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Al-Kamel Verlag / Manshourat Al Jama
Manshurat Al Jamal was founded in 1983 by Khalid Al Maaly in Cologne ,in 2008 based in Beirut and a further branch in Bagdad .The program focus on :- Classic ,Modern Arab literature- Fiction short stories poems - Philosophy- Sociology Manshurat Al-Jamal is the publisher of a lot of authors: G.Grass O. Pamuk J. Habermas Robert Musil H.Qureishi G. Sinoue P. Celan W. Gombrowicz J. Derrida M. Horkheimer T. Adorno A. Kristof
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Promoted ContentOctober 2019
Der Mistelzweig-Mord
Weihnachtliche Kriminalgeschichten
by P. D. James, Seibicke, Wallbaum
Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2018
Constructing kingship
The Capetian monarchs of France and the early Crusades
by S. H. Rigby, James Naus
Crusading kings such as Louis IX of France and Richard I of England exert a unique hold on our historical imagination. For this reason, it can be easy to forget that European rulers were not always eager participants in holy war. The First Crusade was launched in 1095, and yet the first monarch did not join the movement until 1146, when the French king Louis VII took the cross to lead the Second Crusade. One contemporary went so far as to compare the crusades to 'Creation and man's redemption on the cross', so what impact did fifty years of non-participation have on the image and practice of European kingship and the parameters of cultural development? Constructing kingship considers this question by examining the challenge to political authority that confronted the French kings and their family members as a direct result of their failure to join the early crusades, and their less-than-impressive involvement in later ones.
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Agriculture & related industriesMay 2007Public, the Media and Agricultural Biotechnology
by Edited by Dominique Brossard, Thomas C Nesbitt, James Shanahan
This book reviews the literature on communication about biotechnology. Other books deal with this topic, however this book with the use of case studies, looks at public opinion data, communication theory, and international examples; to provide a complementary overview of how the public sees this controversial topic.
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Literature & Literary StudiesNovember 2021A landscape of words
by Amy C. Mulligan, James Paz, Anke Bernau, David Matthews
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June 1997Hemingway in Love and War
Das Buch zum Film. Die verschollenen Tagebücher der Agnes von Kurowsky
by Villard, Henry S; Nagel, James
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Animal husbandrySeptember 2000Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals
by David E Beever. Edited by John P McNamara, James (Jim) France
This book describes current research in modelling nutrient use in farm animals, from cellular to ecosystem level. The chapters are developed from papers presented at a satellite meeting of the 9th International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, held in South Africa in October 1999.Excellent papers from a top list of contributorsEditors of great reputationCovers the current topics of interest
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Botany & plant sciencesFebruary 2012Blueberries
by Jorge B Retamales, James F Hancock
Blueberry cultivation has increased dramatically as production has shifted into new regions. Blueberries are now widely available as food and also processed to be used in medicine and pharmaceuticals for their antioxidant properties. This new and practical book covers the major topics of interest to blueberry breeders and researchers including botany, physiology, nutrition, growth regulation, photosynthesis, environment, weeds, pests, diseases and postharvest management. The main focus is on the most important cultivated species, the highbush blueberry, although information on other blueberries and related species is also provided. It is an essential resource for soft fruit researchers, extension workers, academics, breeders, growers, and students.
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Tourism industryOctober 2010Conservation Tourism
by Ralf C Buckley, James Guy Castley, Julianna Priskin, Augustina Barros, Fiona Clare Morrison, Zhong Linsheng
The effects of tourism on the ecology and natural environment of tourist destinations are hotly debated and research has expanded in the field of ecotourism and sustainability. This book considers the positive contributions that tourism can make to the conservation of global biodiversity by reviewing and analysing the economic and political contributions of tourism to conservation through establishment of private game and wildlife reserves, lodges and tourist facilities. Featuring 100 international case studies from private marine reserves to bird watching lodges, this book covers key topics including sources of capital and operational funding, corporate and organisational structure, marketing strategies, primary conservation outcomes and spin-off effects, links to public protected areas, future plans and global trends.
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June 2006Die Meuterei auf der Bounty
Schiff ohne Hafen
by Charles B. Nordhoff, James N. Hall, Ernst Simon
Unter dem Kommando von Captain William Bligh segelt im Jahr 1789 die »Bounty«, ein bewaffnetes Transportschiff, von Tahiti zu den Westindischen Inseln. Doch die Rückfahrt führt in die Katastrophe: Wegen der brutalen Strenge des Kapitäns bricht die wohl bekannteste Meuterei der Geschichte der Seefahrt aus. Auf dem umfangreichen Tatsachenmaterial der britischen Admiralität haben die beiden Autoren das Thema in einem großartigen Roman voller Spannung aufbereitet.
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Animal husbandryDecember 1999Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models
by Edited by Michael K Theodorou, James (Jim) France
Written by leading researchers from the USA, Canada and Europe, this is an essential reference tool for researchers and advanced students in animal nutrition.Farm livestock have evolved digestive systems that are capable of digesting fibrous materials and by-products unsuited for man. Throughout the world, production from farm livestock is concerned with providing food and clothing of animal origin for man. Animal production science underpins this goal and provides the scientific basis for livestock management practices. Feed evaluation concerns the use of methods to describe animal feedstuffs with respect to their ability to sustain different types and levels of animal performance. The main themes of the book are methods of feed evaluation, current feeding systems, and mechanistic mathematical modelling. No other title brings together methods, systems and models under one cover.
