Rechtlosen.« ›Hermann Hesse‹

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