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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Villa Obscura

        by Melissa C. Hill, Anja Stapor, N.N.

        Wenn aus Spaß bitterer Ernst wird Echter Terror bricht aus auf einer Halloweenparty in einem abgelegenen Fotostudio im Harz. Anfangs hoffen die sechs Jugendlichen noch, dass es sich um einen Scherz handelt. Doch die zwei maskierten Fremden machen Ernst: Sie halten die Sechs gegen ihren Willen fest und schicken sie auf einen lebensgefährlichen Trip durch das zerklüftete Gelände am Brocken. Wonach suchen die Geiselnehmer? Und wer von den sechs entführten Jugendlichen verbirgt das größte Geheimnis? Als eine der Geiseln stirbt, beginnt ein unerbittlicher Wettlauf gegen die Zeit …

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1978

        Camera obscura

        Kleine Prosa

        by Kunert, Günter

      • Trusted Partner
      • Fiction
        November 2021

        Dientes rojos

        by Jesús Cañadas

        Fiction, thriller, 369 pp "Red Teeth" is probably the most fascinating and mindblowing thriller we have read in years, with an atmospheric setting in the German capital and delightful nods to the biggest authors of the genre. Throughout the story we don’t know where evil will come from next, neither does it show where and if salvation might be possible. Fantastic ele­ments climb into the Cop-Story like zombies and turn everything upside down, evil and good get mixed up and finally revenge will have its way. ​“Jesús Cañadas now clearly wears the crown of  the Fantastical Thriller in Spain.” Juan Gómez-Jurado —  Sold to: Spain (Obscura) World rights

      • June 2011

        Shadow Distance

        A Gerald Vizenor Reader

        by Gerald A. Vizenor

        A rich selection from the broad range of a prolific Native American writer’s work.

      • April 2020

        Reificación mediática

        by German Duarte

        En los años 60 del siglo pasado, las posiciones existencialistas y fenomenológicas plantearon un problema importante y controvertido, que produjo divisiones en el seno del mismísimo campo del pensamiento marxista. ¿Está el efecto de reificación sujeto inextricablemente al modo de producción capitalista? ¿Está por ello destinado a desaparecer con la liberación de la esfera social del dominio del capital, o bien tenemos que pensar que el carácter de reificación es más profundo que el mismo capitalismo y que está arraigado en la dimensión antropológica fundacional, anterior a la relación capitalista social ?.

      • Travel & Transport
        December 2020

        Railway Modernity in China

        The Temporal-Spatial Experience and the Cultural Imagination of Trains, 19840-1937

        by Li Siyi

        The railway invention propelled the rediscovery of the world!   For a long time, railways and trains, as the most dazzling products of modern technological civilization, have naturally been regarded as symbols of modernity. The railway was born to rediscover the world. It has changed the way we feel time and space and reshaped our grasp of the world. It plays a valuable role in the social economy and penetrates the field of history and culture.   Chronically-structured, RAILWAY MODERNITY IN CHINA, traces the naming story of the railway from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China: the visuals and images in the Dianshizhai Pictorial (點石齋畫報), the debate between the Wusong Railway (吳淞鐵路)and the Westernization Movement (洋務運動), Sun Yat-sen’s (孫中山) railway planning and national construction, the six different aspects of railway travel and literary writing during the Republic of China, the railway experience and literary expression of modern subjects and strangers, under the theme of time and space, cultural imagination relating to railways and trains, rethinking many issues of modernity.   Li Siyi used the railway as a method, an opportunity, and a key to understanding Chinese modernity. Li explores the railway adaptation after its entrance into China from 1840 to 1937, tracing its impact from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China and how the experience connects with the modern imagination. When the railway becomes the intermediary between man and the world, how do "China" and "modern Chinese" use language cognition, visual perception, and event discourse to be parallel and indispensable in such a "human-railway-world." Smoke takes shape in illustrating this division.   The story about the railway is endless. There is a cave with culture and thought behind it, which is worthy of in-depth study. Because whether it is railways or modernity, we don't know them in a self-righteous way.

