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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Till Eulenspiegel

        Dreißig Streiche und Narreteien

        by Clemens J. Setz, Philip Waechter

        Jedes Kind kennt die Geschichten des berühmtesten aller Narren, der Eulen und Meerkatzen bäckt, einem Esel das Lesen beibringt und den Grafen von Anhalt für dumm verkauft. Sprichwörtlich sind seine Eulenspiegeleien, das penetrante Wörtlichnehmen und absichtliche Missverstehen, mit denen er sich Herren und Meister vom Leib hält. Doch nicht nur die Mächtigen werden Opfer seiner derben Späße, sondern auch arme Bauern und Handwerker, Tiere und Kinder. In Clemens J. Setz’ Nacherzählungen ausgewählter Historien aus dem beliebten Volksbuch stiftet Till Eulenspiegel, »diese vielleicht freieste Figur der deutschen Literatur«, nichts als Unruhe und Chaos in den Dörfern und Häusern der braven, anständigen Menschen, zum diebischen Vergnügen des Lesers, herrlich hintergründig illustriert von Philip Waechter.

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        The Arts
        June 2021

        Genre and performance: film and television

        by Christine Cornea

        Looking at contemporary film and television, this book explores how popular genres frame our understanding of on-screen performance. Previous studies of screen performance have tended to fix upon star actors, directors, or programme makers, or they have concentrated upon particular training and acting styles. Moving outside of these confines, this book provides a truly interdisciplinary account of performance in film and television and examines a much neglected area in our understanding of how popular genres and performance intersect on screen. Each chapter concentrates upon a particular genre or draws upon generic case studies in examining the significance of screen performance. Individual chapters examine contemporary film noir, horror, the biopic, drama-documentary, the western, science fiction, comedy performance in 'spoof news' programmes and the television 'sit com' and popular Bollywood films.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2007

        Public issue television

        World in Action' 1963–98

        by Peter Goddard, John Corner, Kay Richardson

        Public issue television is a major contribution to understanding the relationship between television, politics and society. Based on full access to the archives, it offers a fascinating historical account of how one television series, Granada's World in Action, celebrated for its tough journalism, visual directness and public impact, functioned and developed over its run across 35 years between 1963 and 1998. In a succession of chapters looking at different periods in the series' development and at key dimensions of its distinctive identity, it gets deep inside the making of factual television and examines how a particular culture of production works within broader conditions of possibility and constraint. In particular, it charts the interwoven processes of change - technological, professional, aesthetic, institutional, economic, social and political. As well as discussing achievement and success, it examines the tensions, the debates and open conflicts that formed part of the context within which the series was made and transmitted across four decades. ;

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        October 2013

        Übungen und Spiele für Schauspieler und Nicht-Schauspieler

        Aktualisierte und erweiterte Ausgabe

        by Augusto Boal, Till Baumann, Till Baumann

        Die berühmten Übungen und Spiele Boals liegen hier in einer auf den neuesten Stand gebrachten und stark erweiterten Ausgabe vor. Dabei geht es darum, Zuschauer in Handelnde zu verwandeln. Dieses in 25 Sprachen übersetzte Standardwerk richtet sich an jeden, der die Übungen beruflich oder im Alltag anwenden will – an Schauspieler wie an Laiendarsteller, Pädagogen, Lehrer und Therapeuten. Zugleich gibt der Band Einblick in die Arbeit »des wichtigsten Theatermachers Lateinamerikas« (The Guardian).

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Freya und die Furchtlosen - Plündern will gelernt sein! (Band 2)

        by Jochen Till / Dominik Rupp

        Freya and the Fearless - Plundering is a Skill! (Vol. 2) All Vikings are fearless? Not quite ... They call themselves "The Fearless" and they want to rob, plunder and pillage for all they're worth. The only problem is that the sight of a little girl makes them wet their pants. Freya has had enough of plundering Vikings and gives Heinar's people a good scare.What happens in Vol. 2:The sea is getting narrower and narrower, with land in sight to the right and left. So this must be England. Finally, our brave Vikings can once again plunder, rob and pillage to their heart's content. Heinar and his men sail leisurely up the Thames, until something blocks their way: Unfortunately, the British king's architects built the new bridge much too low. Now no ship can get out or back in and the English have to do without their beloved hot drink: tea. Freya and the Fearless turn Tower Bridge into a suspension drawbridge, bring back tea to the British, and casually invent the bearskin cap along the way.• A little girl shows the despondent Vikings what a real guy is• Funny sidekicks: The Odin family is watching from heaven• Innovative 90:10 text-image ratio, illustrated in b/w• For fans of ‘Vicky the Viking’ and ‘Asterix & Obelix’.• To be continued with Vol. 3 and 4

