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        Swimming & water sports (Children's/YA)
        October 2020


        by María José Ferrada, Mariana Alcántara

        There might be many swimmers for sure who, after training so much during the day (“50 meters of Front Crawl, 50 meters of Back and 50 meters of Butterfly”) at night they dream about being fish. But during those same nights, when the moon illuminates the oceans, will fish dream about being swimmers? The authors of this book use humor and poetry to show us that a page can be a deep sea or an Olympic-size swimming pool, depending on the eyes with which it is looked at.

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        October 2002

        Mariana Pineda. Sobald fünf Jahre vergehen

        Zwei Theaterstücke

        by Federico García Lorca, Susanne Lange, Thomas Brovot

        Mariana Pineda Lorcas großes Frühwerk von 1925 ist seit je eine Herausforderung für Regisseure, die neben dem Kammerton die große Bühne, das »theatralische« Sujet suchen.Granada 1831: Die spanische Freiheitskämpferin und Volksheldin Mariana Pineda verschwört sich mit den Liberalen gegen die Gewaltherrschaft von Fernando VII. und verhilft ihrem Geliebten, einem Revolutionär, zur Flucht aus dem Gefängnis. Bald wird sie vom Strafrichter Pedrosa bedrängt: gerichtlich wie sexuell. Mariana stirbt als Märtyrerin.Lorca sucht nicht die historische Heldin, sondern eine dramatische Frauengestalt, in der der zeitlose Konflikt zwischen Leidenschaft und Pflicht, Macht und Ohnmacht zum Ausbruch kommt. Und er gibt ihr eine Sprache starker, eindringlicher neuer Bildhaftigkeit. Mariana ist die erste und stärkste von Lorcas eindrucksvollen Frauenfiguren: eine Julia ohne Romeo, eine der großen Bühnenrollen des modernen Theaters. Sobald fünf Jahre vergehen Lorcas »unmögliche Komödie« aus dem Herzen des Traums ist ein Spiel um Zeit, Liebe und Tod, eine erotisch-philosophische Betrachtung des Daseins – totales Theater, so wie Lorca es sich immer zum Ziel gesetzt hat.Fünf Jahre will der junge Held warten, ehe er seine Verlobte heiratet. Die geht auf eine Reise, flieht mit einem anderen, und er flüchtet in die Liebe zu einer anderen Frau. Das Spiel kehrt sich um, das Ende ist der Tod.So bekannt die Konstellation, so außergewöhnlich und überraschend die poetische Umsetzung. Mit der Freiheit des Dichters, der unsere Vorstellung von Zeit und Kausalität aufhebt, findet Lorca auf den Grund der Gefühle. Die Liebe und ihr Scheitern, das Leben im Traum und der Traum vom Leben: in keinem anderen Stück ist die Person Lorcas so präsent. 1931, auf den Tag genau fünf Jahre vor seiner Ermordung, hat er es vollendet; eine bittere Ahnung vielleicht. Ein Glücksfall für das Theater ist sein Stück ganz bestimmt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)


        by María José Ferrada, Mariana Alcántara

        Our forests are shrinking every year due to fires forestry. Trees and all life that inhabits them, from tiny microorganisms to families of birds and animals are destroyed by flames that in most cases, are caused by we, humans.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2010

        Pedro Páramo


        by Juan Rulfo, Dagmar Ploetz

        Der übermächtige Großgrundbesitzer Pedro Páramo hat in dem heruntergekommenen Dorf Comala »Ordnung«, Friedhofsruhe geschaffen. Doch die Toten reden sehr lebendig in ihren Gräbern weiter, erzählen seufzend von seinen Untaten, und die Lebenden scheinen schon lange tot zu sein. Die ferne Regierung kümmert sich nicht um Armut und Leid in dieser wüsten Einöde. Der junge Juan Preciado erzählt diese Geschichte – als postumen Monolog und im Dialog mit einer Bettlerin, neben der er im Grab liegt. Die Kraft dieses Romans liegt in seiner Prosa von strenger Schönheit, es bewegt und verzaubert. Der einzige Roman des Mexikaners Juan Rulfo (1917 - 1986) beeinflußte die moderne lateinamerikanische Literatur wie sonst nur die Werke von Borges, García Márquez oder Onetti.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books

        How to Understand a Goat

        by Taras Prokhasko, Mariana Prokhasko

        The third book in the mole series, How to Understand a Goat by Taras and Mariana Prokhasko, will please both children and adults who still remember what it is like to be a child. Only children can write letters to St. Nicholas, sincerely believing that they can ask for anything and get everything they want — from some tangerines to a flying ship. This ship, poetically named Metaphor, will take you together with Purry, Crawly and their friends on a sea journey. You can settle on an island and learn how to understand even... a goat.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Los Chimichimitos (The Chimichimitos)

