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      • Hungry Tomato Ltd.

        Hungry Tomato designs and publishes children’s (5-11 years) non-fiction books that stimulate and encourage reading and learning with fun and engaging topics. We call this soft learning for educational markets. In just a few years, we have published over 200 titles, with 700+ titles licensed in 19 different languages across the world.  Our new pre-school (0 to 4 years) Tiny Tomato imprint launches in 2021 with books designed to promote learning through interaction. These books will feature tactile and engaging material to help nurture and encourage young children’s understanding, early learning and development  Beetle Books (US) and Hungry Banana (UK) are two imprints with books featuring some of the best artists and authors in the world today. We work with established and well-known illustrators as well, as is part of our ethos, new and exciting young talent. Together we produce beautiful books that become bookshelf favourites in homes schools and libraries all over the world. For those kids that prefer fact to fiction we produce books that will keep those pages turning.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        December 2012

        The Host Gaze in Global Tourism

        by Edited by Omar Moufakkir, Yvette Reisinger

        Most tourism theories have been developed from the tourists' perspective, including the seminal work by John Urry, 'The Tourist Gaze', which is now a classic text. The Host Gaze in Global Tourism is a unique book for researchers and students as it is the first to look at the host gaze from within the host community. It discusses how the gaze is constructed, how it has developed, how it varies between countries and how the tourism industry can affect it. By looking at the gazes of both Western and non-Western hosts, this book analyses the dynamics of a host destination and consequences the gaze can have upon the tourist.

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        Tourism industry
        May 2010

        Tourism, Progress and Peace

        by Edited by Omar Moufakkir, Ian Kelly.

        Tourism has the potential to contribute to world peace, and through appropriate management, to address current realities such as globalization, migration, conflicts, prejudices and poverty. By providing a range of international perspectives and case studies, this book discusses the interrelation between peace, conflict resolution and tourism, the role of industry and the role of the individual, and tourism as a catalyst for change and development. Exploring the ideas that there is more to peace than the absence of war and that there is more to tourism than economic interests, this book is the first of its kind and an essential resource for researchers, students and policymakers in tourism and related subjects.

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        Tourism industry
        December 2011

        Controversies in Tourism

        by Edited by Omar Moufakkir, Peter M Burns.

        Tourism impacts on locations in many ways - socially, environmentally, culturally, and economically. This book examines some well established controversies in tourism and some newly emerging controversial aspects associated with tourism as an activity and a business. Controversies involving clashes between visitors and host communities, the rights and wrongs of eco-tourism, the impacts of mega-events, the legitimacy of dark tourism, and the costs and benefits of medical and wildlife tourism are assessed. This book is an interesting and thought provoking work ideal for tourism students, researchers and academics.

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        September 2021

        Planet Omar

        Nicht schon wieder

        by Zanib Mian

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2012

        Der Tag des Königs

        by Abdellah Taïa

        An der Straße von Rabat nach Salé wartet eine Menschenmenge auf die Ankunft Hassans II., des Königs von Marokko. Mitten darin zwei Jungen.Khalid stammt aus einem herrschaftlichen Haus im reichsten Viertel der Stadt, Omar aus der armen Vorstadt. Dennoch sind sie unzertrennlich. Omar liebt Khalid, den feingliedrigen Jungen mit der zarten Haut und den überspannten Ideen. Und Khalid Omar, der mit seinen vierzehn Jahren schon die Verantwortung für seinen Vater trägt. Der ist wie ein kleines Kind, seit Omars Mutter die Familie verlassen hat. Doch unter dieser Beziehung der beiden ungleichen Jungen lauern Abgründe. Und jetzt ist überdies Khalid ausgewählt, als reichster und bester Schüler der Klasse dem König die Hand zu küssen. Er hat Omar nichts davon gesagt. Dieser Verrat läßt die Kluft zwischen beiden aufbrechen – und verlangt ein Opfer. Lakonisch, dramatisch, mit kunstvoller Theatralik erzählt der marokkanische Autor Abdellah Taïa, wie Liebe umschlägt in Gewalt unter einem von sozialer Ungleichheit und Tabus geprägten despotischen Regime.

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        February 2020

        Der Tag des Königs

        by Abdellah Taïa, Andréas Riehle

        An der Straße von Rabat nach Salé wartet eine Menschenmenge auf die Ankunft Hassans II., des Königs von Marokko. Mitten darin zwei Jungen.Khalid stammt aus einem herrschaftlichen Haus im reichsten Viertel der Stadt, Omar aus der armen Vorstadt. Dennoch sind sie unzertrennlich. Omar liebt Khalid, den feingliedrigen Jungen mit der zarten Haut und den überspannten Ideen. Und Khalid Omar, der mit seinen vierzehn Jahren schon die Verantwortung für seinen Vater trägt. Der ist wie ein kleines Kind, seit Omars Mutter die Familie verlassen hat. Doch unter dieser Beziehung der beiden ungleichen Jungen lauern Abgründe. Und jetzt ist überdies Khalid ausgewählt, als reichster und bester Schüler der Klasse dem König die Hand zu küssen. Er hat Omar nichts davon gesagt. Dieser Verrat läßt die Kluft zwischen beiden aufbrechen – und verlangt ein Opfer. Lakonisch, dramatisch, mit kunstvoller Theatralik erzählt der marokkanische Autor Abdellah Taïa, wie Liebe umschlägt in Gewalt unter einem von sozialer Ungleichheit und Tabus geprägten despotischen Regime.

