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      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2013

        Ramon J. Sender's 'Cronica del alba'

        by Catherine Davies, Anthony Trippett

        Crónica del alba is a novel by Sender with a Civil War background, like the popular Réquiem por un campesino español, also in this series. The author evokes his childhood in rural Aragón at the beginning of the twentieth century in a book which has a charm and something of the character of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The young Pepe fights to believe in himself as a hero in the face of a world, and a father bent on putting him down. He is supported by his girlfriend, Valentina, who believes in him implicitly and often ends up in as much trouble as him. But there is something more here than scrapes and mischief-making. It is written by an older and disillusioned Pepe who has known real heroism and is now detained in a prison camp for Spanish Civil War refugees in southern France. The novel raises challenging questions about the loss of hope, how people cope with disillusionment, and the place of writing in that process. Moreover, since the novel reflects Sender's own childhood it sheds light on the complex relationship of fact and fiction in autobiographical novels. ;

      • Trusted Partner
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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016

        Sonst ist er tot


        by Rosa Ribas, Kirsten Brandt

        Das Muster ist immer das gleiche: Ein Mann, einkommensstark, nicht reich, wird vor seinem Auto zusammengeschlagen, weggeschafft. Anruf bei der Frau, soll sofort alles zusammenkratzen, die Konten räumen, den Beutel dann in einen Mülleimer. Nach zwei, drei Stunden – heißt nun mal Expressentführung – ist alles wieder vorbei … Die Kommissarin Cornelia Weber-Tejedor ermittelt in einer Serie von Expressentführungen in Frankfurt, sie macht sich kaum Sorgen, irgendwann machen diese Stümper einen Fehler und dann werden sie eingebuchtet, da ist sie sich sicher. Beim nächsten Lösegeldanruf wird sie verständigt, gibt Instruktionen, doch als plötzlich ein Schuss zu hören ist und dann viel zu lange nichts, ist sich die deutsch-spanische Kommissarin nicht mehr so sicher. Es folgen: interne Ermittlung, Entzug des Falls, Zwangsurlaub. Und um sich selbst zu retten, muss Weber-Tejedor auf eigene Faust ermitteln, in einer Stadt voller Geld und Menschen, die einfach alles dafür tun.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2009

        Kalter Main


        by Rosa Ribas, Kirsten Brandt

        Hochwasser in Frankfurt, und in den Fluten des Mains treibt ein Toter – ermordet, wie sich schnell herausstellt. Hauptkommissarin Cornelia Weber übernimmt den Fall, und die Ermittlungen bringen nicht nur so manche dunkle Seiten des Mordopfers, eines seit Jahrzehnten in Frankfurt lebenden Spaniers, ans Licht, sondern lassen auch Webers eigene Vergangenheit wieder aufleben …

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        O du fröhliches Rentier

        24 Geschichten bis Weihnachten

        by Mascha Matysiak, Elli Bruder

        In diesem herzerwärmenden Weihnachtsbuch erfüllt sich für das Elchkind Riko und das Vögelchen Pepe ein großer Traum: Sie besuchen zusammen mit ihren Freunden aus der Waldschule die magische Weihnachtsinsel. Dort erkunden sie die Süßigkeitenfabrik, das Spielelager und die Schlittenhöhle. Doch bevor sie das tun können, steht ihnen eine besondere Herausforderung bevor: Sie müssen fliegen lernen! Mit Hilfe der Waldtiere und trotz der Störversuche von Wurzelzwerg Knoblauch, Hexe Luzille und Baumelfe Ella, erleben die Kinder faszinierende Abenteuer. Dieses Buch bietet 24 kurze Geschichten, ideal zum täglichen Vorlesen in der Adventszeit, und verbindet die Freude an Weihnachten mit dem Zauber des Erzählens. Täglicher Vorlesespaß: Perfekt gestaltet für die Adventszeit, bietet das Buch jeden Tag im Dezember eine neue Geschichte. Förderung der Vorstellungskraft: Kinder werden angeregt, sich in eine magische Weihnachtswelt zu träumen. Lernaspekt: Das Buch vermittelt spielerisch das Thema Zusammenarbeit und das Überwinden von Herausforderungen. Interaktive Elemente: Die Geschichten sind so gestaltet, dass sie junge Leser aktiv am Leseprozess beteiligen und ihre Aufmerksamkeit fesseln. Ideal für junge Leser: Mit seiner großen Schrift und dem handlichen Format ist das Buch besonders für Kinder im Alter von 4 bis 6 Jahren geeignet. Witzige und liebevolle Charaktere: Die niedlichen Tierkinder und ihre lustigen Abenteuer sorgen für Begeisterung bei den kleinen Zuhörern.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        September 2024

        Pistols in St Paul's

        by Fiona Smyth

      • Berlin Meeting, Ukrainian Death

        by Pepe Ribas

        Ernesto Usabiaga is a young Chilean activist, son of a tortured woman, who leaves his country after a professional disappointment. He settles in Berlin, a city which brings him the possibility of starting a new life and discovering the secret family history. Ernesto meets there Maksim Kazantev, an Ukrainian Cossack connected to oligarchs and the secret servicies, with whom he fell in love and of whom is also afraid. This passional relationship will be the beginning of the most agitated, clarifying and crucial weeks for both of their lives; lives which will be in danger with the hidden threads which braids the gas pipelines and the stories of the ones controlling them. The geopolitical chessboard of the old Sovietic bloc, the refugee drama due to wars, the family love and the search of the individual and collective identity are the essence of this novel -at the same time a hectic story about espionage and a brutal journey along the last hundred years of the European and South American history- inviting us to refresh our memory and follow reconciliation.