        by Mariana Massarani

        The tiny shimyshinees is a manifestation of children’s cultural heritage that fuse legend, games, and dance. Its origins are on the Island of Margarita –Venezuela– and thanks to school this piece of oral tradition spread throughout the country. According to the legend, The tiny shimyshinees is form by a group of elves that appear during full moon nights and gather on the beach to sing and play. Their song is so sweet that they can attract fish to the seashore. Over time, The tiny shimyshinees became a kind of theatrical troupe that roamed the streets of towns in popular festivals. Mariana Massarani’s illustrations capture the colors and culture of the Caribbean and give such a local piece an absolutely universal tone. With a naive style and with PVA paint, Massarani makes some colorful and very funny images and gives us perfect settings for the story that takes place: a group of children prepares their presentation on the shore of a crystalline sea and this is how image after image we see the coastal town, the costumes of the characters and part of their Caribbean culture. It is impossible to read this book without wanting to go to the beach!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        La sopa más rica y otros cuentos (The most delicious soup and other stories)

        by Mariana Ruiz Johnson

        The most delicious soup and other stories brings together five stories that take place in the village of Villa Verde, the place where all the characters live and interact. The stories are apparently very simple, yet they offer readers a delicate literary experience woven from references, ways of naming the world, images, and experiences typical of young children. This book, moreover, shares many elements with comics. In fact, we could see it as a comic for very young children, where the author, Mariana Ruiz Johnson, has used nib and Indian ink and digital color to provide readers with images in warm colors and a very rich illustration work with thousands of details for the delight of readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Who Will Make the Snow

        by Taras Prokhasko and Mariana Prokhasko

        Who Will Make the Snow', the book written by Taras Prokhasko and illustated by Mariana Prokhasko will delight readers with its fast-paced simplicity and timelessness. Following the adventures of a family of Moles from the Beech Tree Forest, readers will learn about their rich day-to-day life, the birth of their two newborns, and their adoption of a young rabbit, who brings new experiences for them all. This book will provide questions to discuss and answers to seek, and will likely become an essential book both at home and in classroom libraries.

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        Escritores Peligrosos (Dangerous Writers)

        by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez

        Pedro Juan Gutiérrez an important cuban story teller, reveals through this book a group of interviews made to important writers and intelectuals from Cuba and the World as Gunter Grass or Mario Benedetti where they give intersting points of view concerning literature and society.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Does the Baboon Have a Granny?

        by Mariana Savka (Author), Oleh Petrenko-Zanevsky (Illustrator)

        Mariana Savka's rhymes from the collection Does a Baboon Have a Granny? have amused more than a generation, and her heroes became favorites of little ones and their parents. In this book you will meet a family of donkeys and hippos, a stubborn billy goat, a little mouse that did not want to sleep, cheerful frogs and mischievous owls, a master beaver and, of course, a little baboon! Funny, cute, childish poetry, which was humorously illustrated by Oleh Petrenko-Zanevskiy, will give magical moments of family reading.   From 3 to 6 years, 990 words. Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Träume aus Plüsch


        by Pedro Lemebel, Matthias Strobel

        Pedro Lemebel wurde irgendwann in den fünfziger Jahren in Chile geboren und zählt in seinem Land, nicht nur wegen seiner offen gelebten Homosexualität, zu den schillerndsten Figuren der Kulturszene. 1987, noch zu Zeiten der Pinochet-Diktatur, gründete er die Performancegruppe "Stuten der Apokalypse". Er ist Mitautor des in Chile sehr erfolgreichen Satiremagazins The Clinic (der Titel spielt auf die Londoner Klinik an, in der sich Pinochet aufhielt, als ihm die Auslieferung nach Spanien drohte). Träume aus Plüsch ist nach drei Chronikbänden sein erster Roman.

      • Fiction

        Mirra, The Migrant Princess

        by Pedro J. Fernández

        In an era where the historical novel reigns supreme, "The Migrant Princess" emergesas a beacon of classical storytelling replete with the allure of bygone adventures. Theprotagonist's odyssey from a princess in the palatial splendors of India to a life ofcaptivity in New Spain captures the timeless quest for freedom. Catarina de SanJuan's narrative is not just a tale of physical liberation but a profound exploration ofself-discovery and personal growth. As readers, we embark on a journey that mirrorsour own — the inevitable transition from the innocence of childhood to thecomplexities of adulthood, underscored by the universal longing for a place we cancall home. This novel is a tapestry woven with threads of nostalgia, reminiscent of the serializednovels of the 19th century, each chapter a cherished installment that beckons thereader to a world both magnificent and mysterious. The author masterfully balancesthe historical accuracy of Catarina's epoch with a fictional reimagining that is bothengaging and relatable. It's a narrative that resonates with the adventurer in all of us,inviting us to rediscover our own world through the eyes of a princess far from home. "The Migrant Princess" is not only a novel but an experience. It is a reminder of why weread — to feel, to learn, and to dream. It beckons to readers across demographicswith its message of resilience and the enduring power of hope. This book is poised tobecome a beloved classic, and it would be a prestigious addition to your publication'sesteemed collection. Consider this novel a journey worth taking, an opportunity todive into the depths of human spirit, and a story that promises to leave its mark on thehearts of its readers.

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