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      • Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics

        One of our main goals is the consolidation of the Balearic Islands as a structured cultural market, the promotion of the islands' music, performing arts, literature and visual arts by means of grants, international actions and formative seminars in cultural affairs. The Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics coordinates, alone or in partnership with other departments of the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Institut Ramon Llull or the Institut Català d'Empreses Culturals, the institutional presence of the Balearic Islands in strategic events for the promotion of our culture overseas.   Every year, our area of literature, thought, comics and illustration calls for grants to cover travelling and accommodation expenses of Balearic authors, and expenses for publishing books and producing promotional material for Balearic authors. Please, check our calls on our webpage for literature grants.

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      • The Parisian Agency

        Founded in 2010, the Parisian agency is a literary agency based in Paris. We represent a selected group of international writers of literary fiction such as multi-awarded Icelandic author Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Hungarian novelist Arpad Kun, winner of the prestigious Aegon Award. We also represent the stunning illustrated books of the British and the Bodleian Library (UK) abroad. Last, we are now open to represent new lists in literary fiction, crime fiction and non fiction. Welcome to the Parisian Agency!

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Das Parfum der Liebe


        by Caspian, Hanna

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 1994

        Das Parfum von Yvonne

        Roman. Aus dem Französischen von Walter Schürenberg

        by Patrick Modiano, Walter Schürenberg

        Patrick Jean Modiano wurde am 30.7.1945 in Boulogne-Billancourt als Sohn einer flämischen Schauspielerin und eines jüdischen Emigranten orientalischer Abstammung geboren. Sein Vater lebte während der deutschen Besatzungszeit im Untergrund und schlug sich mit Schwarzmarktgeschäften durch. Modiano erlebte eine chaotische Nachkriegskindheit: häufige Abwesenheit der Mutter, früher Tod des Bruders und Trennung der Eltern. Modiano widmete sich schon früh dem Schreiben und bereits mit 21 Jahren beendete er seinen ersten Roman. Seitdem publizierte er zahlreiche Romane, Kinderbücher sowie Theaterstücke und Drehbücher. 2014 ist Modiano mit dem Nobelpreis für Literatur ausgezeichnet worden. Der Autor lebt in Paris.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 1998

        Schönes Leben - Schnupperinseln und Parfums

        Ätherische Öle für wohlige Momente

        by Krahl, Gisela

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2019

        Das blutrote Parfüm

        Historischer Roman

        by Beerwald, Sina

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1998

        Der Teufel auf der Säule

        52 Flash-Geschichten

        by Iso Camartin

        Wissen Sie, wie Johannes Brahms seine Schülerin Elisabeth von Herzenberg genannt hat? Kennen Sie Tamara Iwanowna, die feierliche Interpretin Pasternaks? Was hat Joseph Beuys mit seinem Satz › Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler‹ gemeint? Und was schrieb Marcel Duchamp auf das Etikett eines Parfüm-Flakons?Iso Camartin erzählt Geschichten aus der Welt der Kunst, erzählt von ›Sternstunden‹ der Musik, Literatur und Malerei, von Filmemachern und Lebenskünstlern - erzählt: ›Flash-Geschichte‹.Ein Flash ist ein aufblitzendes Licht. Ein sprühender Funke. Eine Flash-Geschichte erzählt von einem funkelnden Detail in einem größeren Ganzen.

      • Asian Vegetables

        by Caroline Ho-Yi Wang, Patricia Ho-Yi Wang, Stéphanie Ho-Yi Wang, photos by Virginie Gosselin

        If bok choy has been able to acquire a prominent place on Western shelves, many other Asian vegetables still remain unknown. But these tasty, nutritious vegetables can be easily grown in temperate, and even northern, climates! Caroline, Stephanie andPatricia Ho-Yi Wang, three sisters of Cantonese origin, have made it their mission to introduce these vegetables, which everyone will love, in a unique book that is both a guide to gardening and a cookbook, as well as the story of a family. Presenting 15 Asian vegetables according to each season, the book offers advice to Sunday gardeners as well as future market gardeners on how to organically grow and harvest these vegetables, as well as provides preservation techniques, nutritional information and cookingmethods. Around forty recipes, some of which were created by famous chefs, are presented as well. The Wang sisters also explore the world of Asian vegetables from a cultural point of view, tracing the place that these hold in their own lives and in those of their family members, many of whom left China to emigrate to Madagascar before finally settling in Quebec. A true homage to the earth, good food and one’s roots!

      • Minimal

        pour un mode de vie durable

        by Stéphanie Mandréa et Laurie Barrette

        Minimal: for sustainable living   For a simplified, happier life Minimal: for sustainable living is a practical guide for those who want to simplify their life but also rethink the environment in a more sustainable way. Stéphanie Mandrea and Laurie Barrette, two proponents of ecofriendly living and the founders of Dans le sac [In the Bag], have created this book to make readers aware of all the minimal ways in which they can lessen the impact of their lifestyle on nature. Whether it’s buying in bulk, refusing overpackaging, restoring old furniture, composting or making one’s own household products, this guide book provides a host of different ways to make a difference in your daily life. Minimal encourages all those small, individual changes that often lead to great social change. This is the first step for all individuals who are interested in becoming more minimalistic by simplifying their life but who don’t know where to begin. *** French sample :

      • Empreinte

        by Guillaume Beaudoin

        Over the past few years, photographer Guillaume Beaudoin has visited more than 60 countries, taking aerial, landscape and underwater photos of incredible beauty and sensitivity. From sailboat hitchhiking in the islands of the South Pacific to a stint with Ocean Cleanup and time spent with the last nomadic peoples of Africa and Asia—Guillaume goes where the wind and his fancy lead him. By giving a voice to those he meets on his journey, Guillaume explores the impact of climate change and globalization on communities around the world. He also chronicles these communities’ capacity to adapt and the initiatives they’ve implemented to face today’s upheavals. This is a profoundly human book, halfway between a travelogue and a documentary, in which the author weaves a reflection about the search for meaning, our Western lifestyle and the importance of individual effort. Because all great movements begin with a single step.