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        Picture storybooks

        Un día… (One day…)

        by Chiara Carrer

        It could happen that one day, one word describes us, one image reflects an emotion, and one name tells us its story. That each thing, made up of different parts, wanders in a space of fragments, only to find us. One day, Isabel, Omar, Lola, and the others arrive, all eager to tell you their story.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Tour Operators and Operations

        Development, Management and Responsibility

        by Jacqueline Holland, David Leslie

        With a focus on the creation and distribution of packaged holidays, this text covers the fundamentals of business and the relationship between tour operators and destinations. With particular reference to the sustainability of both parties, it reviews the impacts and influences of tour operations and practices on destinations within the overriding context of tour operator responsibility. It addresses the entirety of this key component of the tourism sector, and reflects the shift in recent years from traditional 'sun, sea and sand' holiday to more bespoke packages. Taking into account tour operators as a growing factor among the major emergent economies of the world, this book is: - The first textbook to provide such in-depth content of tour operators and operations. - Written by authors with industry, research and teaching experience. - A wealth of information regarding popular eco, nature and adventure trips, as well as myriad niche and special interest products. Full of international and highly topical case studies, exercises and discussion questions, Tour Operators and Operations: Development, Management and Responsibility is a fundamental text for students of tourism.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2016

        Poverty, philanthropy and the state

        Charities and the working classes in London, 1918–79

        by Katharine Bradley

        This book looks at a number of charities in London between 1918 and 1979, and the ways in which they negotiated the growth of the welfare state and changes in the communities around them.These charities - the 'university settlements'- were founded in the 1880's and 1890's and brought young graduates such as William Beveridge & Clement Attlee to deprived areas of cities to undertake social work. It is of interest to those who wish to know more about the complexities of the relationships between charities, the welfare state and individuals in the course of the twentieth century. Bradley argues that whilst the settlements often had difficulties in sustaining their work with the vulnerable, they remained an important factor between the individual and the impacts of poverty. Aimed at scholars in the fields of history, social policy, sociology and criminology this book will also be of interest to practitioners in the voluntary sector and government. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        First World War
        November 2009

        Poverty, philanthropy and the state

        Charities and the working classes in London, 1918–79

        by Katharine Bradley

        This book looks at a number of charities in London between 1918 and 1979, and the ways in which they negotiated the growth of the welfare state and changes in the communities around them.These charities - the 'university settlements'- were founded in the 1880's and 1890's and brought young graduates such as William Beveridge & Clement Attlee to deprived areas of cities to undertake social work. It is of interest to those who wish to know more about the complexities of the relationships between charities, the welfare state and individuals in the course of the twentieth century. Bradley argues that whilst the settlements often had difficulties in sustaining their work with the vulnerable, they remained an important factor between the individual and the impacts of poverty. Aimed at scholars in the fields of history, social policy, sociology and criminology this book will also be of interest to practitioners in the voluntary sector and government.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Kains Knochen

        Das schwerste kriminalistische Rätsel der Welt | Wer kann diesen Fall lösen? | 100 Seiten, Millionen Möglichkeiten, 1 Lösung

        by Torquemada, Henry McGuffin

        Kains Knochen ist ein hundertseitiger Krimi, in dem sechs Menschen sterben. Um herauszufinden, wer sie sind und wer sie getötet hat, muss der Leser die Seiten des Buches neu anordnen. Es gibt Millionen von Möglichkeiten – aber nur eine richtige Lösung. Bis heute haben drei Personen sie gefunden. 1934 schreibt der Kreuzworträtselautor des Observer, Edward Powys Mathers, unter seinem Pseudonym Torquemada einen einzigartigen Roman mit dem Titel Kains Knochen – der Titel bezieht sich auf die erste dokumentierte Mordwaffe. Es ist nicht nur ein Kriminalroman, sondern auch eines der schwierigsten Worträtsel, die je veröffentlicht wurden. Es wurde von nur zwei Menschen gelöst, deren Namen zwar enthüllt wurden, deren Lösung jedoch ein Geheimnis blieb.2017 gelang es dem Laurence Sterne Trust nach monatelangen Nachforschungen und mit viel Glück, das Geheimnis von Kains Knochen zu lüften. Er behielt es für sich, brachte eine Neuausgabe des Buches heraus und lobte einen Preis in Höhe von £ 1.000 für die Lösung des Rätsels aus. Viele haben sich daran versucht, doch es gab nur eine richtige Einsendung … Mit Erscheinen der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe schreibt der Suhrkamp Verlag das Gewinnspiel neu aus.

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