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      • Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd.

        International literary agency with a distinguished list of fiction, non-fiction and children's authors, specializing in foreign rights.

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      • W. Kohlhammer GmbH

        Kohlhammer is a traditional publishing house located in southern Germany and was established in 1866. It is one of Germany’s principal academic publishing houses and is active in a large variety of academic areas. Making quality information available to professionals, the academia as well as to an interested and informed public has been and remains Kohlhammer’s ambition. Kohlhammer’s areas of expertise include:History, Theology, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Ethics, Economics as well as Psychology, Pedagogy, Special Education, Medicine and Health Care and Law.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1987

        Wie heilt die Psychoanalyse?

        by Heinz Kohut, Arnold Goldberg, Elke Scheidt, Paul Stepansky, Elizabeth Kohut

        In diesem Buch gelangt Kohut zu einer kohärenten Darstellung seiner zuerst in Narzißmus. Eine Theorie der psychoanalytischen Behandlung narzißtischer Persönlichkeitsstörungen formulierten und in Die Heilung des Selbst weiterentwickelten Psychologie des Selbst. Das Buch beginnt mit dem Versuch, Mißverständnisse der Heilung des Selbst aufzuklären. Dabei versucht Kohut zugleich, deutlich zu machen, inwiefern das Paradigma der Selbstpsychologie der traditionellen Freudschen Psychoanalyse sowohl in theoretischer als auch in klinischer Hinsicht überlegen ist.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1977

        Introspektion, Empathie und Psychoanalyse

        Aufsätze zur psychoanalytischen Theorie, zu Pädagogik und Forschung und zur Psychologie der Kunst

        by Heinz Kohut, Käte Hügel

        Daß Kohuts Bücher und Aufsätze in den letzten Jahren auch bei uns so große Aufmerksamkeit zu wecken vermochten, hängt nicht nur mit seinem Konzept des Narzißmus zusammen, das die neuere psychoanalytische Diskussion über narzißtische Störungen und Identitätskonflikte maßgeblich beeinflußt hat, sondern sicherlich auch mit dem Umstand, daß Kohut zu den wenigen Psychoanalytikern gehört, die schreiben können. Kohut ist, kein Zweifel, ein Literat von beträchtlichen Graden, und vielleicht rührt daher seine hohe Affinität zur Kunst, die er beispielsweise mit Freud teilt. Die klare Prosa, in der er sich mitzuteilen versteht, macht es auch dem psychoanalytischen Laien nicht allzu schwer, den Einstieg in das zunächst so abweisende Denk- und Lehrgebäude der Psychoanalyse zu finden. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert neben theoretischen Arbeiten solche zur Pädagogik und Forschung und zur Psychologie der Kunst.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1981

        Die Heilung des Selbst

        by Heinz Kohut, Elke Scheidt

        In Die Heilung des Selbst arbeitet Heinz Kohut die Psychologie des Selbst weiter aus, die er nun nicht mehr wie in seinem Buch über den Narzißmus in der Sprache der klassischen Triebtheorie darstellt. Um die Umrisse einer Psychologie des Selbst zu zeichnen und zu einer Definition dessen zu gelangen, was zu einer Heilung des pathologischen Selbst führt, unterzieht Kohut ein breites Spektrum theoretischer Konzepte einer erneuten Prüfung: Wie verändert sich der Triebbegriff durch die Betonung des Selbst, und wie verhält sich die Triebtheorie zur Psychologie des Selbst? Wie wird der Begriff der Aggression als Trieb von der Einführung einer Psychologie des Selbst berührt, und welche Stellung hat die Aggression innerhalb des Rahmens der Psychologie des Selbst? Inwiefern ist es angemessen, von Bestandteilen des Selbst statt von Funktionen eines psychischen Apparates zu sprechen?