      • September 2021


        Marie has left her native countryside, and has taken a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. Staying with her parents’ friends, the husband regularly abuses her. So, she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow...

        by Camille Lysière

        Marie has just graduated from high school. She leaves her hometown and takes a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. During her stay, she is hosted by a couple, her parents’ friends. He is a shadowy journalist. She is a frustrated housewife. Marie, who dreams of a future in literature, is honored to have Olivier take an interest in her. He enjoys chatting with her, he takes her seriously. Marie feels important when he invites her to his office for a private chat. But this beautiful relationship gradually goes off track. There is that one time by the library when he holds onto her a little longer than necessary. Should she have said or done something?Since then, Olivier comes to her room to talk. The first time he sits on the bed, imploring. The next time, she struggles, but it is not enough. And every other night he comes back. Marie is devastated. Had she seduced Olivier in spite of herself? So she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow. Marie is not alone. In 2009, she is experiencing what other 17-year-old women like her have experienced in another times. Claudine in 1937, Isabelle in 1973 and Amandine in 1990. Travelling through time, this striking novel gives us the same story: the tragedy and the arbitrary nature of rape that shatters destinies.

      • Gender studies: women
        November 2015


        by ALMELA BOIX, Margarita; GUZMÁN GARCÍA, Helena; SANFILIPPO, Marina; ZAMORANO RUEDA, Ana Isabel

        Dado el momento demográfico que vivimos, la colección de volúmenes sobre literatura y mujer, de la UNED, no podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre ese gran componente identitario que es la edad. Ésta, aunque fenómeno biológico, se interpreta socialmente y se articula en las estructuras de poder que gobiernan y definen las vidas tanto de hombres como de mujeres (y no solo en ese último tramo de la vida que tanto interés despierta últimamente). Como locus político donde se asienta lo que una mujer "debe" ser, es decir su "valor" social y cultural asociado a sus papeles de género, la edad presenta un fructífero campo de investigación para los estudios de la mujer.Los distintos capítulos del presente volumen constituyen un novedoso y original estudio y una reflexión sobre la representación literaria de las mujeres y sus edades.

      • Fiction

        La Princesse au visage de nuit

        by David Bry

        An intense and harrowing modern tale   Hugo, molested by his parents as a child, ran away with his friends in the forest to find the Nightfaced Princess who, as the legend goes, grants the wishes of wretched children, sometimes at the cost of their lives. After a whole night, Hugo came back alone and amnesic. Twenty years later, Hugo learns of his parents’ death. Once back to his land, strange events are occurring. Mysterious lights shine in the woods and the storms are whispering names in the wind. Between investigation and legends, Hugo will retrace his child steps in order to understand how his parents died, how his former friends got lost, and finally find what awaits him in the woods of the Nightfaced Princess. The Nightfaced Princess is the tale of broken childhoods, of adults that had to grow with their wounds. Because we, sometimes, finally succeed to live. And eventually, maybe, to be happy?

      • Fiction

        Le Miroir de Peter

        by John Ethan Py

        A documented and referenced dive in Hollywood cinema   When Satiajit Wilcox, a young psychoanalyst based in Hollywood, is offered to take care of George Mothershield's analysis, the biggest name among horror writers, he first sees an opportunity for his career. Quickly things goes south. From where come Mothershield ideas? Why are they so disturbing? And what about this sentence he keeps repeating: "They want an image"?  Satiajit sees his habits and certainties go away as they progress into the analysis. Moreover, there is this mirror in the writer's possessions whose link to Lewis Carroll is more than unsettling. This mirror that shows him a lot of things... or forgotten memories...

      • Anelis et la mer

        by Beatriz Carvalho

        Anelis hasn’t always lived in Montreal. She used to live in a warm country where the sea was part of her life. Anelis is often sad because she misses the country she grew up in. To help herself feel better, she brings to the surface all the good memories of her former life that warm her heart. She then makes a list of everything that makes her happy, right here and now, in her new country. Anelis starts feeling better.

      • Diaries, letters & journals

        Les platanes d'Istanbul

        by Tassia Trifiatis-Tezgel illustrated by Caroline Lavergne

        À mi-chemin entre la chronique de voyage et le journal intime, ce livre, né d’un ensemble d’amitiés, offre une vision émouvante et insolite de la cinquième ville du monde, hors des sentiers battus et à l’écart des seuls lieux touristiques. Résultat d’une création à quatre yeux et à quatre mains, c’est aussi une ode aux femmes et à l’amitié féminine, en particulier. Pour en apprendre davantage :

      • Children's & YA
        May 2020

        This point you have to reach

        by Mireille Disdero

        Violette and Arnaud, 17-year-old high school students inseparable since the 7th grade, have a relationship that is constantly intensifying. They love each other. Life is beautiful... Violette, very active on the web, runs a literary forum and a blog where she expresses her passion for writing. But, after a party in Paris organized by the members of the forum, she is not the same anymore. Arnaud, who was not present at the party, is worried and wants to understand. What happened that night? And why can't she remember it?

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