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      • Vanny Gani

        The Awakening of the Stars, a novel in the mystical fiction category & Aerial Roots a drama and comedy about the author grandmother.

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      • DeA Planeta Libri S.r.l.

        DeA Planeta Libri’s products include books for children (fairy tales, boardbooks, novelties, non fiction, ativity etc.),  MG& YA fiction, non ficton and  essays and it operates with the brands DeA, De Agostini, DeA Planeta, UTET, AMZ, Abracadabra. Our foreign righst catalogues are available on:

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      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation

        by Oscar Miro-Quesada

        Awaken Your Shamanic Soul Respected kamasqa curandero Oscar Miro-Quesada teaches shamanism as a tradition of healing, power, and wisdom that sees all life as interconnected and sacred. Understand the shamanic art of a noble death, becoming a hollow bone, traveling through the three worlds, and how to embrace the imaginal beauty of a living, sentient, and ever-evolving cosmos. Feel soul-animating moments with Creation itself as don Oscar and selected sacred storytellers share their transformative experiences. Cultivate spiritual discernment, learn how to consecrate your shamanic ceremonial space, practice an ancient Andean earth walk ritual, internalize the soul-nurturing beauty of Mother Earth with the Pachamama Renewal Process, work with the five principal animal allies of Universal Shamanism, and discover the loving grace that sparked the emergence of shamanism as a universal path of healing service. You must live the path to understand it. SHAMANISM is the medicine our world needs for seven generations and beyond.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2005

        Graham Swift

        by Daniel Lea, Susan Williams

        This book offers an accessible critical introduction to the work of Graham Swift, one of Britain's most significant contemporary authors. Through detailed readings of his novels and short stories from 'The Sweet Shop Owner' (1980) to 'The Light of Day' (2003), Daniel Lea lucidly addresses the key themes of history, loss, masculinity and ethical redemption, to present a fresh approach to Swift. This study proposes that one of the side-effects of modernity has been the destruction of traditional pathways of self and collective belief, leading to a loss of understanding between individuals about their duties to each other and to society. Swift's writing returns repeatedly to the question of what we can believe in when all the established markers of identity - family, community, gender, profession, history - have become destabilised. Lea suggests that Swift increasingly moves towards a notion of redemption through a lived ethical practice as the only means of finding solace in a world lacking a central symbolic authority. ;

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        December 2007

        Oscar Wilde für Boshafte

        by Oscar Wilde, Denis Scheck, Christina Schenk, Denis Scheck, Christina Schenk

        »Bosheit ist ein Mythos, den gute Menschen erfunden haben, um die seltsame Anziehungskraft der anderen zu erklären.« Oscar Wilde

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        April 2013

        Oscar Wilde für Boshafte

        by Oscar Wilde, Denis Scheck, Denis Scheck, Christina Schenk, Christina Schenk

        »Bosheit ist ein Mythos, den gute Menschen erfunden haben, um die seltsame Anziehungskraft der anderen zu erklären.« Oscar Wilde

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        Family & health

        A Family with Autism

        When Autism is the Rule, not the Exception

        by Joyce van Maaren

        Four out of your five children have autism, and your husband too! This is what happened to Joyce van Maaren. Over the years four of her children and her husband are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. In A Family With Autism she talks openly about how her life gets turned upside down over and over again, and how the family had to regain their balance. In this inspiring and lovable book, Joyce van Maaren takes the reader on a journey – one with many ups and downs. Readers can find support in her story and discover what autism means for daily life. But most of all, they will be inspired to make the most of every day, even if they or their family has to deal with autism (or other psychological disorders). Target Group: people with autism and their relatives, families of which some members have autism.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1988

        Die politische Ontologie Martin Heideggers

        by Pierre Bourdieu, Bernd Schwibs

        Über das Verhältnis Martin Heideggers und dessen Philosophie zum Nationalsozialismus ist viel diskutiert worden. Das vorliegende Buch von Pierre Bourdieu ist ein Beitrag zu dieser Debatte – jedoch nicht durch den Nachweis philosophieexterner Bezüge zwischen NS-Politik und den Handlungen dieses Philosophen. Bourdieu geht es vielmehr um die Rekonstruktion sowohl der verschiedenen Varianten der Weltanschauung der »konservativen Revolutionäre« als auch der intellektuellen und sozialen Logik des philosophischen Feldes, auf dem sich die Überführung der völkischen Gesinnung in die existentielle Philosophie vollzieht. Erst dann kann man die politische Ontologie Martin Heideggers verstehen und bewerten.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Elma van Vliet Deine Kindersprüche

        Ein Festhaltebuch

        by Vliet, Elma van

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Elma van Vliet Baby Journal Sohn

        Ein persönliches Tagebuch über deinen Sohn - Ein wunderbarer Erinnerungsschatz, den du später weitergeben kannst

        by Vliet, Elma van / Übersetzt von Heinemann, Ilka; Kuhlemann, Matthias

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Elma van Vliet Baby Journal Tochter

        Ein persönliches Tagebuch über deine Tochter - Ein wunderbarer Erinnerungsschatz, den du später weitergeben kannst

        by Vliet, Elma van / Übersetzt von Heinemann, Ilka; Kuhlemann, Matthias

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