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories

        The Life

        by Oleg Sentsov

        The Life is a collection of autobiographical stories. This is a book for everyone who has not yet found answers as to why Oleg was assisting Ukrainian soldiers in Crimea, why he spoke openly about the war in Ukraine initiated by Russia, and why he went on a hunger strike and didn’t request clemency. These stories acquaint us with the author during a period of internal searching and transformation that was important to him, when he was trying to understand who he was and which path he will take further and never give it in. The collection is the first publication of Oleg Sentsov’s writings in Ukrainian, with the translation presented side by side with the original Russian texts. Life is an extremely important book for Oleg, and even while imprisoned, he took an active part in its publication.

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories

        My Journey to the Land of Marines

        by Andriy Zelinskyi

        My Journey to the Land of the Marines is the diary of a chaplain and a Marine. During the war in the East of Ukraine, Father Andriy Zelinskyi was side by side with the soldiers, shared with them their anxiety and unrest, supported, gave last rites to his comrades-in-arms, looked into the eyes of death, and appreciated every new day. This book is about how important it is to strive for victory and understand that the most important victory is over oneself; about how important it is to dream, not to give up, and to believe in the insurmountable power of the good.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Wall

        by Andriy Tsaplienko

        In the fantastic novel by Andriy Tsaplienko, the reader faces two post-apocalyptic societies where one confidently paves the way for progressive development, and the other degrades. The author is convinced that mentality and everlasting traditions change very little over the centuries. The novel heroes, Ukrainians, and Russians, who bear bright national traits, are in constant tense antagonism. Their war goes on at several levels — from armed conflicts to clashes of souls and inner convictions. And the Wild Fields that remain after big and small confrontations are like unhealed wounds, cancer tumors: they continue to bleed, demonstrating to humanity that war produces only the war.

      • Trusted Partner
        Short stories

        Sweets for the Medor

        by Andriy Bondar

        Sweets for the Medor is a collection of essays by Andriy Bondar written between 2017 and 2020. Essay writing here is a way to explore and rethink the world through one’s system of values and experience. Honesty here is intertwined with intellectual reflection. Deeper meanings and sometimes unexpected conclusions hide behind the form of short prose. Voids can be filled, and the definition of "falling from the height of one's own body" can refer not only to bodily injury, but also to a moral fall, which always occurs from the height of one's own ethical structures, and losses can later turn into gains, you just need to look at them from a different angle.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1976


        Eine Theorie der psychoanalytischen Behandlung narzißtischer Persönlichkeitsstörungen

        by Heinz Kohut, Lutz Rosenkötter

        In der vorliegenden Arbeit über Narzißmus entwirft Kohut eine Theorie der psychoanalytischen Behandlung narzißtischer Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Er widerlegt damit die Ansicht, daß Patienten, die unter Störungen dieser Art leiden, der psychoanalytischen Behandlungstechnik schwer zugänglich seien, weil deren wichtigstes Instrument, nämlich die Übertragung, das heißt die Aktualisierung früher Objekterfahrungen in gegenwärtigen Beziehungen, besonders zum Analytiker, ja nicht funktionieren könne. Nachdem er in langjährigen Untersuchungen zu einer größeren begrifflichen Klarheit des oft noch sehr spekulativen Konzepts des Narzißmus beigetragen hat, zeigt er nun anhand ausführlicher und anschaulicher Falldarstellungen, wie diese als schwer behandelbar geltenden Patienten einer psychoanalytischen Therapie doch zugänglich sein können. Dabei kommt er auch zu vielen scharfsinnigen Aussagen über den psychoanalytischen Prozeß im allgemeinen.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2008

        Zwanzig Facetten der russischen Natur

        by Oleg Jurjew, Elke Erb, Olga Martynova

        »Die Russen sind immer unzufrieden. Nicht eigentlich mit ihrem eigenen Leben (das ist eben, wie es ist), sondern mit dem Leben um sie herum allgemein sind sie unzufrieden und beklagen sich gern darüber, besonders Ausländern gegenüber (welche ihnen ihrerseits gern glauben). Der Grund: die Russen bewerten das Leben im Vergleich mit dem Paradies, über welches sie alles wissen, als wären sie dort schon gewesen.« Wenn der russisch-jüdische, seit einigen Jahren in Frankfurt am Main ansässige Autor Oleg Jurjew, der zuletzt den Roman Der neue Golem oder Der Krieg der Kinder und Greise vorlegte, dem sehr verehrten deutschen Publikum die zwanzig Facetten der russischen Natur, Petersburgs Schönheit, Rußlands Unbegreiflichkeit, Kindheitserinnerungen an die Telnjaschka (das blau-weiß gestreifte Matrosenunterhemd), Vladimir Nabokovs Sieg über die Bolschewisten oder Tschechows Tod in Badenweiler schildert und erklärt, gibt es viel zu lernen – und manches zu schmunzeln.