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1978

        Till Eulenspiegel

        Ein kurzweiliges Buch von Till Eulenspiegel aus dem Lande Braunschweig

        by Hermann Bote, Siegfried H. Sichtermann, Siegfried H. Sichtermann

        460 Jahre lang war es dem Verfasser des »Eulenspiegel« gelungen, seinen Namen vor den ungezählten Lesern seines Buches geheimzuhalten. 1971 aber schlug seine Stunde: der Züricher Rechtsanwalt Dr. Peter Honegger nahm ihm die Maske ab. Zum Vorschein kam der Braunschweiger Zollschreiber Hermann Bote (um 1467 - um 1520). Die erste teilweise erhaltene Auflage seines Buches erschien 1510/11 bei Johannes Grüninger in Straßburg anonym. Bote, dem breiteren Leserpublikum kaum bekannt, wurde von dem namhaften Literaturhistoriker Josef Nadler 1939 als »der begabteste Dichter des 15. Jahrhunderts, vielleicht des ganzen niedersächsischen Stammes« bezeichnet. Der Dichter, als Sohn eines Braunschweiger Schmiedemeisters geboren, war um 1488 Zollschreiber in seiner Vaterstadt, um 1493 niederer Landrichter (Amtsvogt), danach wahrscheinlich Verwalter des Braunschweiger Altstadt-Ratskellers.Das Volksbuch vom Eulenspiegel, der einzige Welterfolg der Dichtung Niedersachsens und zugleich das berühmteste und langlebigste aller deutschen Volksbücher, erwies sich als ein ausgesprochener »Bestseller«. Schon im 16. Jahrhundert trat es seinen Siegeszug im Abendland an, allein in Deutschland erschienen in diesem Zusammenhang mindestens 35 Ausgaben. Das Buch wurde teilweise in Auswahl schon im 16. Jahrhundert in die meisten Kultursprachen Europas übersetzt.

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        Children's & YA
        February 2022

        Freya und die Furchtlosen - Auf ins Gefecht! (Band 1)

        by Jochen Till

        Freya and the Fearless (Vol. 1) - Off to Battle!   They call themselves "The Fearless" and they want to rob, plunder and pillage for all they're worth. The only problem is that the sight of a little girl makes them wet their pants. Freya has had enough of plundering Vikings and gives Heinar's people a good scare.   • A little girl shows the despondent Vikings what a real guy is • Funny sidekicks: The Odin family is watching from heaven • Innovative 90:10 text-image ratio, illustrated in b/w • For fans of ‘Vicky the Viking’ and ‘Asterix & Obelix’.  • Volumes 2 and 3 coming in 2022 and 2023   Viking chief Heinar Hookepee leads a small troop of daring men into a new adventure. While it is being widely discussed who exactly should lead the attack, a little girl stands up to them - our heroine Freya. She's fed up with Vikings attacking her village all the time and angrily scolds Hookepee and his men - who are nowhere near as fearless and brave as they always pretend to be. Something has to change: The men have to learn to become real Vikings. And who better to teach them than the fearless Freya? So Freya lands on the Viking ship and, with a lot of wit and clever methods, tries to teach our sissy Vikings everything they are missing.

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        The Arts
        June 2017

        Gothic television

        by Helen Wheatley

        Gothic television is the first full length study of the Gothic released on British and US television. An historical account, the book combines detailed archival research with analyses of key programmes, from Mystery and Imagination and Dark Shadows, to The Woman in White and Twin Peaks, and uncovers an aspect of television drama history which has, until now, remained critically unexplored. While some have seen television as too literal or homely a medium to successfully present Gothic fictions, Gothic television argues that the genre, in its many guises, is, and has always been, well-suited to television as a domestic medium, given the genre's obsessions with haunted houses and troubled families. This book will be of interest to lecturers and students across a number of disciplines including television studies, Gothic studies, and adaptation studies, as well as to the general reader with an interest in the Gothic, and in the history of television drama.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2004


        Die Briefe an Luise Rau

        by Eduard Mörike, Dietmar Till, Dietmar Till

        Eduard Friedrich Mörike, geboren 1804 in Ludwigsburg, verstorben 1875 in Stuttgart, war ein evangelischer Pfarrer, Lyriker, Erzähler und Übersetzer.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Ich werd dann mal ...

        Nachrichten aus der Mitte des Lebens

        by Till Raether

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