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      • Peter Lang Group

        Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student textbooks.

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      • Ryland Peters & Small Ltd & Cico Books

        We are an independent, illustrated publisher creating beautifully produced books in the areas of interior design, food & drink, craft, mindfulness and spirituality, health, humour and pop culture.   We also produce delightful gifts and stationery, as well as fantastic ranges of books for kids.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Ole and Ule. Unaccounted Miracle

        by Inguren Guren (Author), Lena Bardy (Illustrator)

        Ole, a retired accountant, carefully lists, labels and records everything that falls into his hands in a special journal. Suddenly, one day he finds an unlabeled strange egg on his kitchen table, that eventually hatches and bring to the fore Ule, the tiny-tiny baby owl that will change Ole’s life. This is the beginning of The Adventures of Ole and Ule. A touching story by Ukrainian writer Inguren Guten, with wonderful illustrations by Lena Bardy, The Adventures of Ole and Ule will definitely touch the readers' hearts. The Adventures of Ole and Ule is the first story of a series dedicated to the two friends, and a sequel is currently being developed.   From 3 to 8 years, 736 words Rightsholders: Taisiia Nakonecnha,

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1998


        Vom Anfang bis zum Finish

        by Petersen, Ole

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2001


        Das Anti-Aging-Programm

        by Petersen, Ole

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Marathon: Das 4-Stunden-Programm

        Vom Anfang bis zum Finish

        by Petersen, Ole

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2003

        Power for Life

        Energieprogramm (mit Real-Age- und Stresstest)

        by Petersen, Ole

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2003

        Body-Check: Die besten Fitnesstests

        Wie fit bin ich? Was kann ich tun? (Mit vielen Programmen)

        by Petersen, Ole

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2004

        Fit und motiviert im Job: Das Micropausen-Programm

        So steigern Sie Leistung und Konzentration

        by Petersen, Ole; Stäuble, Patrick

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga - Combat Mindset & Fighting Stress

        How to Perform under Alarming and Stressful conditions

        by Eyal Yanilov and Ole Boe

        Krav Maga emerged from the Israel Defense Forces. It was then transformed into an integrated system of self-defense, fighting tactics, and VIP protection that meets the needs of government units as well as civilians, including men and women of all ages. This inventive new Krav Maga title, covering the yet-unknown inner work of the system, has been discreetly prepared over the last few years and relates to our classic bestselling Krav Maga book, How to Defend Yourself against Armed Assault, which has so far been published in twelve languages, including Japanese and Korean. As George S. Patton, the celebrated US Army general, said, “Now if you are going to win any battle you have to make the mind run the body.... When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired.... You've always got to make the mind take over...and keep going.” This innovative Krav Maga book depicts cutting-edge techniques and training methods for martial artists, and was tailored for law-enforcement and military personnel. It covers the most sensitive core topics that have proved to be highly applicable in professional and personal situations alike. Combat Mindset & Fighting Stress was prepared by Master Eyal Yanilov, who is the most distinguished successor of Krav Maga’s founder, Imi Sde-Or, and wrote the first Krav Maga book with him. Yanilov coauthored this latest work with his prominent disciple, Dr. Ole Boe, a Norwegian special forces fighter and psychologist. The book’s editor and publisher, Zvi D. Morik—the official publisher of the original Krav Maga series, and a direct student, assistant, and friend of Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or for over thirty years—considers it to be the most pioneering and revolutionary work among current Krav Maga literature. An English-language edition was co-published in spring 2020 with Meyer & Meyer Sport UK. A Chinese edition has been scheduled for publication in Fall 2024.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2005

        Johanna Eleonora Petersen

        Theologische Schriftstellerin des frühen Pietismus

        by Albrecht, Ruth

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Oksana Lushchevska (Author), Violetta Borigard (Illustrator)

        Sonia and Nika are best friends. Yet, they live far away from each other: Nika lives on the left bank of the Dripro River and Sonia lives on the right one. To see each other more often the girls come up with a secret game. But sometimes, one of them feels sad. What would Nika do this time to make Sonia laugh? In this bilingual picturebook the readers will dive into a world of endless imagination, present in each child and grown-up as well.    From 6 to 9 years, 1250 words (Ukrainian and English). Rightsholders: Oksana Luchchevska,