      • Trusted Partner
        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)


        by Andriy Bondar

        Cerebro, a new collection of short prose by Andrii Bodnar, introduces readers to the strange world of small human adventures. Random meetings and everyday situations that can happen to anyone start you thinking, making decisions and acting. It is a peculiarity of these texts that some of them are copied from real life experience, while others, completely fictitious, are macabre and phantasmagorical. The collection is compiled to start with completely realistic texts, but with each subsequent text this realism is extinguishing or gains new features. There are biographical texts, and then the usual reality departs and the reality of parable appears. The book is a path from realism to phantasmagoria and the sphere of magic. Compositionally it is a path from the real to the unreal world, culminating in a parable about what awaits us at the end of life.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1985

        Die Zukunft der Psychoanalyse

        Aufsätze zu allgemeinen Themen und zur Psychologie des Selbst

        by Heinz Kohut, Nils Thomas Lindquist

        Nach Kohuts Ansicht stellt die Ausbildung der Psychoanalyse einen bedeutsamen Schritt in der Geschichte der Wissenschaft und möglicherweise sogar einen entscheidenden Wendepunkt in der Entwicklung der Kultur ar: Mit der Ausbildung der Psychoanalyse ist es dem Menschen gelungen, Introspektion und Empathie in Werkzeuge einer empirischen Wissenschaft zu verwandeln. Einstmals impressionistisch, mystisch und spekulativ anmutende Operationen sind zu Instrumenten der systematischen Erforschung des Innenlebens der Menschen geworden. Darüber hinaus haben die Methoden der Psychoanalyse der Wissenschaft ein neues Feld eröffnet. Konnten die wissenschaftlichen Methoden der Psychologie einst nur vergleichsweise einfache Oberflüächenphänomene des Verhaltens erfassen, so unternimmt die Psychoanalyse die wissenschaftliche Erforschung der komplexen Tiefendimensionen des menschlichen Lebens. Sie hat die Brücke zwischen den beiden gegensätzlichen Wegen – dem Verstehen und dem Erklären – zum Innenleben des Menschen gefunden.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts

        Volunteers. Age of Heroes

        by Andrii Kotliarchuk

        Andrii Kotliarchuk's war history photo project tells the story of the ongoing war in the East of Ukraine and is dedicated to volunteers and anti-terrorist operation veterans. The project unfolded between 2014 and 2018 and the photographs were taken at the ground-zero frontline. The album includes non-random photographs taken in the square frame on black-and-white wide film. The photographer travelled hundreds of kilometres along the contact line, took hundreds of thoughtful shots, and made hundreds of portraits of servicemen before and after battles. The photographs are accompanied by the opinions of contemporaries of the events, their recollections, and observations. The photo project is not accidental, it was thoroughly planned by the author from the very beginning. The first part of the photo project was exhibited in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, as well as demonstrated in museums all over the country. It was also shown at the National Art Museum of Georgia. The publication reproduces a large array of photos through which we can see how the strength of the Ukrainian army was gradually revived. The pictures were shot in the same style and this artistic approach brings up associations with the battle-scene paintings of the past. The book also includes many images of genre scenes, landscapes and still lifes. Is it possible to find aesthetics in a war? Should the photography depict the heart-breaking moments of military confrontation? Is it possible to combine documentary photography with artistic vision? Andrii Kotliarchuk's project "Volunteers. Age of Heroes" is an attempt to answer these questions.