      • Science & Mathematics

        Del gusano cósmico al cerebro del pulpo

        Ensayos sobre ciencia

        by Juan Carlos Fontecilla Camps

        Este libro describe una historia que comenzó hace unos 200 mil años, con la aparición de la especie humana probablemente en el cuerno de África. El mundo era un lugar lleno de incógnitas a las que, con el paso de los milenios, hemos procurado responder en el largo camino que lleva del mito a la ciencia. Nuestra curiosidad e inteligencia nos ha permitido descifrar, en gran medida, los misterios del universo, de la vida y de nosotros mismos. Hemos aprendido que, tras la aparente constancia y lógica del mundo en que vivimos, se esconden leyes físicas que rigen lo enormemente pequeño y lo inconmensurablemente grande. Sabemos también que la vida necesitó condiciones muy especiales para surgir y que su evolución no ha ocurrido de manera lineal ni estable; nuestra propia evolución es el fruto de múltiples cruzamientos entre diferentes grupos humanos hace cientos de miles de años. Solo somos la rama sobreviviente de un árbol muy frondoso. Los quince ensayos aquí contenidos abarcan temas que nos han fascinado desde hace mucho tiempo, como son el origen de la vida en la Tierra, la evolución biológica, la situación de nuestro planeta en el espacio, la microbiota, la inteligencia animal, la naturaleza de los virus, y también la teoría de la relatividad y los agujeros (hoyos) negros. Si bien son escritos con un estilo científico, estos ensayos están destinados a todo tipo de lector cuyo interés sea profundizar su comprensión de la realidad y de las curiosidades del mundo en que vivimos. Si no lo sabía ya, el lector verá que no ha sido fácil alcanzar la comprensión de la realidad de la que disponemos hoy. Históricamente, las instituciones humanas tienen tendencia a dar explicaciones de lo que no entienden aún y a preservarlas; mientras que la ciencia, por definición, es iconoclasta e innovadora.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference
        June 2016

        429 T1PS 0N H0W T0 GET T0 W0RK 0N T1ME: While In The Process of Unplugging From The Matrix

        Universal Questions, Ideas, and Topics You Should Consider

        by Dr Padme' Naberrie- Allah

        Peace to the Earths and The Gods This book will be for the reflective sol… The sol that wanders throughout the skies of this beautiful planet looking for answers… I come bearing apocalyptic news. Please understand that this book will provide the world clarity on how we are to move forward as a whole. It gets more and more difficult to utilize technology at this point… I seem to keep forgetting how to do small things since the eclipse… Since remembering Malik… My soulmate. Our love transcends time and space- how can that be? How can I explain that I am irrevocably in love with a man I have only met once before?

      • Music
        May 2011

        My Music

        Explorations of Music in Daily Life

        by Susan D. Crafts, Daniel Cavicchi, Charles Keil

        A first-hand exploration of the diverse roles music plays in people's lives.

      • March 2011

        Silent Interviews

        On Language, Race, Sex, Science Fiction, and Some Comics—A Collection of Written Interviews

        by Samuel R. Delany

        A collection of substantial written interviews.

      • December 2001

        Eisenhorn: Xenos

        by Dan Abnett

        The Inquisition moves amongst mankind like an avenging shadow, striking down the enemies of humanity with uncompromising ruthlessness. When he finally corners an old foe, Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn is drawn into a sinister conspiracy. As events unfold and he gathers allies - and enemies - Eisenhorn faces a vast interstellar cabal and the dark power of daemons, all racing to recover an arcane text of abominable power: an ancient tome known as the Necroteuch.

      • Pest control
        July 2019

        Diseases and Pests of Fibre Crops

        Identification, Treatment and Management

        by Subrata Biswas

        This book presents a comprehensive knowledge on the diseases and pests of fibre crops, causing economic damage. It covers major disease and pest damages with the methods to combat them in fibre crop cultivations. The diseases and pests are described elaborately, giving emphasis on both morphological and molecular characteristics of pathogens and biology of different insect pests. The latest and most up-to-date knowledge on these aspects which acquired from diverse, complex, contemporary scientific discoveries in the field of fibre crop diseases and pests are compiled and presented in this book. This book is written in eight major chapters, each representing a certain type fibre crop, except for chapter 2 (two) which deals with both Mesta (kenaf) and Roselle for their similarities in disease and insect pest attacks. Each of the eight chapters is again subdivided into 2 or 3 (only for Chapter 2) subchapters to deal with different types of diseases and pests separately. This is a reference book in textbook format which intended to provide undergraduate, postgraduate and research personnel a means to acquire deeper knowledge on diseases and pests of nine major fibre crops, viz., cotton, jute, kenaf, roselle, sunnhemp , sisal, ramie, flax and hemp. Plant pathologists, entomologists and agricultural research scientists, and in academia, may find much of great use in this book.

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