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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2016
Fools and idiots?
Intellectual disability in the Middle Ages
by Irina Metzler, Julie Anderson, Walton Schalick
Fools and idiots? is the first book devoted to the cultural history in the pre-modern period of people we now describe as having learning disabilities. Using an interdisciplinary approach, including historical semantics, medicine, natural philosophy and law, Irina Metzler considers a neglected field of social and medical history and makes an original contribution to the problem of a shifting concept such as 'idiocy'. Medieval physicians, lawyers and the schoolmen of the emerging universities wrote the texts which shaped medieval definitions of intellectual ability and its counterpart, disability. In studying such texts, which form part of our contemporary scientific and cultural heritage, we gain a better understanding of which people were considered to be intellectually disabled, and how their participation and inclusion in society differed from the situation today. This book will be required reading for anyone studying or working in disability studies, history of medicine, social history and the history of ideas. ;
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September 2016Der japanische Liebhaber
by Isabel Allende, Svenja Becker
Für Irina ist der neue Job ein Glücksfall. Die junge Frau soll für die Millionärin Alma Belasco als Assistentin arbeiten. Mit einem Schlag ist sie nicht nur ihre Geldsorgen los, sondern gewinnt auch eine Freundin, wie sie noch keine hatte: extravagant, überbordend, mitreißend und an die achtzig. Doch bald spürt sie, dass Alma verwundet ist. Eine Wunde, die nur vergessen scheint, wenn eines der edlen Kuverts im Postfach liegt. Aber wer schreibt Woche um Woche diese Liebesbriefe? Und von wem stammen all die Blumen? Auch um sich von den eigenen Lebenssorgen abzulenken, folgt Irina den Spuren, und es beginnt eine abenteuerliche Reise bis weit in die Vergangenheit. Isabel Allende erzählt von Freundschaft und der unentrinnbaren Kraft einer lebenslangen Liebe. Davon, wie Zeit und Zwänge über eine solche Liebe hinweggehen und sie verwandeln, in Verbundenheit, Wehmut und ein leises Staunen – darüber, schon so lange gemeinsam unterwegs zu sein.
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Family & home stories (Children's/YA)October 2020Casas
by María José Ferrada, Pep Carrió
The authors of this book take us on a journey through the different ways of inhabiting a house. Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.
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Memoirs2019Kazimir Malevich. Kyiv Aspect
by Tetyana Filevska
Kazimir Malevich. Kyiv Aspect' is an anthology that contains 18 researches on Malevich’s Kyiv period, his first 17 years living in Ukraine, his time of teaching at Kyiv Art Institute and his artworks of that time; parallel comparisons of Malevich’s style and his relationships with his contemporary artists, new biographical studies, etc. Some of the most respected Ukrainian and international Malevich researchers (Jean-Claude Marcadé, Christina Lodder, Irina Vakar, Myroslava M. Mudrak, Iwona Luba, Aleksandr Lisov, Dmytro Horbachov, Tetyana Filevska, Serhii Pobozhii, Ostap Kovalchuk, Yaryna Tsymbal) are among the authors of this volume. Published by RODOVID and 'Malevich Institute' NGO
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