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      • Gedisa SA

        Gedisa is an independent international publisher founded in Barcelona in 1977 with headquarters in Buenos Aires and Mexico City. It is characterized by its general approach to the most recent school of thought in the main branches of Humanities and Social Sciences, such as Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Pedagogy and Psychology. Our list includes more than 1.500 titles which are distributed throughout Spain and Latin-America.

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      • Panenka

        We were born more than ten years ago as a monthly paper magazine, with the experience that this entails in public distribution. The central theme of our magazine is football, but always with an eye on culture, politics and society, and treated from slow journalism. Three years ago, we started publishing books with the same philosophy: football as a theme, but in contact with many other edges. We've already published eight books, three every year. Among the books there is variety: novels, history, journalism, biographies, Spain, England, Africa... We keep a geographic variety.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2008

        Zwanzig Facetten der russischen Natur

        by Oleg Jurjew, Elke Erb, Olga Martynova

        »Die Russen sind immer unzufrieden. Nicht eigentlich mit ihrem eigenen Leben (das ist eben, wie es ist), sondern mit dem Leben um sie herum allgemein sind sie unzufrieden und beklagen sich gern darüber, besonders Ausländern gegenüber (welche ihnen ihrerseits gern glauben). Der Grund: die Russen bewerten das Leben im Vergleich mit dem Paradies, über welches sie alles wissen, als wären sie dort schon gewesen.« Wenn der russisch-jüdische, seit einigen Jahren in Frankfurt am Main ansässige Autor Oleg Jurjew, der zuletzt den Roman Der neue Golem oder Der Krieg der Kinder und Greise vorlegte, dem sehr verehrten deutschen Publikum die zwanzig Facetten der russischen Natur, Petersburgs Schönheit, Rußlands Unbegreiflichkeit, Kindheitserinnerungen an die Telnjaschka (das blau-weiß gestreifte Matrosenunterhemd), Vladimir Nabokovs Sieg über die Bolschewisten oder Tschechows Tod in Badenweiler schildert und erklärt, gibt es viel zu lernen – und manches zu schmunzeln.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Hide and Seek with Death.

        by Anna Yamchuk, Anna Tarnovetska, Natalia Herasym, Mykola Kushnir

        The plot is based on the real-life stories of four witnesses of the Holocaust, who experienced it as children. Elements of a graphic novel are used to reflect the drama of the events in the book. To better understand all the nuances of this difficult topic, young readers are assisted by special guides (through the pages of the book), whose roles are played by real-life people Erika Grigorchuk and Oleksiy Fisyuk. The guides are young men and women currently living in a town of Chernivtsi, where the historical events took place. A large group of editors and illustrators worked on the book, and famous Chernivtsi artist Anna Tarnovetska is among them.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Anthology of Ukrainian Poetry of the Twentieth Century. From Tychyna to Zhadan

        by Anthology

        The twentieth century was a time for the brightest and daring ways of expressing themselves in creativity. It was a time to experiment with form and content, and the historical revolution was reflected in the texts of writers and poets. How Ukrainian poets saw this time and how they felt will be clearly shown by the Anthology of Ukrainian Poetry of the Twentieth Century. From Tychyna to Zhadan. Thanks to this book, the reader will find the already known works by Dmytro Pavlychko, Vasyl‘ Stus, Lina Kostenko, and get acquainted with the work of those who became famous at the end of the century — Yuriy Izdryk, Oleksiy Zhupanskiy, Serhiy Zhadan, Galyna Kruk. You may also meet and come to love other talented names. Ivan Malkovych gathered everyone under one cover and became the compiler of this collection himself, a poet, publisher and owner of the publishing house "A-ba-ba-ha-la-ma-ha".

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        The Arts

        Knights of the Famished Renaissance

        by Dmytro Horbachov

        The phenomenon of the Ukrainian avant-garde was first revealed to the Western world in 1973 at the "Tatlin's dream" London exhibition where for the first time, world-class paintings by little known Ukrainian avant-garde artists Vasyl Yermylov and Oleksandr Bohomazov were exhibited. This famous show raised awareness also of other world-famous masters who, by origin, upbringing, self identification, and national traditions were associated with Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Odesa. Apart from the above-mentioned artists, the book mentions “the most faithful son of Ukraine” Davyd Burliuk, as well as Kazymyr Malevych, a Pole who considered himself Ukrainian; Volodymyr Tatlin, a professor of Kyiv Art Institute and bandura player; Oleksandra Ekster, a founder of the Ukrainian school of constructivist scenography; artists of the "Culture League"; Oleksandr Arkhypenko, a phenomenal sculptor. Supplemented with extensive cultural studies and personal memories of the author, the book is designed to present the reader with a complete picture of the origins and formation of the Ukrainian artistic avant-garde. Compiled by Oleksiy Sinchenko.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1979

        Zur Zulässigkeit des Teilurteils gem. § 301 ZPO.