      • Trusted Partner
        Prose: non-fiction


        by Andrii Aliokhin

        Hello, I am Andrii Aliokhin. I have been an actor and a writer for many years living in two capitals: Kyiv and Paris. I was neither a tourist nor an immigrant. This allowed me to see our life and French life from a unique point of view. This book tells a story about what I had learned in France. Not from professional chefs or subtle connoisseurs of culinary delights, but from ordinary French men and women, who cook and eat in France. Real people who love, work, grieve, celebrate, raise children, walk dogs, and go to market in the course of their daily lives. So, you will find here my little stories about the French – memoirs and other nonsense, that actually is called life. In some way it is also a cookbook. Everything collected here are ordinary, simple, French recipes. All ingredients can be easily found on the shelvesof our stores. But this is not just a book about the kitchen. It’s about what I finally realized. I realized why the French are not getting fat. The book by Andre Aliokhin – the most famous and popular Ukrainian blogger. It’s bestseller in Ukraine. The German translation will be published soon.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Andriy Meronyk

        "24.02" is a war diary. The book tells a real story about a company of young people who found themselves against their will in the middle of the war. It is about how each of them froze either from fear or from cold when a rocket hit somewhere nearby and a powerful explosion broke some windows and activated alarms. It is about how each of them tried to be useful to the country, about the evolution of their fears and doubts. It is about what they discussed, what they thought about and what they believed in. This book is about ordinary people, ordinary Ukrainians.

      • Trusted Partner


        Eine Theorie der psychoanalytischen Behandlung narzisstischer Persönlichkeitsstörungen

        by Heinz Kohut, Lutz Rosenkötter

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2011

        The Mitten

        by Ivan Franko (Author), Art Studio Agrafka (Illustrators)

        A modern warm red mitten is a home for the main characters of the book: Mousey Scratcher, Froggie Croaker, Running Rabbit, Little Sister Fox and others who got new knitted images. This lovely book is actually a handmade creation; it includes a toy souvenir shaped like a mitten. The Mitten is a joint project of  The Navchalna Knyha - Bohdan Publishing House and Art Studio Agrafka (Romana Romanyshyn & Andriy Lesiv, Lviv, Ukraine). The Mitten won the award at The Biennial of Illustration, Bratislava, 2011. In 2012 The Mitten was also added to the White Ravens Catalogue of children literature.   From the 3 to 5 years, 179 words Rightsholders: Diana Semak,

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Bridges Instead of Walls, or What Unites Ukrainians?

        by Tetiana Teren

        In this collection of essays, twenty Ukrainian intellectuals reflect on the phenomenon of social bridges and walls. Why do they both exist? Do bridges always bring understanding? Or do they perhaps sometimes allow crossing boundaries? Do walls necessarily separate? Or do they occasionally protect? With whom and how should we build bridges, and from whom shall we isolate by walls? The result of the media project of the Ukrainian branch of the International PEN Club, published in the New Time publication, is now under one cover. On the pages of the book, you will find essays by the following authors: Kateryna Kalytko, Kateryna Botanova, Vakhtang Kebuladze, Zoya Kazanzhy, Ostap Slyvinskyi, Olena Stiazhkina, Larysa Denysenko, Myroslava Barchuk, Viktoriya Amelina, Vitaliy Ponomariov, Vasyl Makhno, Volodymyr Rafeenko, Mykola Riabchuk, Volodymyr Yermolenko, Svitlana Pyrkalo, Borys Gudziak, Ihor Isichenko, Halyna Vdovychenko, Pavlo Kazarin, Vitaliy Portnykov. Compiled by Tetiana Teren. Foreword by Andriy Kurkov.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2011

        The Turnip

        by Ivan Franko (Author), Art Studio Agrafka (Illustrator)

        The Turnip is a classic Ukrainian folktale by Ivan Franko which has now found a creative and illustrative embodiment in the project of the art studio Agrafka (Romana Romanyshyn and Andriy Lesiv, Lviv). The text of the book is now adapted to modern Ukrainian language while preserving all the linguistic features of the original. The publication also provides a dictionary of archaisms, which facilitates reading for young children.    From 3 to 5 years, 532 words   Rightsholders: Diana Semak;

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