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Medical parasitologyJuly 2002Behavioural Ecology of Parasites
by Edited by Edwin E Lewis, James F Campbell, Michael V K Sukhdeo
Parasites have evolved numerous complex and fascinating ways of interacting with their hosts. The subject attracts the interest of numerous biologists from the perspective of ecology and behavioural biology, as well as from those concerned with more applied aspects of parasitology. However, until now there has been no recent book to synthesize this field.This book, written by leading authorities from the USA, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, provides the most comprehensive coverage of this important topic on the market.
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Literature & Literary StudiesDecember 2019Dating Beowulf
by Daniel C. Remein, Erica Weaver, James Paz
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November 1997The Beckett Country
Samuel Becketts Irland
by Eoin O’Brien, David H. Davison, Wolfgang Held, James Knowlson
»Wenn man nach Lektüre von The Beckett Country zu Becketts früher Prosa und Lyrik zurückkehrt – zu Mehr Prügel als Flügel (das fest im Dublin der späten zwanziger Jahre verwurzelt ist) oder zum Traum von mehr bis minder schöner Frauen, dem Roman aus der gleichen Schaffensperiode, oder auch zu Echos Gebein, den 1935 publizierten frühen Dubliner Geschichte –, so liest man diese Werke gleichsam unter dem frischen Eindruck einer intensiven Besichtigungstour durch Dublin und seine Umgebung in Gesellschaft eines begeisterten, hochartikulierten, glänzend informierten Reiseleiters. Mit seiner Fülle faszinierender Einzelheiten erweckt Eoin O'Briens Buch auch Örtlichkeiten außerhalb der Stadt zum Leben, die in Becketts Frühwerk eine herausragende Rolle spielen … Moderne Stadtansichten David Davisons erscheinen neben hochevokativen Archivbildern«, schreibt James Knowlson, Autor der autorisierten Beckett-Biographie Damned to Fame, in seinem Vorwort zu O`Briens fundierter, reichbebildeter Untersuchung. Aber auch nach Becketts Abkehr von Irland in den dreißiger Jahren ist der irische Hintergrund weitaus wichtiger für Becketts Werke geblieben als vielfach angenommen. Mitnichten spielen Becketts spätere Texte in einem existentiellen »Niemandsland«, sondern Samuel Becketts Irland zeigt, daß sie bis zuletzt von »Außenwelt«, nicht zuletzt von der irischen, gespeist und präzisiert werden.
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Agriculture & related industriesJune 1997Transformation of the Agri-food System in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
by Jill E Hobbs, William A Kerr, James D Gaisford
This book offers a coherent perspective on the transition to a market-based agri-food system in the Central and Eastern European Countries and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union. It provides a formal analysis of the entire food chain from farm inputs to final consumers including imports and exports. Major components of the agribusiness sector (inputs, farm-level marketing, processing, distribution and retailing) are all dealt with in separate chapters. In addition there is coverage of food security, multinationals, commercial law, finance and building market institutions. Theoretical chapters are devoted to problems concerning prices, transactions costs and bilateral monopoly. This theoretical discussion gives an in depth discussion of the difficulties underlying the process of transition to a market-based agri-food system and forms a consistent focus for the book as a whole. Overall, the book makes a highly original contribution to the literature on this topical subject and will be indispensable for agricultural and food economists, as well as general economists and others interested in the topic of economies in transition.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2024Off white
Central and Eastern Europe and the global history of race
by Catherine Baker, Bogdan C. Iacob, Anikó Imre, James Mark
This volume foregrounds racial difference as a key to an alternative history of the Central and Eastern European region, which revolves around the role of whiteness as the unacknowledged foundation of semi-peripheral nation-states and national identities, and of the region's current status as a global stronghold of unapologetic white, Christian nationalisms. Contributions address the pivotal role of whiteness in international diplomacy, geographical exploration, media cultures, music, intellectual discourses, academic theories, everyday language and banal nationalism's many avenues of expressions. The book offers new paradigms for understanding the relationships among racial capitalism, populism, economic peripherality and race.
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Technology, Engineering & AgricultureDecember 2019Cucurbits
by Todd C Wehner, Rachel Naegele, James Myers, Kevin Crosby, Narinder P S Dhillon
Completely updated with new content and full-colour figures throughout, the second edition of this successful book continues to provide complete coverage relating to the production of cucurbits, including cucumbers, gourds, muskmelons, pumpkins, squashes and watermelons. These crops are grown worldwide and represent one of the largest and most important groups of horticultural food plants. This second edition of Cucurbits provides up-to-date, succinct and authoritative knowledge on this variety of crops and reflects on significant advances in the areas of production, breeding and evolution. This new edition: - Contains new chapters on abiotic stresses and cucurbits for health - Includes major updates in research on the evolution, movement and distribution of species - Explores new genetic resources and breeding advancements - Delivers current information on methods of improving yield (e.g. grafting) and the management and resistance for pests and diseases - Has an updated list of the most recent taxonomic names This book represents a current and comprehensive guide to cucurbits, is highly illustrated and written in an accessible style. It is an essential resource for students, growers and researchers.
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April 2010Connected!
Die Macht sozialer Netzwerke und warum Glück ansteckend ist
by Christakis, Nicholas A.; Fowler, James H. / Englisch Neubauer, Jürgen
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