      • June 2023

        Pepe & Milli

        Happy Birthday!

        by Yayo Kawamura

        - There is no place like home: watch Pepe and Milli bake, draw and make music - With large pull-tabs and flaps - 16 titles available in different formats

      • Children's & YA

        Why do meerkats look at the sky?

        by Carolina Luzón

        Pepe is a very curious meerkat. He knew the animals and the plants, and everything that surrounded him and was within his reach, but it was not enough. One day the Earth seemed too small for his great curiosity and a new world opened for him when he looked up at the sky. The author tells us in this first book of the saga of Pepe, the meerkat, a tender story about the enigmatic universe of which we are all part. Suggested for +5 years old.

      • Biography & True Stories

        The Death Match

        by Pepe Gálvez and Guillem Escriche

        Set in Kiev, the mythical football match that has served as the basis for five films —including Victory, directed by John Houston— is finally in comic book.  This historic match was between an Ukrainian and a German team. This match demonstrates the unshakable strength of the Ukrainian people, a match in which they risked their lives. Sold in Dutch and French, ask for the version available in English to assess the edition in your country. A bestseller that recreates a true story in the Ukraine of the Second World War.

      • October 2021


        Series “Read, search and find”

        by Jessica Martinello

        Jack and the treasure island is a colourful and fun illustrated search-and-find book for 3 year old children.  It offers many exercises and games to develop the prerequisites for primary school: it focuses on the skills of spatial orientation and the recognition of letters, numbers, shapes and colours. The storyJack loves to jump, run and play with his dog Pepe. His greatest wish is to become a pirate like Jim, the protagonist of the book that Grandpa Bill always reads to him. Jack is sure his grandfather was once a fearsome pirate too.One day, an old yellowed sheet slips out of the book… It’s a real pirate map! At that moment, Jack and Pepe decide to set out in search of the treasure island.Before setting sail, however, they must become full-fledged pirates: with the right clothes, a large ship, and a brave crew. Search-and-find seriesThe new Search-and-Find series, designed for younger children, offers colorful picture books set in different scenarios.  The volumes offer numerous activities that allow children to develop the prerequisites necessary for reading and writing.

      • A Praga

        by Óscar Ribas

        Angolan literature collection It blooms in the Angolan soil, with the strength and stubbornness of the vegetation that renews itself in the lands consumed by the burning, finding in the ashes themselves the vitalizing element of the sap that runs in its veins, a literature that, seeking to be specifically Angolan, is taking big steps towards the conquest of a position in the whole of universal literature (Carlos Ervedosa - A Literatura Angolana). This collection of Angolan Literature gives voice to Angolan authors who find in difficulties the reason to follow their path and the disclosure of Angola, of Africa.

      • February 2016

        Guía turística de la Tierra extrema

        by Ribas, Mariano

        Mountains that rise to the sky, caves that descend to the bowels, breathtaking volcanoes, unbearable deserts, endless rivers, towns where it always rains, immeasurable salt flats... More than 25 destinations for those who wish to travel to "the most" of our planet!

      • Environmental science, engineering & technology
        February 2015

        Sustainable Buildings (Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure series)

        by Alan Yates, Elisabeth Green and Tristram Hope (Author)

        Sustainable Buildings is an indispensable handbook that combines a summary of good practice and sources of information helpful to practitioners involved in the design and procurement of buildings. This book illustrates the need for inter-disciplinary integration and an understanding of environmental physics as early as possible in the design process in order to deliver high-quality, economical and sustainable infrastructure across the globe. With many years of knowledge related to the sustainability of buildings, the authors aim to provide a balanced view of current best practice and a vision of the way forward in a rapidly changing sector, the demands placed on its outputs and the solutions that are available. Sustainable Buildings provides readers with: • time-limited and output-driven perspectives of practical infrastructure practitioners • real-life examples and case studies from a range of UK and worldwide projects • a comparison of RIBA, ACE, French, Russian and US design processes • a framework that allows engineers, architects, surveyors, constructors and others to work together as a team • real-world advice on how, when and what professionals involved in infrastructure-related businesses need to consider. Sustainable Buildings is part of the Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure series of handbooks aimed at providing engineers with an understanding of sustainability principles and solutions. To be useful for practitioners, the series sets sustainability concepts within well-known engineering management processes of planning, designing and delivering infrastructure.

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