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997

        Briefe an Ole

        Eine Geschichte zum Kombinieren

        by Rettich, Margret

      • Trusted Partner

        Johann Wilhelm und Johanna Eleonora Petersen

        Eine Biographie bis zur Amtsenthebung Petersens im Jahre 1692

        by Matthias, Markus

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2004

        The Healing Arts

        Health, Disease and Society in Europe, 1500–1800

        by Peter Elmer

        Introduction - Peter Elmer 1 Medicine in western Europe in 1500 - Sachiko Kusukawa 2 The sick and their healers - Silvia De Renzi 3 The medical renaissance of the sixteenth century: Vesalius, medical humanism and bloodletting - Sachiko Kusukawa 4 Medicine and religion in sixteenth-century Europe - Ole Peter Grell 5 Chemical medicine and the challenge to Galenism: the legacy of Paracelsus, 1560-1700 - Peter Elmer 6 Policies of health: diseases, poverty and hospitals - Silvia De Renzi 7 Old and new models of the body - Silvia De Renzi 8 Women and medicine - Silvia De Renzi 9 The care and cure of mental illness - Peter Elmer 10 War, medicine and the military revolution - Ole Peter Grell 11 Environment, health and population - Mark Jenner 12 Medicine and health in the age of European colonialism - Andrew Wear 13 Organization, training and the medical marketplace in the eighteenth century - Laurence William Brockliss ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2009

        Es war einmal eine Familie

        by Lizzie Doron, Mirjam Pressler

        Tel Aviv, Anfang der neunziger Jahre: Helena, Elisabeths Mutter, ist gestorben. Während der Schiva, der sieben Trauertage, ist Elisabeth wieder in dem kleinen Viertel, in dem sie in den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren aufgewachsen ist, ein Viertel, in dem Überlebende der Shoah versuchten, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen. Alle Kinder, mit denen sie groß geworden ist, haben wie Elisabeth schon vor vielen Jahren dieses Viertel verlassen. Sie wollten die Ängste und Alpträume ihrer Eltern hinter sich lassen, ein normaleres Leben führen, ein Großteil von ihnen jedoch gehörte zu jenen, die in den ersten Tagen des Jom-Kippur-Krieges fielen. Nun kommen die Nachbarinnen und Nachbarn von einst zu Besuch, um Helena die letzte Ehre zu erweisen, allen voran die zwei alten Schiva-Expertinnen Sonia und Genia. Durch die Trauergäste und ihre Erinnerungen wird für Elisabeth noch einmal die versunkene Welt ihrer Kindheit gegenwärtig, mit Müttern und Vätern, die in der israelischen Gegenwart nie heimisch wurden. Elisabeth, die keine anderen Verwandten hatte als ihre Mutter, erkennt am Ende der Trauerwoche, daß sie doch nicht ohne Familie aufgewachsen ist: Das Viertel hier, es war einmal eine Familie, das machen ihr die sieben Trauertage klar, die Sonia folgendermaßen zusammenfaßt: »Es war richtig gelungen, nur schade, daß Helena nicht dabei war.«

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2004


        by Gustav Schwab, John Flaxman, Manfred Lemmer

        Bis heute haben Mythen nichts von ihrer Faszination verloren, im Gegenteil: Sie sind aktueller denn je; davon zeugt nicht zuletzt die mit sagenhaftem Staraufgebot gedrehte dreistündige Verfilmung des Trojanischen Kriegs von Wolfgang Petersen, die am 20. Mai in die deutschen Kinos kommt. In den Hauptrollen sind neben Brad Pitt, Peter O'Toole auch Orlando Bloom und Julie Christie zu sehen. Wer mehr über den Raub der schönen Helena, die List mit dem hölzernen Pferd, den Zweikampf zwischen Achilles und Hektor wissen will, sollte Gustav Schwabs Troja lesen.

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