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        Till Stress Do Us Part

        Resilience in Relationships

        by Guy Bodenmann

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        Children's & YA
        February 2022

        Freya und die Furchtlosen - Auf ins Gefecht! (Band 1)

        by Jochen Till

        Freya and the Fearless (Vol. 1) - Off to Battle!   They call themselves "The Fearless" and they want to rob, plunder and pillage for all they're worth. The only problem is that the sight of a little girl makes them wet their pants. Freya has had enough of plundering Vikings and gives Heinar's people a good scare.   • A little girl shows the despondent Vikings what a real guy is • Funny sidekicks: The Odin family is watching from heaven • Innovative 90:10 text-image ratio, illustrated in b/w • For fans of ‘Vicky the Viking’ and ‘Asterix & Obelix’.  • Volumes 2 and 3 coming in 2022 and 2023   Viking chief Heinar Hookepee leads a small troop of daring men into a new adventure. While it is being widely discussed who exactly should lead the attack, a little girl stands up to them - our heroine Freya. She's fed up with Vikings attacking her village all the time and angrily scolds Hookepee and his men - who are nowhere near as fearless and brave as they always pretend to be. Something has to change: The men have to learn to become real Vikings. And who better to teach them than the fearless Freya? So Freya lands on the Viking ship and, with a lot of wit and clever methods, tries to teach our sissy Vikings everything they are missing.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Till Eulenspiegel

        Dreißig Streiche und Narreteien

        by Clemens J. Setz, Philip Waechter

        Jedes Kind kennt die Geschichten des berühmtesten aller Narren, der Eulen und Meerkatzen bäckt, einem Esel das Lesen beibringt und den Grafen von Anhalt für dumm verkauft. Sprichwörtlich sind seine Eulenspiegeleien, das penetrante Wörtlichnehmen und absichtliche Missverstehen, mit denen er sich Herren und Meister vom Leib hält. Doch nicht nur die Mächtigen werden Opfer seiner derben Späße, sondern auch arme Bauern und Handwerker, Tiere und Kinder. In Clemens J. Setz’ Nacherzählungen ausgewählter Historien aus dem beliebten Volksbuch stiftet Till Eulenspiegel, »diese vielleicht freieste Figur der deutschen Literatur«, nichts als Unruhe und Chaos in den Dörfern und Häusern der braven, anständigen Menschen, zum diebischen Vergnügen des Lesers, herrlich hintergründig illustriert von Philip Waechter.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Leselöwen 2. Klasse - Höllisch gute Freunde

        Mit Leselernschrift ABeZeh

        by Jochen Till

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        August 2021

        Luzifer junior

        Die verrückte Zeitmaschine

        by Jochen Till

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        February 2022

        Tims geheimes Fußball-Tagebuch - Ein unnötiger Ballverlust

        by Ocke Bandixen

        Tim’s Secret Soccer Diary (Vol. 2) - Unnecessary Ball LossWhat no one knew until now: Tim keeps a diary in which he tells of his almost normal life with school, annoying siblings and, of course, his soccer friend, the wonder striker. Above all, he notes down his ultimate coaching tricks.What happens in Volume 2:Again, Tim’s team has an important game coming up. This time it's against the pipes from Pfeffersdorf, who have a dangerous player in midfield. Luis, the left-footer. Tim immediately writes down a new tactic in his coach's diary: "We play on the outside - high balls directly in front of the goal.” But when he and his eleven friends arrive for training, all the training balls have disappeared. How should they now prepare for Saturday's game?• For all soccer-loving children and fans of Greg’s Diary and Ace Striker• Funny and fast-paced narration• Innovative 90:10 text-image ratio• Illustrated in black-and-white by Dominik Rupp

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