        Eine Analyse der von der Rechtsprechung entwickelten Voraussetzungen.

        by Lousanoff, Oleg de

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Collection "Chornobyl KGB dossier: from construction to accident"

        by Oleg Bazhan, Gennady Boryak, Andriy Kohut

        Documents from the "KGB archives" are published in the book. They cover the period from the beginning of the construction of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant to the commissioning of the "Shelter" facility ("Sarcophagus") after the Chornobyl disaster (1970-1986).

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2009

        Die russische Fracht


        by Oleg Jurjew, Elke Erb, Olga Martynova

        Vor Kriminellen, die ihm nach dem Leben trachten, flieht Weniamin Jasytschnik im Petersburger Hafen auf ein ukrainisches Frachtschiff. Ein Gespensterschiff, wie sich herausstellt, das u. a. Weniamins buntgescheckte Vergangenheit in Gestalt äußerst lebendiger Leichen an Bord hat. Mit von der Partie: ein singender Kapitän und sein Vielvölkerteam, dazu: ein estnischer Grenzer, eine in Polen verlorene russische Priesterbraut, ein deutscher Spion, der durch einen Oligarchen zu Reichtum gekommen ist … Die abenteuerliche Reise des Weniamin Jasytschnik beginnt. Wohin führt sie? Nach Vineta vielleicht, in die versunkene, märchenhaft glückliche und reiche Stadt in der Ostsee – eine enge Verwandte Petersburgs, wie sich überraschend erweist. Zar Peter der Große wirkt mit, als »fliegender Holländer« und Herkules des Nordens zugleich. Und endlich kann sich der nostalgische Held von den Verstrickungen seiner spätsowjetischen Kindheit und Jugend befreien.

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        Diaries, letters & journals

        Narbut. Studies. Memoirs. Letters [A Supplemented Reproduction of the "Narbut Anthology", destroyed in 1933]

        by Bohdan Zavitii (compiler)

        This story behind this biographical memoir of a great artist begins before Narbut’s death. The best-known experts were invited to participate and contribute articles, which they spent many years preparing. But the Soviet censors “trimmed” the texts to their liking. When it was finally published in 1933, nearly all the authors had been repressed or executed. The anthology went under the knife at the printing press. It was a shame, too, because the paper was beautiful, specially allotted by the state printing press, as was the print. Only two incomplete copies remain, both in private collections. Serhii Bilokin first proposed the idea of the Narbut Anthology to Rodovid Press ten years ago, and now it is finally came to fruition with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. This is thanks to Bohdan Zavitii, Anastasia Bilousova, and entire project team including designers Sasha Bychenko, Oleksii Salnykov, and Alina Bielova. The Institute of Art History, Folklore, and Ethnology, the National Art Museum of Ukraine, the Kharkiv Art Museum, and others assisted with the illustrations and texts. Heorhii Narbut was a decisive figure in twentieth-century Ukrainian art, yet the Communist taboos of the Soviet period ensured he remained unknown to a broader audience. This unique project fleshes out a significant aspect of art history and puts certain things back where they belong. Content and introduction: Serhii Bilokin Editors: Anastasiia Bilousova and Bohdan Zavitii Design: Sasha Bychenko and Numo Team

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2013

        Ruthenia Classica Aetatis Novae

        A Collection of Works by Russian Scholars in Ancient Greek and Roman History

        by Herausgegeben von Mehl, Andreas; Herausgegeben von Makhlayuk, Alexander V.; Herausgegeben von Gabelko, Oleg

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2005

        Weiche Standortfaktoren.

        Erfolgsfaktoren regionaler Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur regionalen Wirtschaftsforschung.

        by Herausgegeben von Thießen, Friedrich; Herausgegeben von Cernavin, Oleg; Herausgegeben von Führ, Martin; Herausgegeben von Kaltenbach, Martin

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”

        by Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”Editorial Board

        Zhangjiajie• is a book organized and edited by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the beginning of 2019, the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee learned about the news of Zhangjiajie, the birthplace of "My Motherland and Me", and then began a long period of time. Argumentation and planning, the book is composed of 4 chapters: "Birth", "Anthem", "Story" and "The Square". The work uses a large number of little-known song creation details, interesting stories and praises to the landscape and humanities of Zhangjiajie. It restores the creation process of the song "Me and My Motherland" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive essays, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective presented Zhangjiajie people's praise of the motherland in all aspects.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2017

        Selected Works of Culture and History in Hunan

        Volume 5

        by Hunan Research Institute of Culture and History

        The book is divided into several parts, such as the study of Hunan culture, historical stories, Hunan famous characters, folk customs, appreciation of scenery in Hunan, Hunan art and literature, etc., to show Hunan's history, culture and events from different perspectives. The book is supported with theories, historical materials, and also is of interest. It is of positive significance to the advancement of the research and development of Hunan culture.

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